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Nelson Evening Mail. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1906. LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS.

The annual meeting of the Nolaon Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary Asiuclation will be held on November 21st at the Industrial Co-operative Society's Kooms in Hal-dy-street. . Thfc meeting was to have been field this week> but owing to delay in the receipt of replies from the gentlemen written to with regard to judging a postponement Waii necessary. , Tfte appointment of Brevet-Col. Webb as Actinp-Commandant of the New 7yealand Defence Forces is gazetted. Tho captain of the "All Blacks" cabled to the London "Express" last month : "Message for SfcuthAfrioa : Behalf 'All Blacks' allow me wish you all prosperous enjoyable lime in Old Ivand and success in coming contests. Ki a Ora '.— D, G-aUagher." The cantata "St. Cecelia's Da.y" \vill be rendered on I>te<miber 11th and 12th by a Full chorus and orchestra under tJio conductorship of Mr Purcell Webb. Full particulars will be advertised later. Members of chorus and orchestra are notified Ky *vlV'<*rtispment in thi«. is6Ufc tfioV n pVacticfe will bo held this gve'riihg, when a full attendant* is requested. A meeting 1 of the -guarantors of the Nelson Dairy Co-operative Co. will be held in the Reehabite #ttll, Brightwater, 10-niorrow ftt 2.30 The Kev. Dr Grattan Guinness, who preached an impressive sermon from the text, "Jesus in t'he midst," at St. John's Church on Sunday evening, is announced to give an address &l the Diocesan Library to-morl'ow eVenihg-, the subject being "The tiisttory of Redemption-.'* The friends of 'kr W. H. Pettit, stin of Mr Thomas Pettit, will bw pleased to learn that he passed at Dunedin last his first professional medical examination. In a dwelling-house threatened by fire ,in GWe. ft Jew -days .ago many ludicrous things were done. One man was seen striving' wildly to wrench a door off its njlig^, another tore., i own , a inantclpleee, &&a a third effected the Fescue; „6f a flro grate: . Furniture; clothing, bedditts .aiiy. ti-ackei-y were uncerej;nttn?cug!y clumped outside in a confused medley, and in aibout ten minutes as much damage was done by these .gentlemen as a fire could do in twenty. The owner practically finds bis place unfit -to live in. not owiuff to the damage caused by fire, 'but by that caused by the misdirected zeal oi hi9 friends. As an instanoo of how the. poods were thrown about, the police picked Ufa & £1 note and a. kJAss containing a number 'of snia.ll silver Cbihs where they wej-6 thr&wh by some rescuer .-wh'dse honesty far exceeded his judgment. A private tetter received in Weblincfton from an ex-New Zealander now a resident in China conveys tho somewhat startling! information that the Chinese Government will in tho not distant future insist upon the Britieh Government femovmtr the present obstacles to the free admission of its countrymen within the British Dominions. Thd Chinese officials in authority make no secret pf their determination vtoi push all tie white races out of the Empire if the restrictions are not removed. They are said to have Japan at the back of them in this matter, though the Mikado's tuh visors are cunningly continuing to veil their movements in secrecy Tho writer says that the fusion of the Chinese and Japanese forces is a grave ineiuoe to Australasia, and ho has it on tho authority of a mandarin of the highest rank, who is intimately connected with the Chinese Court, -that it is only a question of time- when the Western nations will have to acknowledge the supremacy of their Eastern rivals. Tho mandarin said tho Chinese army would then 'be in a position to show the world that it could bear comparison, with the best-drilled forces of Europe. Brown and Kerr have just what you need in watches, rings, brooches, ban- I i?les, sleeve links, Grannie chains, necklets, and presents of all descriptions.* To-morrow, at 1.30, Wm. Lock will sell furniture and effects at the residence of Mr A. B. Allan, corner of i Waimea and Van Diemen-streets. On Saturday and on Tuesday, at 2 p.m., at i the Central Auction Booms, cabinetmakers' and carpenters' tools on account of Mr S. B. Johnson. I i Have yon a sore that won't heal If <o fry Witch's Herbal Ointmeat— u nighty heivler.-Q. 5. H'caton, Agent,

The Wanganui City Council ha* a debit balance of £1362 12s 4d. According 'to., tfte **North Otago Times" iibb retail trade is very dull in Oamaru at present. Out of every 1000 persons in New York city 610 are unmarried, 31Q married, 50 are widowed, ami 30 divorced. Tho Wanganui bTdnch of t!hn British and ForeigA Bible Society Has forwarded to tho. Uoivdon office of the above the sum of Sill, as a free gift to the funds. Sailors are scarce at Lyttelton just now, and two sailing vessels are "stuck up" for men. After an absence of about four years, Mr Hugh Gully, barrister and solicitor, well known in Wellington, is due to arrive back by the Waikare today. He returns with his wife, an English lady, whom ha recently marvied. Australia is coming to. the 'ore with an airship. It appGaVs that Mr Valentino Ayi'Wj oi Menindie, in South Australia, has been engaged for tho last two or three years in perfecting a model of a flying machine, many point-5 of which are uniquo, differing greatly both from American arid Continental . types. The president of the South Australian Marine Board '(MV. Va^e}-) 1 . Captain Weir, and WarVfin Vasey recently inspecte'd Wo lAoiiel, and witnessed practical experiments in flying, steering, balancing, etc., and were much interested in the results. One of the latest inventions in shot guns, the Browning automatic solidbreech hammerless repeating shot gun, is on exhibition in tho showrooms of the Wilkins and Field Hardware C!t>. Tho gun is well worth inspection by sportsmen and those interested in firearms.- The inventor, T. M. Browning, stands to-day the foremost inventor of firearms in the world, no less than 16 different types standing to his credit Following an English custom (says the "Wairarapa NftW&"), Mr H. Tancred, of Park-road, Carterton, has taught his cows to drink their own milk when they are calving. By thin means, say; I\lr Tancrod, the cows suffer from no complications. At ji6 blfifr lime during ,the .year . Wll cows drink their owh m^lK. Mr Gilruth thinks that any otlier hot drink administered would have the same effect as the milk. i . ■ 'l_ During the voyage of the Athenic which, arrived at Wellington recently, a distressing incident, occurred when the vessel wit's at Capetown. One of tho lady passengers, aged about 24 years, received a severe shock which so affected her that it drovo hv>r out of her mind.,. Oh the passage across from the C'dpt; she had the careful attention of the ship's surgeon, but the patient had not quite recovered on arrival at Wellington. The people .iQj.drea^ Britain are probably, Horid's greatest consumers of "patent medicines." Tho pills which Englishmen and Scotsmen swallow annually, and the other secret physics which they patronise, add one : tnird of a million sterling to,, tlje national income, ai^l .sAippiy a striking page in the r^pol*. b£ tne Commissioners of Inland Revenue. The money comes to the State from the stamps that are affixed to those articles of merchandise. During the year ended March 31 last this source brought in £324,112; The duty on a box of pills selling for Is is liu, and the duty on a half-criiW'tt bottle of syrup is M. Fl'Stli MfeSe uata. ii would seem that the. p/eop'te 'pi England and Spptland. spend spmethjng. lj.k?> ifiSySOO,--000 a .y 4 ear oii p^rffnt nVuiliciheS — a vast expendiVuYe certainly which suggests that indigestion is a national characteristic. Domestic servants in Berlin are profiting by an abnormal Scarcity irt the supply "in order tn Wtatt filUcn better terms all rO\M. Tfte London "Evening Standard's" corespondent s'end_s an amusing t account, of the system oi engagement. A Bind pi public market is opened IoK Wo or three hours daily, at which the mistresses pf households appear in person and, ■bargain with the gins, who are using thPiV advantage to oxerciso a »v»ry ,'stnet selection of ;empraym. The system is very like that ! which prevails at the ordinary Scotch "feeing fairs." Some of the German mistresses may have suffered tho experience of the farmer who, at one of these fairs, bargained with a lad. for his services. Tho boy had fto written character with hi'iTu but he promised to return in the afternoon provided with one, and if it proved satisfactory the engagement Was to he concluded. "Well, my man,"Batd the farmer, meeting him later in the day, "have ye gotten your character?" Nbj" was the reply, '.'but, l've gotten yours, ail'J I'm no coming ! ' ' Means Fred, and N. Campbell, accompanied by several acquaintances, wen' cruising in a cutter .at AjMwile on October, 29, . ,whjen. ,(.h"e. tr»nner caught sight of a shark about 150 yards astern rf the cutter. He got into a dingy, and rowed iu the direction of tho shark, in order to convince himself of its size, which was very large, find he made a stroke with his oar.Jn. order to turn the Jittje roiihd to face io^ards sllDiO) atid in the direction oi the cutter, which was sailing slowly along. Before he could make a second stroke he saw, to hia horror, that the monster was rushing towards him. In an instant it tossed the small boat clean out of the water, was thrown into tnfe. air, and the, dingy overturned.. Campbell, fell into the water, landing on his back,. .He irijmediafely sank, but. soon reappeared, and at once seized the gunwale of the boat. He gave it a turn, and then seizing the keel, continued turning her over and over for some time. The cutler at this stage was about fifty yards distant, and soon rescued Campbell from his perilous positioli, The snark disappeared. Influenza in a virulent form has been prevalent in Wellington for some weeks, and is giving .nodtcal men a busy time, :^"n tho "Now Zealand Times. 1 ' Some of the Parliamentary,: officers' who Were laid Jpw with the disease during the last few days of the session . are just recovering, whilst others whom it has affected in a more serious form are still unable to get about. Tho messengers of the House of Representatives were for the most part stricken down, and one case ended fatally, a very old and respected messenger, Mr Malcolm Thomas Greig, of Mowbray-etreet, succumbing to the disease. He had. been one of the. House moss.ehgera for a. great number of years. , The "Herald" .says that, at the present time many people in the Auckland district are suffering from influenza in rather a severe form. Numerous cases are reported, of people suffering from the malady being confined to their beds, and in many cases business firms in the city are finding their staffs seriously disorganised in consequence. So far as can be ascertained^ the epidemic has not attained such a virulent form as to give cause for alarm. A middle-aged woman, says a Southern exchange, with a purple countenance, had appeared several times in the Police Court, charged with being drunk and disorderly, and no punishment, however severe, did her any good. "It's true that I takes a drop of drink occasionally, sir," she told the Magistrate; "but I'm brought here oftener than I need be. Have you noticed it's always the same policeman that charges me?" "I have certainly noticed that," said the Magistrate. "Do you wish to make out that the officer has a spite against you?" "A spite against me!" echoed the woman. "Not he. If his blushing face don't tell the rrnlh, I must. He's in love wi' me: that's what's the matter wi' him. He puts his arm around my waist every time he runs me in." She was never troubled by that policeman but once after, for on that occasion his comrades greeted him with, "Here comes Jones and his sweetheart." Attention is directed to a notification in our advertisement columns in reference to the clearing sale at Karsten's Exchange and Mart. JUST ARRIVED.— Prime Canadian and Victorian Table Potatoes. R. Snodgrass and Sons.* DRESSING CASES, Purses, Pocket Books. Music Cases, etc. Shipment opened to-day. — R. Snodgrass and Sons.* Cleanse the system from all Imparities, making good licli blood by Mcna Dr Ensor'a Tamer Juice, obtainable at O, F. Hingstca, !

A ¥"ress Association wire from Dunodin'states that Mrs J. G. Millar, wife of the Minister for Labour, died of apoplexy to-day. Particulars of the Bazaar in. connection with the Jjadies' Guild . W Christ Church, which ,ft t$ bsi held ili the Palace. 'Sk&tillg Rink on Wedftesdaj' and Thursday, DecemiieV 8 and 6, are iadvertised today, and it will he seen that steps are being taken to make it very attractive to everyone. IThcrc ct 1 * 0 to bo a number of stalls at wiljc{l will be disposed of. pla&\ aiv> rA'ricjwork, flowers-, ,s.w'tssrs, diUves, K enerft,l jpVwdift'c'i books, etc., whiilst iftdro will also be a variety of "side shows" and various cako competitions. The arrangements for afternoon tea will bo very complete, and refreshments wiJl be procurable during each afternoon OMd evening. Special attractions will be held both eveninirs, chief amonij whioh will be ftctieil. soiigs by a nunnbw 1 of yOuhg girls, wiho ai'o tttjw beiaK actively trained for lUe pei-formances by tho Misses Wright. The proceeds of the Bazaar are to be devoted to payms off tho balance of the dubt still Ijp istireg on tho OathedVal, and tiio Lndies' <}\)itd are hopeful that ,the bazaar will prove so successful thEvt this debt will bo,, wiped right oul. Thp attritions ■ advei'tifeed should 'dr ! aw 'A Vftvge atleadanco, and good business should result, in view of tho wprthiness of the object.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 305, 14 November 1906, Page 2

Word Count

Nelson Evening Mail. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1906. LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 305, 14 November 1906, Page 2

Nelson Evening Mail. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1906. LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 305, 14 November 1906, Page 2


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