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apECtALLY AtJTttORISBD WHOLESALE. AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. MESSRS P. HAYMAN AND CO*, DDNEDIN, CHRISTCHTJRCH. WBLLINOTON, AND AUCKHMD. Who oarry a oomplete stook of H E. Koqilmah •< and Co. 1 * Standard Herbal Macnetio Remedies. These unrivalled Herbal Medicine* are universally aoknowt' „•*»* to be the beet in the world They are quite different to all other* known being o olntely aiiamrpaesed in their universal excellence. They are absolutely specific for those oomplaints for whioh are specially pre-* pared, and are free from poisons and all mineral drugs, and are quite pleasant to take. The Balsam of Paradise: For all Lung and Throat Diseases. such as Bronohitis, Asthma, Wheezing, Coughs, CoHs, Fog Fever, Bore Throat, Btee&oe; from tbe Ln igs, Tightness on -he Chwt, Inflammation of the Langs, Collapee of the Air Cell*, Induration of Lung*. Congestion of Lungs, eto., •zx It is the only medicine known to mankind that will completely care Consumption in it* early stage*. It is composed of ohoice fruits, flower seeds, gums, balsams, and herb* It ronovatea and fattens the weakest constitution, alike of young or old. We sold OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLFS during the first five years that we Introduced this marvellous and elegant remedy, and that, too, WITHOUT -DVHRTISING WHATEVER. It vex oeedingly pleasant to taste, and causes an immediate improvement in all who take it. Sold in bottles at 2» 6 «. 4i. 6s and K>s. BEND FOR OHR DESCRIPTIVE HANDBOOK, Post free to any address on the Planet, whioh fully describe* theae wonderful remedies aad their uses.

♦THE BOOM OF THE COMING CENTURY," H. E. Kugelmann's Electric Ji'ssence. H. E. Kaglemans JBlectrio Essenoe. —*n cite nal remedy for all pain* or aches Nothing like this has ever been known, and nothing else will ever equal it. If yon have a rheumatism or gouty pain that you do not oare about obtain a bottle of this Electric Essenos and it wUI make yon happy. Use it for sprained backs, knee joints, all swellings, dropsy, back aohe, sciatica, neuralgia, weak spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness cramps, quinsy, tnumpc, diphtheria, croup, and for all pains and aohe*. Never be without it for snake bite, and all bites of inaecta or stings, and or burcs. cuts, and scalds Bold in bottles only at 3s 6d »nd 7s.

H. E. Kugelmann's Eye ointment and Anodyne Emolient. This is uadoubtedly the finest Pharmaceutical produot of the oentury. An immediate cure for chilblains and frost bites. Nothing known can compare with this Ointment for its marvellous exoellenoe, eleganoe of combination, and raperior effectiveness. It will onra all eye disease*, as San Blight Bandy Blight Watery Blight. Matter or Humory Blight, Inflammation of Byes and Lids, Chronic Ophthalmia, and all and Every Bye Disease ; and as well it is the best ard nioest thing possible for Fir-bite, Moequito Bitee or Stings of Soorpions, Centipedes, Bpiders, eto., and for Sore Throats, Coughs, Mumps. Quinsy, eto. It is simply splendid. All weak and nervous persons should use it to rub well in down the Spine and on the Stomach. We guarantee that all who use this once will never be without it. Read Descriptive Handbook for further notioe. This ointment usually cures blight in a few hours, also whitlo«s and boils and painful breasts in two or three hours. Sold only in jars at 2s 6 1 and 5s each. i

H. E. Kugelmann's Herbal Magnetic Ointment. This unrralle* Herbal produot is undoubtedly tbe best ointment ever elaborated for curing old sores, ba 1 legs, ulcers, fiilales, piles, ble?ding piles, eruptions of the skin, broken chilblains, cuts wounds, etc.. ere, eto. In jars at Is, Is9d.2s6d, and 5f each j H . K. KugU" arm's Ch ldren's Vital Ktsence— For all the ailments of infancy and childhood. A real ohildiei/s friend, bee our handbook. Prioe, 2s 61 to 5s per bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Tonic Liver and Stomach Restorer. For all liver oomplaints, billiousnees, jaundice, congested lirer, enlarged liver and spleen langour, drowsiness, pains between the shoulders, ohronio in digestion and all stomach complaints, heartburn, flatulency sour stomach, vomiting of food, lose of appetite, sick headache, nervousness, nervous debility, prostration, and the convalescing stages of or aoutt diseases. Read our Descriptive Handbook for all information relating to this splendid medicine. Sold in bottles at 6* <"A 10. , r .-h

The Natural Electric Blood Purifier. This medicine has no equal for til blood skin diseases, perfectly free from mercury, arsenic. »«d all mineral drugs, and does not contain any sarsaptriila or yellow dock. Never fails to cure the worst forms of scrofula, scurvy, ecsetna, itch, ulcers, abosssns, core l»gs ao<* breasts, oanoer, Hpus, pbysioal debility, d-cay of bones, wasting and withering, and all diseases having their origin in tbe blood. It work wonders in every oaee without ezoeption. See Handbook. Prioes, 4s 6d, 6s 6d, and 12s 6d each jttle.

The Fluid Herbal Life. This is the sou! of plants, and absolute specific for ohronio nenralg'a, faoeache, tooth* aohe, tio Holnreanx, swollen face, gumboil and earache. It oaa be completely relied udoo to oare quickly and permanently any of these troubles. Bee Handbook. Price, Is 9d aad 3s per bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Liver Pills. These Pills are anri Tailed, and superior to all others for liver troubles, billkmsseas, oostiveness, giddtoess, indigestion, wind, and beertborn. *ney are com. oeed sokly of the TiUlpropsrtiesofheib*, arc ooaUd and tasteless. In glaes bottles at Is, Is 9i, and 3s each. Tnese should be kept in every house, as they are a Bare omre for numberless ills.

SOLE PROPRIETORS: H E* KUGELMANN AND COMannfaotnwrs of Eleo«.« aad Proprietor} Medioinee, Distillers of Eseeatisi Oils and Mediomal Liqnors) etc, etc., 4th Arenas, Mew York City. U S.A. Australian Head Office and Warehouse : 172 and 174 William-street M«lboonte, Tiotoria. r lantations and reduoing estoblisbment at " Mount Paradise," Oembrood, QippsJaad.

Don't fail to read our Descriptive Handoook* Hailed free to Any address or nay be had opon application. Local Agents. - Chemists : Dodm avo Co. ; J. R. Sbwxll. Merohante : A* J. 8 Headland, W. Bee. E. A. Atkucso>, %. Davidson. Tbe AboTs hold a Fall Stook of the Standard Herbal Magostio goods, for the Ounara Distriot.

V i. ._, _ i'm. U.i ■ ■ " " _ " "t"" t " " '^^ **"* — * — * ~— ** **~*'*^l lasa. ™I^ t -' '^T- "TT^U. a K*Bf t

Are, beyond doubt. THE BEST VALUE offered in New Zealand THE LEADING BRAND These Teas are imported dibict from China, India, and Ceylon, and are blended under the immediate supervision of a tea taster of great experience, thereby ensuring uniformity of flavor and excellence of aualitr. THK FMPIKE TEA COMPANY Pack the following standard brands of Choice Teas : " DRAGON 3l •« ELEPHANT," 2l 8d •• ORESCENT," 28 6d '* EMPIRE," 2i 2d « MIKADD, 2l Ai»\ the Celebrated " HOUDAH, 38 and * KASGRA VALLEY," 2l 10d brand*. Theae latter are PURE INDI \N TEAS of robust growth, poaaeaaiag great strength and purity of flavor, especially intended for connoisseurs. B(LE AOENT& FOk THK CKLEBHATED FIJI TEAS (ALPHA ESTATE*) W. & G. T» T RNBUI,», h. vVpllrngtoa. Pmprietorg.

DRINK. 1 116 I \ ex^ CTS • XC f|OT II FA 40 *T /i\ m " Tb« binding i» entirely attend** to IjMXI J|lff*/iXsT #A\ mb r Mr • s>Uon h im *? u . wbo i» a m^M 1^ fj I \IVktJMW MA \ Tavter of (ppest experience, ami oas w** ■ M MW9 \ had a >i*dal traininK in the aiU* a IM TUT aw Aia^BKsA m timaku mkald. m in int. m T 4nSO£Ra a l m "^w BnM ««en«s the supiJ§^ B LJi£S*SSB»*l. n°^ *^' P*urcfa*w> of Tea. enEft^ea. _^ - fF^k J #*TTiC^Tr»- 1 -% u the artKle they oo>r w MM ■■ U \j AW # J J*iPg!S*w \ »uper;or to anj-tliiiig we bat* %*r f\^^s»*^# /*L^§siSj\ m >eti **" ta th - f c° loo y" +r\ M I r|olr«*ea^l^ 1 m " Mr - :s ' el « ja is a proO^houoh/ /gIHSMBmI |\ \ p RIC E9 copied # / 2 HPMfeajr' x \ \ ol 214MICKLAND , WELi i KMOU. CHRISTOKUPXH t DUNEDI|L

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 6976, 27 February 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 6976, 27 February 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 6976, 27 February 1890, Page 4