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iflKfti' BAY AT? r«T r A"UTGn?*Q " "H il" I -. nS ..":!■"" -""' : -- j iraii» n:i s ' r '" l! . ;?.■; J , Of i TS .va^rante/l 'fo" -Wre "all disc^afget fe^m s JL : : !|lie_,tfriaafy x prgans,'!.fli f "either 1 "J^Si, ejeqairedor cohstitutipaal, Gravel, apd.^aipa, ib t^e back'. 'Sbldia "boxes,'4f ed'eacu/oy air 1 Chemists, and Patent .^.diciae_Y?s?<»s?v I „ r . Sole Proprietor, .F.J.CfvAMCßjr-j . . .-- 4POXHEOiBLEa f 'K^E,,'i£HflOLK,;^'aytHl>. i,* -' «'■ Bxeo^T -; aotM 1 , "v.'u-,^"". Bargoyne, . rßorbidgsf and Co.j ■ Golemaa- { street, London. -,rry ' ,aad : .Sdaa, ?T, Kewgate-stceet, , ! London. -■■■■■-•• Barclay and . Sons,. 95, Farringdon.-a^reet, . I Eo"ado'nV ri V.- ! . : ;: " '""'"'"'" ' " : '' ' ; ::'.v' - : .' ! Saager antl Sons, Oxford-;itreet; London. • - | And all the London WhblesalepHoaseiir; ■! /.'./, irs'yrizßAjiAN^.AOßii(is.;' : ' ; .'V--; r EnscprHpEKß, ' Pkos^er. and : Co A Whojesale I . i Bruggists, Daaedtd 'and A'acfcland," j MELBOURNE AGENTS. < F^B&Toir, Gkimwadib aad- Co., Wholesalef Draggfats.'; ;■■; ;•• „ •< . :■;.:•.:.;.! K. and M. Esosh, Wholesale Braggists. aad Co.^Whoisiale-Braggtijts. !•'"-'■ ■ SYDNEY AGEHTS.-: -:: ' ' A Eotiorr, ; Bsothbbs aad C& i : : Wholesale I I Brdggisfi. 1 " .-• " ' :•!• "-• ■■■' -.nvM Ed. Row and Co. j v ADELAroB AGENTS. Fauldins and Co., Wholnale Braggists. A. M; BiOEFoab aad Sons, Wholesale Drag- 1 ;. gists and Importers, Adelaide tod Radios. ! ■■'■'; BRISBANE AGEjiTS. : ' •'■--' , ' J •"'; . and TA-rtbai Wlfoiejale Brag- ; i gists'." ■" '" ' ■'">•■-■ ■ ;.- ■■■>■■■ • | « FOR TSES BLOOD IS THB LIFE." " I¥TTORLB-FAMEO BLOOB MIXTUBE. Trade Mark— "Blood Misfeare." 'TESGEaA.T BLOOD POBIffIBB AND KEBTOBEB i For cleansing aad clearing the blood from All imparities, cannot be too highly 1 reeom« mended. ' : . ; • . j . y : i For Scrofula, Scurvy; Skin Diseases, aad Sores of all kinds ib is- a; never failing) aad : BSFmanent care. - llt Carea old Sores - ; Carea Ulcerated Sores oa the Neck, \ Cares Ulcerated Sore Legs" j Cares Blackheads , or Pimples oa the Face ! Cures Scurvy •' | Cares Cancerous dicers ; ' Cares Blood aad, Sfein Diseases ' -'^ : 2' j Cares Glandular Spellings '' ■" '■'■ i -: ----- i Clears the Blood from all itapare Matter ; From whatever cause arising., ' ; As this mixture is pleaaaut to the taste,' ?ad warraated free franraavthiag injurioas to tha. moib: delicate codati6«itioa of either {ex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test, its valae. ■•■■,"■ i Thoaiands of testimonials from all parts. I Sold in Bottles 23 3d each, aad iq Cases, sis time^ the quantity, 11 s, each— : safficieat taeSecfc a permanent cuceia the great majority of long staadiag cases, / . , ' or Ait, OHEHrsTS and PAtaire ■ msdicinb ' VKHDoia thcoHghoat the wbrldi ■• . i Sole Proprietor, F. *F,. CLARlS, .fehemist, ; Apoxheoasies' Hali., Lihcoijj, EKatAND ■ EXPORT AGENTB, ' " Bargoyne, Barbidges, & Co, Colemaa-sfcceel London. Newbesry & Sons, 87, Sqwgat9-st., London, Barclay & Spns/95 Fai;riagdon<Bi, London. Sanger& Sons,, Oxford-street, London. " ' And all the iLoqdoa .Wholesale Houses. NEW ZEALAND AGBKTS; Kbsmpthobsb, Psossbr, and. Go , Wholesale - ' Braggists, Bumsdin and Ahoeiand. > ; MELBOURNE' AGENTS. •- •• ■ . Fblton, Gkimwadb &Co., Wholesale Deag- : gists. ' B. and M. Keoqh, Wholesale Braggiats* , Hehmons & Co, Wholesale Druggists. . . STpagr ; AGEJTT^. , i ."■;•■• Eruott Bkothees & Co, Wholesale Brag- ! gi««a. . •.--.■ . r . Ep. Eo^&Co. . : . ADELAIDE AGENTS..- .'' k '" . ' j Facrding & Co., Wholoaale Draggiats. ! A. M.' Bicefoed & Sons, Wholesale Drag* ' gists and Importers, Ads&aidb and : K&JOWA. BEISBAKK AGENTS. Bebelbt & Tatlob, Wholesale Braggists. ," '.. . ..2489

DYSENTERY, CHOLERA, FEVER, AGUE, COtJGH% r '' I _ , COLDS, &c. ... [T\R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S JLJ (Ex Army Medical Staff)^ Is the Original and only Oenuiue. rCAUtiON^-yiceSancbifor "sir " W: ; P. . iWood stated {hat Dr. Coliis Browne' wis 1 undoubtedly the Inventor of. CSOBGDJNE ; chat the story' 6f the defendant, Er^eman, being the: inventor, was. deliberately .antro?, whichhe regrefitediiid becnaworn to ' Emifaent Hospital Phystciaaa of London stated chat Dr. J. CoHis Brownet was the discorarer of Chlorodyne;' that' they prescribed it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne's. W&eyiYjM*' 'of.' July 12;- i?64i •'•"■ , , T ' ; :■-. <. The Public, therefore, are' cautioned sgaintt using any other than . r , Db. J. Coi&ia BaowNß'a CHLOKODJNS , [ . . ;,,.... . )l _ " ', .. "_. /■" / i . BEMBMAIi USES AMD AOEEOJF,,^ ;■ ; Thfi INVALIJ-ABLE RHMED¥ produces inlet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, calms . ;he system, restores the .deranged .functions, md stimulates healthy action of the secre;ioQß of the bodyj without cresting any of ;ha'aeuapleasa;at results, attending the use of >pium. Old and youog maytate it at all lours and times wßen requisite. Thousaads of perfions testify to its marvellous gaod effects and wonderful Cares, while Medical aen extol its virtues most extensively, asing t in great quantities in tne following Dislages.— < . . . ... Diseases in which it is found eminently j useful :— Choieca, Dysentery^ Diarrhea, I Colics, Coughs, Asthma, Rheumatism, j Neuralgia, Whooping Cough,' Cramp, ! Hysteria, &c. , • ; j ■ . ■ . . ' ■ i .• ■ j [Extracts from Medical Opinions.] • The Bight Hon. Earl Russell commuuieated to the College of Physioiaiis, and J. T. Dayenjport, that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of ' any service ia Cholera was Chlorodyne.— See lancet, Dec. pi, 18<j4. . . / ■'•::■ i From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector 9f Hospitals, Bombiy :— <( Chlorodyna is a mostvaluable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. ;To it I fairly owe my restoration 'to health, after eighteen months' of severe suffering, and when, all other remedies had failed." ■ ! Dr. Lo<?e, Medical Missionary in* India, reports (December, 1865) ';'— « That in nearly every case of Cholera in which Dr. J. Coliis jßrowne's Chlorodyne was administered, the patientr recovered." : i Extract from the Medical Times, January •12th, 1866:— "Chlorodyne is prescribed by gcoros of orthodox Medical Practitionars. Ul course it would not thus be singularly popaar, did it not 'supply a want and fill a place."' j ■ • • . j BEWARE of spurious and dangerouc compounds sold as CHLORODYNE, fcons. which frequent fatal results bare followed. ! CAUTION— None Genuine without the words, " Db. J. Collis Beownk "on the Gayemment stamp Overwhelming Medical testimony accompaniei each Bottle. " ■ I ffegr- The public are "further cautioned, a. •forgery of the- Government Stamp having come to the knowledge of the Board of Inland Revenue. ■ ; ; i " ■ Sole Manufacturer :— J. T. DAVENPORT, | . S3, Great Ruf sell-street, Bloomsbary, , I. ; .-, . ' London. ' ' . . | . . Sold in Bottles, 1/1 J, 2/9, and 4/6. I Wholesale Agents for New Zealand, :~ Messrs. SEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & Co., I . :■ -; Dohbdik. 864—25 i. — ■ __: " ;T IVER PILLS FOR INDIA |JU AND THE COLONIES. j DR. KING'S Dandelion and Quinine Liver •Fills (without mercury) are the best remedy for Bile, Wind, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Spasms, Giddiness, Heartburn, Nervousness, jGtout, and all disorders of the Stomach and jLLver. They combine . mildness in. operation with the most admirable effects, and as an japerient, cannot be surpassed. ! Manufactured by JAMES RORKE, 47, jMor timer-street, London, W., and sold all pyar the World by most Chemists and Medi-eine-vendora, at la. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. S and jlls . 499

j B3EJSra»aE^S: ■:■■:■,.■■,,,■: \ 6R&NOLAR EFFSR¥ESCPf PHPISAISNS. ; I ■"! il . Braao^'a"" Granular, Effervescent • OAN UII J '■•'•■" Cifr'flt^Jof.Magttesiaia not merely a j' i. ■ O*^ ■ : V"-.^ O "^I ft." '" '. . ' pleasant drink*/ b'u^ia' also I pnejof:the" i ! -tf | 'T-^^^»"VlßSO'"&i ' :^° B^ Taluaßl? a|di,6^hß'altpitt;exwt^ ! -^ >^~*s. "^* < 2N?''>i e^* It' nas;.;been' chosen l by ""the '_ I jfc* lILJitK ; i Public, approved by the; prof essiaa', ! [Entered at I /Ov J sSsUoneii'Hals.j ' and , ip now presctitied , regulady by 1 fStof** s&arSf- ""■ d*<C thonsanda of phys'cUns ' throughout ' v/ f*i& I flivi i» a *tf<K^^*\rk ' tha ™** T js ■?_"<* .^ e *'» safest,, and : •* Mm Am •*!' Pncfßl'' n I* iift I HJ*^ pleasantest regular aperient for per- \ *^A J. ll^ 111 f%ll JOft** ■'' ' sons of all ages and conditions. \ :'. • ■■■'^T- ™!™**_ j..,. . • ■.;-■■ The fact that the General Medical I _.. • " _ '■'■•■ •-'.-■' ; Council keis introduced art Imitation j Xho- Effervescent Properties of this light ana efegsofc o f Bishop's Granular JiiFmirwmi Preparation are retained in the highest degVee, througfi its fiJ^^tr^^^JW^n^l l granular form, producing a continued sparkling effervesceaea t,ura f e. of Magnestatnto the British ! aod preserving the flavour as a palatable Saline Draught. Phdruiacopa a, is a remarkable dud ; It is verjrvaluable to TraveUera, especially in tropicsl moat influential t'siimonyte the hygi- \ SltepropetfaeaMere^ eaforaa y te^^ time enia mlue of the original prepaL \ _ niBECTIOwa.— Two tearspoonfals or. more, pat fto 2* . ... into a tumbler half full of water, and drunk daring leffer- Lemon Juice, from which ana of. ; «Bcence, will prove a mild but efficient Aperient; while a ifc 3 c hief ingredients is obtained, Qas i SS KSffll^ taw fc een known as the mo^certato.. deliciously cooling and refreshing beverage may also be made preventive of BCUCTJ, and; indeed j by adding to a. tumblerful of cold spring water (previoiuly the British Government insists oa a aweetened with sogar,) a small quantity of the Citrate. supply of -this substance on., every, ! ihtbodvczb ahs P&BPA&KB bt ' Emigrant Ship. initlie,Boec;ai com«,SEBD BISHOP, jHftanofaantfnj ffltemtat, m£!ZlL^fift^^S m ** ■ . - ! ' "ties, of the Lemda Juice are comThis Bottle should be keot well corked, sad ia a dry piaat. bined with a miW aperient. I' . ' "• i - — I Tne Mineral 'Water. Salts (Seltier,' i? • i £ rE . nr . n «r r,«r..« x^i' Vichy, Cwlgtiad, &c.) are excellent '"wILAif^PBrSSIfPS 8 - £^ h ar6Mea t0 and the sale of WITHOUT which NONE is Genuine: them is rapidly increasing, . ... . : r MINERAL WATER SALTS. For the preparation of artificial waters, these j" Oranular Effervescent " Salts are especially suitable. They give a refreshing draught, and may be relied on as presenting at the aame time the chemical ingreiients of the natural waters. It is obvious that in tbiafoctn the " granular effervescent " preparations present many advantages over the waters themaelvas." While ail the constituents of the natural springs are exactly reproduced, the Sslts are extremely portable, more economical, and with them a sparkling refreshing draught is procorable in any quantity at any time. — 1 - " . Db. Redwood, Professor of Chemistry at the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, thus writes :— •« I have examined a great many Samples of Mr. Bishop's granulated preparationa, obtained at vaiious times and from different sources, and have found them to"ba very. uniform in character, fully charged with Carbonic Acid, and obviously made~witfc,; and accuracy." i ". . A provincial firm writes •«— " We have much pleasure to inform you thai; your Magnesia' is much appreciated incur connecGion. We liavs sold other makers' in former years, ba| now we shall never sell any but Bishop's. Oui* customers have sometimes complained of the Citrate of Magnesia, and we have told them they will never be disappointed iif they always ask for Bishop's, and sea that they get it." ! ; ■<■:,'■ (LA-BOBATOB.Y A^B" 'OFFI'C E'S'i" ""; ■'■'■.'• V. : . : ; SPECK'S FIELDSi -MILE BIJD MEW TOWN, London^ E. SOLD by KEMPTHORNB, & CO.i Bunedmt, t All Cnemlstt; 'MerchaatSjtjSMnners, and the Original Maker, put vp 1 id conveaient sizes for

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 23, 26 January 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 23, 26 January 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 23, 26 January 1877, Page 4


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