RsuRANGt ":. OEPARTMENIV::~ FACJTNo.2. ffhe PREMIUMS are sntted to meet fthe wants of all classes, and are oa the whole considerably lower thaa those charged by private offices. It you ire twenty-tiiree years of ftgv ihe Oepartment wi»L for £1 a month, gUASAKTEE TO P.iiT.YQU« FAMILY »<• leaet £SOO if yea die before y«TO a.r<> eixty; and if you are alive at; sixty you will dr»w tha £500 yourself, with prcSk added, vrhi&h will make the trunessation i^ goofl inventmeiit for yon, in addition to hivii/g assur-ed soiree proviato* *««* jont totmiiv \r»rf Vf <™ &*&& earlier. I« your Hie issurewr if not communicate with the Government Insi; ranee Department. District Representative: Mr G. A. STORRAR, P. 0., Wnangarei. ENVELOPES. ENVELOPES. ENVELOPES. P\(\ 000 ° LLED Linen O\J,\l\J\J Ivory URFACE Business Envelopes at the "ADVOCATE " OF FI CE. t i They are a special importation Strong and Cheap. I Special quotation for Quantities At the "ADVOCATE ,, Office NGAIO, June n *.tb, 1911. NAZOB LIMITED. Dear Sirs, — I was suffering from a very acute form »f Influenza together with sore throat. I was depressed and slept badly, when a friend advised me to try NAZOK I had bought several other remedies, including a well-knwon cough cure, bur could not get cured. NAZOL gave me instant relief, and my illness gradually left me, so that I am able to eat and sleep well. "* I cannot speak too highly of NAZOK Tours faithfully, JOHN CARROUb. A HUNDRED years ago housewives •polished their floors with a bath brick. Then came Beeswax applied with a rag, and last came that modern invention and greatest of linoleum polishes " fcinoarnish," All grocers Is 6d.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Northern Advocate, 7 June 1912, Page 7
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