PROCLAMATION. Whereas by an ordinance enacted by the Lieu-tenant-Governor of New Zealand, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, Sess. 6, No. 1, intituled "An Ordinance to empower the Governor of New Zealand to regulate the Importation and Sale of Arms, Gunpowder, and other Warlike Stores," power is given to the Governor by proclamation to prohibit, or to make provision for regulating and restricting throughout the colony or within any district thereof, the importation and sale of arms, gunpowder, and other warlike stores ; and whereas it is expedient that restrictions should immediately be placed on the importation and sale of arms, gunpowder, and other warlike stores :
Now, therefore, I, the Lieutenant-Governor, in pursuance of the authority in me vested by the said recited ordinance, do hereby prohibit, throughout the colony of New Zealand, the importation, sale, and other disposition of arms, gunpowder, and other warlike stores, except in manner and subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned ; that is to say —
From and after the date hereof, no arms, gunpowder, or other warlike stores, shall be imported and landed, or sold, or otherwise disposed of in the colony of New Zealand, without a license first obtained for that purpose under the hand of the Lieutenant- Governor, Superintendent of the Southern Division, the Colonial Secretary, or of such other person as shall be duly authorized for that purpose, and at the place, in the manner, and according to the terms and conditions specified in such license : provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent any person coming into the colony from landing such arms and ammunition as he may carry for personal defence or for purposes of sporting, or shall apply to the importation and landing of supplies for the use of her Majesty's land or sea forces. And I do hereby also proclaim and declare, that for more effectually detecting and preventing the unlawful importation, sale, and other disposition of arms, gunpowder, and other warlike stores, I will cause to be awarded to any person or persons who shall have been active in procuring the conviction of any offender, under the provisions of the said recited ordinance, one-half of the penalty which may be recovered by virtue thereof. Given under my hand, &c, Auckland, George Grky, January 21, 1846. Lieutenant-Governor.
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume IV, Issue 207, 21 February 1846, Page 203
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