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The Mayor gaid ka had apokea tathe faswnt of Police with r^fc to^>w« had aaid that he would instruot thepolfoT to see to them. The hedge in Oollingwood street had bwn trimmed at theeqJffiTSr the Oouno.l, but'Mr Browning woaftlreftmd : the moueyoa receiving it ftdm WeffiSd " In reply to a question from Oc Mp«?S» ; Mayor gaid that there : had been no Xtoot the msqranoe on t>e Corporation nroASfc* though it hod been undefflt^S^ undertook the maint*nanM>ot ifolWL iirigade t . ' . ' " '■•*^r • », ... . Accounts, ''■ ''.;'"., '' ;r '-;} The followmg acoounta werepaM^d foV payment^Gas, «65M»7dVWai^^§5 .. mu . .. *«»»*• Balances. '/■'. s'; •i. The following, statement of the banking ' aooounta was laid on the table s— ' 1 • ■ * A d A * !i> ' ■"i ' General Aooonnt 2420 2 Si. ; , B^' - ; Interest ■ ... 118,18 5- ..' l v '^ Ox ' '":'-y ''•'■■ Smeteri^";: \ K^: ; Special Fund .. TO^uvS . i Qaeen-B Gardens „ ,^J$ i«: K v Contractors' Deppaite . v l^io: o;i ' ; were '^^.^S^C^^^p;^ a drain with.the Wtdmew-^T^^Hn^^^'^^^i^'^^j

taini&e the (dme,— Or 0. Barley eeoonded the Si6aMJr:Ai«wt(^3!*«4« thoOqun. oil ootild ieeblii^ceiwltttion without notice of motion/2-^e^yor said they could n^t exoepfc by unttumous consent*— ln reply to Or Bcott, the $ SyQ* «$ the olopk beMg^d ■ to the tpwh.-rOr Bootb'Baid that the Goun'oil oould te'lwhtfgmVr l^ed with it.— Or J. Barley said ifi wironly there on sufleranoe. Or Akersseh tiafiVedf and Or y Soott seoonded that the^worlk be carried out. Ayes, 5 : The MayorVf Ow ATttrsten, ,Rout, Everett, and Ak«rsten.ys©et>4: On J. and 0. Hailev, Piper, Md*w\>bsfer. . M.l£Hunfc { calling attention to the enoroaohtnent of water from the Brook-Btreet Btr»am' on Mb property in Tasman-street owing to tue faulty construction of the bridge.— Or 0, Harley eaid there seemed to f be a notion in the minds of some residents was bhe dujby of the Oounoil to direct theoourseof that stream. ■ Unless anuiuftnoo was created by the action of the Oounoil they had nothing to do with it — Bef erred to the Works Committeo. . Reports* ' The Works Committee reported as lows:-«---(1) On letter from Mr Holloway— That they are unable to recommend that this application be oomplied with. (.2) On letter from MrP, Adams— That they recommend that this path (tDhuroh Hill) be gravelled. (3) On letter firom Mr Eosor— That this matter be attended to. (4) As to footway, Waimea street, near the' Old People's Home— That ' the Oity {Surveyor have the large stones picked up ikpd the footway tarred. (6) On letter from. Mr J. Kitobing-That they are unable to recommend that anything be done in this stfett at 'present. (6) Be nighteoil 6«rvl6e, Ha vim .road — That arrangements have been ttade'to extend the night servioe to the Haven ibad. (7) As to'street gratings and pits i^.Tinfalgar street— That the Oity Surveyorihave new gratings and pits placed ia Trafalgar » street* (8) As to lamp at jorner of 5 Bridget and Barley streets— That the Oity Surveyor be authorised to havo a lamp placed in a suitable position at the ' obrner of .Bridge and Harley streets. (9) That the* Oity (purveyor be authorised to ' order thQ^ne<Beßsary meter fittings, &0., he requires tip ik>.' about £25. (10; That the City Surveyor be, authorised to employ a mah'pennariaatly at 80s a week, with free house/ td fceepi the Queen's Gardens, BotanioalßeserTe,; Viotory Square, Ohuroh Hill, and Beolaitned Hand, in order, and that the cottage, Jatlio. Queen's Gardens Reserve be moved" td neat? ibeT^ouad, and kept for suoh purpose, (11) That a fenoe be continued on the north and!* wedfc sides of the Queen's Gardens similar to the present fenoe on part otiUn^Otii, •;«■.■.•. Clause iO.-Jpr, Soott thought they ought to add to tb^tfolfanse that the man's services be at the dißpo^l of the Surveyor for other purposes,r-Inj reply to Or Piper, the Mayor said, that it l%|« 'considered that) if the cottage were shifted i,t ' would greatly improve the appearahoe of thje Qao6o,'s Gardens. - He &4ded that it was also intended that the man should act aft pouhdKeepsr.— Or J. Harley said that the present basin was dry. and. stinking, and the next thing would be that they would have to fill it up. It would be throwing money away to remove the dot- • tage. , ?Tiier.e jwonld be some reason in proposing that n,t be insured and some person got to burn ib down.— Or Bout moved that the.olausft be adopted.- Or Akersten Bpoke in favour of, removing the oottage. --Or Webster'did yot thiak,the Counoil was in a poeioo^tgerttploy a man at a fixed salary.— The Mayor stvid that £70 had been spent hut year on the Tariouavreserves.—lu reply to Or Tip«r. the.' Mayor BaidltUat there was a balance of 'ail totbe o^edit of the Queen's Gardens fund, ; There was more promised, but sot to be p»aM( until the Gardens were nearly completßd.- £ -The Surveyor said the cost of removiDi: the oottage would be about £10,— Or J, HwleT saidthat to destroy the b^remdiitog if would-be a siu.-vOr Everett was in fa.vour of removing the ootr tage, as it would, make the Qpeen's Gardens muoh more BigUly.' The £41 available would go a long "way towards fencing and „ generally improving the grounds. — The Mayor said' the man oould also spend some time in improving the Ohuroh Hill.— Or Webster aflked why the Oounoil should hand OYer the patronage of appointing the man to the Surveyor.-M}r Akeratea said that • the Surveyor appointed the men at the gasworks, The re]port was then adopted as a whole, On Webster and J. Harley Voting against it, Ordinary Business. Or Akersten thought the Council should try to eeonre the. gaol sits for munioipal purpoßes, He would move that the Mayor be instructed to interview the Government on the pronouL .They might not be prepared to utilise it, but they should endeavour to neureii. The Mayor might well oall attention to tb.B very unfair way thai the ProvinpUl didtriot had been treated by the Colonial Government. Or Everett tnoughl it might be premature to, apply for it, as Mr Seddon had hinted that prison labour 'might be used for making* the road round the Books, in which osee the building would be required ior their aooommodalion- . It would be a mistake to throw any impediment in the way of this very desirable work, ••••.,■ Or Akersten said the Oounoil oould under* take to keep the building in its present condition for at least treasonable time. Or Piper thought they Bhtiuld not move too fast in this matter, aB they had two or three thing's already in hand with tbe Government, Or Akersten said that they had a very impetuous gentleman to deal with in Mr Seddoo. and ft was possible the first intimation they* might receive would be an adver* tiaement offering the site and building for Mle.' .;..■.. . Ttie jbutfcr freii dropped. / s The Mayor said that when in Blenheim he had interviewed Mr F. Richmond in the mat* ter of the 'road round the Rooks, and he had promised to give £50 and the land required for filling in, the road. He had sinoe received a letter from Mr Richmond giving hiß consent on certain very reasonable conditions. The total amount, now promised towards the work was £470. He then referred to his interview with the Waimea County Oounoil, a report of whioh was already. Appeared in our v columns. The County. Counoil were '; still of the same opinion on the subjeot as in 1887, . . Or J, Harley moved, and Or Rout seconded, , tij&pt ik sum of £10 be voted to the Mfyor to toover his expenses in attending the munioipal Conference at Wellington.— Carried. Or 0, Harley said that several persons had Or Everett said it would cost him double - that amount, spoken to - him regarding the Botanical Reserve, Posts were put in for forming a tiug, and had left holes in the ground. He thought those who had used itforsporta • should remedy this.— The Mayor hoped that in future the purveyor would sec that the - holes were filled up before the deposit was returned.— The Surveyor said he had Been to this, but on rain falling the earth had sunk; Or 0, Harley said that the willows near 'the OpUingwood bridge were obstructing the ooarseof the Maitai river .—Referred to the WoW Committee. . •'• Or WeMter called attention to the largely increased expenditure on the streetß by day * libpn/,:.< He tuopght the Surveyor should '? IMS notes of %htii the expense was incurred ; for, H« did not mean to ipeinuate that it was tjnrieoeissry, bat he wished to call the "attention of the Oounoil to the fact, with a '' tlew to tbe gunreyor embofiying it in the eiMifcfef. |6r ' the next oontraot vt street maintenance, . „ • , The Surveyor said that he had taken full ! notes of aU the work done since he had been here. TbV expenditure on streets had been chiefly onJootpathi. „ ' Or Akeisten baljed the attention of the ' • Oounoil to the'laot tha^ some of the street iiorapittgs «fere ; noV removea acoording to $peMon\\on. . The stuff might be utilised in ' filling hollows on the leolaimed land. Or Piper asked what had been done in the 1 matter olltees'; , The Surveyor said he «» preparing a report, whioh ha would bring up at the next meeting of the Ooufccil. ' Or nper thought 6 emill Committee of tbe ■ , Oouooll shonld be appointed to advise the ' Bnrv«yor On suoh matters, Or /Iper aaked if anything oouid be done to • prevent the exodus f torn Nelson. If an Asipoiation were formed they might do good < ' »«!!l l6 ?' w intioclDg people to come here. IJjf Council then adjourned,

?'<' J|fl|u|El OESXUBIBS have rolled by B inoe ; itooJiXftld " Coffee (jiotnforteth (he brain and $M&£Mwli fcelwth digestion." Use Gbeabb'b r '*™jiQami Sold only in lib, and 21b. V*' fekLEt SAIS:' "Attet^all there is , CJdmi. Stfld o^Jy in |lb/ftnd 21b. tini». Fox the Beaionhble; the aUaaotlye, the ' fMoioaUng in lfaaterial, Bhapei , Btyle, and the very latest fashions tod novelties just to band )/yai>t6(uri6r Eirautska, ladies ebould not fail *°fa omwaqe j*e oppoirtaDtty now offered, and '' • ptfiWti.wfo* mantlo department,. at Te r' " ! - r ' , /r A''Ar6''H6oße, ■ - ■'-'. ■ ■ .•' - ''<■ '•We '"«w now 'showing sonie marvellous ; '"v tffJßr&tioiK " in ladles' sealette jackets, and : ' ; ■■■' 4KIiS>UU> iSPtfl the following :-«ThB Melba," K^i^raK^^'/^^^gh Fife 9oW»rj

An exceedingly handsome garment la " The Doagl/is " Alette jacket, laced with Persian lamb Sand ,|ear, aairasban, high : reversible ffiedioipoll^, iintjclßiik thtODghouS, frem 2} toSgmneai. All equally oharming eealette iaokefc is ••The Isle o( Wight," with deep -faolng and obllat oipure i quiirel far, prioe 5 gblneas, at Te Aro Hoaee. Id plash, seal, plushette, and eealette jtoketa we have an imraonse variety, A fluer BBBort&ent was never yet shown in the colony. The new etook ia larger, better Boleoted, and more complete than we have ever previously been able to exhibit, and we are onre that any lady requiring the latest faahionß in jaoketa of every description, ulflterß, mackintoshes, fur-lined oloake, travelling wraps, &0., will find everything desirable now on view, at Te Aro House.

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Bibliographic details

Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXV, Issue 121, 23 May 1891, Page 2

Word Count

CITY COUNCIL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXV, Issue 121, 23 May 1891, Page 2

CITY COUNCIL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXV, Issue 121, 23 May 1891, Page 2


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