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there is no remedy on t^f.f^ >?ii^4^/ill^fpp this plan-it the equal **o£%. -~£%^s^o§oollM | For tho pror/ipi and por.-nsnont euro 0f. . . I INDIGESTION, BILiOUSNCSS, SICK HEADACHE, I VERTIGO, SLUGGISH LIVER, CONSTIPATION | AND PILES. I s Hera is tho proof. — Mr. J. Rouissqn. Storekeeper, 'Wa.Tientmi. iSI eays:— "l was suflcriwz acutely with BILIOUS SICK HEADfACHE. I used only a few dosi-a'of I.MI'KY'S MAY APPLE, and , 4 have had no return of the trouble." ■■■. __ "■ '" * r_ | /li l y?;.' Scores. I

Woods' Ooeat Peprermint Cure for ! Coughs and Colds ne*-er faUs. Is 6d ' md 2s 6i | l — . I

For Bronchial Couguj take VVoodi i Great Peppermint Guru. Is 6d ltd i


Fweiw' f y * gD K B " D ? l0W " minut6S of the cifc y; °* e ° f *»«« sunf*Zl SI f f° OmSl . beautifully fin- nies t spots in Nelson; has all pos- ! rfnnf in t . I firSt " C aSS at^ e ' art w »»" sible conveniences; Bath (h. and c). »r™^ FT'- Very Co ?7 Ql " ntl y gas stove, coper, tubs, etc., and a well i arranged; glassed-in verandah; fruit stoeked n / O nly £500 i S askod ! Sn,S; fnlV de |lso tfr^ J^ * 124 ) ON THE MAEKET AT LAST.— A MODEL HOME. — A snug little After much persuasion we have soVilla Residence of 5 rooms; upto-dite cured particulars of an almost newimprovements; sewer conections; su- house, on a fine section, three minute.-) perior locality; sunny position; as- from the Post Office; 6 lofty rjoms, phalt paths; nice garden. Few mi- independent of all modern convoninutea from tht city. £57i3 — f.275 ences. Well worth your time to incash, (127) spect It. Only £600. j

DO YOU WANT LAND OR A BUSINESS? ! HERE ARE PARTICULARS OP A PEW PLACES:— ■ ONE OP THE BEST. — A farm of The property is all good, clean land, i 500 Acres, part under cultivation, and being so close to the town must balance in grass, situated in tho fast always be valuable. Land next to advancing, district of Taranaki. Fine this was recently sold at £100 per Homestead of ten rooms, modern ira- acre. There is a comfortable Dwellproveiuents. The Outbuildings in- ing of six rooms thereon. Price elude a large Cowshed of 22 stalls, all asked for the lot is £2225. Only paved, as now required by fno Govern* £500 cash; balance 5 per cent. Don't ment, Stables, Sheds, etc. Close to stop too long thinking about tjhis; it's Creamery, Post Office, School, and a snip, and will soon go. (12')) Freezing Works. Rent only 14s per DON'T HESITATE ABOUT THIS. acre, with right of purchase. Call — A fine block of sheep country, and see us about this at once; it will about 2000 acres; lies well to the sun; soon sell. (122) good shelter; never-failing water sup- [ ANOTHER BARGAIN. — About ply. An ideal spot. Lambing re- { 1000 Acres of Freehold Land, with a turns this season SO po rcent. Close I comfortable Homestead of six rooms, to railway station. There is no j Most of the land is ploughable, and mistake about the. price — 2"/- por of excellent quality. admirably acre will buy it, and the terms ar? j adapted for fruit growing. The pv> astounding. Tt will soon be snapped perty is all in one block, close to !Le up. (H) sea, "handy for shipping, ami within AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPOReasy distaneo of Nelson. The owner TUNITY. — A magnificent block of 50 is prepared to consider an exchange caTes Freehold Laud, within thirty I for a Suburban Property. Price £3 minutes of tho eity, and on the main ! per acre, including all improvements, road to Nelson. The property is an : A rare chance to secure, a profitable ideal, beautiful, rich, clean land, and : farm. " (1W) would cut up into sime of the best I WHERE THE MONEY IS MADS. Bulding Sites in the district. The — Country Hotel of 9 rooms, all coir,- well-built and conveniently-arranged ■ fortably furnished; Dairy, Storeroom, House. Coach-house, Stable, Sheds, Tr.-ijishrd. Stable, and Barn. Land etc. Price £2500. Easy terras can comprises 120 acres Freehold. IS be arranged. (130) Acres Occupation, 50 acres Reserve, A RECORD OPPER. — A hawking on which is a nice Orchard now com- Butchery Business, in a rising town ing into full profit. The whole is »o in the North Island, at present kiilbe sold as a going concern, whieh In- i ng 25 sheep and 4 beef, and this can , eludes the License. A live man could DC vcr y considerably increased, ns tho , mako a good living out of the 'land, district is a large one. No rent w'll independent of the House, which is be charged for use of slaughterhouse doing a fine little business. £1350 or scc tion; but the owner will take puts you in full possession. Half a u ro f use in exchange. Turnover, cash — balance arranged. O1<>) £40 weekly. To bo sold as a gohig JUST COME TO HAND.— A val-i- concern, with two carts, two sets harable block of 33'{. Acres of Freeh >ld ness, and all Tools, blocks, etc. To Land, within 15 minutes of the city, be thrown away at £200. Well worth part under cultivation, balance grars. looking at. 0-^)

THE ABOVE ONLY REPRESENTS A VERY SMALL NUMBER OF£ THE PROPERTIES WE HAVE O OFFER. IF YOU BO NOT FANCY® : 4NTc" CF •IBreß, ,'KINDLY GIVE US A CALL. IT WILL BE OURS i PLEASURE TO ENDEAVOUR TO SUIT YOU. ffi \ WE ARE SIMPLY "LAND AGENTS," NOT "SPECULATORS"; SOs; ; INTERETS. PS FARMS, SHEEP STATIONS AND BUSINESSES K I ALL PARTS OF TS DOMINION.® 1 AUCTION SALES. is This Department is under our personal smipervision, and as we aro a ' AUCTIONEERS, not DEALERS, you can absolutely rely upon us devoting^ all our efforts to give yon entire satisfaction. i§ WE STOCK— ' m O.lj- t H<. l,o«t of .ill T-A.KM EEQCIKEMEXTS. Our SEET>S, GRAIM, PRODUCE are selected with the utmost care, so as to overcome all chancoji , of disappointment or dissatisfaction to ouv clients. Write for Samples andj| Quotations, or any information you may require. \fa i DO NOT FORGET OUR ADDRESS— jp 1 LEVIEN & MOLLET, | AUCTIONEERS, STOCK SALESMEN, 4 k LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, HOP AND GRAIN MERCANTS . | HARDY-STREET, NELSON. if

Tlxe Famous H^emedLy foi? * Courtis, BroncMtis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Astlima & Consumption BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. Cured by . - cured bw HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURB 1 HEARNE'S BRONCMITIR CIIBB * 6ew0 I? Caso Cured by Two Bottle* of v MKARnt'B bronchitis CURB Hearne'a Bronchitis Curs. After other Treatment had Failed. Aftop other Trcatmont ha<J Fa ,, o{|# After Other Trclirn^nt had FaiUd, Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear S!l-, — From a strict sem« r , - »T- tr.,,-, rti»™: s * r..i n _. ttrj tha C l o^U mafkn^'^ha'^to^dr^en"^ •»• P f^ n " M ' K «' °< C >™«<«- *»* Geclong, !n f D^S^ornTrioXTgo. tn Sydney/ I.M aw ui fact is e? dent Sat a l°f" Uin danger of beine Vl ,' w of the im P 0I "n" <* » person making it quite clear «'<>» a s««e attack of influenza, and was confined to lost —In September 1906 my litUe eirl apod at thai what treatment was successful in curing a serious and my room for about a week, at the end of which time! °me 3 years! contracted MeaLs, and 8 n' tlfe foUowirfg S llc ? ted .«««.'"»*» «!« »««clne. directions and treat, fcahne Mmewtat better, I got up and tried to traZct Qctobcr' was attacked by Bronchitis, PneumonU an! £?,"' °' a lega " y l uahfietl do «o r h ** tailed, state as ™^ b , u ''"" s a3 T " su , al - , But X Bot up too soon, for the that her We was in danger-that there was very little !"L P mf',° f L th^S5 ssmE , of ,, u " n J- Und " . th t doctor 1 . »V bef under the care oi a well-known Sydney doctor, hoft for her. For eight days and nights she had been J, ron Sin,,Prt Ud gr t dua ly eot sorsei,5 orsei ,? nd the , doct ? c - ~i • , tu iSi 13 ™ e< l l " ne E av = ™ but tempo W r> frojtrated by Cough, Pain and Fever, and was lying P , r °M " m * He "« mo tliat the « Ilcf - Jhe andlady of the hotel (the Cleveland), whero ike a statue, unconscious. At this staje I was per- £ J^ a g n °' ''«• r . At . thl9 "J? e , l obta.ned fronj i ™ sl< fe* l^ , m ? of £ medicine— Hearne's Bronchitis susded by a friend to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, w^r3'« %„? ifv e 'r Chemist : of G « J ong, a bottle of Cure— from Vxctona, which had cured her of a bad at. v.iih its auxiliary medicine for the Fever and Conge»i Srrf™£ ♦ * re> a u d i. Eave "t0 tlle cl u' ld> ac ' Vi I b , ron ? hltl3 T a 5d pains in the chest, and begged tion of the Lungs, as directed in the Catalogue of £? rd ; ns Ti, the i, d ,'5 eC - tlOn3 "f lch , a "°. m P an y «<* bottle of me to try ,t. I did sOj a nd> in thanks d gcatf&fi Medicines which accompanies each bottle of the Bron- »' "' . T l e cl L'! d - ""P rov «<s aft « th ? "«<> a d dose of <o you. tell you that, after the second bottle, my cough chitis Cure.. I gave the medicine as directed, and thero SrfT , Bronch " ls . Cure -. „He """'"H^ to improve * ad .. c ." sed . b «' what is more astonishing, the pain* from wa, an improvement from the fim dose of Hearne'S «ch day from each dose of Hearne's Mcdicmc alone and P'':"^"'""'*, ' ef « >=«. and in about a week I was abls Bronchitis Cure. The improvement continued after "' • a5, & * WaS a.V (t"™ the Cough> Pne - U ' y "" as usual — Yours faithfully, each dose of the medicine. In a week she was perfectly »onu and the Pleurisy, and the Urine was pasjins satis- M , lhm ._. „ o . „ >. m I. BRAHAM 4 ■ free from the Pneumonia, Congestion, Cough, Pain anS !"'"?,£:,„ "' wa '^ 0 "Vl b ? d at the end o! » Tt tK Mclbourn e "Punch" Office, MelbournV. " 4 '. Fever, and was well, except that she was still weak. I.n ""W'etely recovered, and he .s now m perfe^t _h=alth. u i fortnight shv was quite recovered, and is now in . Car,..,,.... Jl°g ,! C . E ¥3 b B ' IO /u» : splendid health, and stronger than ever. Any person Carr-strect, South. Ceclong, Feb. 6, 190% ASTHMA— A 17 YEARS OiSP. asking for information about this grand medicine can i _ ■ */««K« be supplied by me, or by any of my neighbours who have " " "rovlous Trni-f ~.»..* k_:i.^ ; witnessed its wonderful effects. It absolutely snatched CONSUMPTION. ;' reatment Failed. my child from «n early grave.— Yours gratefully, Cured bv Thrca b«Hi»ro,e Station, Cee lo n 8 Bast, Pe, «« «' -JS=!? «- -• H, A,e, , Ande^ oT CharleviH. A Completo Curo. Queensland, wrote :—" After suffering trim asthma for ; BRONCHITIS, M, W. G. Hearne. . . fS«Tt«f^"wi»iA !".?. fndS s^» ' ' ■ Dear Sir, — I am writing to tell you about the wonder- Hearne s Medicine for Asthma. After takine threa A Sufferer 73 Voare Of Age, 'ul cure your medicine has effected in my case. About bottles of rtis medicine I quite got rid of the asthma _ — three years ago I began to cough. At first the cough and slnce "en, which was the beginning of 18S3— Tfiff».n Thoroughly Cured by Two Bottles of was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became £«" ago— l have not had the slightest returT of if ; Hearno'e Bronchitis Curo. very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain in my T hc medicine quite cured me, and I have mneh r,w,.-. + »., - ' chest, «nd great quantities o» phlegm. On several oc "> recommending it." raucn P'«sure Immediato wollof-EWect Wonderful, casiona there was biood in the expectorated matter. I Speaking in February, 1909, he states- "I am keenln* .... ha(s been treated by a doctor who pronounced my case to v «y well. Never have the slightest return of the mS * Mr. Hearne. Sir,— l was very ill with Influenza be consumption, ond various other treatments had beea °* tte asOußa - tnd Bronchitis. A friend of mine persuaded me to try tried, but without benefit. It was at this staj? that 1 " Hcarne's Medicine cured m. r,t i,* , jour Bronchitis Cure. The first dose gave me imme- heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and cent to you for a I had been suffering f o st"-i™v fivt ™* ma i fr ? m w £ c £ diatc relief, and after taking the second bqttle lam course of the medicine. When it arriv-cj, I was too ill time I had m«d lost tvm nL^ \- a ™ S **'£* thoroughly cured. Its effect on me has eenmost to leave my bed, but 1 commenced taliinj it at once, and market— including asThma inh&iH atcnt "jdicine on the wonderful. lam 73 years of age. I trus you will gradually improved. lam glad to say that the two cure. It was 8 war™ aso fh« ,T"" Wthout se" in fl » | make use of this statement by publishing it for the bene- lots of medicine you sent have effected a complete cure. by Hearne's Medicine "and I rn» f" ?*" XTas e ? ecte 3 , It of humanity sene^£ MA £"£ 5 ™REZI?^ CtfUll3 ' 1 '"' Wb ' Ch ""^ "' *"* *""' thanl:s — Yours Gratefully, have felt for years— in" fact. I feel splendw"" 5 " ; Reedy Cm !k, 'Victoria. Westminster BridgMoad^^.E., London. °'^ VISEM M«edlth Vi I Beware Of ImitatiOHS ! The great success of HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has induced a number «» unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine » Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceivVnJ the unsuspecting, and io getting a sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE>« Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and to reoue«tu« | In your own interests 4o be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you get It mm**~* you I HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CUKE, Small Size, 26 ; Large Sire, 4/6, Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and s» «,« ; Propnetor, W. a HEARNE, Chemist, 3eelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locaJlyl j NOTICE-HeiK-ire's Bronchitis Cure No. U does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It is equallv ben e « cI »i | !or the youngest child and the most aged person. «i«auy oenenclal i ■■•■■.■"■

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 26 September 1908, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 26 September 1908, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 26 September 1908, Page 4


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