Fulljames and Sons Manufacturing Plumbers WAIER ST., Whangarei just landed a large shipment of Assorted Sinks. 20 xl 4 blue enamelled Tanks, 12s gd each. 20 x 14 white enamelled Tanks, 15s o.d. G«od second-hand No. 1 Orb Range for sale. : NOTICE Re Cleaned Seed Oats Australian Algerians outhern Algerians Local Algerians GRASS AND CLOVEB SEEDS. All seeds personally tested. I can, therefore, guarantee that only cleanest & highest germinating seeds are sup plied. . MANURES. SOLE AGENT Fisons' Special Fertilizers ana Sheep Dips. BO3TEDUST. Sydney arriving every Monday. ' Calcutta always in stock. SUPERPHOSPHATE. 1 Arriving every month through out yea r BASIC SLAG. Highest Grades arriving every month POTASH, MANURES, Etc., Etc.. Etc. Frank M. Wlnstone, Auckland. New Novels DUE SHORTLY. ' Orders Now, Booked. Through the Postern Gate, The Net (Rex Beach), The Rhodesians, The Silver Horde (Rex Beach), The Price she Paid (David Graham Phillips), Between Two Thieves (Richard Dehan),'. Gorporal Cameron (Ralph Connor). The supply is limited. Order at once from GEO. FOSTER Bookseller, Whangarei. Everything for the Garden & Orchard HAVING secured the Agency for Horton and Co, of Sydney, I can supply their Reliable SEEDS and PLANTS, which many Whangarei growers can already testify to. Fresh supplies of the choicest Vegetable and Flower seeds constantly arriving. Also Rare Fern and other plants. Fruit Trees, Hedge Plants, and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, local and imported, to your order. Book now and give your. Trees a good start. New season's grass seed in stock. Also Agent for the LUX LIGHT with which Amundsen discovered the Pole. K. R. MacDONALD VINE STREET, WHANGAREI JUST imported from America an addition to our Up-to-Date Hairdressing Saloon. Latest Electric Vibrator, for Massaging ana Cleaning the Scalpj for Removing blackheads and Improving the Complexion.—At HALMDAY'S, the Up-to-Date Peoole. Those who have had most experi «t with "NAZOL" 1h the treatment of Sort Throats, Bronchitis, Colds in the Head, are Its staunchest friends. The/ have proved its worth and know what it will accomplish. Have you ever tried it? it will make a friend of yon cold everywhere. 1/6 bottle of 60 dose*
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Northern Advocate, 7 June 1912, Page 6
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