HOW WHEN? AND WHERE? How to provide for the future that’s the question! Life Assurance Is the answer. When? The earlier you insure tho better —for cost is less—and profits greater. Where? Your own interests demand that you consider the terms offered by the A.M.P. Society—the Empire’s largest mutual life office. Assets £55,000,000. Discuss your Life Assurance problems with: — BOYS AND THOTT, Representatives, A.M.P. Society. Palmerston North. o C. LASHLIE, Representative, A.M.P. Society, Feildlng. ASK FOE AND ENJO. SPEIGHT’S BOTTLED ALE (Red Label) 15,000 PRESCRIPTIONS A YEAR A RECORD IN DISPENSING DOME indication of the confldence the public places in the U.F.S. Dispensary is obtained from the fact that this progressive establishment dispenses the enormous total of 15,000 prescriptions a vear. Why is it that such overwhelming numbers take their proscriptions to the U.F.S. ? What advantage is obtained by patronising this establishment? The U.F.S. have the largest stocks of pure, fresh drugs, including the latest preparations. The U.F.S. arc prompt, reliable, accurate. You can depend on the U.F.S. That is what our patrons appreciate, and that is what you will appreciate. U.F.S. DISPENSARY THE SQUARE. . PALMERSTON NORTH 1925. AS in the past, the services wo ■2a. render, and the values we offer, defy competition. a d Seeded Raisins, pkt • 6 Choice Mildura. Sultanas, lb. .. 8 Siloed Pineapple, tin Sliced Peaches, tin 1 « Custard Powder, large tin 9 Ship’s Lime Juice, bottle 2 0 Inspect our window, every item marked. Motor Spirit and Oils of all descriptions. FREE DELIVERY, TOWN AND COUNTRY. WALKER’S CHEAP SUBURBAN STORES, 419-423 Main Street East. ’Phone 5133
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Manawatu Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 2590, 24 January 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5
Manawatu Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 2590, 24 January 1925, Page 6
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