North Otago Times SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1886.
The postal- note system is apparently one of Sir J. Vogel'e happy thoughts. It was only lust session that tbe Postal Notes Act was passed, and the notes themselves were not brought into use until January of the present year ; yet the public have already taken a good deal of advantage of the system. From Januaiy up to the 31st March last, ri we learn from the Postmaster General 'a report, 16,542 poste* notri for L7OS7 6i Gd were sold, and the c received was Ll2B 19i lOd. No postr Knots can be issued for more than twenty shillings, and it seems that one shilling notes were most in demand, then twenty shillings, ten shilling" one shilling end sixpsn- 9, and five shillings, in the order &iven. Nearly 50 per cent o? the notes cold were of the values of one shi M ing, one shilling and sixpence, and tnea j shillings. Oa* great onvenieoca of the uoh i ii that, without entailing any f ee ,.{. or charge, they may I ,? u< i'd ma cixaulatlng medium up to the end o! four months after the last day of the month dming which they are issued, but this do -5 not appear to have be3n ; t ye 4 ; foliy rt I'^ed by the public, for the Poetmasler-General tells u« that of the L7OCO worth of uot?3 sold during the quarter only L 845 worth remained unpaid at the end of Mte-cb. That kind of thicg is, however, naturel enough at the ou set of such a scheme, ■ and before the year is out a ronsidei ibl* I change in that respect is preity cr ' ;o; o | to have tik»n p'rse. The note% w« *-c told, enter largely into c jnor: jtit'oa with money orders, bat the lc.-s of money order coosmission will, in a compiraiively, short time, be more thsn covered by the development of the business in ptril* notes; for a new olasi of customiu he^ been brought to the post office, and ( he notei aro used for a variety of puiposea for whioh the money orders are not adapted. Then it is also explained that tb* relative falling cfl in the money orders issued for payment within the colony (ti3 shown by the March quarter returns) is not altogether to be attributed to tbe issue of postal- notes, but rather to the Gaming and Lotteries Amendment Act, 1885, which has caused, it ii estimated, a loss of revenue (money ordnr commission, postage, &c), of about L3OOO a year. Altogether the postal- note system promises to facilitate to a noteworthy extant the oheap, convenient, and safe transmission and exchange of imsll sums of money ; and also, while placing those advantage! within the retch of the public, to bring in a fair amount of revenue to tbe Colonial Post Office. Those settlers in and about Maheno who t are doing what they can to encourage the intelligent breeding of poultry are doing J mor* than they or their neighbor*! think, perhaps. Even now, carelessly as poultry are managed on most farms, a large amount of money is yearly made from the poultry kept for laying or fattening purposes throughout the country; and with a better selection of kinds and breeds, and more systematised ways of keeping and utilising, ten times aa much might be mad*, we believe. Those who try to bring about such a change really try, therefore, to Improve the means within the reach of great numbers of people for increasing the private aud public wealth of the country. Ia fact-, when successful, they do in a quiet way much more good than dczans of the country's pretentiously palavering politfoiane are capable of even dreaming of. That being the oase, it is to be hoped tbe Maheno people may be successful ii their efforts to establish a vigorous Poultry Association. Those who stand aloof from snob affairs on account of what they are pleased to deem the insignificance of the object show, we fear, that they have lived to very little purpose in the world; for it is assuredly no sign of wisdom or good sens* to neglect or be indifferent to the most trivial thing that mi«ht be mad* with better management to contribute mor* than it now does to the attainment of a general result — let us say, in the case of a firmer, to the increase of ths value of his farm's returns. Assuredly >hst »vA might be ' gained by every farmer in ih* colony ■ were more care Io ba exeiclsed in the selection and managemeut of poultry. ! Our Maheno Correspondent most; f,erti- ' nently observe! that, "There ii a great ! cry among farmers that fowls do nut pay, but how can they be expected vo pay < whan no care is taken in their aeltctfon i and management? To make them pay, , they require selection, for an inferior ( fowl will eat as muoh ss a good one, but • will lay a great deal lesi." If farmers were to intelligently turn over ia their ' minds reflections like these, there ia not ' -the eligh'.eat doubt that they VuUk ba i very considerable gainers in consequence, i --J 1 At the Resident Magistrate's Couifc yor» t-rday, t afore Mr B-^binson, E.M., John Dempsey was fiaei 2t 6d, John M'L^ori ss, i and Andrew Corrigan 20t, fir a'br i«g ' . oattle to wander at large. The last named, i V represented by his wife, said the estfcle had 1 been tuiacd out of the paddock to g-> to water, and they were on their way tkere whea the inspeotor took themt His Wor. ship said the inspector could not fee ' expected to distinguish between qattle going to water and those wandering oa the streets r unless someone was in charge of the<a. In this oase there was no on* ia charge of the , oattle, and lie would Inflict the above J penalty. ' t
84,i1s for the Uiitad Kingdorr, via Tio, iit ArAtra, for ip«oia!ly adclrco^JL oorr*,./jndenoa ov\y % close at LytteUoa to-t'.^y, ' it T.iiO p m. The Ker. Mr if'Ntooll, of Frill preach in Wesley Church to-morrow, in the morning aad eveaing, and at Totara at J it. the afternoon. Mr J. Andrew's farm at -Hampdea w»? fejfcsrday sold by cuetlon for L 5 Si per acre. rhe farm contained 426 acres. We beiiave that none of the cattle place i bjrihe brnki apt in his sohedare of assets could be > foand and only 50 sheep were brought io> H«ih»r for a»l«; A safe belonging- to the e»Vaf*- %>* brought into town, beins! withheld from sale. • ,' 'We received word from Ngapara last ' taigHt; that" tke skop cf Mr Meld tana, tailor, ha^ teen destroyed by, fire, and th*t tbe •hop adjSitoißg 'It was baraiog. Our carTesporideni- also uienti>ntd thai; the Termious Hotel was In daager. About 20 foet separates the Terminu* Hotel from Mr Meldrum's skop, and there wou'd b3 a oh»QCp, if the pighk were ci\w, of the hotel beiag caveat , / It is probable that tha ship Lytteh^n Will be fl>ated, The hull oi the vessel is not expeotci to be injured, so It ii said, and the accident ia supposed co have been caused by ne of tke refrigerating valves being left open. If this is the case the judgment glv*n by tbe Court of Faqairy will appe»r to ba rather itfatrange one, evea if it doe aot appear to fo* strange without this light being thrown oh the oaus* of the ace dot. The ft otball match this afteraeon wi'l be betweaa the first fifteen of the Oamaru Clufi ' atsd oi^httsn all-comers fritn brth c'ubt, The fifteen will be picked from the foi lowlag : Thonrss, W. Grenfell, Glloh. Ist, 3, E. Todd, Clarke, Mcare, Saow, St9ven«on, TSottJtty W&ttiih, ,Mqule, Corkj. Meek, Yefette, 2>.Tom Farsoni. A. Grenfell, Ugp*n, Murdoch. Play will cemmencs as 3 'clock. | The Evening Stas of fostnirhi; lays that In a private 'letter received In Daaed<n from . Ktmu3rl«y^be,.Trntor states his oonviotioa i that the newly.discovered goldfieldi will yet piore the iiohc.4 in the world. He is, be states, totally unbiassed in the matter, but actiag. on his. cofeviotion he means sc m to become more directly Interested 'i the sewoh for gold. .- ' Toe terms oa which it is propor*d to purchase the Walm*» Plaim Railway a c specilieA in a memorandum by the Minis; 9f for Public Works which was iaoladd in papers submitted to Parliament oa Tuesday. The prioe to to pala by fh* Govemmeut is L 35 UC3 oish, and the Company's deub of L75,C:0 to tho Insurance Association ; tot^', Ll 'o COO. The Company is to forefo half fie » » a due by the laispajera up i~> 3ist M^i^h, and all subsequent iCJ»lnD«. Mr Fulton has r'ven notice to a-k the Govei Jinent— (l \v ' «her their att*aion h* been c-lied to the action of the Wm?ren a Lioen'iiog Oammlttr i,wiio lalaly c"»ntjd •• J it is alJbged, in dtfiince of a lr ?l option tod t-> the ontrwv, a lioe^ie 1) one Jeremiah Kenny, rntt t> th* cii-e tf the polioe gainst Kenny tried in the tta v os Come at Oamaid, from wh?3h it apf?- 1 a that tha deoiaion renders nagatoiy 45 of - Tho JLicen#ion; Aot, IBSI " (2) Whe ler they will co e'er tbe pfop* ji./ of t3»tjs7t» taoh deoinon a higaevojuii. The New Z?aland Lori td Meroafle Arenoy Compaay report ha » lng received the fo'owu^? cablejr*m from their load on m»r---,e , dated July 20: " Wbe*t— The mi "k«rtn >teady, Adelrde i. wo -h ZZ\ 6d per New Z :wabd avr«^ Z n ; and New Zta^rsd lon'vben ltd, Z&i. '*.' ovr — Mutton t.'Mow-js »n uew.nd. f- cod qn? < f c woi vh 25s C I per owl. Irf^lcr cef is ia de» p ndj buc other sirta are ntg' c d. Good L ?is wo; ih f?3s t3rcr 1 La.hei' — Ihe mttr^et is qaiei. V S eid ■" a/ wo.uh lid per lb, Itoznni'-it— las ma<-ke; ;< i deprc « d and is oV« 100 Led for mvi a, and New Zealand we.goinj i osa 651 bro 701b are worjih 51 per 10. P»Jm« New Z. >,isnd Jsmb? are worlk C^d p;-<* ib, A *eru-to of f oar fpottn in Luoe r tre^fc, the property of Michael fialford, w&i de troyed by fire lr-jfc nl«<ht. The boildirw k»d been unoooupiei for some time back, and the cause of the fire is aot knowa* It ;< j V Sieved to to in ared In the New Zea'and office, but we c uld not ascertain the amount. The fire turned out promptly, but ow,'nfl[ to there being no waf»r avan bie on the higher leve'a could do nothing ia the direction of cheoking the fire before the building w. 8 completely destroyed . The bridle, owing to the useUsiness of taiciog th«ir aprar*ijs to the tip of the hi) 1 , say they will not attend fir*3 there uule*s somethmg is dons to give an increased supply of water. The Oamaru Fooib»H Club has hitherto beeo without a banner, but the enthusiasm which has be on thrown into football ia Oamara this season hn i aspired r;ver#l well- wishers of the Cub to contribute, and lady friends of the memt rs to apply their Ingenuity' and taste to supply colors* Ac a result a handsome banner of amber and black satin, with the letter O.F.C. ia green velvet, neatly embroidered with gold ls?e, win, la it night presented te the Ciub. The ceremony took »ls«« rt the ,Eoy»l Hotel, aad Mr A. Hesketh on boh a f of the Club for Mr D. Hewat (captain) received the banner, and oonveyed tha thsnks o! the Club to those who had provided the standard. The success of the Camaru Club w; s then touted, and the remainder of the evening was spent In* convivial way, Petjeb Cokmack, Tailor and Ciothier, Tees Street, ii now showing a Large and Well Seleoted Stock of Gentleman's Tweads and Costing*, imported difeofc. Also, a Large Variety of Oatnara Tweeds. Salts to measure from 70^. Trousers to measure Lorn 178. Fit, "Style, and Workmrwhip gua< ranteed. Ffrßt*ela«s Gents', Hosiery, Regatta Shirt?, .Scarfs, Collars, etc. ; t'je best' ■nd cheapest' in t'/wn. Petith" Cop mack, Tees Street, Oamarc. - "For the blood is the Lifc.»-CLARK£'S ! WOULD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is war. ranted to cleanse the blood from all impu'llies from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Stun and Blood Diseases, md sores of all kinds, ifc» effects are mat rdltnis. Thpur-uids of Teafc'monials. Sold in Bottles, 2s 9d'tnd lls each by Chemisfca arwlPatanfc Medicine Vendors everywhere. Sole Proprietors, the Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co., Lincoln., England.
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North Otago Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 6110, 24 July 1886, Page 2
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2,103North Otago Times SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1886. North Otago Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 6110, 24 July 1886, Page 2
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