The LEADER Everywhere. HAVELOCK TOBACCO. * ' ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ *■ • . '■ The public either commends or condemns a Tobacco, COMMENDATION has kept "Havelock" at the. head of all Tobaccos. It is a Tobacco for all classes. QUALITY is responsible for the high favour in which the Tobacco is held. i ■ ' ■. ■■ .■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ . : ' - - . . ■ . • -1 ■■,■■■'■ ; ' -.■■ r , . . ; ; . ■ , ■ THE TOBACCO THAT THE DISpRIMINATING SMOKER HAS MADE. The LEADER Everywhere.
C. & E. %T HOME, IN THE CLUB OR HOTEL ' WHEREVER YOU DESIRE A WHOLESOME DRINK. . Take ; . "Dominion ,, ALE. . -..-■ ;.;■-;■■ And- '■ \ . DOMINION INVALID STOUT. , LEON-ART Stains fof all woodwork, carved or plain. Dull flat fisish, made in all colors. One coat and the work ie finished. All grocers and stores Is toJ, .■'■■ .' ■■ . , ■ V: ■■' '' : •". "
•llpilßfiiriUJS X?R3^mfcx' caskets Keep Your Bournville Cocoa Coupons. Under their great gift scheme Cadbury's distribute regularly large quantities of their superb and delicately-flavoured Chocolates, They are packed in exquisitely-designed Jewel Caskets (metal) of the general appearance sketched above. Drink Bournville regularly and get these Caskets Posted You Free ! Send to Cadbury% "Wellington, for a Coupon Starter.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
Northern Advocate, 7 June 1912, Page 7
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