B I S LE V BR^p^«& CO ' LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. LlST°?ro&!^ urb^' :farm - **» 6TATI< > N
V OOAin ACRBS.Freehol.fv (lood: ■:A-A&&\M*J.,-. Acres Leasehold; , held ata ; :?- low rental). ■ 700 acre* vare:- flat ':* " 4oo AS A GOING CONCERN, -'VV" Acres, nndnlattog; 250 Acres bush- -70 Acres in Crop j subdivided into . 7 pad- . doctor Well watered by creeks. Good 7-wmed:houBe;4-ijtair stable, Shearing y.SM;.iM««dttiiutWv- sHop. and, .general _ Outbuildings. vMor* laadrcwiVbf taken W .along-naV cwrrying-at : present 1500 aJ "^.P^thlambs i atf oot; aoiwjsau-aud 20 head o* catfle^ and all r "working plant.— Aa a Going Concern. .-.' . J--J ; V « A^.^^Wce, £7,600. «VB/ 164. GOOD SHEEP OR DAIRY FABMV '.'AA'A ClCte Acres/1 subdivided into 9 pada£\J\J docKs, well fenced and .-• watered by running streams; good Ma^ tai and Totara bush on -property. 3roomed Cottage^ shearing Bhed and cow- . : yard-with 8 bails nnder cover. .Half a '•;-— mile froin'schbol/ and 2 miles . ,'f rom ' ia creamery; carrying, at" "present 350 . - -y sheepVand lambs,;4o head* cattle; 2 c horses. : As a.going/cbnciern with implements, etc: - :Pnce;r£lBso. - ■AAA- ■■■ iA?y. .'.' VvV-.v N.B. i64 SPLENDID SHEEP RUN. "V fi A A Acres a; freehold; subdivided \J\J\J into.: s,' paddocks, streams in ' every .. paddock. .' Limestone formation; •; 500 acres .grassed, balance in bush, and ■': carrying: at present- "'lOOO . '-' ewes -and .. ... lamos.'SO head cattle. ' : Has. large shear- ■;"-, ing shed - (holds "300 -.steep); and i shed -.' withubunka for 8 or" 10'.; shearers."- 'Only' 12 miles' from Port; •''As r "a' Going Concern, V- Price,. £3200/ * -V. . --yy-y..A AAyy.y. n.b. 155.- - .; SPLENDID SHEEP AND CATTLE ■ : " y?y--A.yA' AyKUKAyA' .-v ■-•'• ; l 7r\f\fi ACRES Freehold. Good '-. - i:\J\J\J Homestead and otter Outbuildings, Woolshed, Sheep and Cattle .Yards^ Dip, about 8 -miles from RaU- :'■ way, -. carrying at present 6000 steep; and 200 head bf cattle; Price. £3 10s -'.-■' per acre. '■ \ V VV -V ■ V.Fbl.-277. GOOD PASTOBAL COUNTRY. ■ K AAA ACRES; Freehold; well V .tf\J%J\J -Subdivided and watered^ ..and ring fenced,' Good Honse .(six rms), ...-..: Woolshed,- and Stable,. stock at present - .2000. steep arid. 150.:headcistt.e. - Price, r £2 Za per acre. V: V _ Foi; 147. r TIP-TOE-SHEEP -COUNTBY. vlOnn ACBES, Good Stee'p"Conn--?-Q WW ; -tfyy'9oo-Aores--in: Graas, odivided into 10- paddocks, well y . /ered by. running streams'. Good -..'"/ ssidehce (10- rooms), woolshed andr 'uables, 1 mile from school and Post .Office, 6 miles from. railway, will win-, ter 1200 ewes, good sawmilling plant on the property- also. Price, £5. 12s 6d V per acre as agoing concern.- ,F<J,275 VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARM.. ~J*JK "ACBES-'Freetold, 2oo Acres II «J in grasß, part in bush, watered by running streams, new -house -(5 looms), workshop, barn. Carrying 400 .-., Cheep, 14 head cattle, horses; etc.'; farm implements; there is a' good seam of eoal on the property, which' is also goldbearing. ' Pnce, £4 per acre, every- . , thing, given in. Fol. 152. HANDY SHEEP RUN. '■""- 1 H7ft ACBES Freehold, well .-.':" JL\J «AJ :' watered arid subdivided, • good residence of 7 rooms', .barn,. stable, .• .'good orchard and fMt "garden. Price, £5 per acre; '■' Pot 204. -| AAA ACBES, Good Lambing AJL\J\J\J Country,' lying well to 'V the sun, well fenced' and' subdivided, water in every paddock, adjoins Railway, read oh three; sides. All Land - •: is ploughable, no buildings at present. -', 200 Acres; now being ploughed, will __ winter 1000 ewes." Price, £2 15s per /acre. ■ 'V V V. '.' ■ '■'..- EoL 259. ... PASTOBAL PROPERTY. •'-*-. Q KO AGBESclose Wtte City, B ub- ' .-■-.' 0.t1.0 divided into.. 12 paddocks, ,"; water in every paddock. 120 acres be,.ing. flat, heavy rblack' soil, residence of Vy7; rooms, implement and' wool sheds, V- dipVetcVu, oriel bfythis., best farms in the Province. -Price, £6000 V ' '- ;:: '- : "' r: AA'-' ■ - A.J Pol. 276. , GOOD SHEEP FABM- *> Q A ACRES,' subdivided into Four tJOUr Paddocks, all !weU watered, 100 Acres pionghable, house (7 rooms), "TOtbuildirigs, efcible, .woolshed, eto. ..-. - Price, £1500." ...".".- Fol. 149N8. '"..•'• — - i -eMAI/r»-yHEEP'-FARM OA-K ACRES, well watered and y.J<p~x:tf subdivided. One ■ mile - ;from Railway, -will" carry 400. sheep. V W*ew house and Shed. Price, -£1100. • •-;■"* Fol. 244 GOOD AGRICULTURAL FARM 90Q 4"REB, Cottage and other MAO cntbuildings, nearly all in 'S^'r.l'JS.ides flat,- balance undulating f.:--:--A oomplefe'ind up-to-date Flaxmil) ; and plant on thi, property -For the .•hole.— Pnoe, £1600. • Fol: 244 SPLENDID A-~-ROUND FARM. *^1-ft ACRES,: all in grass, well "•-• y-.**IJL\J:. -. fenced and subdivided into Al -paddocks. ;, Grow* good crops,- and %lso good fattening land. .House - (lp) ,*odmf),;ahd "other, oritbuildings. Good Wchard, . Has frontage tai main road. race, £1400. . . Fol 147 1 ft K' ACRES ' ri£h ~ "soilr all under JL \ftf -....-■ ■-.-. cultivation, subdivided "into 7 paddocks arnd well fenced and .watt-red. 7 Acres,- in- hops,- -2^cres in orchord, honse'(9 robins),- aridother out- ~ 8 * con orete hop kiln;: Price, ■82250. ?• Fol. 243 11ft ACBES, close to Greamery • +-!r a and School, all grassed except, 20 acres bush, willrcarry 40 milch cows; well 'divided and^watered, ■ good- - h 9«8» (Syrooms), sheds,^ and- ether out-: " ■'- - n f^ T o !*' originally heavy bush land,' bood Orchard.,,- More Crown "land can be taken. up alongside at: low rental. . Price, £600. V J_*ol. 284. 1 AA -ACBES, Good Land, grows J-*t/M splendid crops of wheat,, oatß, barley, also. rape. Adjoins Rail- 1 way, subdivided into 8 parts, "young orchard. OnlyTO miles'from City, good house (7 rooms), -^stalled' stable, large mplement. shed, and other oatbuildines. . Pnce, -£2100." ', i*ol 245. GOOD AtGBICULTUBAL PBO- '-■'•■ -'■•:" PEBTY.V; ..*•-".- , .QftA ACRES.'-^36 r Freetold, and OUU ,- 433 Leasehold. 100 Acres frontage .river, flat .and., tip^top^ag_ictd" tural Wnd. Property subdivided into 6 puddocks, watered by stream, river frontage. . House, ;.(7. rooms) and other good outbuildings; 14 miles from Bchool and. 2 mdes from 'Creamery. Rent of Leasehold, £3 per iiritim; Price for Freehold; £5 lOsper acre. :i Fol. 156K8 ■>--A.- CLOSE. TO CITY. |yj A.CRES. miles f rom City. A-l Four'Acresih Splendid Orchard. Good water supply,; is: subdivided into o paddocks. Large fowl run; and fowl houses. 6-roomed house, stable, barn ind store room:; Price; £1150. -* '' -<■ -,■ *-Tiy»i ■ 17k EANDY FARM'CLOSE-TO TOWN. OA^ s ACRES;, (85 yAcres ploughed) : ~ -V • - /balanceanrgrass, 14 acres in oatSj 12 acres, in rpeasp 4'. acres" in pota^ toes. 2 seres inJjMß»p«. 0 uncsniFi-apBT" -•ta.aj acres to be.r sown' down. ". Farm js wbdivided into 20 padsdeks, arid well watered by natural springs. • Afc present carrying 250 ewes.^iiKilainbs-at'-'footv ._■. Heuse (7, rooms) 'S-'sjgUjitabloVr'iheds; -'-■ e^* . .■^:^, M i?Jo?^wa^Price,;£2o per.-4cre.-r . ,-,' ; :y^ vt .lW^Fbl^ 168 WfV^ SMALL SBAZINGiBUN. ':''" f}QKf\ ACBESin 1 Grass," 150 timr fJ+IfJU ' beri=?fio^rash'. AU wel! fenced and Jubdiyided,- ahd flats well drained. -.0 Acres ,m ,hops ;" 40 in tur ™P s j W-^ng t at;pjegmt:;2sod; steep;. 100 head of; aittfe. VSew: 10-Toomed bouse, stables, cart sheds, 2 hop kilns; also, other outbuildings.^ ft Now up-tor date wool shed 38ft by stfff just complelei. As a;^goinj^concorh 'with 10 draueht horses, 2 trap Borses, and several hacks. -, Seed drill, Oshorne:« cultit *P9 t a Massey^Harris'ido.; spading iJiar.towsJ"" binder (new) mower, harrows, loubJe and "tingle?.:!?.-:: ploughs,? traps, "Brts etc., etc". Price, £18,500. - - r "-:.'. A -A WVV'VvyrVVPoI. 174/ -GOOD AGBICULTUBAL AAtj. -" PASTOBAL PROPERTY: * . 1 Q A A i; ACRES.-r^so Apres /.bi-sh/ lO \J\ 3 balance' in. Grass 5" is' subdivided into 10 paddocks, and is well watered ; is cai-ryuig at date 1200 sheep : - (600 being breeaing: ewes);. . 4-rboineii ■ J'ot.age, shed, 'baru, and stables. ■"■ £ miles- from School, and . close "io a Creameiy.ir i'rice, £4000 ' -'-V-V AJ rf.V^V:?oCyi74;- r (Stock and- Tuiplements can be .'taken at a valuation). . , SUBUBBAN NOBTH.;#-.Hunse 8 water, shower and' j*luiiB:e, - ground; floor, copper built in. Outbi^dings-iFour-rooms, scnTlery, .pantry,-; bathroom top ;fioprj. also, bathroom^, hot^r and .' cola, VtajlTJiablii; I^sq'"|3io^c|^^house, large ' rMsiiEjpsas,. JAyy&?®QAA?'m ■ '■■■?-'■ •' '■:■ AJ aa: yy.ry^y.;Ayl A. j-y~'JA v. VVvJf vyvf;
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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, 9 March 1907, Page 4
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1,222Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, 9 March 1907, Page 4
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