A STEP into our STORE means an assurance of Quality. We do not plan to compete with olhor dealers in price, and They Cannot Hope to compete with us in Quality. Quality is remembered longer than Price, and we profit most by the Satisfaction of our Customers. This week we are showing a splendid sample range of Men's Boots and Shoes, priced at 17/6 per pair. They are remarkable value, and were made ,by men who put the wear in footwear. "We know our service satisfies. There's almost double service in a pair of our Shoes. NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING! FACTORY, Insist on Central Trafalgar-St. rN&W'ZEALAND I CLOTHING FACTORY It is Guarantee. >ves beautiful jewelery the kind that is sold by Louis Kerr, 109 Trafalgar St. So if you want to please a lady mother or wife, "sister or sweetheart —go to Lousi Kerr's for a brooch or bracelet, necklet or pendant. Hundreds of beautiful designs at all prices. LOUTSKERR, IQQ TRAFALGAR STREET. Note the address. MANURES. "AIR WORK.—MRS GAW makes a . Speciality of Artistic and Up-to- JIUdLST QUALITY BONE AND date Hair Work. Only the best of Hair BLOOD. used. Guaranteed Pure Combings made up. Head and Face Massage, Manicure, TON LOTS: £6 5s Cash; £6 10a Term*. etc.—Trafalgar-st., opposite Municipal On Wharf Motueka and Nelson, buildings. NEALK AND HADDOW. quality. Silver Jam Spoons, from Is 6d. Silver Butter Knives from Is '6d. Silver Jam and Better Dishes from 5s 6d Silver Hot Water Jugs from 20s. Silver Teapots from 17s 6d. Silver Tea Trays, from 253. Silver Cake Dishes from 17s 6d. Silver Flower Vases from 3s 6d. HERE is nothing like a few articles JL of SILVERWARE to add to the richness and attractiveness of the Sideboard or Dining Table. And Good Silverware need not be expensive, as this list shows. All these goods are of dainty design, and durable nun.lit.v- \ :les the exese ble BROWN BROS. Jewellers, Trafalgar Street. Tools for the Carpenter, Blacksmith, Gas Fitter Plumber, Bricklayer, Mason, Farmer, Gardener and Amateur. Our Tools are made by the best Fnglish and American makers and are marked at the lowest prices. We make a speciality of importing all the la<es~ mproved Tools as soon as they appear in the Horn markets. THE Wilkins & FieldHardwareCo ,Ud H'irdy Street and Selwyn Place, £ij BE lea SCS ■
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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 29 January 1913, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 29 January 1913, Page 6
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