MANY HISTORICAL ANNIVERSARIES October is a mi.nth rich in interesting historical anniversaries, ami also important hapcpuiiigs in the Great War. On the Ist the ancient city of Damascus was captured (1918). The French entered Si. Quentin on the 2nd; on the J9lh Lille was captured. The 24th saw the Allied offensive in Italy. On the 26th General Allenhy occupied Aleppo, and on the 30th the Turkish surrender look place all in 1918. On the 2911 i the first- American shots were fired in France, 1917. On the Bth, eight vessels were sunk by U 53 in 1916. Antwerp was occupied by (be Germans on thl' 9th, 1914, and The Germans captured Belgrade on the 10th 1915. On the 31st the British captured Beersheba in 1917. On the 4th October 1866. that- gang of outlaws known as the 'Ma.ungata.ptl Murderers" were hanged in Nelson. Nurse Cavell was executed bv the Germans on the 12th 1915. On the 16th, 1914, the N.Z. Expeditionary Force sailed from New Zealand. ' On the 11th the South African War began in 1899. The 21st is the anniversa.ry of the great naval battle of Trafalgar, and the death of Lord Nelson. On the 7th, 1769, Capt. Cook landed in Poverty Bay. On the same date Edgar Allan Roe, the gifted American poet died i,i 1849. On the 15th the Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582, which brought about the "new style" of reckoning time, and the last English legalised lottery took place on the 18th 1826. On the 3rd Wellington was made the capital of New Zealand. 1864, and the provinces were abolished on the 12th 1875. Thirty-two years ago on the 28th, the Wairarapa was wrecked on the Great Barrier, with heavy loss of life. The Order of the Bath was instituted on the 11th. 1399; and Nelson city wilt on the 17th have had three yea.?; oT electric lighting. On the Bth the great fire in Chicago took place (1871). The 14th is the date of the Battle of Hastings (1066), and the advent of William the Conqueror. The 25th of October is Labour Day, and the 31st is Hallowmas Eve—the eve of All Saints' Day—a- time associated, especially in Scotland, with certain pleasing superstitions, attractively set forth in Burn's poem "Hallowe'en."'
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 1 October 1926, Page 7
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