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It should be understood that the crdi- | nary municipal franchise will not apply at the loan polls to be taken on Wednesday. Only ratepayers and owners of freehold property will be qualified to vote. ' , '' v . The gold return from the Parapara Hydraulic Sluicing Company ? s work's at West's Flat was 45 ounces, represening only three and a-half weeks' work."Argus." Mr Jas. Simpson, farmer, Karamea, •picked lip a bottle recently on the beach near Oparara, says Thursday's "Golden . Bay Argus.'.' . In the bottle was a.noto f seating, "H. Wilson stranded on Heaphy ' rock; help at once required. One leg broken, and no food. Dated 26th June, 1912." Constable Johns left with food and other necessaries,- in company, with Mr Donaldson. It may be a hoax, but the police consider it advisable to make sure. The men will have seventeen miles oh foot after getting off their horses. I A treeting of the Nelson Swimming i Club was held in Stallard's room last evening to consider matters in connection with the loan proposal for the salt water swimming baths at the Port. It, was decided fro" donate £lO towards the expenses incurred by .the committee in furthering the proposal. A ; p-.' preciation was recorded of the commit-, tee's efforts. ■ ■ '.'.." A large plan of the. waterworks re- 1 i serve, showing in addition the area^ the i City Council, with the sanction of .the ratepayers, propose to acquire, is on view ill Messrs Jackson and Co.'s window. The plan was kindly furnished by Mr F. I. Ledger, a member of. tho Land and Traffic Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and it shows very clearly the location of the area in question, and its relation to the streams which feed the Brook above the weir. Tralhen's Sale.—"3s ladies' chip, straw and felt Hats; untrimmed. Usually 5s to 10s; now all one price, Is, each.* What is known as the wireless incon'ograph is the. latest and most wonderful thing in telegraphy. It is the invention of an Italian boy, Francesco do Baiocchie.' and from ' its correspondent in Milan the "Daily Chronicle" has received .particulars of the surprising results obtained. Besides ordinary messages, the ineonograph tranihits autographs, shorthand characters, and any kind of cryptograph, air of which are reproduced at the receiving end with absolute fidelity to the" originals. Iho transmitter and receiver can be-applied to the ordinary wireless plant. The Italian Minister for War is so impressed with the advantages of the ■ invention that he is taking steps .to secure its exclusive possession for Italy. Visit Trathen's Winter Sale. Hosts of. e;ood things .cheap.* Ask for the popular "Roslyn Writing Bads at (3d and la each.* Warner's Corsets are so perfect in pat tern and workmanship that they will fit perfectly, and not become useless until the whole garment is completely worn ont. Every pair guaranteed by local drapers not to rust; break, or tear. Prices from 6s to 17s 6d pair.* Eyestrain! Eyestrain! Mr H. H. Cooto, of the firm of Cootc and Sandstein, Consulting Opticians, Lajnbton yuuy (opp.'Bank of N.Z.), Wellington, will make his usual quarterly professional visit to Nelson, and may bo consulted on Saturday, July 6th; Monday, July Bth; and Tuesday, July 9th: at the ro'oms over Messrs Rout and Sons', Hardy-st. Consultation Free.*

The following vessels should be withim . wireless range co-day: Tainui, Victoria.,' Maheno, Ulimaroa, Moeraki, Hanroto- ■;,. The registrations under the Arbitration Act <ii seveii industrial unions of employers and of five unions of workers have just ibeen cancelled. ; • '■ Miss Gladys Watkins, of Wellington, who is on a- visit to Nelsonj with .sing the solo "I Know that My 'Bedeeniet Liveth," from "Tho Messiah," .at 'Sty'. John's Methodist Church _t°- mQ rrow evening. ■•■■'. - ; During May 2758 people arrived iii thoDominion from overseas, and 3197 left it. In May of 1911 the arrivals numbered 3309 and the departures 3400." • A concert will be held at Ivichmohd' oh Thursday, 25th inst'., in aid\of 'tho ! fund to renew the scenery in tlie. Oddfellows' Hall. Mrs Haro'ld Moore'.will assist at the concert. ITm members of the Loyal Orange Lodges' are requested, to attend- evening' service at the Baptist Church to-morrow. It was decided by the Wellington City Council on Thursday to purchase calculating machines for the tramways department, as recommended by the" board of management, which estimates a.-saying of £SOO pel' annum by the new system. Miss Christie, organising lecturer in New Zealand for the. Theosophical. Society, will deliver a lecture ,in the Oddfellows' Hall, next Friday, 'at 8 p.m. Her subject' will be ''Human. Life in Three Worlds." Other lectures will follow, at each of which a collection will \w taken up. The Northern Union Rugby Leagm? , has been granted the use" of Newtown Park for July 20th Cor a match Wellington v. the New Zealand team now touring Australia, and for a fiiatch with (ho New South Wales team an August 94th Permission has been given tho League to take up a collection on" totb occasions. Mr. Slinger, engineer to the Drainage Board, has now practically completed tho drawing of his very comprehensive plans in connection with the scheme for draining the. whole of the Ivaikoraf.Valley, from 1 Balmacewen to the outfall *at tho ocean adjacent ._to the mouth of the Kaikorai stream. The scheme will"cost about £40.0C0. "And what is the cost, of three-tooth wethers?" asked the chairman of the Cost of Living Commission (Mr. E. Tregaar) 1 of Mr.' C. K. Wilson, M.P., afc . Wellington, on Monday. "Ha ! ha.! Ex- fcuse me, but you make mo laugh," said ' Mr.. Wilson. "Wethers teeth come in pairs, you know; they rise from twotooth to four-tooth. You don't get threetooth wethers." The chairman • laughed as heartily as anyone at his error. * ' ■ Tho borough authorities at Napier on Friday last (says the "Daily Telegraph,") •receiiT-d a consignment of ladybirds for liberation "wirh-'fc. view to checking tho s-cale on the Norfolk -l&Uwd...phies on tlite Marine Parade. >The distributed between several trees Parade by the head gardener. A further "~ A supply is to be forwarded by the Agricultural Department as soon as tfiey can be. collected. Sixty-three brandies of the New Zeavland Sport?- Protection League have now been formed in the Dominion, and when the general secretary has completed the preliminary work, the Board of Control expect to have the numibcr increnscd> to 100 Hospital affairs were discussed at a. meeting of the Women's Political League last week (says the "New Zealand Herald,") and a resolution was 'carried protesting against the board's proposal to bring a matron and nurses from England, seeing that there are already a number of competent trained nurses m the Dominion.

_ (Giving'evidence before the Cost of Living Comision at Wellington, Mr A. Leigh Hunt, manager of; the' New Zealand Farmers' Cpvoperative ; Company, said it was almost impossible: •-'■■ to' Sell dairy butter to the public. Most of ■•. it went to the pastrycooks, because* the, consumer demanded., < well-known brands. Last winter, when butter was ts"6d,< 'all , honey went begging, at 3id.a lb. Pecple did hot adapt' themselves to the position, ' mad© one thiijk that the cost of ■>.. living did not press" so \hcavily xipom the people; ■■•'. ■.:',';■■■ : '_fV':'; : . ■"'■'■'.' v .. , . ; '.'■'••. ■ The Dunedin correspondent, of 'the , "Lyttelton Times" states that oh Wednesday tho Moeraki took about 600 tons of potatoes for Sydney,' while the Waihora,.sailing from the"Bluff to-day, will ship 800 tons, making 1400 ; tons for the week. For New Zealand potatoes Syd- -y neyites are giving ■.; £l6 per ton. / while the local price is only £6. A comprehensive list of "charges", consumes £2 10s of the difference, and 30s remains as prospectiveNprofit. Most of the potatoes are being sent on consignment... . New. York papers publish reports fronfr Niagara Falls of what is de&criibed, a." the most daring rescue in the' anitals of United States history. A man* tfiiutied ' Henry Smith fell into the river above the falls, and, though only, a little distance from ■ ify*. , bank, ■he : was 1 swept down'towards the brink of the torrent, and his doom seamed inevitable. But three men ' who -were lower down the and who had seen/Smith's plight, rushed into ' the water. The first, throwing himself in, was held by the second man, and as the latter swam • from the- bank he in turn was held by the third man, who grippe.!.! his feet firmly with .both hands. A human chain was thus formed, aii& r the man furthest out was jufct -aMfe to grip held of Smith, who was swept past in an unconscious condition. Several persons on the bank, wb\> had; been holding on to the feet of tho last man, then drew all four to the bank,.. The spot where the rescue was effected' was only a few yards from the brink of thq falls." Tho usual outburst of would-bo witticisms, was produced at the Chrratchurch Magistrate's Court rocentlv when a number of youths were charged with having failed to comply with the provisions oi;tho Defence Act. * One ]ad said that he *had hot served.because he thought Jie could get out of it, "as tho Defence Act was sure ,to fall through." "I was a Volunteer for two years, but got sick of it, so I turned it up,'' said another. One man. who was evidently well-meaning, but unused to soldier!v discipline, aired a grievance to the Magistrate in hi a most colloquial .'. and. confiding manner. "I was drilling one day," he said, "and I turned round wrong, and the cove who was drilling us came up «tnd roared like a bull." . "You, are unused to drill sergeants' little ways, evidently,' 6flid the Magistrate, laughingly,. "Did you ever hear the story of the Irish drill-sergeant?" "I don't know whether ho was Irish,' said the youth, "He was a bloke who is always going around with a cane." The Court laughed loudlv and the Defence officers present joined in. To-day! At Trathen's Sale.—24 ready- ' to-wear Hats, all new this sea.=on; nt, k>*s than half-price, Is lid; 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid.* ■.■;■ Messrs Bislc.y Bros, and Qn. will svll on Monday next, a gent's gold Watch; on Wednesday next, they will hold ,'n stock sale at B.iehmond. Trathen's Sale.—-29 nfew, smart' Hat Pharos'; usually 6s to 10s, now 'all 2s. lid.* . '

Mr J. Baird notifies that he has removed to the premises in TrafalgaT-street lately occupied by. Messrs Sharland Bros. Messrs Sharland Bros, notify that fhey iiave removed to Bridge-street to the premises lately occupied by the Farmers' -Agency Company. "Brigdier Gist will conduct the services at the Salvation Army Citadel to-morrow. The annual social meeting is announced for Monday next, at "8, when the Brigadier will present the soeiaJ report. Refreshments will be served at the close. The admission, is 6d, and the proceeds will be in aid of the rescue work. Several months, ago a stranger called . 'at Mrs. F. N. Jones' stables and hired ' a horse. From that day the man has not been seen by Mrs Jones, he and the horse disappearing. Recently word was received that the horse was believed to foe at Jordan, some 40 miles or so distant from "Seddon. The police visited Jordan and identified the horse, which was brought to Picton, and then shipped on to Nelson, arriving here to-day. The animal is in a shocking condition. It has a sore., "back, and is nothing but a "bag of bones." The man who took the- : horse 'gave it to sorre rabbiters at Jordan, and then left that district. The animal'was in possession of the rabbiters when "discovered by the police. An enjoyaible and instructive debate ■was held by the members of the newlyformed Young Men's Improvement Class at the Church of Christ last evening. The subject was, c 'ls it desirable that Ireland obtain Home ilule?" The affirmative was taken by 'Mr. G. Page, junr., supported by. .Messrs -L. Page and H. Bebarfald ; and the negative was led by Mr. F. V. Kn'app, supported iby Messrs H. Aimes and A. .Greed. After 'the : debate a ballot of; those present was taken, with the result■: that, a' large majority was in favour, of the affirmative. The meetinsrs of the Class.will be held fortnightly. The subject for the next meeting will be "Impromptu Speeches." An invitation is extended to all young men. interested to became members.

The Manawatu papers are having an amusing disputation in regard to the vacant portfolio. The "Times," which opposed Mr. Buick at the election as unfit for a number of Teasons to be a member of Parliament, :how suddenly discovers that he would make an exceilent Cabinet Minister. The "Standard/ which supported Mr. Buick for Parliament, is indignant at the suggestion. "It is manifestly absurd," says the journal, "that a good man should be left ..but and an'amiaible nonentity included.- simply because the one comes from-a province already represented in Parliament, while the other happens to be the representative of a Government stronghold."

People ought to know, declares the "Family "Doctor," that the very best thing they can do is to eat apples just before retiring for the night. Persons uninitiated in the mysteries of <he fruit are liable to throw up thffTv~ horror at the visions otdyspepsin.which such summon up, font can come even to-'a delicate system" by the eating of ripe and juicy apples before'going to bed. The apple. proceeds this authority, is excellent brain food, because-it has more phosphoric «cid in easily-digested shape than any other fruits. It excites the action of the liver, promotes sound and healthv sleep, and thoroughly disinfects the mouth. This is not all—the apple prevents indigestion and' throat diseases.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 13 July 1912, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 13 July 1912, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 13 July 1912, Page 4


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