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]>i;;io ; ill'.' fortnight ending y:-terday 7ci animals wor" slaughtered ;it the Corporation Abattoir, majle up of (>2 cattle. 6 calve-, 38 pigs. 660 sleep, f lambs. T\V.„. .-llecp Wile Condemned. One i'iih' <jf diphtheria has been reported daring the past fortnight. This was tin- niilvcase of fever or infections disease reported to the City Count il last night. A dance in aid of tlie Appleby Library will oi- lield :u the Appleliv Schoolroom ~, Wednesday. August 24l'h. '•Caul iquitlate your overdraft £25.000 or more if required. 4£ per cent., pmbahiv 1 per cent sinking fund: my brokerage a \' cv etnt. Sharpe." This was the"text of a telegram read at last night's Council meeting. The Mayor explained that he had replied to the wire stating that the Council was not in a position to deal with the mater of a loan just- now. By some inadvertence Mr YV. R. May was' made to say at the railway meeting at Richmond, that he wished Richmond to have a porter id" its own. A resident stationmasier is what was intended. The Rev. William Lee. formerly minister of St. John's Methodist Church, sto preach there to-morrow morning ■;id evening. His many friends will gladly welcome one of our most honoured and experienced New Zealand ministers. Mr Lee will deliver a lecture on tloiiiiay evening. A general meeting of the Nelson Kcii-•u-l Club will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Rooms at 8 o'clock on Monday evening. Members are requested to ,i .ng their ticket books. A curious division was recorded at •irit niglit's Council meeting. A motion was before tho Council to defer for a cuth further action with regard to the changing of the name of Marv Ann.treet to' R ichai d,on-st reet. "'All 'in fa- ' vour—Aye." No response. "Those against.—No." No response. "The Nets' have it." " dcclareti t lie- Mayer. "he Mayors l'use was successful, for Cr 'iis'ev inmiediatelv demanded a division c!e ult Ayes 7. Noes 0 1 Amongst the letters dealt with at the meeting "of the City Council last eveu- !!"• was <.: ie from Ml.-! K. N. Richardson •ml her daugliters. K. L. and R. Z. It. Richardson, who wrote stating that in consideration, of the Council changing the name of Mary Ann-street to Richard en-street, in perpetuity, they agreed to I dye all the. trees on the land on the banks of tho Maitai conveyed by them .i the Council in exchange for Moles- ' worth-street, part of Mills-street, etc.. Mil' r ill" agreement entered into by them with the Council. Cr Bisley wanted o knew more aboul the matter, and he Town Clerk stated that the Council had agreed to the conditions, and had ::w onlv to pass a binding resolution, lie had'written to Mrs Richardson, no tifying acceptance. ' The matter hnd been before both Committees. The Mayor .said that there had been no objection, though the proposal had been uiblislud. Cr Bisley moved and Cr Turner seconded, that further action be lefcrred f>r a month. They wanted rood reason to be shown for changing iid names. Tile motion, was curried .-uaniniously. . " In spite of education and civil:-at:. 'i ■ sup. -. ititioii du - hard, and t • .C .■, -.[■ th y :i|; : :i ar to slick t.gett r , l , ■•i-.-m. " An" in-lance of th..- <• ■urred at Kit: Iwi Beach recently, when he big whal.'-boat la longing to tlie late ill. i iic.ptra. •'The Central." who di.'i eme day.- ago. w:i - buin-. ti ,\ ith nun h ccrcm-oiiy. lip- boat, o-t £!4O. wa.s built'of kau: i. but in ■.•■:!-■ ■l' th- f;n I i !i:i.t il wa.- g> - 1 '<r •>• •']:■ i-:ir- vt i. :t -■ t .in'o. l - w,: •. rut hit - '■;■ h..pp; "i up with iixt.-. Tar and k- i ■ I'll,. Wcle '.hell jollltti over tile W: t .• ;. :••! a !>alih applied. Net eiiiy lint, be; .rl tlie lep.u- and ether g, •■.■ I .!■ ::•;!!:: o iiit; b":.t Wire also g:\tll to •,:■■. lames, wiliie tile iron ketl. ancle r. lev. :,el-:s. and other uutal work wire bulled. Ailegetuer £SO worth of propiily will! Ip in suioke. .-leaking ai the West Taierl ■..u'lv'a dubilee ee'. cbia 11 on s on Tiles. lay r'gii; (says the '•Dingo l>:ii.;. • The wear and tear o! the ,: i n is-1 <o rV. i! e 1- l.'ei '!:!' than the we ; a i:d tea: ■1 the farmer's life. I ii:; ' worked ;.tri! or,' the l;i::u—as h. ir 1 ■■ s a.iy egg he: and a! o in th..- ~ •-■'.!. Par. . ..v e:e.:ie!:l.;g Co (i os pe I—;,' • "M'k i:> " hire ; lines ~: , Sn:,day—l pee:: iv-re rircd. more iv.irked out. h'.u! .•••ire ;a< en n'.i i of in •. a:: i ; a '.< ■ • o'lge:' in reci-eer ilia a fr.iai a '"ort i:lj':. i;i ;!ie bu-'h or a week o '. m :':ir;ii. I' t.-. >c t a great deal; V;. .oa proiile du u't i liink of ! h:i t. Ii hoilis vrtv nice to se ■ a ait a n • i • !!■(■ p'.iljiit ' Ida ; hcri ng ' ait ■;••_ l.aiiLiiit er.) i; looks very e:i ; '••:;; ijiiii't you believe it. 'l'liere w - -:-."■.' a min isit-r who had ass trial v;tl.' hi:,: an elder who long,"' ! ••reach. ■( 'nee Ihe .minister I iti i I go ; , w.i v. an,l John got his oppori ut < j'ity —he was in eonduet the e:\ie' \ ; !c go! i!i niii-gii the ovogra uai e .•'.[' "iglit iill he came In !h- seraio:"''iiioi h(> o.neneil his nioiiih—-hit! rn ' hiiiu- would i-oaie! At last, in de--!>i'::,;'"ii, he bailed over and bluri- ■•'•! out to the congregation. 'Tf a n'.v I • f y.m fhiti'; it 's a a e-isy i hing t■> pnvifli—.jusl c-i:iie up iiere and ■; ry.' ' * l.ytteUon wa.- thrown. into a mild (vvrr if excitement 0.,| \\'edntsda\- b\- tlie n.ews i.h-il a huge whale was' paling a ■ '-It lo the port, says the "Tim-"-." A .itiiirg welciinii- was "hurri,edly organised, and the -steam launches I'urau and Can •trhr-y put oni.. carryiiiir a. t:rew vaiiouly experienced in. eeii::nerce with ei-la-•eans. and the only haipoon. which could i>e procured at short n ti:;e. Tile". ipi arriitly an old. miu.h barna-h-d beast, and one ef ecus-:'di rah'e size, wavery app'i'oaehablc. being evidently s:>me-wh-it .-ick. and the launches close enough for those on beard to be ai)!: to prod him with the harpoon. Hi-,-kin was so tough and the harpoon .<•■ , out or order that it was imjio-.-ih!." (,> drive the weapon in far enough to hold: ■i ml con-Mining its irritated ' effect as a sugge-lion lhat it was intended to .01. lie- whale wi.i.linglv wi-iit in -evei-v dire, tinn but. the rig-|it one. Aft'i- a .-ha.-.- (.eciinying tibout two hours the v.liale cleared the Heads "en route for . '• mini. The great sale is diawin gto a swift close at M/rs.'s. iU n] to make i Imal clt:arance of the slos-ek everv ar:icle is marked down to a fraction .if ils on will bo wi.-e to call in as soon as possible .ami .see the 1a..-! (if these bargain-. .Mrs. ..\nst ice. Trafalgarstreet.* With (lie coming Spring our Lady Readers are reminded that-The lirsl ship, m.tns ~f Spring ami Summer Millinery are n,iw being .-hown at .Mrs A n-l iee'.i. where everything ( 11.-11 is correct and '< coming for the coming season may lie seen, including styli. h ready-to-w iai s a!l marked at most moderate p<: ■- Call and inspect. A visit will be m-ui: ::ppre:d.'.!ed. —Mrs Aiiotice, 1 l it'eigorstreet.* Try Paparoa Coal Makes no soot or smoke. Lasts longer and gives more heat than coke. Nel.-oii Seed and Produce Co.. Ltd.. A-.n1.-. 'Phone 91.*

-\ W'an.ganui syndicate has been fo.rm(d to p.-i mote a mu.- : eal and I'loeutioil e:.rirv.■.! at W'an.ganui on the s'ime li'lies a.- the N; pier and Dtiueiliu con pet.lio'iis. '■'i'-ing' Millinery! Lverett liros. are !C'W opt uing up ;i very beautiful lot of s pi'iiie Millinery, which will be on view next Tuesday and following .lays." I he anniversary services of tlie Congregational Church to be held to-morrow will be conducted by the Rev. Frank \\orlcy. wlio has reeentlv returned from America. Mr W'orlcy left. Nelson four years ago. and hits since been receivi.ig training at the .Moody Institute. Chicago. Last year he was ordained to the ministry, and is now on his way to join tlie stall' of the China Inland Mission. it 1- und..r.-i,r;d. says the "Dominion." th.'! the ( : i\ einiii.t u,t i.- about t:> .-tart .inoihe: sawmlii mi the Main Trunk railway. The weekly meeting of the N'elsou Cood Templar Lodge, last evening was largely attended, Si.ster Heise presided. Alter the routine business Hro. A. KarsU n lot;k charge of the "(juestion box." when some 24 questions were asked and aii.-wered. and insuuithe information relative to the Order given. Hro. Rrowno ;• f the Blenheim Lodge), addressed tho aiiviting. and he was asked to convey the fra.-rnal greetings of No. 31 to hi's own Lodge. The sisters provided re-,r..-hmeiits. At the next Lodge night impromptu speaking will be the chief item. with Jjro. Preen, P.C.T., in charge. Among other experiments to be carried out in the \Vairarapa this year (says the "W'airarapa Daily Times,") un.der the supervision of the odicers of thu Agricultural Department will be the growing of approved varieties of peas and beans suitable for export to the Old Country. Owing to the havoc played by tho pea weevil among leguminous crops in Great Britain a strong demand has sprung up for the best varieties of peas and beans, and experiments are to be carried out throughout New Zealand vvitil a view to ascertaining if these ■rops can be successfully grown for export. As an instance of the keen de"a id that exist-, it niiiv be mentioned that one firm in the Old Country has p eiai repri sent iitives out here who have guaranteed to take all the available •-•a| ply of the approved varieties grown. Victorian railway stations, even in -ueii a centre as Kicliinoiul. which has '•er 500 trains a. day pouring through, tire not supplied with all the equipment to meet the needs of a big railway smash. When the collision occurred at Richmond o:i .July 18. so the evidence ;ivin at the inquiry showed, the equipment of the station was brought out immediately. It consisted -of two stretchers, an ambulance-box and an axe. With the carriages of the two trains piled U}> as they- were, there- was need for tools to cut away the fractured woodwork to get out the. dead and injured lying pinned down among the ruins. i he trains at the other platforms were levied on for axes and saws and supplies of tlies<j and other tools were got quickly from tho neighbouring shops for the work. Ambulance aid from outside was al.-o spiedily available. • At the Magi--trite Court this morning I'homa.s Henry Jkbbu'iy pha.ded guilty :o .a charge of procu'ring liquor during the currency of a prohibition order. T'he defendant stilted that while driving his anda ii ye-terda.v he pick, d up a p.iis- .- ■ '■ g r who w :is the wn.'-e for l:q;i ;l . and rove him home. On the journey the •.:- ei.i .' :ti po. lat a heiei a,id brought, out a- -dciistf of beer to live defendant. He lid !:•',: think lie was, i|.o:,i-g anything ". ' u •;■ in !ei\in- ;. diiak oiit-ide « hotel. i he Magistrate tehi the defendant that he must not go iji licensed premi.-es, or procure liquor, or. get >a.nyone to procure ..'p.. .' f. • i.oii. Me w,.s determined that ! lii'e.l': :i ore.. ■■< .-hoiild. be elVccCve. i..;. Mclei.MV ah.i .-ad iba.t the po-!ic> •■■■ ';'•' ■!.■ ' ;:U" tin y could n so., in ohl.bit ion orders were respeited. Mr. '.A: .:: ;■■.- •■-. n .1 thai the defendant lia-ii worked for him for 10 or 12 years, ■el ~- i: a u'.ilcrir.'.y g'axl character. "' gt. .Muliany said that the defendant was ve-ry well be-haved oxeept when ho oi liquor. _ A lin of 4Cs. witli 7s costs, w,.s imposed. Back in Sydney from a lone- sea trip, which took in Papua. Java. Singapore, i' (! Mr W. Macleod. managing director of the "Bulletin." seemed to be particularly impressed with the way in '■■ ii.cli the Chinese thrived wherever iiad managed to get a footing (reports the "Sydney Daily Telegr.'iph"). i'liere i- no doubt that his "White Australia" sentiments have been strengthenid. end he will look upon "tlie yellow peril" in closer perspective. "Both in Batavia ami Sourabaya." remarked .Mr Macleod. "in fact riglit through the Ka«t, the Chinese are very wealthy. At S:ii_:api-re there are said to be somo multimiliomiires among the Celestials. These Chinese have very line carriages, and some of the linest motor-ears to bo ■'•ii in the world. Thev drive about in great style. The coachmen are in- lii t r\—o\ erythi-.ig up-to-date. But what 1 particularly noticed was that the Chi-nt.-e in no case employed to drive them." Subsequently. when referring to Singapore. Mr Macleod added:— "The Chinese are still more in evi- | {'. nee in Singapore. There are hero •bout. 10.COO Chinese rickshaw eoolies, nd ameiig them I saw some of the most . rfeetly developed men 1 ever looked a ii. But it is rather sad to consider . i in their avocation the duration of : s short. It is said that after five. .■> <of the work they develop chest t I !es. The opulence of some of the traders is wonderful. The rich Chinese magnates are treated as people of great importance, and they are held ii the highest respect in the mercantile, world. Even in the English banks the te'hrs are Chinese. They arc wonderfully adept in their methods of detecting base coin."

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Bibliographic details

Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 20 August 1910, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL & GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 20 August 1910, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 20 August 1910, Page 4


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