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The Metropolitan Show.

.The sun rose in a olondless sky yesterday morning, and there was -every prtfmise of a perfect spring day for the opening of the Manawatii A, and P. Association's Spring Show. Unfortunately Mr Bates once more proved infallible, and below noon clouds shot out the sun, and an unpleasantly boisterous wind . rose, whioh lasted throughout theHowever, it had the eflejt of keeping off the rain which hreatened. », The first day of the' Show is al--1 'Tyays an off. day. Yesterday's judging was oonfined to pigs and home industries, leaving the real business of tha Show, to be done to-day, when sheep, cattle, hursss, audi dogs will ba. judged. The ling ©vents promised to be. more interesting than is usual on the first day but; unfortnuat-Jy there were no entries for the sheaf tossing or musit cal stalls. Howevet, there were good entries in the riding and driving , aompetitoins, aud the Maiden and HanteiB 1 competition in the afternoon was followed with interest. Some improvements and building extensions on the grounds will be ; .noted by visitois, inolading thn new 1 tall, wliioh in future -years will accommodate the needlework and home industries sections. The installation of tornstiles at the main .enttancß, which registers each person entering, is also an improvement. Mr W. . T. Penny, the' Association's! newBeoretary, is makiug himsslf popular with visitors by lrisjnnlailing courtesy, and he Las already proved his ■ ability to guide the destinies of the Association along progressive lines. His Excellenoy Lord Islington arrived by the Auckland'express. The president, Mr A. Ooiiwav, and members of the committee met his Exoallenoy on arrival, and Mr Conway briefly welcomed him, ' expresSiug his appieciatiOu of his aotion in coming to Palmerston to open the Show. The recaption was informal, as his Exc3llency desired that there should,be no official ceremony. His Ecx«llency:drove to Mr ~doring Johnston's residence, where he is staying until Friday. THE OFFICERS.



(Judge: Mr L. Watkins),

Plants in pencil or water colour: Edith Kenyworth, Wellington, 1; Oassie. Pound, Wellington, 2.

Foliage, fruit, eto.: Miss Tennant, PalraetstoD,' 1 and 2; Vera Hill, Wellington, 3, Landscape in colour:-Mrs Powall, Palmetßton, 1-, Mi?s McNair, Palmerston, 2; Miss Oalleson, Palmerstom Si . Head for cast in black and white: Miss Crabbe, Palmerston, 1; Miss Oalleson, Palmerston, 2. Auitoals or birds blaok and white: Y. Isaao, Wellington, 1; M. Green, Wellington, 2. Animals or birds, oolonr: E. Gyles, Wellington, 1; L Thane, Welling* ton, 2. Head, life, blaok and white: H. Strong, Palmerston North, 1; 0. Oliver, Palmerston North, 2. Hauds and leet, life, in blaok and white:Missß. Thane, Wellington, 2. Figure, blaok and white: N Isaao. Wellington, 1;E, Qylefl, Wellington, 2. i Head, life, colour: J. Gonder, Wellington, 1; W. Green, Wellington, 3. . Figure from monochrome 0. Oliver, Palmerston Noith, 1, MODELLING. Featurb: MissOrabbe, Palmerston' 1; A. Gooch, Wellington, 2. Ornament: W. H. Smith. Wellington, 1; V. V. Houghton, W llington, 2. Plant from nature:.L. TJnne, Wellington, 1; Gusaie Leonard 2. Bird or animal: Veia Hill, Wellington, 1. Head from cast: T. Smith, 1; P. Pritoliard 2. Wellington f.S. Head, relief,'' life: E. Gyles, Wellington, 1. Design, plant or foliago: M. Green 1, A. Bowley 2, Vera Hill 3. All Wellington. DESIGNS AND ART ORAFT. Study of a plaot in colour: Miss Clara N. Hay, Drinedin, 1. Original stencilling: Ua sie Pound, Williagt'iu, 1; Miss G. Braaley, Oliristc'inroh, 2; L. Thane 15. Original metal work: N. Isaao 1, H. Bright?, Wellington. Origiual work in wood: P. Simpson 1, M, Sbiil 2, G. Asplau'l 8, H. Tadorvh c. All Welliugcou. Origitißl leather einbrssing: W, Drakt>, Palmerston, 1: Miss 0. N. Hay 2. Writing and illuminating. Miss 0. N. Hay J. ARCHITECTURAL A«D MECHANICAL DRAWING. drawing, micliioery: 0. t3. Hameitju 1, L. Uripps 2, Wellington; W. Ooopur 3, W. Goldsacb v no, L. A, Peruival, Wanganni, h o. Original macliiua (lesigu: 0. S. Hamerton 1, R. Gddflnch 2, W. Aiteu B, H. Evetts v h c. FOR DAY SCHOOL PUPILS OF TECHNICAL SCHOOLS OR SCHOOLS Of 1 AttT. Geometrical problems: R. Gold--1 finch 1. Group of four objects: Evelyn Dawson 1, Oassie Ponud auil Jessie Oolley 2, Edith Kenyworth and Pearl Wilson 3. In pencil, natural objects: Pearl r Wilson 1, Jessie Oolley 2. In celonr, catural object): Vera .Hill 1, E. Kenyworth 2. Steuoilli'Jß: Kitty Yau Borsum 1, Agnrg Guodsell 2, Gwen Rayling 3, Welliugton.

The following are the office bearers for the year:-Patron, his Excellenoy Lord Islington; president, A. Conway, Cheltenham; vice-presi-dents, D. Buick, M.P.; J. G. Harkness, Wellington; W. J. Birch, Martoa; J A. MoKelvie, Carnarvon; bon. treasurer, J. M. Johnston; auditors, Rutherfnrd aud Oonuell; Jion. veterinary surgeon, Donald H. Bait,' M.R.0.Y.5.; committeemen, B. S. Abraham, flnghAkers, F. W. Arbon, Koroako, J. 0. Batohelar, H. J. Booth, Feilding, D. P. Buchanan, Cunninghams, H. D. Buchanan, J. Balsillie, M. Ooben. K. W. Dalrymple, Balls, 0. Dank, J. DaTies, Koputaioa, H. Gillies, H, ,F. Gibbonß, T, B. Hodder, W. F. Jacob, Kiwitsa, J. Goring Johnston, St. 0. Jonnueaux, S. R. Lancaster, fl. Y. Lethbrfdge, Tmakina, 0. A. J. Levett, KiwiJea, R. Lloyd, J. A. MoCrea, Win. McKenzie, F. S. McEae, P. A. MoHardy, J. R. F. Pratt, D. Pringle, F. Robinson, Himitangi, E. Short, Waitnna West, S. Standen, Feilding, R. Stevens, Daunevirke, A. Suthetland, D. Thomas, E. J. Wilde, Marton,' J. T. B. Willis, Greatford; secretary, W. iT. Penny.

THE PIG BBOTIuN. Entries in the pig classes total 42, auri though numerically disappoint ing, the judce, Mr S. Perrett, of -Saodoo, spoke enthusiastically of the quality. The Berkstrires, lie stated, were'the best lot he had ever seen, while the Yorkshires were also exceptionally good. About 75 per csnt. of the enttieß were above the ordinary in quality. .The Poriroa Mental Hospital was very successful, allowing champion Berkshire sow , and scoring first aud Ssoontl for bear twelve months and under, and also for sow twelve mouths aud unaer. J. H. Sellers, of Okaiawa, showed champion Berkshire boar, aud scored a first for sow six months and under. In middle and small Yorkshires champion awards went to P. Q. Small, Kairanga, nud W. SaunderBon. Mr Small als.i seoured oLampionship award for large Yorkshires. Id large Black Devons, E. Weekes, of awapuni, had a monopoly.

HOME INDUSTRIES. The produce and home indnstry ' section, occupies potion, of the main exhibition hall. Mr W. S. Dnstin IB the judge, and he ns with the followiog notes on this •seotion. The batter exhibits are of very fine quality, aud deoisiuu was difficult. Bottled fruit was an excellent class and jams and Jellits equally so. In the latter class the winner deserves special mention lor the wonderl'nl way this exhibit waß brought forward to the point oj perfection for showing. In tne tomato sauces an. improvement wonld be shown if the makeis studied the boiling point more carefully. In home made wines a very high standard was attained. Home made tread was a good exhibit and the prize winners deserve every credit. One exhibit, which was otherwise excellent, failed in oooking qnalities. There was an unusually good

Embroidery: Eileen France 1, Graoe Ooveuey 2. Original design in colour. Gertrude Warren," 1; A 'Wilson, 2; A, Goodwill, Wellington, 2. Modelied design on plant: H.


display ol soones. More cure should be taken in tha liquoring down proce s and the heat maintained in tlie oven, In the pound cake class the judge notes that tfaeee were of very Hue quality flavour. One •mtry should hare been in the Christmas cake chss. SpDnsje sandwiches were exceeti iugly good and- show capable manipulation of tlie ingrediehts. The ptiza winners were evidently excellent cooks aud brought out a. splendid sandwich. Christmas cakes.were faulty in cream, butter aud sugar, not beiDg thoroughly mixed in the cake as they should be. If more attention was paid to this in tlie fntnre Tbettar results would iollow. The first and secoud prize cakes had been well handled, I THE COMPETITIONS. i ______ The Maiden aud Hunters' Competition was responsible (or the main interest at tha Show yesterday, and. there was some good jutnpiug, although some of the eu tries failed to show much, leaping ability. Mr E. Short, of Paroraagii won the event with his brown nelding Diniznlu, by Lethe, Mr 0. E. LtVrtt's Keckless beiug runn«,r-up. Mr Alex Mitchell was adjudged best gentleman rider aud Mr 1). Bennett, of Awaliuri, the best, bareback ridir. Mr ti. Roberts, of Feildiiig, won tho driving competition with Jack, a-id Mrs Goring Johnston %on tlie 'pa'z.i tor lady's pony turn out. Mr B. T. Hanson, Sandon,won the prize for harness horsj, pace aud style. There was a good deal of iuteiest,in the shoeing .competition, which was won by Mr D. Douohue, of Welliogton. The blackboard, in. the riag, upon which results, are . announced, is much too small to properly serve its purpose, aud in the'iuterests of the public it is .to be hoped the Association will remedy this. The cannot be read from the grandstand, aud as a consequence the public is left in the dark as to the results 'of the various events. This materially decreases the interest.

Blight, Palmerston Teohnical School, 2. Original Models woodwork: B. Harnett), 1; R. Benge, Wellington, 3. ■ FOR PUPILS ATTENDING HIGH SCHOOLS, DISTRICT SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Geometrical problems: Edna Bnir, 1; Nellie Lankshear, 2. Drawin? from group: M, Maioolm, Palmerston, 1. In pencil: Plorenoe Shelton, 1; Fay Bavward, Wellington 2. Drawings in colour: Florence Shelton, 1; Marjory Bryce, 2; Linda Each, Wellington, 8. Native trees: Fay Raywardj 1; Marjory Jordan, 2. Design for stauoilling: Eva Cattell, 1; Mabel Still, 2, Embroidery - design: Marjory Bryoe, !; Edna Gell, 2. Original designs, in colour: Alma Oox, 1 Rua Reed, 2. Original designs, in colour: Eileen Wilton, 1 Rena King, 2. FOR PUPILS ATTENDING PRIYATE SCHOOLS AND PBIYAIE GLASSES. Group of three objects: Rita Ross, 1; Muisie Olere, Olrilton House School, Wellington 2, Io pencil: Elinnr Rutherford, 1; Nettie Hurley, 2In colour: Dorothy Evans, 1; Nita Clarke, 2. Design for stanoilliug: Violet Davison, 1; Dorothy Evaus, 2. .Original drsigns in colour: Nita Clarke, 1; Winifred Gale, 2. Original designs, in colour; Rena Heuderson, 1. PUBLIC SCHOOLS JDIVISI^N. . Writing, under 10: G. Blamires Napisr, IDoris King, lralmerston, 2; Amy Harvey, Haveloqls, 8; Reynold Bart so, Napier, v h o. Writing, 10 to 12: Colin, Batnbery, . Palmerston, 1; Gladys Way, 2; M. Blocklay, 8; 0. Humphries, Opn> nake, v lie 0, Osgood, F, Hamilton, Bert Eliot, Otaue, n, Writing, 12 to 14: Coral Fonutain, Naoier, 1 Prada Smith, 2; Doris Smith, 3; Scarborough, Caroline Findlay, vh c; M, Thompson, h o ; D. Johansen, G. Butcher, E. Priest, c. Writing, over 14: Katie Tremewan, Aslilinrst, 1; 0. Barber, Tin tea, 2; W. Horsnell, Palmerston, 3; R. Green, v h o; Jean Thomson, h c.


Standard 1., hemming: Elsie Newton, 1; Eva Kells, 2; Elsie Paltridge, 3; Alice Henderson, v hq; Doraen Thwaites, h o. All Palmerston.

Holland apron: Gwendolin Brady, Pahautauui, 1; Wai Renats, Foxton, 2; Mary Lvamoy, Awabou, 3; Irene Styles, Foxton, h o; Eileen Spellmao, ho. Staudard 111., hemming, etc : Elsie Hyde, Otine, Doris Harris, Pabanatnui, 2; Melva.Collins, Foxton, 8. Standard IV., child's chemise: Coral Harris, Pahantanni, 1; Dorothy Patou, Aflhhurst, 2; Edith Green, Ashhurst, 3. Standard V., dhilds' chemise: Aileen Bolton, Pahautanni, 1; Hna Henderson, Otane,2 ; Mary Hewitt, Otane, 3; Gertie Lewis, Palmerston, h c. Standar.l VII., hemming, etc.: Myrtle Carter, Pahautauui, 1 ;Ceoily Brady, Pahautauui, 2; Katie Tremewau, Ashhurst, 8; Rose Jackson, Palmerston, v h c; Agnes Wood, Otane, h o. HOME INDUSTRIES.

Jam tarts: Miss Daggar 1, Mary I Dawick, Palme rston* 2. Home made bisonits: Mrs M. A. E. Foreman, Hawera, 1. Brawn, homo made: Mrs J, Foreman, Palmerston, l. Pigs. BSBKSHIHE. Boar, 12 months aud over: J H. 1 Belleis, Okaiawa, 1 & ch; Monckton& Fetch's, Feildinp, 2;W. Sanudeison, Pa'merston, 8. Boar, 12 months and [ nnder: Porirna Mental Hospital 1 and 2. Boar nnder 6 months: W. Saunderson 1. Breeding sow: Porirna Mental Hospital 1 and obamplon, J. H. Sellers 2. aow and litter: W, Sannderson 1. Sow, 12 months: Ponrua Mental Hospital 1 and 2, J. H. Sellem 3 and v h o, W. Sannderson h o and o. Sow 6 months: J. H, Sellers 1. MIDDLE AND SMALL YORKSHIRES. Boar, J2 months: P. J, Small, Kairanga, 1 &oh; B. Gray, Taikorea 2, Boar nnder 6 months: W H Morris, Kawhatn, 1. Sow and litter: W. Sannderson l aud champion, B. Gray 2, P, J, Small 8, E. Weekts, Awapnni, h o Saw IS months: P. J. Small 1, B. Grav 2. Sow nnder 6 months: W. H. Morris 1 and 8, B. Gray 2, LARGE YORKSHIRES. Boar nnder 6 juonths: P. J. Small 1 and champ©, LARGE BLAOK.. Boar 12 months and over: E. Weekes 1,2 and cnampion. Boar, 6 months and UD'er .12 mouths: E. Weekes 1.,80ar, nnder 6 months: E. Weekes 1. Sow 12 months :& Weekes 1 aud champion. Sow, 6 months and nnder 12 months: E. Weekes 1. OTHER BREEDS. Other variety boar: W. D. Hastie's Wlmkaronga, Cnrly-ooated Lincoln.

Competitions.nmfcft Open shoeing competition: D. Donoghue, Wellington, 47 points, 1; Joseph Griffiths, Palmerstou, 44, 2; R. MoDowell, Palmerston, 48, 3; S. J. Hartley, Himitangi, 39, 4, Seven competitors. . Gentleman rider, over hardies: Ales Mitchell, Manaia and H. Hassal, Hastings, tied first place; D, A, Bennett. Awaburi, 3. Eight competitors! Barebaok over hurdles, gentlemen riders: D. A. Bennett 1, T. R. Taylor, Kiwifc-a, 2; Jimes Kendriok, Levin, 3. Others competing-J. P. Connor and T, I dwell. Driving, single horse or pony: H. Roberts, Peilding, 1; I?. A. Bennett, Awahuri, 2; Mt P. L. Sim, Palmerston, 3; Alex Mitchell, Manaia, ,4. Seven competitors. [ . Lady's pony turnout: Mrs J Goring Johnston's Merrilegs, 1; Jp E. Short, Feilding, (driven by-Mite G. Gntlirie) 2; Mrs W. -R. Jeiikiujs Val Eosser, 8. 'Poor competitors J Harness horse, and' style: R. T. Sanson, Sandon,;Te AVahnri, 1; Mrs Y. M; Holland, Tiakitahnna, 2; H. Wollermatt, Palmerston, Browny. Eight competitors. (Finals on Fri-. day). Maiden , Hunters' Competition: Ernest Short, Feilding, 1; U, K, Tievett, Jkiwitea, Reokless, 2; Alex Mitchell's Harpoon, i), Also oompeted: G. McKenzie, Sanson; W, Fisher, Te Mata; J. E. Walker, Bolls: A. E. Oonncp, Woodville; J. G. Jamieson. Levin: S. G. Perry, KiwiteajH. F. Arkwright, Overton; W. D. Kemp, Woodville W. S. Hirst, Mflogabao; Ouliu McLaren, Hamilton; J. Kearns,„Kairanga; D. Bruce, MoEwen and L.'H. Golliuson,

Farmers' saparator butter: MrsO, H, Thompson, Feilding, 1; Mrs G. Edwards, Longburn, 2; 'Mrs J. Tabor, Maiiaoiioho. Farmers' non-separator batter: Mrs A. R. Holder, Woodville, 1; Mrs 0. A. Care, Cambridge, 2; Mrs J. Best, Longburn, v h c. Hen eggs: Mrs J. Balsillie, Kai« raoga, 1; Ales Farmer, Longburn, 2. . Duck eggs: Mrs Robert Hastings, Aokaatnre, 1. Bottled Fruit: Mrs H. Austioe, Leviu, 1; Mrs 0. 'A. Care, 2; Mrs J. Best, Lougburo, 3. Jams and jellies: Miss R. Hose, Palmerston, 1; Mrs H. Anstice, 2. Home made marmalade: Mrs H. Taylor, Lotbgurn, 1; Mis 0, A. Gate, 2; Miss Daggar, Palmerston, 3. Tomato sance: Mrs 0. A. Care, 1; Miss A, Jicbell, Palmerston, 3; Miss R. Hose, 8. Other eauca: Miss R. Rose 1; Mrs J. Dane, Palmeistan, 2. Picklea: Mrs H. Anstioe 1. Home made wine: Mrs J. Best 1, Mrs A. Franklin, Turakina, 2, G. Woodroofe, Palmeistun, 3. Savoury sandwiches: Miss May Hodder, Palmsrstou, 1. Hume made toffee: Miss Olive Gonld, Feilding, 1; Miss A. Jiokell 2. Home made bread, white: Mrs E. H. Holland, Bunnythorpe, 1; Mrs W. F. Outbr, Palmerstou, 2; Miss M. Ntilson, Palmerston, 3; Mrs H, Henderson, Hokowhitn, v b c. Brown: Miss M. Neilson 1. Scjues: Miss Ritohie, Palmerston, 1; Miss Braddock, Palmerston, 2; Miss Brewster, Palmerston, 3. Soones, plain: Mis Braddock 1, Miss Ritchie 2, Mrs H. Anstice v h o. Pound cake: Mrs H. Anstice 1, Miss R. Rose 2. Madeira cake: Miss R. Rosa 1, Miss & Palmes, Levin, v h o. Spongo cake: Miss Barbara Y. Evans, Palinerstau, 1 Mrs K, Hastings, Aokautere, 2. Sbuuge eaudwich: Miss Ritohie 1; Mrs" A. H. Cox,' Bunnythorpe, 2; Mrs J. Palmerstou, 3; Miss A. Maunder, Asuliurst, v h c. Iced oake: Mis Hastie, Awahuri, Christmas cake: Miss R. Rtse 1, Miss Brewster 2, Miss M, Jiokell 3, Miss Ritchie vhc. Faucy cakes, three varieties: Miss K, Manader 1, Miss Ritoins 2, Ginger br> a.l: Mrs Jessie L?,\v, Paluifirstou, 1. Short bread: Miss Biaddock 1. Sausigo rolls: Miss May Hodder 1, Miss Daggar 2, Home made pottud meat: Mis J. Permain, Palmerston, 1.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1452, 2 November 1911, Page 7

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The Metropolitan Show. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1452, 2 November 1911, Page 7

The Metropolitan Show. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1452, 2 November 1911, Page 7


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