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„,P olitics and sporting don't seem to assimilate! i Q New Zealand ; ," oi* perhaps _ should say in Nelson.- o; Judging, by- past experience; B should say^that both are requisite; fer,- the - . • sustenance aad invigoration ,of - the system,, but the doses must be taken alternately and at stated intervals, not. together.. ..Takey for in-- • stance, the time when Parliament is in session, when weCare all mad upon polities. 9"be; newsß; paper columns are full of telegrams from the seat of Government, aud;editoml and corres.pbndental remarks upon what is taking place 'in* the Legislative. Chambers, and men's; minds ■ " are Jf ull of the.results that are to be produced. by ihe.passing of this or that measure. C, Do you think, you could get up a race meeting or a regatta at such a time ? . f , Bah I you must he mad to ; dream pf suc^.a thing. C r CWell, now look at the reverse side "of the picture. r When r . a keen contest Cis expected ,to -take., place in the course of aday or two, say' be-C tween a lot of boats, do you, my good friend, .feei disposed to be driven or led ; to, -take an Cin|;ereSt in the^siate p£-the atmosphere in the political arena 'as •i& was' registered a -'few months, previously. Not a bit of it. That ..clipper outrigger Wakatu enlists all your sympathies; ofc. tfee\iast imd .favorite] Dolly c^rriesiyqus ;,mpney, pr- tho SteHa^sorbs^. ..yipar thoughts, and what„care"y6u at that' particular jfcime for what one of your repre- • .Csen;taliyes_Cthjn^s "of "Sir George Grey .Cover j violence, or Sir Julius's notorious eitm.y^gapcea^ /c ,*yhere.ia- a,; tinie . for; all things, and all deajlt,\#tl_ Injthelr propeß c ,time,; mtiLM Cyou'; ' ftajCpot; 'idthl& .the" existence of^thiiurale*. yoa. moat. notCbe surpmed^j^Coccaaionally, ypaC|fed,,t&a4 haye made a big blunder, it was by ignoring itthatMessrs;Cart|s.anfl.Sh£wp on Monday night subjected themselves to the mortification of having to deliver their post-sessional utterances in a big Hall sparsely dotted insteadpfjbeipg profusely crowded with listeners to wife&they had tb say< ■ C t ..*. • •: .. V- ;" i ' A: y ]■ can't yefc'ißadejßSfaiaa, -alfchohgh I have thought a good deal about it, how Mr Curtis, who rohPihdt occasioh Lwas : disposed to. f&ke so friendly aview of -every prominent' .poJi- . tican, md matter on what side he ihighfc have been ranged during the late seaside,: could bring/himself to attec.a sentiment thafesnosti haye'cnfc,to*heivery heart bna of 'his.seventy • hearers the other night. I suppose it is that , I am too tender !heafted, : bat i I feel ". that in the presence of. that individual I coald not , have brought myself to say what our representative did. ; He, to whom I allude is. a perfect marytr to hia adoration of County Councils, and County Councillors to whose powers and dignity he has not yet been able to bring Jhimself ; to,plaee a,. limit.,. It, waa. pleasant and refresbingto a degree- to hear the incessant " Hear-hearsd' with which he. interpolated the : speaker's, , remarks when They wefein increased powers being gi jen to i County Councils, and it was _uite as painful to notice the absence of those expressions of approbation when. Mr Curtis ridiculed the assumption of - PftrßgrafeJitary for_ts arid ceremonies \}y bodies whose dnties' were confined to looking after rogds and „pounds,and "perhftpscharitahie iostituiions." ! -listen to this must have been trying enough to the temper of the honorable mem--bejr for the Wai _ti Riding, but 1 when Mr Curtis went ? ori ; to -assert that it was the height of absurdity for Comity -Councils 'to attempt "to ape Provincial Councils." : I wondered at his temerity, and could not but condemn his utter want of consideration for thp feelings of others/ To 1 aspire; to the forms of British Parliament, and to be told that it is absurd' -" to ape a Provincial Council." 'Perhaps I am too sensitive, but really I don't think I could ; have survived suchablowr" ' - : '.-.*•- '■ - ■'•■■'.• .-:• •■w.-. -,: f supP oß^ I ought to say something 1 about theregatjijt'i bdt I feel that I am scarcely eoual* to making such remarks upon it as m]ght fairly be expected from me on so im- • portant an occasion. I shall, therefore, make them very brief. I knew that the proper thing to do was to provide myself with a pair ;of field.gktsseg, and iq sling them „over my shoulder -in an : ostentatious 'manner, ' but Hvinginvestedallmy loose cash in '- 'sweeps," add backing the Waimea to win the champion inrigged race, I could not afford to purchase these necessary adjuncts: to my sporting equipment, but fortuuately I was able to induce a dealer in these articles tb let me apair for the day at threepence an hour. .Arriving at the wharf I was immediately assailed by five men, each of whom wanted tc-'lje the first to sell me a correct card. I didn't like parting with one of the few sixpences I had left, but thought that the glasses would he of no use unless I knew something about the colors; displayed by the various boats, so! "bang.ffeii- another Cm^iing, jwo'.

withthiitch^ed-fofem®tE^pwn. But { B? W ' zP d ga^h^^ngeMiamM called by iCdurteiy>a caifl of npekadsl scl^ely knew jgfcat ten|io f ||h it, so JE Mcd Rid to see |I|OW o^rspolt over the _Mcid§g?and flnd|P? fc^®*%€4^ each! had l^^^iously de-|®^^*-^^^«raihmaofi|s^^^ioas border , *?i nnmedSply pulleffMg^^^penknife and did the same. Then I went on the hill side, which an accidental ?) fire had rendered quite black a few days before, and seating myself near a party of men who had a saltwater look about them, bnt had neither cards nor glasses, IJn coßSmott]^6h*ij^rffTfeecfee4my atten.fea.*#i% Tm^^Tt*4m%YmS had just •oromericed. After tSe *boaßs Hatf gone well up the harbor (I was watching them intently »fei ßteXjfees, but had not the least -idea which ww r wSlc_)^iry^_Sf|hmi^^«ie! to get.excited. and,every now and then would call d_U«« Th^QangerfsMeaa^'i^^AucMa^t will win," and so on. Just then I began to " • ; dist^aisfrtfiS^^ll^SFttnfcKe_ig__^ leading boat was carrying blue aud white I Jwked at my card and found " Colonist, blue 'Ynawhite.'' Herj^lffought, was a. chance SSOj^fecoup myself theaW)unt laid out on hire of glasses, cab a*_3ggta, so, trusting €_*£Be printed information before me, I offeigMMn the most reckless manner to bet sixpen{se&q_ the Colonist, and -ws3-_|ken up to the race wepCap, s ;my! boat .can^in ]_es^%nd I demaudp&Sjy '-hiQiiey/Jteting previously determine- tptreat myself jWif sandwich and glps o^teer-o-Hf my winnings, who^w^ me^^^k burlt of laughter, anffa d^ill|o pi^^E had^t inßteaAofw^n. I argued and "PotecTfMn aajg card^-es-aihow that bluep)^fwhit^ig|re $%hB colors of t^wmnin^ ho^ anijtbat _fcfie; Colonist carriedjitup anfl white. and wffife Beiblotß^p.'t'flaid one ofethemwith whom rafriiiade a bet{ " d'yfiynk p^'t know from anothe^w«_iat lookipg to pee what eolorhthey've got." ' Jusfc-feSen yi,q_it another gl£t_fe;ati,my eard?^)h! fro^Bor. -^Oht oflSflia boyrtKit sfMiur Carried 3luaahd while, a_d one whoeant bltfi^hd the CaiouisS was not the wMz@r. WJ& a look as i^eaMy approaeliing/'ancolacerh f^ I could possibly pultW,- 1 pakJW thrll^id sispenee^w^ch feffe_i^ absolnflly peMls, -andttoim sat down again and communed w^bh ta^sdt^andthe ultimate shape a&u'med £bjl my thoughts fis something of this _i_3— No sandwich anOi||d walk back t^@n; go and see shoppelplri and ask him m^give me till Saturday night to pay for gU_^s; mental memo: next time you go to a regatta V'?," don't hire Yglasse?, don't buy a c*rect •; ; jßard, aud don't De^ men who know what : they are doing far" _e*t'ter than you do. > _ --There hasbeen a good deal of talk of late ahoufvEfig powWs^f^hr^ovexnor-i_^co_^ ■ttec^ion- with -^he. prorogation, but, I T/ am., r b'egmnihg to believe that 'th. dftvekoE^cau ! do just , he pleases, i„ fift*t,Hh£it_e J is nbxt'door to bmhipolenfe^ J_ •-wSillalking the , other day to one of-the quarantined- passengers by ! the : 3Au , stmlMorfterldtet*i_itb s 4i • SanTFranciseb: -ifi^do^n'tfthlnk-nsueKioli ■ the tryttinent experienced by the quant_aneU*.v oneji at Auckland, "and "states - that~one of - ' theHrfgrieytHices^a? f-bat rthe^pilcfc/who-spept^ several hours on ; ,.C^arjl,,^e. 1 5uppose<Sd-| be ship was all6w,e.b^ 10, tetiirn on shore without .taking any, ptecaMphs, whatever. ThereCwas 5 a gTowl'^. .h^i_d -ffie' passengers. wished'tb' khMv*, if the pilot after f reel^' with them from early morning' 7 ' - until late in the af terhooh courd go bacFaßd" join thefshOre folkkCwitlfdufcicaliying^iffl^Cfcgii», ; why they couldn't do jthe .same. - . wa^ that ; the .Governor by anOrder in Councjt granted' a i special^i_imtfnity' "W^he* pilots Now, wtio wouldn't he apilot; r tdbe exempted .' from small-pox by an Order in- Council,-and. who wouldp^t be, a Governor ,-to, hav.e, such -enormous powers vested itf him?' ' D_ Jennet i was a fool to him, ! '- °x -* ' fi > ' 1 v f -^

V tiAT.^Jtago Versifiers have, Cgi yen, ua some v t ,r y pre Jy odeg, elegies, aad s son nets, but o th« \j*Bt-jCoaB_ K ba's*_; ■ produced a /a^r Cwhich caps anything , that has as yet em-tnat^-d from Oar P^ilinie* j The Bullet, JSeWsi'f. sp'e\k>; "■■UB : <flf3*JP»X* -H-'fjAn jflggil meaalriul ' five inches in dbmeler, and four,, from end to 6nd, weighing 4§o?s,, was lajd by a^cotntn'on f 6m belong iog^ to _ Wiii* port resident on jToeaday last.— sa<«fAdverliser ••--- A&XtiQAAtitltalcisid^ the speech recently delivered by Sir George (?rey r tb his constituents, saytf ; "it-was -of- the- matter -and form of the stump stumpy," -. and ; that " there was a. gne ? .admixjlure tof jmpagsioned Behtima_t and Sairey Gampish logic." igf... itj wece.notj that cpllasion-jjetwj^n^ tbe.^oye)rqment and Sir (£eor g^ -JS-re.y*4 ia" beydbd the regions of jjro.bab.ility.,(says thja Argues) ywe oaigb* t . fancy / v that som^Uttle arrangement had be^n tdgV^hea' 'we notice that YKawau and other islands on the AqckUnd Coast are not'iacu^dea' withta "the bbandarf.e%s oLanyJ&ouoty. They are thus exempt from all loca.l .taxation, although several of them are Very valuabW private properties, i gir Gepfge Grey for .instance is, al'bwner^'orcKawaUjCa^ .from cpotriboting to the support of the new- system of. Government iSto r : _■ hich he so much objects. It is almost a pity that the Governmeat| did not further ohllge.;Sir.C* .George: -Grey ;-.: by? l makingA C Kawaa a Province, as well as leaving it orttXof (the County^ .\|i;UT£-ri «0 Our Waikato contemporary thoa refers to the late Sir Donald McLean: —"The present perhaps fis a fitting time to dispose of, once and for all, the only charge against, the official character of the late : Sir Donald McLean worth taking notice of— one wbicb, unjustly made; still lingers in the minds of many, and one tbat we h ave heard . occasionally cited against him — that he was the oause cf the war Which commenced mi 1860. The.chargQjimplied against .Sir Donald, then Mr McLeao^c th?tjh_e, being, the confidential adviser of Governor Browne at thp time, was C'.:'theCrea.'cause T^ I§6o, V can be easily diepro^edV "T6e ! truth is, (governor Browne Cwas, pressed, by the pariy t ",tp wlijch Mr Richmond v?a_. allied to make .the Waitara purchaaei' > and/ahe^ gtya-ie .party gave.. the. adviaft V Cwhich . the otiforcement- Qf,~fsk# - -.pure^se'.-'sY-^H-e'-'-pofntr'b'K the' fafotitfr, - and aW*'b^VY^urj ; B{fq'3fiji; 'native Vr&iSblei-. A do_teihporiryhi*4 : lately 'p^rtiied f'<tii:(tbat the late Sir Donald was on a be<i . oliillaeas^wtieu this _dvice' W^a given, ■ bot the following quotation from a djs--C patch writt-n; in 1863 by the Duke ot .Ngwcaatle, atid. part, or which ; curiously .; Cehougb, we came opon yesterday in -■ seaiching eo-ne, old papers,, fiually die poses ol She' charge so 'cot'omdnly made V against Mr McLean. The late Secretary of State lor the Colonies thus writes:—* The decision to complete, by; force, if necessary, the purchase of this' £the Waitara] land was adopted at the advice, not. or the Native Department, but of the Executive Council. * *7* It was under this pressure, with' this advice, and through this agency, that Governor Browne took the steps whioh led .to the ;*■>/ " The .Kumara — Referring to. tha position of Kuraara, the Kumara Times says:— "During the months of August and; September a regular,; stampede; set ic^andCin apite of warnings from thCa.. local prefip, men came from every part of New Zealand and the neighboring 1 odlonfesi impressed with' fabulous ideas| off the -wealth of , the d istr ict, „ To. „s^ that Ku mar a gre w would , g ive .-, a , ;tajn 1 1 C i^efj?- B .P?*?6 U P '•^ e !i? e )*J> 'ftv^he, Ar*hien : Nighta, as if touched by 'ai^ ; eferahaoter's wand. Every : »ti available! site was applied for, aod sections 'which a few iflontbs before were; valueless commanded fancy prices, and on the SSth^September the Kumara -Times was started. The promises we mate . then we hayeeipee endeav,ored>to fulfil. l^^aid wew.ould be independent, and UQtAa.Qi single itißtance haves we dek parted from it. We have hot -vaunted op- the field. In our first article we asked the question whether bueineee was not over done, and stated that ' this was hotithe place for new au- ihesne"^ iehced diggers. . Theee diggings mean work— hard, heavy,- laboriouawork^and the;jmeanß to "eland' hy " Whilefthe djajcDS ">J were beings , prbyed, , u C, iSince then we would poiot to. the progress that Kumara has made. Its hotels and stores are second to none on the ; Coast; 1 and while the * inexperienced diggers.' -s^mftn.iwhp have. 00 right, once. new) . goldfield— -have disappeared, miners of the right stamp have taken 4 their pld^e. The; diggings now extend for miles, and «" new township— Dillmah's— ■has sprung, up; a horse-track has: been formed to it,, frorh which vie wa of the greatest beauty can ba obtained, and which cannot be excelled in New Zea-land,..and-another track is to be. made along the Shamrock Lead. A telegraph ' office has been established, and also a Cburt-house,- police camp and .barracks. " It- j_ id be "'the central station ior the . Resident Magistrate, aod tesdei-3 ara called fer t-bo ereciior* ot !u-<- r*ii-i J-tincTa; whikyft u''f.ji uo;- f . /:-:-' fa al'*»,b to-bh 'iu'i'^'i s'l.'i «*"-. rv.u 1 -" -^.-ka 'kre iv active oj.-'fario- l*.. — the Royal a«» i the A^iphi — are t»e-n erecieu, besui ..•« »-*o si- .*■-. «j»»iw mills, brewen a, Hiy..' 'TUere-i* stil- mucb 10 be duu— v towii o.a to i»e drained or thefw is no tiouDt it wiil be very unC healthy; a iliie bng».je estdblished, aud a hdapiial t6 be built; but the inhabitents"iuiverlititli in K 1 ara, «h^y know its resources, and though there will be a. slight depression consequent on the reaction after the holidays, still we say that in three mpnlha' time Kumara will .7 be oiore prosperous than ever."

; A bachelor returning from a ball, fo a crowded coach, declared with a |>roan tbat he had not tbe slightest pbjeetion to "rings on hia fingers," put he had a most unequivocal aversion ito '* bailee on hia toes." • About a dozen Englishmen wbo ftave held commissions in English bavalry regimeotß have arrived ia Constantinople, and have found immediate Employment in the Turkish cavalry now being organised under Colonel [Valentine Baker. The latter will admit none in the corps under hia direction except such as he is perfectly pertain are good and efficient officers, -with nothing against them in any way. jUoder the Colonel's direction of the Ottoman Horse, none who are not approved of by him oan enter the service. A correspondent of the London Times makes the astounding statement tbat the grand ceremonial at Delhi to annoanoe to India that Queen Victoria is Empress will cost £500,000. At a time when publio works are stopped for want of money, and the Government fears a loss of a tenth of its revenue from the decline in silver, half a million is to be thrown away for no purpose •whatever, except to gratify Lord 'Bgaconsfold's Jove ot_it|ie;,«.ndiose f (Nft)a ieWjjpCerl^nt jf^t^^qlSlatiM., 'oFludia -efan Cafeie the -eeremoffisl, aitiP not ten per cent will ever hear of it; yet a so^aoffieient ioreio;eate -a- province isib Ihl^flangf^vaylwknloving soldiers, entertaining princes, and paying the useless peop)e,who minister to 'pageantry. It is too bad. I Th W a Jl_ V" w t^¥t 5 6 ? 8 ? 0 to heMejf [thatlßuJisia, it/frM fhUld breaV ._t,l*ill£_n£p mattlra 4__duotM in a very different manner to that of 1854. At that*\{(giißTja distinguished Indian officer suggested*, nay, urged, the jneceaaity of a flank move from India on thft-Aaiatia- r nossee.ionar 1 -of-rßflß'|ia. excellent advice, however, appears to jbe fully appreciated now, for we hear :on good authority that Mr. Gathome iHardy is fully impreesed with the wisdom jof such a proceeding, and, ia consequence, any number of eager, practical speaking the language and iknowing the country, are ready at the jshortest notice to make such a diversion jo a ihe Russian very extended lines of jcoramuniofttiou as will really make the j* Bear' dance such a dance ss has never pi-iere.i into his imagination." j About thirty miles above Wilmington, jNorth Carolioa, lived three men, named (respectively Barbara, Stone, aud Grey. | They came down to Wilmington in a Ismail row boat, and mnde it fast io the Iwharf. They had a time of it in the {city ; but, for fear of a falling off in jaiores on their way home, ihey prooured ja jug of whisky, and after dark on a 'black night they embarked in their •boat, expecting to reach home in the morning. They rowed away with all itbeir energy, for it was a strong stream (they had to contend against, keeping jup^thetr^pirtts^ titf '^ jbreak of day they thought they must ibe nVa£___ug and; leei_^ihro , u|_« t_e idim gray of tfcaT "fiof ftTng' fl bouse on the riv-_ J SAfe,* 'Bft^l \afef l «Well, Barham, we've cot ,jto .yonr rOlace at last. "If this is myjiouae," asfd Barlot of outho.uaeSf since .-r^bßreEft away yesterday j^ut Fli-gt. csbd^end look about andlseg wWe'.wafare, if you'll hold hw'Tdl^'^Barham disembarked, too_ s bad_4oVin^p« WVlH^titf .m2h_U_ yet ; and, what's more, the,hoat-has beerf __fi*ya^«i' *k_2 %|9 mthl >*■ «'T_e ißMfbrf-ti. tlrcF Streßtff'^writtfsl--1 wai to drag s any rie^r^arf.intoVtWfhg preliminary. I find I'm wrong. Just he^Vhlß.Tte^?pfmP%fco^Vs up M^^l^SjWlfiiaof h W' 8 _: 1 !r *f ci 9R ?$& Aa«M>Q| t 1 strike, the __« miia&ti (jkitt iVyMinaiajjce,;tt\© prevails in early morning. ij'ilihe[tfeaa»q dering rollof ' the atockwhlp disturbs not 7 ilie dreams of the unconscious 1 slumberety-nor - atartles— the — innocentr 9 ra iH a^R9tJ jthe; crs^qfrajgiat-^. of tbe forest asjt r^ljigtantly gives \njjF itß , -_ ra J?P r PO . mother ' eari_. and Jcages a ghastly lane ; in J th(B f fttf |§'tf§.^ts^fello'Ws as i t ,; apprpjaches ; Lthe^grftund^herajds hot' the. labor soff the feoha oft .- toil. * * Th? crVsfilfb-Fiiftt^ ai-f ifUv- -SG&II f *ifod niffibl^.^oarattife^ •fg^ariotis' gofers atfdn prjay pjuinei.. .(fancy Ho^,._iay in ostrich, fadthers) • prepard ; , for Vf- ther coming itfu^lel'-'hdrsei' artti' 'ih'etr necks" atfd"_-'p4c'-e : '"fc^ fsty* »-S&T &w off I The^a* tbey gOf,!, Doubt,4ertalnty ,hud despair aifeeiiaaiely predominiteß m i.n- : the -'tanks of > the betting fr«#e>£i'ty/ 'IffoZj^fciV—W; the blue— well done the, y eljojw, :> Go it j Bill I. hurrah .{?. Stock* is La rough: outi line of- what strikes the casual 'observer |on a "racecoure," • A rough; outline \ I' Our own "'c>llsit.Y .1 callat re^Uc |in the? first-degree,:- ;. ; : j;" ' ; ',7, .<.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 18, 20 January 1877, Page 2

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THE WEEK. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 18, 20 January 1877, Page 2

THE WEEK. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 18, 20 January 1877, Page 2


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