Canine Fruujaship. — There is rath he of^bb^'bjop^ofrPj^fat^enAlwnan'Js , dog who "^^eneyfir he. y srets a.* chance of s'c i Wi^'<t^\''o't !^ J p*rsni I pfe,'*«r .fruit »f any • kinfd ifhvct iths^arden, markets or kitchen^ m?>es away with it to the stable, where -one- of-fhe -two horses-is- , hi« -peculiar friend. While his friend is meditating upon or consuming one carrot the dog s: amis b^'waggpng bis tail, and wheS^the carrot is quite-consumed he hurrieft away to, loot fpranotikir?* " B F?:?^n^^ T ?rTrv?^ e average newspaper reporter lirnever abashed, and is equal to alnurtt~eveiy emergency. One of the.[ctos;,^?9aCgiy^j^Bß9rQrfep|p J er> .interyiewing Mdlle^esg^r/^Qie Jther 4,mer t ' > ?. pnd exoressea toe wish that the 'iiMP ■kUsif/^Tti^rtpS^erinftaotl-y^tJgl^tea 'fhAth'e'-.r^presentedithecnatioßigtMJßarcer-iiuia (Cxjettt, an<l:he ;h#d < b i ut,Qn,e f mquth. 15 " ! ' f >JWt Wk' 'B^Ek^^-^-m^itt Ihe ; ?s~ayfff^ ! T'ei!iny»on^caa take a wor'hJesa^iecelof/pa'perjaand^by wt ltin^ f ar T pqe!tt ;r -on. 7 ifc. ii o £1000. That^s genias Mr/W. J. Clarkec3« write few'eir w"sra^rdn^sjmn'ar sheet* apdr maike ; if : • £1,000,000. That* : c? »ii tal.. rThe' Victonan Government can fake sotoe'p'tf'aift" alfSy/andlfemp^pott, it the Qt]?.-n'sheaa%nditb'eißb*lish ooat of arm>«. Tha£!sjnoney. The mechanic* <nn lake ma*2iial T wortJi £10 and make it into a wptcfe'w6rth' '£20. That's skill. fl'be inerchanfecanitalsfeiamciraclejworth- : l S;aad;scll it ,foj? i :4a. i 'j;'Ebat! j ß;.bu^D^ss 1 - A Jady jCan, .r^Bfcbase;(a:])on'net 'f6r..£3, nl but sße prwrsto p^j EaS'ror one KccHus^ it's more stylish. Thars fcpljsbpeVft^^Fhe dif eh'cU^or fhwima^day, and fiboyelsiout three or four tons of earth for 4a. That's labor." ..-,+-_*■'' t_i.: ■•■-_>■'- Thb Debtjt.— Whether or not ('says a London 7 paper^ tfie-^ "crowd on r Ep|om; Downs this year was the bisgSt^on record, .atf.the.spartiagiichroniclers are /pad ,o.f telling ns, one W %in« is. pertain, 'nameTy. 1 - thaf 'a / greater number- werft'by the road to. wJtnGssiErpqaQi^ victory than hive done for years past,^ .and the "h'Umoiirs : 'of fhe /oadj ?> tf once ihbneht to. 'le exKnct. wevef to ajjreat extent, revived. The scone presented on -Derby night on? Ciapbarh Iroadjiatkd the:ofherl^rEatn'6Btes con verging r iipon , London from Epsom, ooultforiTy bedr'pfc^d'Dyyhe 'pencil of a -Hocrortb. -It- w?s-tbe noisest-and-most tumult uousof cari}ival?, and was pervaded by a spirit 'of 'Di^ad' arid 'rollicking fun, *vbic\».v<Kjs aJmostTW raupb develotied-sia me <houf:anns ofjspeciators who lined me '•carts fi»r miles *" as J1 in,' th^ returning roysierersK-tbjems^lyeSj^ cr t j£ rp Trattoks is. the CAMP.-7j>The latest \ilrlisfSSjjtßre, witnessed • ho cxer-auot»-of--bi»-aeeompTieeß-ftora-the ill -jf form erected pear the scaffoM for_±he 'officin^saW mernT*Tirof tbe*press. pjfwes <-p be M S:>kh.°qofF, a naval lieuten«nAttache^^^iih^T^r^ao^oot"" s^^^nlains tbe tfcb'nioali.3jkill displayed m the 1 ? of v^sOT^ a W^ts& 3nn flic source whence fne Nihilist* oViinofl explnsJiEesj^ SaMbanof? was one of the,Tok»iitee-s m.theSeryajn^canipaigH^ nnd rtl^^e^d^a^ri^nVrAfTcbernaieff.i -rra« \m&w&<&m<£m&Mtha.t on Monday fiY.e^nmgjaj^^nsign found a mine filler! with' thirty-seven pounds of *HRpnWiOT m?3l¥ib¥-sroift^)ridgeWflie lnnrlin? place fojs!jatejime~B, m the street been arresJgrliftifffwspijSibn'Dftbelenging to. day, tbe home of nTaTSy kings, queens Wd prmfiesiiinfifjßjefleto tff©vbriliinncy nf the republican city, pririces who har^ojfctbetelcrAwiilcKrw'ho have b°pn di.sgmced, hasten to drawn then 30cmws W 4he -^e^nr'es^oAhe" l^^. R P'i\n.jTta)M v J!jsJist,r[HaTfOy4?»J&>^ii?ol-. land h:>v«», within the memory of men % sent us their .jdeihjoneLd_.niona.rchj9_and sli'rht«'d princes. Daudet has. painted tlu-ir life h^rewift^ ma^te>ly skill ia hia "LesTloisen Exile."- The past tells a similar story. In the seventeenth centuryCharles, lX,! of Eng^ab^iwaiteS m %|b the day, hft u shonid;moimtothb !t ihr(We--Df his ancestors. . In 1688JamesIL.,-cam.eto. Pans awo-'be imcr hfs wife were the recTiienJs of. itbji fiospifalftylr <if ijJoSt XIV., nnd liyedat^St. Germain^in the repaid iWnhe» rt whi6n^Macauiay r "hks so. brilliantly defiCsibe l d a; .<Tn;|h§.^f'PO-teßhthi ceritnryi too, m 1656, Christina, of Sweden^_ wh o ; had :intdisguat'ab«[icaTCd : ' i hef t cro^n, came to PariSj jyaf/ jscMved Iwitttf bteoinlV an^l caused^he;" bada^s^f QmlfyflS& to dress fn nftlfe ajtftre" ,"Ttfe Qiieen,of Sweden? 1 &&& tf'tW PoK "fieemed tparae fb b^^fy^nfe^eii^? n . *.!? c e i?b^eeuihi;enturjLtheJEfetendersj and, if we remember righfglly, seyer^ aepirvnts, to ; ths IV>lisl}.growj^fctayeV^^ a-rime io Paris. The city of rept*licaV ism is^tl-e.fayprjtJea^ftrmrbF.lexiled . roysklrty:— Parisian. ni r. , „ V .■■»... ■*- 1 Hb Etfranßi P^rß^^rwThe Rusr sianlmperfailftiTfffyiM^af-^Gatscbinna m almost the Em. press Danish, servants wait npon them ' almost exclusively aid are tb,e Qnly one
allowed^toenter apartments of the Imf" perial;couple,-r Ai-eraHrablej story. in this respect niayj find . a place: ( here to show how the ' EnVperor, fdrm'eVl'y v §u pposed to be ultra-RuMau;"' mii'st ' Mve changed mi n his A 'yoiirigy' Danish f officerj of old nobility, who when a child, cnviii:* tp?the ; ;sirriple.hablts .prevalent initbe roynl. Danish household, . ,ha,d vlfrequently and freely played with the.Princesses Dagmar ; and Thyravtookyar furlough on,' .heanug of the murderous attempt at Alpxauderl 11., and -went taHussia; jin prdtir to offer his services to the young empress, his for-: mer playmate." The iEmpr^ss received^ him at the last audience at the! Anitscbkow Palace, , and' vvithH eyes red / with weeping, said jihank you .; cordially for your ;kind i> and:;,w>ll meant ; offer, which^ouches^e" d^jeply. Slill I \ d are not accept ;, f or [Russia , canuot pcs- j .fiibly-please : you-;--and- I -ad vise yoirtef desist and go home again." But the y,oung .^Pan ejiu? jj>tejS' peyer theles r syj aVul -th c- m r .. 'press finally promised him to speak -to. the Czar,. : Thp next day' the 0 ? officer.received the Imperial pateut as officer attached to bis,perßpnal;isuitejf not to the Court, because "a^"placje. ait" Tlpurt . is too dangerous &r faithful ' t adherents* j ustir t p^esjent:'^ jjajn ce ijhis;acces^ fipti tp'theTtli^net has^mpjreytlian once,; by ;■■ word as/well^a|L *deed, c aAknQ.vvledged. his trust" in the HoHesty and;*eliability-of his siibjeQ'tspf .German;[oiigih» .\vhoin ; for* yearsThe was o supposed: to detest/. =v /• ■•';' A F.REB '; latoD J OP > "JFBEfi l i: Among - 1 the" : r^porfs^'lreceived '^by ' ;: jthe^ Foreign XMce; 3 fr.^ir{^bui'^m)sass|i i ei i r&£ specting ' honiicidal ! Via ' .foreign^ ■countries'' f whifen' liaye ! just^bfiiii; laid -before Pairli^mleri\, . th«e i is/rae from Washington 'presents a, ;^ery startlinj piqture^f.the','inseca^ity:O^:];fe/.ia 'the SoMhern States of America.. "Shicettie civjlwir of if 63,": says; Mr,;H. c ryr. fledfield,: wh'oWbook; supplies the substanjße^pf the report^ " l 40,0m) homicides liave occurred m <the vSoutHem States." The ■•South, r with, half.tte; population :ofvi:the' *j!J'oftb','''bas' l *l3()b' more homicides jevery_ year.- ■- Neighbors goings tochurch quarrel and drawf .theiri 'kniyesH /CtiTistm'as is • celebrated by ; a general bloodlett ; nff. Desperadoes jigbs :fpx'&efpnpf killing. The omission 1 6f ii a J 'smali J 'politeness.^,s_ shutting^ . door? as>foll« wed f bY- r 'a disptftej m which "t^pjmeHvafeC killed* 1 - -and one* shot."" "■ln^.onayfiar- m / T^as arid : Ken -1 tuctc£ sixteek^men"were,M brdtriefs-in^law^aiid'eieve'n women- were killed m the same iime7, ;At the", celebration of bae>;birta ik generally causes many/deaths.^Bltis" ; a' KM where killing is v^- murder. ,\Wo early training hot blood^ T yrdii pf '*. educatipa, and the ; practice [ o'f^ carrying cancealed. weapons 'Mr. JRedfield' --"attributes this prevalence of crime. *• -To be a peace • -officer m: Texas," *Mr >Eedfielc^ ;; w?=! told, "was i as d^ngerou£as7tfclte' a -/soldier on public v setyice.: r In- oiie. years /sixteen^tovi'n marshals;-' "sherifev^^^^epi^y-sh^iff^ were killed m aischargepf their duties." AnAdvesturer.— Don Geko Moreno', Minister and PJenipbtentiary of. H.M. King Kababau? ofthe r Sahawich Islandsj •will TJsitcPans.shoj'tly. :! 'He;ha^r t alreafljri presented 'his* homage' arid ercdentials to; the' jßitig. tff -Italy-^hi^riative" isric?'.. Moreno^ a.dyenturousiliferfbrtn^fitaqo: stbry^for a Second/ Heleft 'ltaly in\*a* mercaant^s^ip when a, boy, andfiwaii? ;« middy" 'for ;pf* the voyage. At Sumatra; the then Sultan took ;.a fancy tp.Mm, and gave bis;dauj?;htc.r .to wifeV^Heydfeoursei. made ? a sudden leap fron>36bscure"yptith t» one of the dignitaries\pf ; tb"e Sultari's couv?j resignetl his i sailor proclivitiesjirand turned hiVatv* terihon to soldiering;' > Instigated -by his august father-in-law^u'he endeavored -to ; drive out the Dutch :lfrdm>'f'Sum'aira ; failed ; fled to Galifprnia. There he was returned. H: as menibejF of San.Erancisco to; Congress, rand brought m and sancHon^or.-hiszEill^the Morerid'Bill^ m ifa vor of negro cbiidjren^^ He^ .tQP,. establish»a the first line of steairi packets be>weenjAmer^a^andi China 1 .) sOf a frest< less dispesition and unuring aciivity, be . left San Francisnp, tyerit :tp}the Sn iidwich : >Islan(?s. wes at since chosen M w i 'ter 6 f Kingi Kakabau^ <;andcis;:now .^travelling! through Europe i Ambassador and tutor to the''-h^ir:"to* i: the".SandwicH^l^landV tbrobe; : ;-iif MteW from his sovereign to^'*li fflKpn^eipiiV pirso'h^ agcsiti Europe, among rwhom were Garibaldi, BismaTck'fi.eo 3 the late Lordrß^acpnsfieldJb ..•uxn:^- > A Dj^ioauisKßD^EEßSoN.-— A- P-arisi?n paper, amongst its list «f ftshionable arrivals the other.^day^e«;piped^tbat of ft Mr. Marwoo;a;£xe^atolr ?^^ inEngland^ We may explain to those who don't knLpjf^ihat Mar wiood l^^ is tfierhantfi ma»^England. /'- 7, "^ A DEt,icAqiy6F ; isi'rlgi^-Td a grand dinner, fttfe-^ot|fer ilay at Belgrade by;an auglst; to-;«ome foreigners ';■ of x^iist?ni(ibn ; >yisitAßg"* tbe Servian capital;^evewil^ inimbers of the Skuptschina,, op had been iqyi^^ pMp|t^«i/Rlieif guests, a well-knpwS J^erieh ; cigri; happened to sij;ripxt:to a |Si^ianT^M;Ri,^and was : cpnsiderabj^^^^edjb^nis^u expedients fox~iaeaimg witl i Islftaia? kttribg^ef civilißatidnpbbvi6uily *n faiuiliar ? th6 cqnclu>lpflYpf the'feastrtbe I'rehcbmaif'selecfe^atobtbpick^ftpm; .^a ; v"^smajl~ trayrlyhTg-near^hijß;'.: and 4 jpol.itcly/ pawed^pie^r«;|eppp! ou'tb; his B^^^T? IT DO^ b'p^cver^pfe re^tb^l^; decM : ne(a'--b's -offerj— exclaimingr- i( -Nof Go^p^in;,l have .already eaten,, two of th«ac^umd;thihgs,aridi wantnoinofeVJ^ am|ism!j Jijstaaee: pf^; ttie; working of the laws ofjucce^lpn :is ; afforded s o y; J a jettet. from the pHblic -Trust Office, published m thfNaw'ZcciJakd Hemld: } explaining Wo .Y i:b? f«H amoiint fouml on a deceased patient hi^e AKctiattdstt^tath^d fidt been:paid^>v;er;tJo hif Te%^^Th^iib]ic; Tru^%for^?ith||^dp^m^ tisu/il official circutnlp^tlpn^bS-a^here,* we^ge lav^pnly-allpws pay yptrbQerhalf of the residae of 'theesia^B ltSe^remainipg' half must ; he^?clainiea I -by < your hu^barid's nearei^xelatives^^^berei^re^encloseticheque,?for ,:£3: :6f 6d?» whichi as shown b^o.w,iis one^hal f of the ? foria^eTnaiHins 1 *" tb , e , J'ep^raen t. k Recei yejj :; f rom . the ?aid: I . 'Wife' M 1 and pp,stage>V 1.6s j tbit^-£]*S*ny£§lo*Jl-Mat,wijJ{it be likely;; to cost ; the "husband's nearest relaii.vcs','; to make good their claim to the maenificent^iattaryirgsiite*^^^^^ - . the of /snobbery and; ■-■•• flunkeyrsm fj-pmr the-penCo^aEgleV " V-rf-?c Qn^the rjOHrrieyv^df the^rincas fronf Sp«th Atustfalia ftdtHumiltori the coach 5 Btoppea ■ ftK a.^few^ ; minutes*^-chknge OQr§eß a.t a solitary stable between Penola
Casterton.' • The'ffiorning-waschill^," and/the, yipung;; gentjemen r .ayailed^themr selves of /the bppovtunity of promot'u^ circulation by a VHri rouad. Presently the younger of the- two descried the g(ootvi'srW;heeibavrow,r^ in?wbiQlirhe in-j dueefl'im elder and more Eedate'brothti -Ifc'e'ntlvrone' .'-bimself,^ and •wheelediLiim 1 ; several times ( at'a rrierr-yj -pace.-.- Suddeiily landing; hinv.-ati'^thei "groom's feet, he said, ' There, now, V, sunppse ybuill have that barrow careltflly • preserved, in a glass case.' v> The ybuug; ge'itlenian was not unobservant of hero-; w6i^bip,':an'd : *l^sb~ouldd't':w'onde'r--if.Wme-l onegildsthfc wheel.";.; • . _A— Broat> : HiNT.~-3S'otwithstandtng I the :Jiberal^;i'um',l\Vb^iqh s^eflibcrs j oF.ihe^--IJe'g-isia^ . terid-irice m Parliament there wouM, spys a Sduthernjp.agej,"seemitp -b.e°,som difficulty m making thena stump up their accounts :.:fl, : t^.ejhmy^^../.pn^t'a.e,...b3ckof' the tariff of cßargesj wbieh." by tTie" way are -excsedin.stlymoderatfl, are printed certain ■mTmorancUt signed by; tb-3; chaivman o? 'tke joiat^House Commi'tte.e, jone of Swhichfi runs^ks follows :— "Ten ; ; p6r i cent, discount twill be allowed on accounts ; for board aiicl taviff if paid .within one : week^the"':dateV.^.f:' : reTi'aeriii.^ the !same;".Fuy f board^iSiOn^^2i2s:a:^ on>w^ich-.10 .■rouniv. ,biit^ no t'le^. chHirraaa. ; of; jthe'Souse Cbmmjtteekab^sjhis m ;' Thb J^ourn'axist" ifoqi^G.— Mithr:--aaterf'.OppenHeißte r: -Tyas Htitf editor ' of' i\ ,. faabioai weekly - -Hut hi ;; coxffd ■nof wed. Ea6bipnable.;jpurnaliim as'-a ' •great, a noble tbin'r ; but it does n»t pay. Oppenheimer reahs"e~d'~that bis income^ even including; hispcommissiori'dn tbt talc of pa»er_, |»att erjas,.wp,uld;aot^.enable liimto"suppert"a wife, , ;.as 1 wjys*, .which, t« be •uppopted-ko\v-a-aays.'' - 3 WKaf was he to do ? He could nptrincrcase;his ir c ome ; he mwst redwee tie' expectations of bis wife. For that purpose'flc weuld us* tbe llay.-k* 'W^ote;L%tbe\';Pishi'ou..sv6tis :."-^-;' '' jfi i^noilongcr] hon JO9U f»r ;i young-; gen - ilem^H ogJTasb).pn ~$p .p.r?B.eijfeengj<gemerit-v rings t^^cwee*'.", ..T^beu.he w^nt to tbe fe«u3e of Mis^^-A¥as"t?:na PeftTri^ill and bfFered r rhiriiiself;!iHShtt! ! accepted him. S' e leokc^d^ajai^slje would^ rke si diamond ring' ; out sac said nothing. Next week; shl'read m her"betr"»thed's^ paper "Presients betwe.«ri]/?(Bj2es.afe no'vr'iVprisidered' iiinvery ba&gout." She-sighed; but said 'riptl)iu§.t>rrybe »ext w^«k .the/' Fasljion; ■Weekly'' "^"d '* Whea* coiscagei .persons;' enter an ice-creaai saloon it is now the fashipa for ; the lady tp ( .payvfor^hejrt,qw,.nr reftiJitiment's'!" " l j^.week after, this i em appeared : " Bitfes this year will derss} yery simply. s iCalico r is tha faskiopable n|iaterial." And wficri the ensuiag issue of the gajpw.^' laid; ,befpref|Angstasi:i Pettingll[l' i r>aa' -with' a ' bvc"akirig heart this do.uble-bijrel-. shot : "Flats are no linger J m J Scl^ for "young inarriscl couples. It is coßsidered yulgai'ly ostentatious to tp have more- than" oue~foTjra. - " For "lioaT employment for^3nar;ued'latb'c3 art-etn b> - oidery is now ttate, a' though ia the way of tow(»lling' wo^rk fine effeei;-; .may be ebtaiiiei pni : a;; smooth wood ground— a rTbor, for instance,. _,Fa.ncy. \ c vfYnpi} especial ly ; m cbßrie' ; ion 1 *- wi tfi dh tr ■ rtqna,-< is much. Wfecn Mithvidates, Op--: vpenheimes \\verit to *seek " 'His^briae he je-'vaedthat she hadjgore into a convent and -taken the /dpuble-rxtia Jfelacjc. /viel.; •remarkicQf that rothing was Jefthor- now to "i vc -for. O ppc-R tei mer bn s reli red lVom|^he 'Fashion W^^kly,' and Jiai ftpM a gloomy but lticrstiye pp:it : pn oa 'The Shroucl,' the orgari of th^ understanding Cprofession.— -"Puck.', .- ..., : . ,-v r ' G ENTiLITT AT A> P^EMOTiV.— -In theSS 'dd"- times a langhisgootlfor the coas«itu ' on , au d the sv fpllbwing, from -"M*} esf, 1 ' should plrovWe ■jncrrinierit eoHcTj ctignffied. 'res^ec^abie, p. id incapable ;p6 a 1 Just 'imajirg bis feelings ! when the flippant Persiflage^ running tip stairs at the-^Club", tasked } him,^'Db you t kqow^ japw. mriy- ft] lows are gpiihg to ditie • to-n:gb t?" "JHellpios. sir —I don't . kap>v ''aniy ( fpjlpwg. ' Fpi'ty-fi ve [gentle, y,e;i, I be 7( , lievcf^are' ; gbmg .t'o'^diu'e,. ibis ev'eungj'' "Bless me, you a abht 'sa^so,'-" 'sfii^the in- , :.cpiT%ibleto "I bad rio?idieaitlies'e i were;%6' ina»y. in,the ; colpny." : £ -. Wl i ii; Liii.l- '\. - Thk Yaltje of.a Mat:-^Aw amusirig Jacident pcpurreclJri ; <tllei -House ofyComi mpns the other night about to be ■■t^keri.j-'MjviyGlad^lg^e, oh rising wss 1 received. wrth'lqud'jSh^puts. p.f " Order J^lt'^Jts'f e&cssaryf "tbc.rules of the ; i lisTa^e;;%-rai^e-t'b% J(iue!'§-tion>W;hiMse;ite.d.;witJi'.hii'-bat on. /-..T.hi^ was suggested to him a nvpposar.which:he aeclined ! , because ; he waV : npK in * jLh e th abi tt of jßringinV'lnsi r ' vvitli^'h'ina! into ";'tb'o; .House. ; -clariiou'r '■ 'cpntinuiug^ ' the '*Solicit«r-6eneral/> ; 'vrho 'was «ittrng'neWf to jthetfight ;hprii rgeatlement/ took ? off= his ' bat\a.n'd;Blaee^ PrieriVier. *T'ns procedure was hailed, with loud laughter and prp]«nged- i cb^<;)'-/ iag from all parts ''bf^b'e- House"'! wKich' wa"« renewed and icontin ued when it was onlyJby,;grjßAt.dextejA^ vras able to bilaace it jpver , his^^brpw.s.; Thisw'be Vucceetled'lin-aoiisj whilst' he^ raised his point of brdev. ' The Boer Tjeai>bs.— General JToubcrt, J-be Boer Leader, tu.' ! fl«>out, after all to be /jfn Amepi can,. r ; jfe, i s a n a ti y,« pf : JJniprijowiir Faybt|e T Cp|aritry;.,^.; wh^reVliieH wasIborn iti the T spring of 'lß4l. "His -pafents; jcan^e from Hollynd the wan |Hiv-w.9s'>edacatedin:th'e-;UnioHtown ? ptiblia^ **>eh obl^..^ .about 14 -,y.eai'S;'o£ age'jhe •was tried or a charge of ja^sault 'yaml bat--1 ei'ly 9 n A a '•'qui.P efl . * Soon a f!ev, he left : '.'■ gpingvtp Hplland and "thence . to. ••thV^utbre : a#'bFthe l Confederate rehellion : be/retuvned to the United States, sevvecl'iii tji'e'navy. uuder jAcl'ini '-able Dupbrit/- arid 'afterwards as a cupfoin of,4cblii r ed;rconipon'v';iMn r deVGeh teral AVefze l . "He ;ref» to TTolUmkl': jo. <■' er^tbe, and iwent- ■ tjj.ei-e^fter /toi jA-fiica l^^jn' ? ,^jH i is"|'ali:..';h'a.mi;j ijsjjDaniel| .Stiirlepn'vTbuj jcr-', "iti'a yirfg ■ "b'e.en ri ;Ti?.nj^fl" afler' J H? ! eMtor pantpl' Stufgedri. l '/bf Pen,i'i- v v;;syivan«'ia-iV-whVVefrießaed : -his\4atffi } r. i:i:/ i ; '-: ii WHB'Sti. WiTßrN ' ! -Wk ; E.Bts^!/!t;-».'qul:Qr\ wh j sher, ; sa vsth p D tin ed»" 0 H?rklili i s'r'c'i ri- ; jnij through tlie Parlianieritary ;lobbi<is|' janem, .jthe.jmotjprtj^f - M : r. lOljver foif/aJ Corn'miftee to enqti.i re into , the .rna\ipge-., Jmriifpf tlie'raiiw'avs. It is said'iKat an' vP^cn'ioftli'e i;". Public 'Works' dep'affnifW' ; bat! .tbe h>/dihoed to get a boat of o sortie/ '$?'\ oi a 2^jMr "iy veyefV, ■ t cu W:ji'-ar?.pa pp. ,a, rai'wnyf triick, without -jjityino the freight! • Wjjefeupoa a ce"--fcaia jovial ;m?m.b"sr-of;- i the < jHo«se i bf. jPei)-; 'Srpscntitiyes,' who' isfiot V.n 1 admirer of t'oej €ffici?l ] T.ererred,ta,f|eirin,to ja f^ripus _ >srre au'd'sterniy'aVow'ed^ b ; 3 determine-" tioo. to bring the matter- before theHouse pud the country unless, prompt. en_qi;i^y£i were .made,) ' TCfc is 1 further said th'aTtbereupon Mx, Oliver was moved to move for
a Committee, and" thus" the parliament w;vs vexed "to- i|s' centre abort the carriage of the official's boat.". -"Only that nothing mpi-e. But nothing came of it.. The •^'iSU^pfwKle-imfjerirting''--inquii»itid ! ii' ; iBto; doings aiidmi,(ioiugs of the.departaViciitVAvas 'too terrible to cbhtenipiatei So the motion ended appropriately enough m vapour, and now "Rien;>.rd is himself ?a;nin." ■ ..: . !•■ n ' '• . ■ - . ■ !■ ■"' ' Victoria's Fiust Pr-ouGHM-vx. - -.-Tb'» P«.u;.tlau.d, Guardian ,r,el;Ucs 'tlint "one of t iro' "old 2 a'ntf iii firm' 'iifrihues of the renevoltnt Asylum, uaraed John FoSvles, who . died T.TSir.'Nveek at tht ?gc of 96years,-hn-pc;vrs -tp .have had tie peculiiir xlisSincfMoti of bcinj the first m?n whb'-'turned; no V"' orian. soil .with, a p ! ough. Fowl 8 wbowasanative of Hampshv.-e, -England, lan'otl m Tasmumayears'arto: after baviuij.:,sei've,cl setne <yeavs mu America 33 a pfvvdfe' ifftbe'BVjtish a-jny.' ' In ijannoeston he was\emp*dyefl-?(s a laborer by Mr Stephen G. I, iieuty, and m that gentleman's, service he .came? ftp -this Colony by fnVM'ri'-rva ij> ! foVV "the lauding of Fawkner at Porl PbOPs.., He -firit worked m -th^e. locality of Bi'icigewatpr. ; vvhereHt is sai<i : tli;tt his plough' lui-ijecl ?h"e.' i first^sod 'of 'Vict6vifiQ' ; laad^ Iv 18?)7'hei I worked at Portland, and Wa^ engaged in 1 : plough \nf- the Very lflad on. wbic.hi- tbe vybei - e ; hespeDt his lasV years^now •s'laads. At fV?' ; ; me :of Ws ; t]paifr(the , ■.cans'e^pf; wl'i'ch was sb-er ■oldj*g^)-he'h.a.3^ ;b«en- an inmate bf the' TinsUtutipu' f^r^l(s.' iyeiu'?.. The identical piough "that was" HS'-'c! by Fowles hi\~f rsm*?ined _ eTCr ? ( Binc.e, in^'b'eUHolit-y fo'mii^. : aVid fn the InternSl.uin'aV'Es'bi'btfi^a at Melbourne as a historical "cariosity. It was proposed; to ; send itbeptougl/maa with''themaebnie, but bi» extreme weakness causerl *'he idea , abandonedj.'i?!; it wps feared (bat the ' exfiiteinerit ' and __ ex-^ evtion-of-ths~jon.rr.ey would BVfsfen ~We end thit was evidently near at hand." '"; KOUGH AND jRBA^t . JujflGE.vr-p^-c loradb'waV nnttid Tori*s'r6u.ih ! 9nd''reiuiy justice, even iu .the darkest ipcriofl of j's history, .-.There"-, was- a c]irqct simplicitf ahout legill ' proc -edi ngs which will "commend itself to all who have chafed at tbe Ihw's delays'."-) la .many disfriets'lawyers were forbidden to practice.- In difficul t dases a committee was appointed to r arbK trate"; or an yes! igate. 1 If fa" lirrscti of- %f iej (ieaceior a really crira'nal'ofFaflceh'ft i tl peoxi x cbinm i tted , am c sa ge was 'sen t *f6; i^'VlJ| : culprit^ of which the following ; is .^n^'iY-, theatic:specimeri r — ?'■'*' Wherc'asr '* Bill' Payne, commonly caPed Cock-eye o Pafvi^ has coinraitted certain . ."»gf s, ; 'a hv)n g- o wli ; t a\v ' dra \vi n^ .'■ a r e vol v^f, l 'm iti Court aod threatening the /'Jnfige^'are pfeornineuY. be It' -resolved' vi tha s t a obmnjiitee often pood i*ipn ! '. l be' T ;s ; eTi.t" : "V6 bnng iji the said: BilLor Cock-eye Payne' arid he be required to show gporl .c'anse.why<?;he' Jnotj immedia*e'y !^ ; buiig?' flnd^es declined to becgUided by precedent. When a coun>ei-appc?ared m court an ajnrful.of kjw ? bo.okSj -±he: : i ; u(]ge c^ied, "The Court donlt- go a cent, on them air/leiiher-kjivered: ;books,^9iW(tiifr'h r e case is" deMdetl fpr ...tliejiiDthoV side." A-notberjud^e had a .loaded rcvoH_er on bis desk, whiah he poipfe'dljitsthejliead of Jibe lawyer or other person evincing contempt courb,' .with.-tJhero.mnih«_us Voyds, "Shut up! I'm a^fiy-n'ne^; T"ll1)low your daylight out if; .you ofr-->nd ihis air court.'' 1 0 therj uclgesr who.b ad :» il '<i)c ■•cn t: opinion with the counsel stepped oft" the b-inoh-aacl-aTKUfiii-it with tlie fa' s, and as" thje representatives of the majesty of the law. were chosen specia^y for (hqir, raus--culat prpwesSj'the Iv.w- generally^had the best of it. A Windfall-.— Two Jewish brothers, uanied Kolb,]are tole leffate^Si.of lbe^for- : tune, amounting ..t0 .■.{•£2.70.0,600, igfrAe j Atnerican AVchb^hop Kolb, who die' 1 j -some years ago. W.iien^be wjU^pf r tbe,. deceasedi was opened a grea ! fc^ ! s'cnsation caused ia the United States by the "act that the" Archbishop (who had been originally a Jew)~h;'d beque -tbed his entire prop^i-ty^to his; twPKbrd't hersi, ' wh&se whereabouta were uTiknpwu to the testa 'tor. '■ ' " ' -...'-"'-. -:■' ■■'. ■' •: .
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Manawatu Times, Volume V, Issue 152, 10 August 1881, Page 2
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3,224ALL ROUND THE WORLD Manawatu Times, Volume V, Issue 152, 10 August 1881, Page 2
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