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Again Iho Society and the public wore favored with glorious weather for the second and principal day of tho r,ho\v. The attendance, basod on the very satisfactory result of tho takings at tho gates, was largor than at any previous show in the history of tho Society, and the Committee will thoreforo be able to congratulate themselves on a .'.ubshntial .surplus after all tho expenses in connection with the show have been liquidated. Everything went smoothly, tho Committee having the oxporionco of many provious years as a lubricant, but notwithstanding this there- is a lot of arduous work to be got through, and this tho Committee sot thom&olves to carry out with right good will, and succeeded so woll that even unsuccessful exhibitors appeared to be satisfied. The parade of cattle yesterday was again this year a capital feature- of tho show, and it is a pity that tho pnzo takers in tho horse classes were not also paraded so far as they havo boon decided up to a certain hour. Tho Navals 1 Band lent additional ploasure to the gathering by tho playing of a number of solocKons during both days. Tho show of 1890, although not expected, has boon a successful ono to tho Association, and also even (taking tho falling oil' in exhibits into, consideration) to the public.

CATTLE. I'OLLIJD ANCiI'K, Tboro was no competition in this class, nil the oxhibits being tho property of the New Zealand and Australian J-und Compairy. Notwithstanding this a good deal of nitoroat was taken in tho decisions arrived at by tho judges by those who realise tho good qualities of this class of stock. Tho Company bent forward a largo number of excellent animals, to the non-export eyo all of tho sanio pattern, but the judges decided the dillorenoe, small as they might have boon, to tho satisfaction of the public, and no doubt to that of oxports also. This class of stock is coming into groat favor in Australia and in tho North Island, and the Company iind ready markets for their surplus.

HORSES. DRAUGHT HOUSED. Tlio smallest number tint has entered tho ring for years camo forward in tho section for ontiro horse, four yours and uy wards — Mr A. Bilfour's Lord ILiddo, Mr.J. R. Sowoll's Early Morning, and Mr Thomas Mee's Fanner's Lad. All three wore in the pink of condition, Early Morning especially being brought nub in bettor fottlo than at previous shows, and ho was placed first, with Lord Haddo (a previous champion) second, and Farmer's Lad third. In tho threo-year old peel ion tho entry was again a small ono, Mr D. McGregors Glougylo, Mr M'Aulcy's Darnloy, and Mr E. Menlovo's British Monarch being tho only exhibits. Botween tho two first-named tho oompotifcion lay, British Monarch being in poor condition. Eventually Glongylo was placed first. This horso is almost a copy of his siro (Princo of the Isles), only on a smaller scale. Darnloy took second placo, with Mr Monlovo's exhibit third. Tho two exhibits that camo forward in the two-year-old section were widely different in quality, Mr Meo's Surpriso apparently having suffered from ill-health, as his condition and si/,0 plainly indicated. Mr Menlovo'Boxhibifc is a big raking colt, and he was placed first. The exhibits in the yearling colt section brought up recollections of previous years. Both in numbers and quality there was ovidenco that tho district cuuld maintain its reputation. They woro, besides, a fairly even lob, with ono or two exceptions, nothing so much botter than its oppononts iw to make the task of judging an oasy ono. Mr 11, Mitchells Koginald was placod first. This colfc is ;t picture of neatness ; and his half brother, Bismarck, although not showing ho much quality, is a colt of promiso. Tho lion. M. Holmes 1 bay colt by Awamoa was placed third, Mr D. M'Grogor's Blossom fourth, and Mr It. M'Auloy's Young Iddosloigh fifth. Thoro was a capital ontry of brood mares with foals at foot, and tho quality boing pretty oven all over, there was tho usual diflioulty in coming to a decision^ Tho Hon. M. Holmes' Rowena, who has proviously distinguished hersolf in the show ring, took lirsb prizo. Mr Thomas Moo'q Clydosdalo Fancy, amaroof even quality, was second ; and tho lion. M. Ilolmos' Nonpareil third ; and Mr 11. M'Auly's Bell fourth, Tho dry maro section was also a capital one, sovon splondid exhibits coming into tho ring. Of theso tho lion. M. Holmcs's Duchess of Glasgow, a grey whoso color might have boon against her, but whoso quality and action woro uudoniablo, was placed first, Mr D. McGregors Helon M'Grogor, who carnod a triflo too much flesh, and whoso action in consoquonco was intorferod with, was placod second ; fcho Hon. M. Holmes' Topaz third ; and the samo exhibitor's Aguto fourth. It will bo readily undor. stood, from tho names mentioned, that tho ring was a sood ono. Six out of nine fchree-ytfar-cfld fillie? onfcerqd oamo iotfJAiA, and this again vraa a capital ting.

Tlio Hon. M. llolmea was again auccessful, his Topaa 11, a maro of largo frame md good q utility, hotdg placed first, with Mr Robert M'Nair's Queen of tlio Iladdos second, Mr K. Mon'ovo's Gipsy thinl, \nd the lion. M. Holmes' JJoryl I. fourth. Six two-yoar-old fillies wore brought forward— ;i nice evon section. Mr T. Moo's light b.iy Queen of tho Vanquishers was placed Grst, lion M. Holmes' JEawthorn Y. second, Mr John Douglas' Queen of tho S.ilisburys tliird, and Mm lion. M. Holmes' tfouliia 11. fourth. Fmgood ijitrvltby yearlings c.ime forward, Mr Henry Mitchells Star 11. and Josh being placed first and second respectively, and tho Hon. M. Holmes' bay third. Among tho three-year-old geldings a bay colt by Athelstane took tho rod ticket from Mb W. Irving's colt. Mr Irving secured first, second, and third prizes ip tho golding vny-ago section ; and also in the p.iir of geldings with some splendid looking animals. There wero four competitors for the bosl pair of dry mares, and Mr D. M'Oregor's exhibits wero placed iirst and fourth, tho Uon M. Holmes was a good second, with Mr R. M'Auloy third. Mr D. M'Gregor scored a popular win with his bay brood mare, with Ulengylo and a line colt foal in the section for best brood maro with two of hor progeny. Tho Hon. M. Holmes made up a capital second and third with Miss Donaldson and Nonpareil. Kor tlio best entire horso in tho yard, of nine entries Mr ,1. R. Sewell'-s -111 irly Morning, Mr D. M'Gregor's (Jlongyle, and Mr Harry Mitchells Reginald camo into the ( ring. Tho latter was of a fino stamp, but ! rather young. Tho judges took some time cogitating over the merits of the other two, but ultimately the rod ticket was allixed to Olongylo amidst applause. The Duchess of Glasgow, tho property of tho Hou M Holmes, was awarded tlio champion tickot for best in iro or lilly in tho yard. Tho sires' produce stakes was won by Mr Henry Mitchells Reginald, sired by No Surrender. Tho best fourliorse team was owned by Mr It MAuley, of Totara, in a field of twolvo horses, Mr W Irvine boing second, and Mr D M'Gregor third. These wore all a very lino even lot of horses, and the judges took a good deal of time in arriving at their decision.

JUJU'IM! AM) TROLTIXif. Tho second d lys jumping contest brought livo of tho six entries into the liuld. Tho contest drew till tho visitors round tho ring, and tho horses, au they cleared tho jump, woro cheered by tho orowd. Mr George Livingstone's ►Stanley is an upstanding honso, and besides cleared his jump in good stylo. He was tho winner of tho previous day's jumping, nod was awarded first prize yesterday. Mr R A. ChafFey's chestnut gelding boing •second, and Mr Smith Bryce's Gamecock third. The pony jump was won by Master Douglas Connell on Morgan, in good style. For tlio pony trot, Master Douglas Council's Morgan (50 yards), Mr J II He well's liashful Maid (scratch), and Mr John Hendersons Sir Colin (scratch) started. Morgan undo "i bad start, and before the race was half over ho was out of it. Bashful Maid took tho lead, and came in a rather easy winner, Sir Colin being second. A Consolation Pony Trot (prizes, LI and 10a) brought four ponies on to the track, and a capital race resulted. Master Council's Morgan won a good race, and Mister DeUrgy's pony was second. Master Burbury\s pony also trotted. Tlio following is the pmo list :

HORSES. DIUUOUT JIOItSKs. Judges : Robert Davie, Washdyke ; J. M'Kellar, Christchurch , W. Stevcn«on, Washdyko. Stewards: M. Morton and \V. Stringer. Prizes : In this class the largest prizetakor will got a piece of plate (or cash) to the value of 20 quinces ; best entile horse, 4 yeats and upwatds, a gold medal of tho value of 3 guineas, and the second best a gold medal of the value of 2 guineas ; the best entire horse, 3 yeats, a gold medal ol tho value of 2 guineas ; best brood marc, a gold medal of the value of 3 guineas ; best blood maic with two of her piogony, a gold medal of the value of 3 guineas ; be^t entire horse in tho v-vrd, a gold medal of tho value of 7 giuma* ; and the best mare or filly in the yard, a gold medal of the valuo of 5 guineas. In the othei.s bilver and bron/e medals will be given. Entire horse, 4 year-i and up watch, '1 entries : J R Sewell's Early Morning, 1 ; A Balfour's Lord ITaddo, 2 ; Thomas Mee's Fitrmcis' Lad, 3 Entire IForse, 3 years old, -1 entries: D M'Gregor's Glengyle, 1 ; RM'AuLey's Darnley, 2 ; Edward Menlove a British Monarch, '3 Entile Colt, 2 years old, 3 entries : E Monlove's Killoaru, I ; Thomas Mee's .Surprise, 2 Entire colt, 1 year old, 11 entries : Henry Mitchell'*, Reginald, 1 ; Heniy Mitchells Bismarck, 2 ; Hon M Holmes, 3 ; D M'Gregor's Blossom, 4 ; I*. M'Aulcy's Young Jtddefjloigh, 5 Btood mate, in foal or with foal at foot, 8 entries : lion M Holmes' Rowena, I ; Thonm Mee's Clydesdale Fancy, 2 ; lion M Holmes' Nonpareil, 3 ; Robert M'Aulcy's Hell, 4 Dry mare, 3 yeatsand upwards, 9 entries: lion M Holmes' Duchess of Glasgow, 1 ; D M'Grcgor's Helen Macgregor, 2 ; lion M Holmes' Topaz, 3 ; Hon M Holmes' Agate, 3 Filly, >i years old, 9 entries : Hon M Holmes' Topaz, 111, 1 ; Robert M'Nair's Queen of Tladdos, 2; Edward Meulove's Gipsy, 3 ; Hon M Holme.V Beryl I, 4, 1 Filly, 2 years old, 6 entries : Thomas Moo's Q.ueon of tho Vanquishers, 1; Hon M Holmes' Hawthorn V, 2 ; .John Douglas's Queen of the Saliaburys, 3 ; lion M Holmes' Sophia 11, 4 Filly, 1 year old, 5 entries: Henry Mitchells Star IJ, 1 ; Hon M Holmes' Awamoa filly, 2 ; Henry Mitchells Jess, 3 Gelding, 3 years old, 3 entries : Hon M Holmes, 1 ; W Irving, 2 Gelding, any age, 3 entries : W Irving, 1, 2, and 3 Pair of geldings, 3 entries : W Irving, 1, 2,3 • Pair of dry mares, 5 entries : I) M'Gregor, 1 and 4 ; Hon M Holmes, 2 ; It MAuley, 3 Mure with two of her progeny, 5 cutties : D M'Grcgor, 1 ; Hou M Holmes' Mibs Donaldson, 2 ; Hon M Holmes' Nonpareil, 3 i Best entire horse in the yard, !) entries : D M'Gregor's Glengyle, 1;J R Sowcll's \ Early Morning, 2 ; H Mitchells Reginald, 3 JJust maro or filly in tho yard, 7 entries : Hou M Holmes' Duohera of Glasgow, 1 Sires' pioduco stakes, 2 entries : Henry Mitchell, No Surrender— Reginald, I Special prices (Fleming and Hedley and Hodge and Jones) for 4-Horse team, 3 entries : R MAuley, 1; \V Irving, 2; D M'Grcgor, 3 LKfllT HAWNKS^ ItOJfjh^. Judgo : James King, Tituaru. Stewards : 1). Borrie, C Tod«l, and J. B. Taylor. Prizes : Silver and brotuo medals will be given in all tho sections. Horso or maro, suitable for light spring cart, etc., 4 entries, Cowles and Patterson, 1 ; E P James' Floss, 2 Horso or maro suitable for town spring dray, 12 entries, John Vcrnor's Ktito, 1 ; F II 'JWnHcnd'H Prince, 2 ; William Guildford'.s Jess, 3 ; E T Maopherson's Dick, 4 ; Manley and Dawson's Jerry, 5 Special prizes ollered by Mesgis \V r atsou and Williams and Allandalo Co. (for spring dray horse or maro owned by coal merchants, tho bona lido property of oxhibitora for two months before show), 0 cutrics, J Vornor'a Kate, 1 ; FH Townscnd's Prince, 2 ; Manley and Ddwson'a Jerry, 3 Pair of buggy horses, in harness and with vehicle attached, 1 entry, Hon M Holmes Fritz and marc, 1 13 U ggy horso or imro with vchiclo attached, 6 entries, lI A Stratford's Fancy, 1 ; Dr itiven's Prince, '2 ; A Johnston's Billy, 3 Single carriage hofac, 16 haad? high aad upwards, with vehicle attached, 2 entries,

Dr de Lnutour's Billy, 1 ; Jasper Nicola groy marc, 2 Second day— For trotting pony, 13 hands or under (handicap), on sauio conditions : First, LI Uh ; second, LI ; third, 10s— J R ScwelPn Bashful Moid, 1 ; J. Hemlersoigl ■ Sir Colin, 2 ; Dough* Connell'a Morgan (3D yards, 3 Consolation Trot (handicap), open to all beaten ponic», VI hands and under— First pri/,0, LI ; 2nd, 10d ; four entries— Dough* Council's Morgan, 1 : Master Dolargy, 2 ; Mister Burbury, '). Pony to jump, undei 14 h.uuls, 1 entry — Master Council's Morgan, 1 Hunter to jump second day, 5 eutries — (leorgo Livingstone's Stanley, 1 : B A C'mfley's Pannikin, 2; .Smith Jiryce'a Gamecock, .'{ Judge: W. Grant. Steward : James Reid. Prizes : In this class silver and bronzo medals will be given in all sections. Cow o{ any age, in milk or apparen*Woi calf, 2 entries, N Z aud A L Company's Ritieuce, 1 ; N Z and A L Company's Black 13ess, 2 Heifer, 2 years, 2 entrios, N Z and A L Company's Selania, 1 : N Z and A L Company'a Kincora, 2 Heifer, ) year old, 2 entries, NZand A L Company's Ci'oous, I ; N Z and A L Com* pmy's Sweot Pea, 2 Bull of any age iv the yard, 2 entries, N Z arid A L Company's Peraetia, I ; N Z and I A L Company's Logic, 2 Bull, 2 years old, 2 entries, N Z and A Ii Company's Vandal, 1 ; N Z and A h Company's Neil, 2 Bull, 1 year old, 2 entries, N Z and A L Company's Villager, 1 ; N 7, and A L Com* !' pany's Paul, 2

CUPS AND PIECES OF PLATE. A piece of plafe, cup, <,v money, to the value of 20 guiueis, will he given to tho largest pmetakei in Class 1, draught hotflca: Hon M Holmes A piece of p late, cup, ov money, to tho value ot 10 guineas, will bo given to tho largest pri/.etaker in Class 7, polled-Angua cattle : N Z and A L Co.. Totara PRIVATE PRIZES. Mr J S Holmes offers 10 guineas for the lavgest pri/otaker in Class 1, draught horses, to exhibitor not owning or occupying moto than 1000 acres of hniT: D M'Gregor Mr James Robertson, saddler, offers a pair of winkers, value 233, for beat draught gelding of any age, Sectbn 1) : W Irving

POULTRY. Year by year the entries in this class keep decreasing, and with ono or two ox« ceptions the quality ia also on tlie wano. Tins is no doubt duo to the poultry fraternity haying their best birds ponncd for breeding, To-day we heard oue poultry man make what appeared to us a very good suggestion, that was to lmvo only one class for poultry— a crossbred or barn door fowl class, and givo a liberal prize to encourage competition among the farmers. The champion prize in this class was awarded to A. B. and C. Christie's pen of Brahmas, » very nice pair of birds, but a little out of condition.

DATRV PRODUCE. The oatries in this class kocp well up> and wo notico that some of tho good things in prizes have fallen to tho lot of now candidates for honors. It is very gratifying to note tint tho judges ex«® pressed the opinion that considering tho butter had boon kept In tho shed since Saturday nearly all tho exhibit* weio in capital condition. This shows that some, at least, of tho butter makers have mastered one of tho secrets of dairying— tho handling of tho milk and cream, so as* to turn out an article thofc is pure and sweet, at least a week after it has been manufactured. The silt butter (according to tho judges) was good throughout, and .some of it excellent. We overheard some of tho visitors lemark that it was very htrango that thero-uhould bo so much good salt butter exhibited, yet it was difficult to find anything eatable at tho grocers'. Wo believe the grocers will agree with the remark, and no doubt wish it wore otherwise. The ten guinea cup in this chss was won by I\lit>s Jessie Morton with 8 points secured by first in butter with salt, in fancy butter, and second in butter without salt. The second and thud prices of tho value of six and four guineas were won respectively by Mrs Geo. IJufchison and Mrs Cowan. Cheeso, %s usual, brought but littlo competition, and the quality ranged from fair to good.

CURED MEATS. This class was well represented, mid wo notico somo pri/,e-takors who havo faced the veterans and conquered. Taken as a whole the exhibits may be described as good marketable pork products, in some cases rather green :\w\ only Ik for immedhto use, if anything being rathor mild cured. The special OX' hibits of Mr J. Hamilton and Mr E, A. Atkinson were very generally admired, and consisted of flitches, sides, hams, and cuts of all sorts, smoked and unsmoked, in cloth for shipment and keeping, and got up for immediate use. They made a splendid display in variety and quality.

BREAD. Tlio Inkers' class had three entries, and wo understand they wore all baked from roller flour. In tlio homo mado claaa there was good competition, and again wo note that pmetaker.s in .vmio instance 1 ? had nob previously exhibited here. Oatmeal cakes and booties wero a grand display, and wo noto that the interest in these classes seems increasing.

GRAIN. Tt is very evident that thcro are, to uso a Yankeeism, " no live fanners " about. For once wo will give the Society tho benefit of a free advertisement by intimating that the Society gives a 10 guinea cup to the largest pmetaker in this class. We would strongly advise farmers, south and north of this district, to pitch in for the cup next year, as only five of our local men thought it worth competing for, by entering nine exhibits, tho total marketable value of tho lot being about half the value o F the cup the Society offered. Hero is a chance for the outsiders, and of the nine exhibits we are well within tho mark in stating that only a third of them wore good show samples. Mr George Brownlco takes first place with 9 points, and expressed his surprise at having such an easy win. Seeds were not much of a display, with the exception of those entered for tlio best collection of farm seeds. This class was partly filled by Brow nice and Co. with a very good collection, embracing many varieties, among which wore locally grown white clover and cow grass, also red clover grown in Cantcrha^. Tho National Mortgage and "Agenc^gPompany also showed a very good collection. As extra exhibits wo noticed in tho grain shed binder twines, exhibited by Messrs J. and T. Meek, and Messrs Donaghy and Co. Two case 3 of photos by Mr Martin, and Davis sowing machines, exhibited by Mr Waddell, were in the shod, Thcso latter, we understand, would have been shown at work, but unfortunately tho judges of grain did not come forward, so that the grain shed was locked up till far on in tho afternoon.

DOGS. In this class there w a decided falling off. But although tho entries aro few tho oollioH are a good lob. In rough haired Mr C. W. Reids Laddie well deserves to t'iko tirac pluco, and Mr J, R. Sowoll's Rook is a capital socond. Mr J. Oliver's Fly is tho only ontry in smooth haired collies, but tho judges could not pass her. Messrs Barton and Sowell are tho exhibitors of greyhounds, and Mr Barton's Puucos-J Beatrice, by Hock, was passed over, and Mr Sowcll'a Waterbabi, by

Market Day, was placed first, with Mr Burton's Kaloolah uocond. Tho terrier section was represented by Mr 0. VV. RoirVd Simla Buttons and Mr W. Beo's Jack, which took first and second roepectivcly.

IMPLEMENTS. Every succeeding year brings forth further developments of skill in the make and improvomonb of agricultural lmploments. All these run in tho direction of waving labor, bettering cultivaiinu, end increasing production., .lion, the people in an oxtonsivu agricultural district like Oamaru take a largo amount of intelligent intercut in the inspection of tho various implements brought undor thoir notice from timo to time at the show. Yesterday whs no exception. Mid thoro was a larger number of exhibits in tho way of implements than thoro ovor has beon at any previous hliow. It is not our intention to enter into details of all the various implomonts, but wo will ondoavor to notice most of tho now inventions and implements that have not boon previously shown. To begin with : tho reapers and binders, in viow of tho approaching harvest, oamo in for a largo share of attention, and of theso thoro wore thirtoon in all. Messrs Fleming and Hodley oxhibitod two M'Oormick's -tho make of 1881) and that of this year. In this yoar's a chain drivo has boon adoptod, and tho Pitman knife drive introduced instead of tho sway bar ; tho oil holes are all on tho outsicio, and a very handy device attached to tho going whool gives tho operator ovory facility for its raising and lowering ; whilo a now transport accompanies this year's machine, which can bo adjusted in about four minutes. Tho Walter A. Wood 00. had also two machines, and Messrs Bruce Ohristio and Co. tho Massoy, and both of theso machines have undergone improvements, which, from experience, woro found to bo necessary. Tho Hornsby mrchino (Messrs J. and T. Meek, agents) is similar to that shown last year, tho makors considering that thoy have as near reached perfection as possiblo with thoir machine Tho samo firm aro agonts for tho Hqrnsby thresher and straw trussor, which is driven by it 10-horso powor port. able ongino. Messrs Meek arc also solo agents for tho Auckland Fibre Company's binctor twine. Messrs Hislop and Montagu exhibit an all-sUol Dcoring bindor, which has undorgenu a number of irn* provemonts, such as being fitted with a steel bottom for tho platform, and stool driving gear, brass bushed at both ends, making tho machino still more simple and powerful. Messrs Jiislop and Montagu also exhibit Littlo's snoop dip and Kakanui Company's bone dust. Mr Connell exhibits a Brantford, which has this year been fitted with a crank for lifting tho grain whool, instead of a lover. Tina improvement is a timo savor. Thero is also a rulief spring to prevent tho machino jolting whon going over rough ground. Tho Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company exhibit three Buckeye reapers and binders, and the prominent feature in the new make ia that by a chain drivo the framo outside the big wheel has been abolished and tho binding gear simplified. Messrs Roid and Gray exhibit one of thoir highly finished reapers and binders, and in point of appearanco thoir machino is a superior looking article. It has also undorgono somo alterations and improvements, and tho Woodhouso patent knottor has beon attached. This firm have some twenty oxhibits, and for thoir cha/Fcutter and bagger they wero awarded a first prize, and for their improved force food broadcast grain and grass sowor, convertible into a turnip, rape, or mangold seed sower, with its cast iron canisters, thoy also received a red tickot. Mr James Reid has fiftoon exhibits, including single and doublo-furrow digging ploughs, grubbers, harrows and drays, For a device of his own in connection with tho lifting gear of tho double furrow digger Mr Heid socuros a commended tickot, and for his tip dray a first prime. He also exhibits a Howard reaper and bindor, which has also been improved in several directions to make this machino irorejporfect. MrD. Chalmers, Weston, exhibits a woll made grub-harrow, which attracted considerable notice ; Mr Thos. Lindsay, Mahono, a poworfully-built four-horso grubber, and Mr James Henderson a drill plough for making throe drills at once. Besides thoir bindor exhibits, Messrs Fleming and Hodley have a monarch triumph grain drill and a daisy dogcart, and specimens of Messrs Finlinson and Co. 'a (Kakanui) neat's foot oil, said to bo ono of tho best oils in tho market for machinery and farm purposes. Mr Mark Sinclair securod two firsts and a commended for his vehicles ; and Messrs Robin and Co. exhibited a highly finished collection comprising a rustic dogcart (for which thoy wero commonded), a double buggy, a lady's driving phecton and a family waggon, for the last of which they woro awarded the highest order of merit. Mr F. Flavall's separating check feeders for uso in feeding throsnors was commonded. Tho Chmtchurch makors of implements and machinory wore well represented. Messrs Booth and Macdonald obtained a commended ticket for Cartor'a patent potato setter — a new and useful implement — a first for Lough's woolpress made by themselves, and commondoda for a mo^el windmill and a grain and eeod separator. Messrs P. D. Duncans |took two firsts—ono for their D pattern drill, which will sow of turnips aa low as 4ozs to tho aero and registoir the acreage sown — and ono for thoir disc-harrows. Out of so yon oxhibits Messrs Andrews and Boaven secured two firsts and ono commended, and thoir oxhibits formed a very attractive group. Their chaff cutters woro tho feature of thoir exhibits, and a driving four to six horso gear, for working tho flolf-bag^ing chaffcuttors, was awarded a first prize, and thoir seed and grain cleaner was commonded. M. Donaghy and Co., of Dunedin, have samples of their binding twine on exhibition, and this firm deservo special mention for their enterprise, and from tho quality of their exhibit the judges reckoned thoir twino hotter than the imported article. In the prize list yesterday wo omitted to mention that Messrs Robin and Co., of Dunedin, took a first prize for thoir family waggon. It should also bo noted that the local agent for tho Walter A. Wood reaper and bindor is the National Mortgage and Agency Company-- Mr W. H. Roso, rnanagor. A miscalculation took placoin counting up the points for dairy produce. The correct result showed that Miss Morton took the highest award, and Mrs Hutchison and Mrs Cowan wero not equal, but Bocond and third respectively.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 7783, 22 November 1890, Page 2

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SECOND DAY. North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 7783, 22 November 1890, Page 2

SECOND DAY. North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 7783, 22 November 1890, Page 2


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