New Advertisements.
FOR TIMARU, AKAROA, LYTTELTON, WELLINGTON, NELSON> & WANG AN UI. irWJfev rnHE WBLL-KNOWN S S. Jllllll^ BEAUTIFUL STAR» Will bo despatched for tho abovo ports to-morrow, WEDNESDAY, Gth INSTANT, For freight or passago, apply to J. & W. BEE, Agonts.
TIDAL WAVES ! TIDAL WAVES ! ! FLOODS, &o. ! ! ! rilllE Undersigned begs to intimate that he has made arrangements with tho Boating Company to CONVEY PASSENGERS to MOUNT COOK. Pussengeru will muster at tho Windmill, and will ombark from tho balcony, which haB kindly boon lent for tho occasion. Tiekots, Cs. oaoh (not transferable). As only a limited number can bo had, early application will bo nooossary. N.B. — No luggage allowed. Passengers must pro* vido thomsolvoB with "Tuekor" (which had botter bo cooked) and stimulants. Passengers will ombark at 11 a.m. punotually. TiokotB to bo had at tho Flagstaff, Awa Moa (100 feet above tho ordinary level of the «ea), till ono hour boforo going on board— if not previously disposed of. SAXBY.
ROOM FOR ONE ! ! rni-IE Proprietors of the Northern Hotel JL. beg to intimate that thoro is ROOM FOR ONE'at the TOP OF THE FLAGSTAFF in front of their premises. Tho attoutiou of newspapor roportors is especially diroctod to tliia announcement, as tho situation iudieutod is eminently adapted for obtaining a good view of tho groat flood. Tho modest Bum of £25 is asked ; early application is
noooBwy. HAVING RECEIVED < u comploto sot of TOOTH INSTRUMENTS, mado aftor t* tho latest improvomentB, ho is m S prepared to warrant almost a g jj*j PAINIiFSS 10XTUAOTION, fc-F 3 without tho assistance of § h Chloroform. Teeth stopped with H3 Ash & Son's Everlasting Metallic w Pasto. w NO ONK NKUD SUI'KUll T00T1IA0H1! ! I ! ;
T" II. MILLIGAN has just oponod out a very superior selection of SUMMER TWEEDS, COATINGS, &o., &o. Tho Gontlomon of Oamaru and eurrouuding Districts aro reBpoct fully invited to inspoot tho same, boforo ordoring olsowhoro. # # * DUNEDIN PRICES. V SUPERIOR FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED.
rno LET ON LEASE, ON EASY TERMS. 500 ACRES IN BLOCK V., AWAMOKO DISTRICT, Adjoining Messrs Gillios & Stroot'o property. Apply to CONNELL Sc WEBB.
rno LET, tho STORE in TYNE-STREET at prosont occupiod by JAMES FINCH and CO.
mo LET, the SHOP next Masonic Hall, 'with fittings. Apply to WADDELL, Saddler.
TMPOUNDED,on tho 2nd Octobor, 1869, by William Scott, for trcspaising on his whoat, for which no damago is claimed s— 1 RED COW, X off hip, X off rump 1 RED HEIFER, X do., X do. 1 RED STEER, X do., X do. 1 RED COW, liko WW or MW near ribs, with rod and whito calf— no viaiblo brand 1 RED AND WHITE POLEY STEER, branded liko 0 near shoulder 1 RED AND WHITE STEER (staggy), liko FS JW off rump, blotch near shoulder. If tho abovo aro not claimod before TUESDAY, tho 2nd NOVEMBER, they will bo Bold, to defray oxponsoB. JAMES DALGLEISH,
Poundkeopor Papakaio Pouno. WANTED, a person to Train a Young RETRIEVER DOG. For particular, apply to Mr J. T. RICHARDS, Whurf-sta-ut.