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The Citizen-" Rand gave a concert in the Botanical Reserve yesterd'ay afternoon, the music being listened to by a numerous- gathering. A general meeting of the Nelson Kennel Club wi'4 be held this evening at the Chamber of Commerce Rooms. The Grevmouth .co-operative society hats agreed upon the plnns for a handsome two-.-t-o-rey .preml-es. bakehouse, etc. to be erected fron.iing Main Street, says a Pre.-vi message to-d.iv. l t The ladies' championship iratchrs in ' eoiuiec tiou with the Nelson Ping Pong • Club will be played to-morrow evening.' commencing at 7 o'clock. ') The monthly meeting o-f the Ladies' ' Loyal Orange Lodge will, be held in the Ora.iiigo Hall to-morrow evening. Mi A. R. .Muir. of the proprietorship < I' the "Poverty Bay Herald.'' Gisborne. together with his son, of that- paper's Parliamentary staff, is on a short visit to Nelson.. i 11 is learnt that a number ot Timaru ' Savages will visit the Nelson tribe ' early in September. A special korero will be arranged in honour of the Southern tribesmen's visit. It is just as well, that owners of valuable dogs should know that the dog poi.-oner is about again. As an evidence of thi< a line dog was seen lying dead in Rits.-01-stroct t.ii,;.- nu.iniiiig. it is also as well for the poisoners to know that laying po-i.-un ks punishable by law. and it should net be vi >-v hard for the police to detect- those who are given to thi--' practice. '•Last oveiiing at Paekakari ki,'' writes a correspondent of the ''l'os,;,'' -'I went on the beach to pick up dri f I wood. About thirty fee; above the ebb tide 1 saw what I imagined was a log of wood. I approached with iho idea of testing its ■ wcigl,-; and seating' capacity. Conceive inv surprise when the large head and open month, with oani'no ioorh, of a six-foot sea] were revealed. It lav asleep, head on the sand, and (ins closed by its side. At ray approach it woke up and snapped viciously, and in ado for me slowl/. I retreated and throw a small pebble at it. Tt deliberately yawned, buried its nose in the sand, and after the lapse of a few minutes flapned vigorously towards the water, and disappeared in the breakers. The oldest inhabitant of Pao-kakariki cannot recan s=iifli a visitor. T am told. So the ineidenf sliould lie of interest to students of Xature in New Zealand.'-" It is interesting to note that of the prisoners received into the gaols of New-

Zealand during last year only 28 wore of what its described as pos'se'ssmg "superior education." No fewer than 4885 j males, a.nd 533 females- wore able to road and write ; 64 males and seven fe'inalos could read <>n!v. and 230 males. and 22 females could neither read nor write. Rotten.—Owing to the rotten state of the .soft goods trade of the Dominion— We have been able to secure a wholesale stock of beautiful Shantung Silks 27 incihe.a wide 1.11 all the newest colourings, which will lie offered at our sale on Thursday next at Is lid per yard.—The Auckland Clothing and Drapery Coy.* A complaint reaches this office from l""o.vhiIl mat larrikins from other parts of the Wa.imens make a practice of meeting here on Sundav mights and annoving people. It is stated "that the church services are interfered with. Last night after church, the gang a,mia--ed themselves by endeavouring to trip pedestrians bv mean- of string stretched across the road. Even practices on ordinary nights call for cinwlomnation. but a. most emphatic protest is raised against such ind.ulgence on Sundays: a.ud should this warning be insufficient it its to be hoped that there will be an appearance at Hie Ma.gis.trate's Court, and a, salutary fine. On Thursday next our sale starts of the charming white embroidered Blouse Costumes at 7s lid each. There will be •-.miethiiig to talk about- when those costumes j,re shown.— The Auckland Clothing and Drapery Coy.* A Wellington dentist has been adjudged a- bankrupt.

A floral, display that, will create a sensation in Nelson will lie seen in our showroom at ■ our sa!,e on i. hursday next. —-Tim .Auckland CkHhintc and Drapery oy. * Or. A. M "Arthur. H.M.. intends leaving London for Wellington by the If.M.S. Arawa on September 15. Millinery Creations from Paris .and London at our sale- on Thursday next thai will stagger the. la.dies of Nelson. Never in the hi.-tory of the province has sneb an entrancing ri.b-nl.av been so en in the city.—The Auckland Clotbimg and Drapery Coy." Mr. 1! M'N"-.ib ta.kes up permanent residence at Palmerston on Thursdav. f• ti-t your dollars ready for Thursday next : v-.iu will want them all at our •; ile o-n' dale.—The Auckland Clothill•_>■ and Drapery Coy.*

Tii,. monthly ne.eiiuj. ~i the Southern Star .Masonic Lodge will be hold to lll.ll'i'nW.

A ran.'.M-r .-Jat.-d in I lie V\e!i.ngt.-m .MajJstiaU-'.- Court that a woman ha.l refusul i.oii:.L l.iank to r. g;:~lcr h-r dog ~,n the" mound thai tile ii.)i; tax was "an unjust imposition on the part ot the t ity Coiim ii."'

The Rev. W. formerly stationed at Nelson, preached to lame congregations at. St. John's Church yesterday. He seems to have lost none of his vigour and enthusiasm, and his lecture this evening in St. John** schoolroom on '•Sunuv and Shady Reminiscences ot Other Land.s." it is expected will attract a large gathering.

Lord Islington has been informed by the Secretary <>i" Slate for the (Y!on;.-> that his jUafcsiv ha< bc-m pleased to decide that the pjriod of fill] Court inoi:i-;i i.i:,-- for his la,te -Maje-tv shall lenili.ii'e in New Zealand on September 6 instead :,< November 6. During the pei til '-r half-Court mourning, beginning- hi ' ; c tuber 1, hiri Excellency, in common .\;tii ctiier Covernors. may attend and give but no halls may be "iven in (lovernineiit lloii-e until a'icr 7,i a v b. 1911.

It w understood that at the meeting of the WE:iirj2ton Trades and Labour Council, it was. decided, in reply Po a ?i-ggc?tion from the Wc-lLi.ngtoii Presbytery, to appoint six member.-' of tho Presbyterian body to the cij-er' relationship' between tile Church and Labour. The. resolution was carri, :l by 17 voter to 12. It is nigge-tod. i-iv.--the "Dominion." that the decision of the Labour h.-.dy may be regarded as a sign of the limes, since a. few years ago. when a simiLar proop-al was made to the Canterbury Trades and Labour Council, no aiiiswer was received.

The value of deep-breathing exercises i.~ emphasised in tne annua.; r< port on the junior cadet .sy.-tein. It is stated that in tile. .syllabus of in-truetie:i issued during the year strrfi; wy.; laid (.!'. the important e of phy-ieal tra in: i:g. tC per cent of then time a'lloted for drill '■eing ypt ;>.pa.i t fi:r this pur);:-e. and. where jic--v-il)le. to deep-brent 1. in;; t-xei-eisies. In <>rder to show what can he done by a systematic course of |hy- !■.■;:! training, accurate records were kept of the luiig-ca.pacit Y.s of the hoys in the secondary department of the (li-eytown District High School before undergoing a course of physical training, and showing the result after a t/hree-mnu'ths' cottrse. T'he chest ex-pam-ion amounted to from 3in. to s;?iii. The results of a two-months' course <-.,f deep-breathing s-h.-.w remarkable increases, in lung capacities, ranging from 5 to 55 cub. in.

[ .'-'■ peaking in the House ct Representa- ; tives. Mr T. E. Taylor suggested that a number of racecourses in the Dominion. ni.eliidi.n,g the Riecarton ground. were much too large for the pu.rpc-o for wlri-cli they were used. If he -had his way he would have the excess area devoted to anothc-r recreation pui-po-..'. Referring to tin's, matter. Air W'iftv denied that- t !>'.-> grounds in question wer,. too extcn-ive. S.Mr Taylor: Oh, yes hey are. Air Witty went on to point out that, the RYcart.-'m reserve ccnlnined the largest course in Xew Zealand; it tras H- miles in length. .Mr Taylor: Too long; you .-honld no in for shorttr races. .Mr' Witty: If' you were to go to races a little more' it woit.ld broaden your mind. (Laughter.) An.,l if you were to run round the Your ~ ■f would also broaden your mind and .-.horten your wind. (Further merriment.) -—''Dominion.")

.'' rr.o dili'i-iili v In-, arisen as io which flag t.he Commonwealth Xaval. [."nit .shall fly. It wa.s proposed that Australia's f lag '•'hoiihl wave over Australia's fleet, but the Admiralty has pointed out enlv the blue and white ensigns of the British Navy are ree, .gui-.-d i, v f, ~'::>.

nations. Canada has been confronted with a >imi!ar dillierltv. il. r ,p: :>p. -,: I :'- that blue eirsign" ;diou!d be eiubi !- listed with a menle leaf. Tho Admira !• v intends to ].'. Tv: question sitthd a- regards tho Dominions as a. win.!.-, and pos-ibly will o:idca\ our io have th" Do minions' flays included im the iiXornaUt.'in.L i-oclo. It i, : suggested by Senator Peateo the bts,; ni<;Ji::d o»' ..efti;. .- over the dillicnltv is for the linned] authorities to adopt Canada's .>- im-c -l? ; n for using the Kiisiuii. wiilTa tll< finetive mark, ind.ieativo of the pa.rleular Dominion concerned .

"Have yon over tried to live on £3 n week with a sick wife and two children, pay 18i.a week rent, chemist and doctor, and keep up a respect ah e appearance'/" said -Mr Haselden. S.M.. to :■ solicitor who was applying for an order m. the Wellington Magistrate's Court last Tuesday i'or an am...,,if owing on a suit of clothes. The solicitor admitted that the. position was a difficult one. "Of course, it's very hard on the plaintiffs." said the magistrate, "they have to pay wages, find material, and other things, but 1 can't make an order m this case." There were two other casgs during the morning in weieh the magistrate refused an order, one being a. case where a man with only . :ie arm testified that he had not avora<- ••:! more than £1 a week since Christn?:. -. and was paying 15s a, week in rent, while lie had a wife and child to support

Mr 11. Lang and :l party of a dozer. [ men. carpenters, liners, and fisherincii; also 'building materials, in :l . chinory. oil launches,, and whaleboats—the plant of the Chatham Islands "fishing Company—have left Wellington for the" Chat ham islands (says the •' Post "). The principal lisli-curing will not ,> undertaken, catch in large quantities is blue cod. for which the Chatham Islands waters are renowned. There will be three stout whab-boa js, and three seven horse-oower motor haunch's engaged in the fisheries. The fish will be caught by liandline. the bottom in the vicinity of the Chat hams being generally unsuitable by reason <if its rocky character i'or trawling. A plant capable of freezing and keeping frozen (ill tons of fish' will be erected on the company's properly Cower will be supplied by ~ u-,'s-produeor plant. Coke for'th'is phi nt will have to be taken down for fu-I from time to time. The fish will be supplied to both the local a d \ ns tralian markets. F„ r the ])v^m fish-enuring will not be ~„ dertuke,, UK' catches will ibe brought to Wei liissfoii by tho steam trawW \„,, -Mvi',l. Vivo mm who wil| be on', ,n the industry f ol - the ~„,„_ pany .are well trained. Air 1 ■„,„■ who will direct operations, t-nin.. t nun Australia recent Iv.

The great sale Is drawin n-t,, a „ wirf . a final clearance of the .vt.»s«-k evcrv -ir- .<•« ,s marked down to .a, Vf' . \ ou will bQ • ' • An,ti,e, TrafalgarWilli the coming ,«,.,.[„„ 0111 . L;ldv n L , Pa< . V'f.° i-emFntlt-d that the Inst ship n'cnts of Spring and .Summer Millinc'v •ire now liuiiii; flimvn at Mrs AnsticoV, wner.? everything that is correct and comm ? for the coming season may t.e seen, including stylish read v-to-wc-nis 'ail marked at most moderate pr-.i (-all and inspect. A visit will he unci' appreciated.—.Mrs Anstice. 1 riOi-ar-streefc.* r

Try Paparoa Coal—Makes no soot or smoke. Lasts longer and gives more heat than coke. Nelson Seed and Produce Co,. Ltd.. Agnts. 'Phome 91.*

Op. iat ion.- at llic Tciakobc Cement Works mar Takaka. are proceeding ,i)j,'H'(:. I'elwecn ami 60 men are ni.w i iiLjaj,i,l in excavating fur tin. l site •••!' till- work*. A larue accommodation h..n.e has lif en erected fur the hands, and ,".-, divided oil - into apartments, each lor two men. 'The wharf is completed.

but i iic apiiruach lias yet to he made. A liaclmu'enyine and stone crusher ar i:\e.j at the works a day or two a«o, A novel method of getting I lie engine to ill" seem: of action was adopted. The > .igiiic steamed to Poha.ia Beach. and ua/. there up on to a punt, which, had ( .me in with the tide and left high and drv. The following tide the punt taken across to Terakolle Point, and at low water the engine was unshipped an.| taken to its destination.

Tin- anniversary of the Congrcgali. nal Church was eelenraled ye.-terday. when tiiei-e were good i oiigrega.tions morning and evening. I'll,, sermon oil both «.•■.•- ca-!o.'.s wa-' preached by the Rev. crank \\:.u.-y. ami ni- disvuiusi.s were listened to w .ii'li d,t p intere.-l. At the evening service An-. A. 11. Thompson .sang- "C,alilee." and the quartette. "Cast thy Hurden on tin; Lord." was rendered by .mi-, ami .mis. A. O. rhum.p.-on. Miss L. Kershaw, and Air. J. Ker.-haw. The an them cllo-eil wa.s "Let Cod Arise." A tea and social gathering will be held on \\ l evening in further celebration, i.f the an.r.iversary.

A former resident of New Zealand, ■writing from Argentine tu a friend in L i.iistchurch, bays: —"The American trust;- have got this country iu the palm of their hand, as there is not :i concern here that will freeze tin own.'is* account. As a consequence, although meat is up to unprecedented prices in Loudon, here tat stock are actually selling on a con! inually falling market. Our of La i'lata works the trust made i;i!.-/i,<i(!o last year. In three and al.alf yi-ais they have taken the pur-eim-e' prici of £7.">O,(HHI out of profits. They have now bought La Blanco works, and are I'.xl end ing t hem. so as. ;.-, kill |iiii;i bullocks and -J'M><> or sheep per day. They have got,

~, ! . i.. -aid on good ant hority, Ihe American home meat trade in their hands; they 1.-.ive certainly got i lie i-sji ir, m.-a i trade of t h.-ti conn! ry under their thum'bs. Hero they are alriady losses of the export trailo, .-s'lil iiuw : hey are going' for the io.-al trade. 'i'hey are extending (heir wnlks for this jiui-pose. Once 1 h-ev ge; control of this they will be masters, of the in oat siinpiy in Kiiglaml. the States, and Argentine. 1 hey will then squeeze Xer.v Zealand .mi the Smit.'iiield niarkot. You have got no li.-of. and rhey will corner your buyoi s by making thorn nay more _ for hoc!' if tl.-ev don't also take mutton

i'l'om ;'i< :n. It would pay the Now /'oaalinl Covernment to .study this <lu<-sl ion clo-sely.

Di;;!i;ig with the interference of the !,<-gi- 'at im e with awards of the -Arbitration Court. .Mr. K. \Y. Hobhs. speaking at the annual nieetimg of the C'lili-.i-church Employers' A-seciation. says the "Press." remarked that- it a.pp-jared to liim 'h-it th,. proper course would be for employers in every casie when going before the Court li r an award tj endeavour to get a clause .-.imihi.r to that inseited in the WoiVlugt; ut C. ok, and \'. eiit -I's and the Hot- rua- Hoard.ingh.i uses awards, which provide* thu-t the award shall r ea •■ to ..p.-rato in the event --f eny changes in the labour conditions being '!!?:! ' hv leg!sl-:t : . n. Another means uon!d be to gi i an amending clause in the Aibitrath n A< t to provide (.hat when logiskit-on is pas-rd which ;i It ci.-. the

wa ;e I.M-' or ;niv of tjic conditions of labour in an existing award any p.'irty to such awaid should have theYign! to

:'!>piv I'i.i- a new :i\v;in!, ut >t with.-1 a nding th- i'.i. 1 thai I hi' period fur which tin" ixistin.r award was made had not oxpir'•'l. At t lie pr, -..lit time there is hardl.any industry which i, s m-t affected in

.-■ tn.' degree by our laws. T-ho awards are made snbioi t "i'i such exi-ling laws. :nt ,\ the adoption of either of the two suggestions mad.' would ensure a coot inuation of thai- principle.

To-morrow, th," ladies' day.—Everett Hi-ethers' first tdiew >,f spring .Milliner v. *

Chris. Johnson's Cut lory and Plato is Ihe theme of I!. Snodgrass and .Sons' replace advi. on page 7 of this issue*

Heantil'iil and art's! :c will be the vordii t of thi.-e wlut will ealj and see t.he new n il.'iuery whi.h will be <n vi;w at Mes-is Kvu'ott Hrothers' to-morrow.*

Siveia] <!.,] orchards have been destroyed at Ahisterton. a.~ T.he and su.ri-srt way of eradicating insect posts.

To-morrow Mo-srs Kverett IJros. will make a special ;uui first show of •-•priiy millinery ju.-t o-pened up. Ladies are < t-l■ c 1 i; 111 y invited to call and w-e the very beautiful loi of s.tyles which wilil be <lll view.* Mr. J. V. Saunders, the Victorian and i 111 c rna 1: .hi a 1 cricketer, who ha-.-' been appointed (UH-h and ground-man. to the \\ clliugt. >ii Cricket Association. is to leave .Melbourne for Wellington by the \\ arrimo-o on August- 31. | C harming Millinery To-morrow—-j There will be on vic.w at. Messrs i ,'ii'o! hers' a beautiful variety of New .'Tiliinery ju-'it. opened up by" this firm, i '.il'ii.s desirous ot <>e i ithe ve.rv Litest . !-es should try and attend t.his*at.trari. ■ display.' 1 . .un and, Bacon.—To save expense of !•> novniic owl- present stock to our new i.: ; lory, just eroded. further reductions will be made in sides, mils and hams. 1 rinie quality. Smoked or vinsmoked. \V. R. May's.* Sends. Direct, shipment of new seeds tor sprin gsowirjg. Clovers. l{ye grass, cocksfoot. rape, turnip, mangold, and maize (special All varieties of ?n' P'Jt-atoes: patent manures of <ul kinds; bran, po]lard, and pitj feeds a ! at greatly reduced rates.—'tt\ II May.* In view of the early arrival of our spring and summer goods, further efforts will b e to clear the balance of our present stock of drapery, cloth ing. boots, shoes. linoleums, carpets, slips and carpet squares. ]-"or the reason of this great reduction see uur advertisement.—\V. 11. May*

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 22 August 1910, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 22 August 1910, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 22 August 1910, Page 4


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