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Tho ordinary fortnightly meeting of the City Council wns held yrsterday eveni g. Presenti—llis Worship tho Miyor (in the chair), Cra Hadd >w, Everett, Beth wait?, J. Hnrluy, C. J. Ilarley, and Rout. Accounts. The following aooounts were passed for payment :~ £ a. d. Gasworks Account ... 145 15 5 Waterworks Aooount ... 19 811 General Aooouut ... 2)5 10 10 Cemeterieß Acoouafc ... 22 13 10 £443 15 0 Bank Balances. The following was reported to be the state of the B.uik balnaoes : — Dr. Or. * b. d. £a. d General Account 2353 Gil Water .. .. 077 10 0 lutereat .. „ 324 18 1 Gas 699 1 7 Cemeteries „ 155 13 j Contractors' Deposits 27 10 0 £2853 0 11 £1884 17 9 Correspondence. Amongst the Correspondence reoeived wero letters Fcom a number of residents in Sjubhstreet, 0 tiling attention to the state of the footpath in that street. Referred to the Publio Works Couimittoe. Fcom the manager of the Colonial Biok in Nelson, stating that in consequence of tho deoisioi in tha ca-io of Bank of Australasia v. Mauawatu Road Baird, he was instructed t> ask the Gounoil to pis 3 oho enclosed formal resolution, authorising f,ho overdraft. It was deoide.i that tie overdraft should not exesed £4000, and the res )lutio 1 handed in by the bank was nnvcdnnd oarried. From a number of persons stating that they were auxioua to take out permits fco train horses ou the trotoi lg track in TrafaU gat Park. Tho writers asked the Oou'uoiltj put the traok into repa ; r. It waj resolved that the matter ba referred to the Publio Works Committee with power to act. From Messrs Korr and others asking that the footpath ou the east side of Tasmaustreet from Nile-Ptreet to Manuka-street be kerbdd find gravelled, Inferred to Publio Works Committeei The Secretary of the Sfc, Patrick's Day Sports Committee wrote asking the Council for the use of Trafalgar Park on March 17, and also requesting that the grass be cut inside the bicycle track. It was decided that £5 be charged for tho use of the Park and that the request re grass be granted. From Mr Gibbs sayiug that ho was erecting a water mill at Nile-street East and asking tho Council's permission to use part of the river to drive the mill. deferred to the Works Committee It was stated that the Council had no power to grant qhe request. From Mr Thos. York oalling attention to the corse and briars growing on the south end of Ngatitama-strert. It was resolved that Mr Shirtclifle-who had oUered to keep tho road clear of corse, etc., on condition that he might run his pattlo there-be written to, ancF that he be informed that unless the road in question bo cleared at once, the Council will open tho road and luve it cleared, . From Messrs I&tcoiut and others living m Grove-street East, asking that the footpath on the south side of Grove-street, from Milton street to tho hill, be made up tarred, and kerbed. l ' Referred to Wo>-ks Committee, _ Irom Mr J. Blick and other residents in Grove-streofc, asking that the gas So be extended in that street. Referred to Finance Committee From Messis Sharp and Sous" offering to sell the Council a stone crusher and S 6 -horse power engino for i-360 The letter was referred to' the Finauea and Works Committees. finance From the Under Seorotary Q c j ua tw Officer ***'* b ° "W^** Ro* R ? ut I Qr Everett pointed 01* thai V , U iv?n r n th ° u W A t WW * W *t * " election event of* \ WOttld g»* *W' very expeu* S 1 S*^ W0 * l( * $»' J3ed llb bh e decand h.o t)vmh\ ii r- j9 J j the license fees, ratowo.uph^V - a f lD le that a special l.h,e Abyjfi. • ; D ?' JY ied. JS W elm ?S that if a number of diqe^W' / o. 1 " 80^ it would make a great r " ; d h to i ;V eveaue of th 9 oo»nS, Tl «ig tn . e , x -«6n' ye years tho revenue of ,ac Oounoil d eoreaaed abjut £500. The , expenses of tba election would be dividod , bythe City Cj'anoil, the Waimoa Oouuty j Couiioil, aud try 3 Riohmoad Borough Council, The City Council would have tj piy about 70 per o cut of the whole cost. Tiie former eleoUo' os cost about J-8 or £10; now it would ooab the Council nearly £70. Or Haddow stated that the elections iv future woutf. only fall once in every three years, From Mr Rt R jevea, asking for an auc« tioneera' lioexise. 1 Request grdintsd. 1 The Mayor stated that in addition to the falling off iv revenue of £500 iv 5 years, the Council had paid £225 per annum lutaly to tho upkeep of the Fire Brigade, Thoro wore a great many oxtrn drains on tho gonerul iiioount at the present tiino. I From Mr Green asking tho Oounoil to pay the unu who w.»s 'hired to prevent boya from getting ti Willow Bank. Unsolved that the request cannot be on« birt lined. From Mr Green with roferonco to tho feueo botween his property and, the Queen's Gardens. Reanlved that the letter lie ou the table. Public Works Commute. The report of tho Public Works Committee was read as follows : — 1 On application for water by W. Estcourfc: That this matter is dealt with under the general recommendation with toforenco to water services. 2 On letters from Messrs Webley Bros. : That as there is no sewer it Trafalgar street fcouth suitable for carrying away anythiug except titorm water they are unable to recommend thab this application bo granted. 3. \Oa letter from Mr M. Lightbaud : That the water table be graded, and the footpath raised. 4 On lettor from Mr W. S. Corby : That the matter has beeu settled. 5. On letter from Messrs Green aud Baiu -. The committee visited the premises of Messrs Dodsou and Son, who promised to endeavour, as far as possible, to avoid causing any nuisance to their neighbours. 6. On Utter from residents of the Wood : That the Committee oonsiderthiß a dosirable work, and recommend thut it be carried out aooording to tho City Surveyor's plan, provided tho Fi anoe Committee recommend that there are sufficient funds to oarry out this work in addition to the two works in the Wood already promised, namely, draining Halifax etroct, aud gravelling Miltou street. 7. On the Sa-iit-ry Inspector's report; That 2 owt of osuuphone he ordered. 8. As toEalifux street : That the footway iv Halifax stroob ba gravelled from Mr Calder'a gate to Tub man street, aud a few loads of gravel be 1 id in front of Mrs PraU'e. 9. Aa to the water aervioo : That in all oases of application for water ou land without buildings, tho Oomnmtia reoomineud that whero stock are to be kept ou the land, a trough and ball 000k be provided, and when atook are not to be kept, that the tap bo properly boxed in, and scoured.

10. Thab a driver's (goods) lt'oense h&i b"tn granted to C. Ha^gnnvec 0 Rout objeoted to tho draintge of Hallfax street. Or Haddow st»ted that the drainage of tho street would benefit the whole district Ue would oppose the bridge being built until after Halif.-x street had been dr dried. After further disoussion the report was adopted. Finance Committee. The repjrt of the Finanoe C>mmitte« was read as follows : — The Finat>o<! Committee met on Felruary 16th. when there woro pietent Orf, R ut J Hurley, and tho Mayor (Mr Trask) ia tho oh air. The Oommitteo reported aa follows :— 1. Oi Jettor from the Secretary of the Munioipal Association : That the Towa C'erk Rpnd a toply as drafted. 2. O.i letter from residents of the Wood'" The Commitfcfe consider that the present st to of the funds v not suoh as to warra t the expenditure necessary for a footbridge hut that there is money auffloient for carrying out iv lesser work, whioh would answer the requirements of the neighbourhood, i a ncy to widen and raise the road ia Shakespeare Walk, the estimated cost of whioh would not exoeed £20. The ropoit whh adopted. mv c 9/' d *w«»W Business. Tha Samtiry lußpMtor'a report was read and referred to the Works Committeo Or Haddow moved that the question ot inviting tenders f iJr supplies for the ensuing tw,-lve mo-.t^a be referred to the Works ComuiiMne.— Carried. The City Surveyor was given authority to hold an iuspr-ct : on of all baokuey oar. rr.ges in t ie oitv, J One tender w a reoeived for the fence, dividng Mr Green's property from the Queen's Gardens, v; Zi , Mr James Johnson! The tender wna aooepted The Major stated that Mr Luxford Had w ited upon him with reference to the siaa of the pipes put in in Cambria street Matter referred to Works Committee. Onthemo'nn of Or R out seonded by Cr Haldow the Sanitary inspect www authorised to prooure a quantity of. osme. phone, not fci exoeed half a ton. Or Beth wait j referred to the drain in Bronti street, also to a nuisance of grass. Mattar referred to Works Committee. J ?tW m that tUe w^ r *»>*» ** front of Mr Trask'd property in Colling wood street be repaired i a"""« Or Rout called attention to the faot that there was a hole in the Trafalgar-street bridge, and also that the. willows by the same bridge needed ontting It was resolved that tho Surveyor bare the mntters seen to. Cr Hiddow said that the man working at tho Qaeens Gardens wai an exceedingly hard working man. He worked early and late. He would move ttut hig salary be increased Is a day. * The Mayor and other Councillors bavin*spoken to the motion, it was putaod oarriedj unanimously. Tho Council then adjourned. ORIOKET NOTES. [By L.B.vF.J They say— 4 That Corder wa? not oufc Iwf >b i wiflrp 1 - Qfo» fl «» a« o£fcQrl U| tting the wickcu. btovens, slmp'^m n ■<! a n,,i, rh.t B-, lo hardßon showed vry bid judfr. can. Kiohardson would not shift, int- i - itia underetjod the United Club t"m fl n t 1 V U .m eyiag t0 Welli °Bton at Bute f h 1 ? 1 aa cu &*S 8n ™nt they owe to 1 the KUbirnie Club. Two other olubs are desirons of meeting the United?. fh(\t Greymouth, Tarauaki, and Nelson wanted to try their cricket afrinit ttSIIE tnhansbut were all disappointed, the exouse being «< no time." But perhips ' not enough o»sh » would be nearer the mark. That Shrewsbury, Gunn, and Graoe will not asoompany Stoddard'a team b) Australianext year. A good job that Gra.e will not ■ come out; for a oertainty bad feeling would . ex.sfc betwaen the veteran ,'and Sydneyiteß. . Grao* m no favourite in that part of they world, and no wonder oither. That Layer must be a great bat, ha c) fiff gt lataly made another large •oow/.^Jj* That Cross was wioket-keeping « n thm matoh Rivala v. Wellington W K. I™* pealed for a catch off Izvrd, and /'/L^f^ for the decision threw the • • The featenvui waa not X iV * M skyward* and tho vulgar orowd ' "\ °? tif ho^ eTe V, mibtike. .ftughed at Cro?, 3 ' B of N?S l .\V.*Boor°ed : ,^ h Pa r^erbnry» tlonld Stoke lost oo- A Ob (oot out). Saturday lasf iv t* 6 ftud woa one oa Bishop's sch.^i , Jl "iiors beatfog the seniors. * n f°\ m t tha 'College beating the. the very te " fi S^f or f mp > game Stole made to* oun JBt a3orerß |boiDg Lelgh ' 14 F,,r fch/ ■ nofc oub Bec ? nd inmngs for Wre the onl' ' soho A ' Leviea and Hart " fi°-urea my' J fcwo tnafc oou^ reaoh double °The cl» Kin .& 13 . nucl 11 re9 .peotively. came of .ampion fixture United v Nelson has »<• ■' oa "io Park and so far as the game son juo is i Q favour of the Uniteds. Nelon 1 winning the toss ■went in -and could y t y make 51 the highest scorers being .denardson not oub 12, Ni Levien, Booth, G. Harkness 7 each ; the rest made next to nothiug. The United responded with 75, L. Graham 23, Corder t l7, Hale 15,0. Graham 8, being the principal run cettera. In their second innings Nelson could make no stand as they have six wickets down for 21, Richardson being not out for 7. The bowling on both sides was good as L. Graham came out with 7 for 15 and Stevens 6 for 21. N Levien bowled very steadily against the wind until he tired. One over of his was especially good, which D. Graham knows to his cost, the ball that he was bowled with being a trimmer. A question whioh has been muoh dis-< oussed by our juniors for a long while is the fairness or otherwise of tho bowling of Ancell, of the Nelson juniors. Some players were very core on the point, and seemed very indignant that Anosll was not "no balled"; but up till last Saturday none of the umpires had seen fit to penalise him, Howover, Mr I/ttlejohn, wh> was acting ns umpire on S iturday last, immediately uo*balled Anoel), aud as he is well qualified to express an opinion, his decision ai to the unfairness of the delivery was generally aooepted, and tho vexed question thus set at rest. Anoell went off after his first over, but it ia to be hoped that Mr Littlejohu's deoision has not discouraged him. With a little perseverance the habit which he has got into, and whioh has developed very oousidfrably lately, could be broken, nml he would then be tho making of a good bowler, as he keeps Jan excellent lor>gtb. In addition to the benefit of Ancell s noballs, the College should also have received a valuable addition to their score in the same manner off Juckson, who was bowling ball after ball short. The umpire who had charge of Jackson's end surely could not have been aware what constituted a no. ball, aud although the spectators were not backward in letting their opinion be heard, Mr Umpire could nofc be induced t) pronounce the wordsi' The College-Nelson match for the Junior Championship is the first which has had to be decided on the first innings. Play was about half-au-hour late in start* ing, and the College must have regretted the lateness, for, had the match been played out, there is reason to think the Nelson men would have come off only second best), This should be a lesson to other clubs. The players who did best Avcre Scott (25 and 10), Bud (10 nob out), Gilbertson (19), Heyward (10;, Fell (17), and Ewarh (14). Fell made a very stnarb catch during the game Joe Gilbertson got rather a nasty knock on the nose at the wickets— his first attempt too. A Miohigaa paper says thab in a certain village iv that State so many people have the ague thnt the ohuroh boll is rung at specified hours for tho iv habitants to take thoir quinine, A eoroner'a jury returned a verdict that tho deceased came to his death from ex* posure. ••What do you mean by that," asked a relative of the dead man, " when there were two bullet holes in his head/" The ooronor replied with a wava of his magisterial baud: "Juet so, He died from exposure fc> bullets. " Nubbins, who has married the eldest of seven girls, tried to quarrel with hia mother m-law fch.6 other evening ' Nub. bins," said she, 'lam not going to ruin my reputation by quarrelling with you. Waib till my other girls are marriedi At present, as a mother-in law, I am only an amateur." Ouida describes the , nineteenth-century clothing of an Englishman as " the most frightful, grotesque, and disgraceful male costume which the world has ever seen,"

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 46, 24 February 1894, Page 2

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CITY COUNCIL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 46, 24 February 1894, Page 2

CITY COUNCIL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 46, 24 February 1894, Page 2


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