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NOTICE. NOW ON VIEW, at WDAVIS'S STUDIO, Trafalgar-street, a ENLARGED PHOTOGRAPHS of CHILDREN, taken by a new and improved system; most beautiful pictures, and of a large size, far surpassing, ior softness and detail, any Photographs of Children which he has hitherto taken. To introduce this new and pretty style, W. D. will, for ONE MONTH, give SIX CAIiTE DE VISITE VIGNETTES of a Child, and a beautiful ENLARGEMENT, touched with sepia, in frame complete, for £2 2s. 1452 WILSON & BICHABDSON HAVE OPENED, EX ALGERNON and by the LATEST ARRIVALS FROM MELBOURNE, 44 MORE PACKAGES of GENERAL and WINTER DRAPERY, at the same LOW RATES as quoted in last advertisement; making A GKAND TOTAL OF "| i)Q PACKAGES received for this Season's laO Trade. 2 more cases of Ladies' Straw HATS, from Is. 3 more bales of White CALICO, from 6£d. j 5 more packages of heavy Aberdeen WINCEYS, from 9d. 2 more packages of Winter Fancy Dress GOODS. I 1 more case Dress TRIMMINGS & BUTTONS. 3 more packages of Ladies' and Children's HOSIERY. 1 more case of FURS, real and imitation. ' 1 more case FEATHERS & Hat TRIMMINGS. 4 more bales of Welsh FLANNEL, from Is l£d. 3 more packages of stout Brown Holland, lO|d. 1 more bale of Crimean FLANNELS. 2 more bales of full-size Witney BLANKETS, from 17s per pair. 7 more packages of Fancy GOODS, containing Cambric Handkerchiefs, Linen Sets, Collars, Wool Ties, Lace Goods, Ribands, Gloves, Beltclasps, &c. &e. 2 more cases of Ladies' CORSETS, in colors, very strong, from 5s 6d. 1 more package Worsted and Linen DAMASKS. 1 more case of Scotch MUSLINS and Muslin CURTAINS. 2 more packages of Men's MERCERY, containing Crimean Shirts, Warm Hosiery, White Shirts, . Ties, Hats, &c. &c. 3 more cases of Colonial-mode CLOTHING, manufactured expressly for this market by one of the first makers in Melbourne. WILSON & RICHARDSON In directing public attention to their unusually LARGE STOCK, NOW ON VIEW, ' beg to state that the unsettled state of the English Markets lias afforded them as Cash Purchasers, very great advantages, which they now offer to their customers in A SAVING- OF 35 PER CENT, as compared with Winter Drapery, last year. WILSON & RICHARDSON, Bridge-street. 1282 ——————————— ■ ■ Wanted. WANTED, ~ KAA SHEEP for grazing, on Green's Farm, ZJ\-?\J WaJmea, on reasonable terms. Apply to J. JOHNSON, 1381 Trafalgar-street. WANTED, by a middle-aged Woman, a SITUATION as Nurse. Apply to Mr LLOYD, Baker, Nile-street. 1445 WANTED, Two or more BOARDERS. Apply at the office of this paper. 1409 WANTED, TWO respectable Young WOMEN; one as General Servant, one as Nurse. Apply to Mrs RICHMOND, St. Katherine's, near the College. 1434 WANTED, a General SERVANT. Apply to Mrs BEIT, Haven-road. 1364 WANTED, a good General SERVANT. J Apply to Mrs HARLEY, Raglan Brewery. 1324 To Let. TO LET OR FOR SALE, A COTTAGE and about 26 Acres of LAND, at the Lower Moutere. For further particulars, apply to Mr BUCHHOLZ, Motueka. Nelson, July 20, 1868. 1413 TO LET, on a Building Lease, for a term of 14 or 21 years, a First-class BUSINESS SITE. ' For particulars, apply to 8., office of this paper. fl TO LET, with immediate possession, a new Eive-roomed COTTAGE, at Hope. Apply to W. P. SMITH, on tho premises. 1385 TWO or THREE COTTAGES to LET. Apply to J. SIGLEY, Toi-toi Valley. 1431

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume III, Issue 161, 10 July 1868, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume III, Issue 161, 10 July 1868, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume III, Issue 161, 10 July 1868, Page 3


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