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jftigcellaneous. ' MAP OF NELSON. NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS are invited, for the publication of a Lithographic MAP of the TOWN OP NELSON, embracing the Maitai Valley, Dun Mountain Copper Miuea, &c, from actual survey. Number of Proofs not to exceed 150 copies, @ 20s. „ Copies „ 500 „ @ 15s. The money to bo paid on delivery. Ihe Map to bo scpn at the office of ' EmVABD T. MOODT, . •' Civil Engineer, &c, \^ jßridge.streefc, Nelson. WANTED, to TAKE CHARGE of the ACCOMMODATION HOUSE near the "Manuka Island, a MAIC AND HIS WIFE. Apply to G-. W.. StHBODEB, Wensley Hill, Richmond, p $eto gfobcrtisemente, AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED GOOD,--. THE under-mentioned condemned GOODS will be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Warchouso of Messrs. NICHOLSON & RIDINGS, Bridgo-street, on TUESDAY, the 19th proximo, at Noon, by order of the Collector of H. M. Customs :—: — 14J dozen Children's Shoes 6 „ Regatta Shirts 9 „ Cloth Caps 9 pairs Blankets Pieces Broad Cloth, 31£ yards each 73 yards Huckaback 72 „ Calico 376 „ Towelling ( 1 piece Osnaburgh / 8 rolls Narrow Ribbon 23 cards Scissors , 7 pieces Alpaca ; 9 „ Tartan 2 „ Coat BWding 1 cask Rnw Suiar 9 pieces Osnaburgh 6 boxes Hynef Soap 1 piece Diajfer 2 Woollen Polkas 40 pairs Half Boots 1 parcel Bead Bracelets 70 Brooches 1-i pah's Ear-rings 3 Chains and Lockets 2 sets Studs Lot of brpken Jewellery. Nicholson and Ridings, Auctioneers. MHO be SOLD, two HOUSES (one quite new JL and very substantial in Tbafalgab-STEEET. Terms will be made very easy. ' / Inquire G. Coates. FOR SAL E — 1 TROJAN PLOUGH, by W. Dray aud Co., London 1 set (3) IRON HARROWS, patent, by Sanders and Williams, Bedford. ( ?> Addrjris R. G. Tidt, v "..■'' Care of George Parkes, 88 Valley, Waimea South. BONUS FOR DISCOVERY OF A WORKABLE GOLD FIELD. At a MEETING of tho SUBSCRIBERS held at the Wakatu Hotel on Monday, September Ist, D. Sclandebs, Esq., in Ihe chair, for the purpose of determining the terms and conditions upon which a BONUS OF FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS shall be awarded for the DISCOVERY OF A WORKABLE GOLD FIELD, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted : — 1. That the districts to which the Bonus shall apply shall bo defined by the following boundaries :— on the westward, by a line drawn from Cape Farewell to Mount Arthur ; on the southward, by a line drawn from Mount Arthur to the Top House ; and On the eastward, by a line drawn from the Top House to Pepin's Island. These lines to include all the water shed into Massacre and Blind Bays. 2. That a claim to the Bonus shall be confined to the land comprised withiir'a circle described by a radius of two miles fifffm a centre to be named by the claimant. 3. That the proof of the existence of a workable Gold Field shall consist in a number of not less at i any one time than two hundred and fifty men, having been engaged in the search for Gold upon the land specified (according to condition No. 2) for a period of four consecutive months. 4. That all claims shall be referred to the following gentlemen, whose decision shall ba final : — The Resident Magistrate for the time being, the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the time being, and the chairman of this meeting, D. ScLANDrKS, Eeq. Oswald Cubtis, Nelson, Ist September, 1856. . non. Sec. TTNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA.— U THURSDAY NEXT, the 4th instant, will be obaerrod as a HOL^DA>'AT THIS BANK. Alexandee Kerb, Ist September, 1856. Manager. A PARTMENTS for SINGLE GENxSI tlemen. j t AjJply at J. Shabpe's, j --* Colh'ngwood-street, Nelson. rriHE undersigned will START FOR THE JL WAIRAU, with CATTLE OR SHEEP, on tho Fourth 1 of every Month ; and FROM THE WAIRAU FOR WAIMEA, on the 14th. Persons wishing Stock taken or brought down, will find immediate attention paid by applying to Messrs. Ellis and Nicholas, Richmond. TO STAND THIS SEASON, at RiverHill Fabm, Riwaka Valley, that superior Cart Horse YOUNG CAPTAIN. Terms-:— Four Pound* (to be paid on orbefc>re the Ist of January, 18&7J, and Five Shillings to the Groom (to be paid" on tho first service), for each Mare. James Cook. /CLEARING SALE.— J. P. BLACK, \J DRAPER, Trafalgar-street, feeling that Ins increased and steadily incre«sing business requires increased accommodation, is about to erect larger premises, and as under the circumstancoe it is desirable to REDUCE STOCK as much as possible, J. P. B. intimates that, witli a view to this abject, he offers to DEDUCT TEN PER CENT, from every purchase amounting to 10s. and upwards, made at his Warehouse between Monday, 25th instant, and Monday, 16th of the following month, after which date busHSfess will necessarily be suspended for » ihort time. Nelson, August 23, 1856. TUST RECEIVED, and ON SALE by the £l undersigned :— India-rubber Rings for babies Robinson's Prepared Groats Fine Salad Oil, in draught and bottlo LinseeedfMeal Babies' Bottles Alum Nursery Lamps A fresh assortment of Confectionery Preston Smelling Salts Cod Liver Oil Ground Alum Mustard Ginger Cream of Tartar • Dalby's Carminativf. C. Macbhake.
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XV, 3 September 1856, Page 2
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834Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XV, 3 September 1856, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XV, 3 September 1856, Page 2
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