North Otago Times. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1872.
Pbebbytebian Chubch.— At the General Assembly of this Church, sitting in Christchurch, we observe that a very interesting Address was delivered by the Jlcv Mr Watt, delegate from Ofcago. We purpose publishing it in our next.
Caledonian Society. — The first of the annual examinations for the prizes offered by this Society it announced for Saturday, 21st inst., in the Masonic Hall. For particulars, see adv«rtising columns.
The Stablings. — These birds are thriving amazingly. . Quite a colony of them has been lintched out under the roof of our office this season, four pairs of parent birds having now their -eecond broods nearly ready to take wing.
TtaE Weathke. — Kain has promised several times during the last three days, but as often ifhe farmers, who are anxiously looking for a few refreshing showerB,havebeen disappointed. The weather seem* to have set in for a coiitiauou« drought. Yesterday was a very warm day, tlie thermometer registering 125dag. in < the sun at 1 p.m.
" Ilmjstbatbd N. Z. Herald." — ThU month's number contain! riews of the town of Naseby, the Melbourne Atbenceum, sketches -of the Intercolonial Gfig Race at Sydney, the Boston Fire, the V.R.C. Spring Meeting, the Victorian International Exhibition, the Botanical Gardens, Sydney, the Melbourne Model Lodginghouse, <to. It is a rerj good a>umber.
To Melbourne and Back. — An advertisement in another column by Meun J. Ashcroffc and Co., agents for Messrs M'Meckan, Blackwood and Co., notifies that excursion tickets, hence to Melbourne, available for return till end of February, will be issued at the following rates, viz., saloon, L17 ; steerage, L8 10s.
Wanton Mischief. — An aot of wanton mischief — we mu>ht call it sacrilege — has been coniinitfefd by some rascal or other at St. Patrick's Church, in the wilful removal and
Excursion to DiTnedin. — The Harbor Steam Company's p.s., Samson is announced to leave the bay on Wednesday, Christmas Day, at 10 a.m\ sharp. Fares, for return trip, 20s. — tickets available till end of Jantiary. In view of the special attractions which Dunedin preseuts just now, viz., the Provincial Show, the reception of His Excellency 'the Governor, the Horticultural Exhibition, the Christmas performances at the theatre, the Masonic Ball, etc., we anticipate 'that there will be a large demand for passages.
PA"EBONi3LE DISSATISFACTION. — Th6 "Wanganu'i Herald" says :—" Much dissatisfaction is felt by the veterans ut the manner ia which the capitation grant has been disbursed by the 'captain. In the statement submitted to the men, they find amongst the expenditure over 1/20 paid for silver lace, stars, crowns, &c, to decorate the officers' uniform*. This is decidedly a new feature in volunteering."
Co££ fin IN SotTTHLAND.— The " Southland Times lias been shown a specimen of copper ore brought from Moke Creek, in the Lake district, which eeems to indicate that a vast amount of mineral wealth awaits development in the locality named. We believe that the deposit is so rich that in some places 'solid pieces of copper may be seen. A sample is to be forwarded to D&nedin to Profesaor Black, for analysis. Natives Dying tfuoffl Stabvation.— The "Bay of Plenty Times'" says .—We re^ret'to learn that four natives have recently died at Te Botoiti from starvation. Food is generally very scares amongst the Maoris in that district. Stkawbekbies at Auckland. — The "Auckland Hernld " of Novembnr 22, remarks : — " Strawberries yesterday were threepence per pint, and milk twopence. A quart of strawberries at the Horticultural Show were ' of about the size of three to the pint. They ' were large enough to be cut into slioes like pine apples, and to bo powdered with white , sugar, and bathed in claret."
Pkovincial Almanac. — We are in receipt, through the courtesy of Mr R. L. Livingston, bookseller, of a copy of Messrs Mi Us, Dick and Co.'s Otago Provincial Almanac and Directory. It iB well compiled and con- ' tains a large amount of useful information, comprising the Jewish as well as the ordinary calendar, garden calendar, housekeeporB 1 , storekeepers', and fioldbuyers' reudy reckoners, a grain table, tables of weights and measures, and currency, au itinerary, poatal regulations ■ and lists of post offices and telegraph stations, ' directions for registration of voters, of birtlis, j marriages and deaths, the customs tariff, ] Chamber of Commerce settle of charges, list o'f court fees and allowances in the Supreme and MM. Courts and Wnrdena Oourtj, stamp duties, and a very useful handybook on the j Land Transfer Act — indeed, it is a general repertoire of useful information. It also comprises, as its title implies, a directory of all ■the towns in "Otago. I
Anglican Ciiuroh. — In accordance with a circular front the Primate, invitiuur ull members of the Anglican Church to observe tins day (Friday) as a day of special prayer (in common with mum'bers of the Church at home aud abroad) for the supply of laborers iu the mission fi<-l<3, a special service will bo held in St. Luke'B Church, this evening, at 7 o'clock.
The Holy Land.-*- We have recently received intelligence from the Holj Land which will be gratifying to milleananunis. Jerusalem, of which sacred bards have sung, and over whoso inevitable fate parest tears were shed, seems to be lifting its hoary head from the dust and ashes of 'bygone ages. Life is moving among the fragments of that once splendid city, the streets are now lighted with gas, and it is proposed shortly to Tun curs up the rugged steep of Mount Sion.
Public G-abdek. — We understand that the Q-overnmrnt Reserve, bounded by the Cricket Ground, Thames-street and Severn-street, has been granted for the purpose of u public garden, the same ro be fenced in by the Corporation. The fencing material now lying on the Esplanade would serve the purpose. The situation is one eminently adapted for the object in view. The labor of tlta prisoners will be arailable for laying out the gardens, and we hope the residents of the district will liberally aid by donations of trees Mid shrubs, which Sergt. Smith, will be happy to receive and to see duly planted and protected.
Thb Governor's Tree. — The Wellingtonia Gigautea planted by His Excellency the Governor, some two years «wo, on the Government Eeaervo near the corner of Coquet and and Thames-streets, is thriving well, but We observe that some mischievous person has cub off the leader, or top shoot. It wojald bo well if the Corporation appointed some gardener to give the tree a nevr " leader," which ceuld easily be done, as. otherwise, it will bush out too much.
EoieESTET. — The inauguration of a Lodge at Maerewhenua took place on Saturday, at the house of Mr James Craig. D.C.R. Bro. Wilson, assisted by P.C.R. Bro. John Fulton, Bro. James Pulton (Secretory to Court Pride of Oamaru), and other members of that Court tuking part in the ceremonial. After the initiation of sereral new members, the following officers were elected, viz. :-^C.R., Bro. John M'Leod ; S.C.R., Bro. E,. Pearce ; Secretary, Bro. James Craig j Treasurer, Bro. Charles Osterberg; S.W., Bro, "James M'Quaid ; J.W., Bro. James Young ; S.B., Bro. Peter White ; J.B., Bro. Charles Harris. Dr GHeesou examined the candidates. After tlie Court closed, a social gathering took place. A fuller report will appear in next itsue.
Oamabtt HuMictriTUEAi, Society. — A special meering of the Committee of this Society was held in the Mechanics' Institute on the 17th inst. Present : Messrs Earle (in the chair), Patorson, Main, Simpson, Isdale, Ward, and Falconer. The Chairman reported that the necessary printing had been ordered, and it was resolved that Mr Earle be requested to provide luncheon for the judges and other officers. Messrs Earle and Falconer were appointed stagers for pot plants and cut flowers ; Messrs Main and Ward for vegetable and fruit. Mr Evans reported the following special prizes — Messrs W. «T. Steward and Co, 10s 6d for best colieotion cherries ; Mr R. W. Adair, gold breast pin (value 15s) for best collection of pnnsies. The Secretary was instructed to advertise the next meeting of Committee for the 27tb, and also to advertise the date of Show.
Diving at the Point.— The contractors for the harbor works having obtained the use of the diving dress belonging to the Provincial Government, have loit no time in securing the services of a professional diver, who arrived on Friday last, and commenced operations on the following day, descending for the first; time at about half-past eight o'clock. He remained under water some two hours preparing the foundation for the abutment blocks. He examined the bottom for about 50 or 60 feet from the end qf that part of the wall ot present constructed, and found it very nearly lerel, there being only two or three small rocky projections, and nothing of a nature to I interfere with the works. During the afternoon he made another descent, and succeeded in setting one of the abutment blocks in its place. A number of townsfolk were attracted to the works to witness the proceedings, and were not a little amused at the curious spectacle which the diver presented ; his uncouth rig making him look lik« neither fish, flesh, nor fowl, but something of a cross between a knight in^ armour and a, merman, or Borne other marine monster.
Ltrsus Natoes.— The"Lytfelfcon Times," of the 13tli inst., lays that a few days ago a common hen, belonging to Mr Griffith!, SalisI bury-street, laid an egg of enormous size — much larger than a turkey's egg — Mirhich, on
StNGtrDAB CAf UcfiE. — On Monday Mr Peyma\l vrliile occupied »t tlie Harbor Works saw a largo fish floundering about near the breakwater. On spndiitg out to see what it was, it was found to ba a large dogfish, about 5 feet 6 iuckos long, with a large piece of wood tied to its tail. How the wood got there we don't know. The fish was captured, and an endeavor is being made to make an anatomical preparation of it as a contribution to the local i muBeuin. While on " fishy" subjects, we may mention tbat the buy is now swarming with | whitebait, and large schools of porpoises have also been aeon, attracted hither by the abundant feed provided by the smaller fish.
South Austbaita and " Pboteotion." — The cause of protection is beginning to assert itself in South Australia, although that colony has long held to free trade principles. At a large and important meeting held there lately, the following resolution was unanimously carried, on the motion of Mr Laws'on : — " That it is the opinion of the meeting that this colony should be placed upon an equality with Victoria and New Zealand as regards breadstuff's, by placing an import duty of 40a per ton, to be levied upon all wheat and flour imported into this colony, including the ports in the Northern Territory."
Anglican Chdech. — The ■• Church Times" has heard, "on excellent authority," that the mode by which the opponents of the Athanasian Creed will try to effect their objeot will bo br the introduction of a very short bill (nlready drawn) into Parliament next year, by which it is proposed thnt "aftfer the passing of this Aot no clergymim of the Church of England shall be subjected to anv prosecution for substituting the Apostles' Creed lor that commonly called the Creed of St. Athanasius in Divine Sorvico."
Oamaku Grammar Scnooii. — The following is extracted frcra a report of a special meeting of the Education Board, oq the 13fch inst , which appears in Saturday'-* (i Daily Times " : — "A resolution of the Oamaru G-iammur School Committee, regarding a former resolution that thn head mastnr Bhould receive half the surplus feos retnaiumg after all expenses had been met, and decreeing that in future the surplus fees should be divided amoncr the teachers in proportion to their respective Balaries, wus approved of by the Board ; the -ohtuwe to take effect in three months from now."
Komnft Mabsh Siieep.— We clip tlie following from a contemporary : — " As an instance of what can be done in the way of sheep breeding and wool growing under favorableconHitiono, We commend the following item communicated to us by a reliable person. On a small farm nt the Waiwotu, the increase has been something like 200 per cent. The «heep are of the Ecmney Marsh breed, and their fleeces laat year averaged fifteen pounds, whila some of the wethers weighed as much a8 1601bs after beinjj drcised. This uncoiimon result is, we are told, entirely attributable to the farm being understocked and the sheep thoroughly fed."
Hampdbn Oommo^aoe.— -A proclatnat'on, under the hand of the Superintendent, issued by virtue of Sec. 62 of the Otugo Wuste Lands Act, 1866, and the recommendation of the Provincial Council thereunder, sets apart the following lands as a Conunonagre for tho town of Hampden, viz :— *■" All that aren. in the Province of Ofasro, being part of block thirteen (XIII), Moeraki Survey District, and bounded towards the north, by the Bi« Kuri Creek, aud part of block ten (X), Otepopo Survey District, towards the east by i block one (I), Otepopo Survey District, block one (I), Moeraki Survey Diatftiot, and section thirteen (13), block (XIII), Moeraki Survey Distriot, towards the south by block eleven CXI), and by section three ($), block thirteen (XIII), Moeraki Survey District, and towards the south-west; and west by part* of blocks thirteen (XIII) and fourteen (XIV) Moeraki Survey District." The above notice lias been re-printed in tho " Gazette," in consequence of a typographical error having occuvred in [ the proclamation of November 20th. I
Statistical. — From m statement of Savings 1 Bank Transactions in the Colony, published in the " New Zealand Gazette," we find that i the total amount of deposits during the quarter ended 30th September last, was L113.8Z5 13s. 10d., and of withdrawals, L78,268 11s. 3d., showing a balance left on deposit of L35.557 2s. 7d. This shows very encouraging results, as the figures for the corresponding quarter of 1871 were, deposits, L84.567 12s. lOd. ; withdrawals, L70.099 10s. 8d. ; balanco left in deposit, 1*14,468 2s. 2d. One of two conclusions — perhaps both must be drawn from this — viz , either the people are increasing in wealth, or in habits of providence. The total amount of money orders issued in the Colony was also much larger, riz., September quarter, 1872, L.52,172 2* 5d., as against L40.932 0s. 6d., for the Septembor quarter of 1871 ; and the amount of money orders paid respectively September quarter, 1872, L36.658 17s., 2d. ; September quarter, 1871, 1,25,632 17s. lid.
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North Otago Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 792, 20 December 1872, Page 2
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2,402North Otago Times. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1872. North Otago Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 792, 20 December 1872, Page 2
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