PRIMARY SCHOOLS’ DIVISION. WRITING CLASSES. The response from the primary schools for the forthcoming Spring Show of the Manawatu and West Coast A. and P. Association is exceptionally good this year, the entries showing a substantial increase. The judging in certain of the sections has already been completed, the awards being as under: Writing in pencil, piece of prose. Standard I.—First class merit cards: Phyllis Bowler, Melva Crozier, Howard Mandeno (Terrace End School), Hariy Blows, Valmae Dalton, Margaret McAlister, Maurice Guthrie (Central), Betty Cobb, Billy Lennon (Hokowhitu), Allan Scott (Kimbolton). Second class: Shirley Fowler, Ron Kernohan, Margaret Ross (Terrace End), Shirley Blackbourne, Patricia Eglinton, Kathleen Gallon, Lily Harrison (Central), Delys Murray, Billy Thorn (Hokowhitu), Lena Knudsen (Whakarongo) ; 106 entries. Writing in pencd, piece of prose: Standard 2.—First class merit cards: Nancy Luke, Colin Daley (Terrace End), Betty Hill, Jack Denson, Joan Telford, Juliet Major, Peter Burrows, George Perigo (Central), Ethel Davis (Hokowhitu), Eric Sanson (Kopane). Second class: Audrey Capstick (Ohakea), Naomi Christensen (West End), Margaret Fraser (Terrace End), lan Luxmoore, David Smale (Central), Patricia Cole (Hokowhitu), Margaret Allen (Marton D.HS.), Robert Currie, Joyce Walton -(Ashliurst); 147 entries. Prose, small hand :—Standard 3.First class merit cards: Myra McGregor, Ella McLeod, Alison Thorpe (Hastings West), Kenneth Maul (Ohakea), Nola Jack (West End), Bernard Kyle Douglas Brown, Jack Bennett, Jack’Carr (Central), Patricia Tunzelman (Hokowhitu). Second class: Marion Bailey (Ohakea), Betty Langstone) , Doreen Murrow (West End), Shirley Colson, John Knight (Terrace End), Mavis Walworth (Russell Street), Mary Hearsev, Joan Robinson, Marcia Jarrett, Joan Baker (Central); 89 entries. Receipted grocer’s account: —Standard 4.—First class merit cards: Noeline Suisted, Alice Johnson (College Street), Ailsa Thompson, Mildred Moroney, Jean Hansen, Alma Cameron (Hastings West), Joan Hunter, Beryl Petersen, Arthur Andrew (Terrace End), Dorothy Saul (Central), Joan Hill (Kopane). Second class: Ivy Schreiber (College Street), Kathleen Cunjieen. Brian Kidd (West End), Bernard Goodwin, Neil Neilsen, Innes Cate (Terrace End), Mavis Alkree, Margaret Nolan (Central), Brian Cross (Hokowhitu); 128 entries.
Business letter ordering goods:—Standard 6.—First class merit cards: Graeme Rainnie, Enid Westerman (Hastings West), Moreen Lewin, Mona Hall (West End), Matta Morrison, Kelman Loveday, Meryle Hardie (Terrace End), Desmond Rabone (Central), Marie Pacey, Beverley Stevens (Hokowhitu). Second class: John Sloan (Hastings West), Maurice Dixon, Patrick Moore, Donald Maunder, Aileen Nash, Margaret Morrison, Viola McNeilly, June Stidolph (Terrace End), Doreen Harrord, Maisie Belk (Hokowhitu); 113 entries. Reply to an advertisement: —Standard 6. —First class merit cards: Patrick Brougham, Wynne Whyte, Essie Henderson (College Street), W. Philpott (West End), Ida Harper, Erna Pope (Central), Jean Gillies, Marjorie Goodwin, Cyril Hajt (Hokowhitu), Jean Glasgow (Kopane). Second class: Aira Hewitt (Hastings West), Betty Crump, Betty Schwabe (West End), Betty White (Terrace End), Maisie Perego, Dorothy Dean, Collin Cull, Malcolm Dilks, Lillah Finch (Central), Mary Witton (Kopane); 147 entries. DRAWING. Drawing in pencil of spray of native tree or shrub :—Standard 5. —First class merit cards: Betty Morten, Max Irwin, Janette Roulston, Graeme Ramnie (Hastings West), Ruth Mitchell, Harriet Pinker, Eileen Lister (Terrace End), Robert Barlett, Ken Newman, Harold Thomas (Central). Second class: George Alexander (West End), Myrthyn Esau, Viola McNeilly, Alicia Goble (Terrace End), Anthony Pierard, Lloyd Goldfinch, Pat Lampard, Douglas Keen (Central), Peggie Doy (Hokowhitu); 72 entries.
Drawing in pencil of spray of three or four leaves with flower :—Standard 6. —First class merit cards: Ngaire Heaton, Aira Hewitt (Hastings West), George Young, Joseph Brown, Betty White (Terrace End), Clarisse Orr (Central), Nancy Amos, Maurice Kjar) Ronald Burden (Hokowhitu), Noel Whitehead (Makerua). Second class: Essie Henderson (College Street), Ada Trow (West End), Olwyn Stidolph, Bruce Hardie, David Hewat, John Sinclair, Phyllis Knight (Terrace End), Joan Briggs, Greym Seymour (Central), Ahvyn Newson (Hokowhitu); 81 entries. In pastel:—Standard 1. —First-class merit cards: Don Bieknell (College Street), Margaret Ross (Terrace End), Margaret Mac Alister, Pat Eglinton, Halvor Pedersen, Charlie Jewell, Shirley Blackbourne, Mavis Dawick, June Barkworth, Jeanette Russell (Central). Second class: Betty Simpson. Christopher Small, Peter Bryant (Russell Street), Harold Jane, Harry Blows (Central), Betty Cobb, Pauline Huntington, May Donald, Billy Lennon (Hokowhitu), Maurice Gray (Marton D.H.S.), Allan Scott (Kimbolton); 104 entries.
A Chinese lantern :—Standard 2.—Firstclass merit cards: Selwyn Drake, Tom Doherty, Lisbeth Laurenseon, Joy Anderson (College Street), Patricia McGill, June Bracy, Dorothy Nicol (West End), John Williams, Margaret Frazer (West End), Charlie Hubbard (Hokowhitu). Second class: Jack Winton (College Street), Leslie Hayter (West End), Peggy Cannon, Mona Sullivan (Terrace End), Peggy Collier (Russell Street), Lois Winter, Patricia Cole, Oswald Russell, Robert Bailey, James McKenna (Hokowhitu); 116 entries. Fan-shaped shell: —Standard 3. —First class merit cards: Mavis Peterana (Rus,e!l Street), Julanne Perrin (College Street), Doreen de Vantier, Magdalene Kotrotsis, Gilbert Ward, Bernard Kyle (Central), Edith Oliver, Gwen Sankey. Pat Tunzelman, Jim Alderson (Hokowhitu). Second class: Nell Watson, Natalie Orman (Russell Street), Leicester Piesse, Bill Wollerman (Colege Street), Coin Barkwith, Maureen Tipling, Douglas Brown, Henry Steer (Central), Joyce Kearns (Hokowhitu); 74 entries. A schoolbag:—Standard 4. —First class merit cards • Allen Sieverts, Brian Kidd, Eric Jackson, Patricia Clegg, Maureen Davey (West End), Oliver Harrison, Gordon Dilks, Edgar Steer (Russell Street), Ray Smith, Donald McCaskill (Hokowhitu). Second class: Joan Watchorn (College Street), Cecil Goodwin (Terrace End), Noreen Siddells, John Mason, Jim Donghi. Maurice Terry, Allan Cull (Centrtil) Valerie Anderson, James otubbs (Hokowhitu); 87 entries. ' Drawing in pencnl. A tin ioaf of bread:—Standard R-First class merit cards - Rex Tonks (College Street), Betty Morton, Janette RouTston (Hastings West), Mervyn Terry, George Gee George Alexander, James Hague ;Wcst End), Rona Hunter (Terrace End) Anthony Pierard (Central). Second Class: Bill Duncan, Margaret Henderson. Coral Pugh (College Street), Graeme Rainnie ((Hastings West), Keith Bassett (Hiwinm) Ken Mercer (West End). Robert Bartlott Ken Newman, D’Arcie Burrows, Will Reeves (Central); 55 c J*f r i cs ', , Drawing in pencil. A tumbler, spoon and lemon.—Standard 6.—First class merit cards: Helen Roach, Ngacre Heaton (Hastings West), Ken Hartley (Ohakea), Laurence Allan, John Sinclair (Terrace End) Ken Hammond, Bryce Major (Central) ’ Frank Hart (Hokowhitu) * Second class’- Jean Masters (Ohakea), David Hewat. Bruce Hardie (Terrace End), Noel fU Claris^ Orr. (Cental), ren, 11 ' 1 Cyril Armstrong (Hokowhitu); 83 DESIGN WORK IN COLOUR, UtvsiiJ border design:—Standard t G Firstf"class cards: Cliff Elliott I.—' flirst ciass Palmer, Norman (College street), e 0 p Cr Margaret Ross, Kitching, Margaret Second Howard Goddard, Melva Crozier, Jim
Weston, Audry Highstead (Terrace End); 70 entries.
Geometrical border design:—Standard 2. —First class merit awards: Betty Bailey (College Street), Audrey Capstick (Ohakea), Mervyn Layton, Peggy Cannon, Peggy Kruse (Terrace End): Annie Mcopham (Otane). Second class: David Matthews (Ohakea), Jack Body, Mona Sullivan, Errol Hardie, Douglas Kerr (Terraco End); 115 entries. Geometrical design in two or more colours to fill a square six inches by six inches:—Standard 3.—First class merit cards: Alice Johnson (College Street), Leo Manion (West End), Myrtle Petrie, May Hooke, John Cunninghame (Terrace End), James Alderson (Hokowhitu). Second class: Dick Kay, Nesta Bradfield, Joan Duckworth (College Street), Lloyd James (Central), Lorna Pattle, Barnard Metcalfe (Hokowhitu); 108 entries. Floral design, to fill an equilateral triangle with side not exceeding seven inches:—Standard 4.—First class merit awards: Muriel Mockridge (Hastings West), Ellen Cockburn (Ohakea), Cecil Goodwin, Beryl Robinson (Terrace End), Freda Johnson, Olive Harrison (Central). Second class: Michael Davies, Ailsa Thompson, Jack Sparksman (Hastings West), June Day (Terrace End), T. Adamson (Russell Street), Bill Chambers (Central) ; 74 entries. Floral design for hexagonal panel, three inch base: —Standard 5. —First class merit cards: Stephen Pinker, Myrythn Esau, Naretta Plummer (Terrace End), Alan Wilby, Beryl Barkwith, Anthony Pierard (Central). Second class: Ruth Mitchell, Viola McNeilly, lan Jenkinson (Terrace End), Ross Muggeridge (Central), John Barnicoat (Kimbolton), Megan Ryman (Te Arakura); 72 entries. A design for a plate six inches in diameter:—Standard 6. —First class PI?, cards: James Carrington, Mavis Miles (Hastings West), Nancy Stenberg, Brian Foy, Bruce Hardie, David Hewat (Terrace End). Second class: Valerie Ward, Essie Henderson (College Street), Helen Roach (Hastings West), Amy Bull, Laurence Allan, Paul Jones (Terrace End). ILLUSTRATIVE DRAWING IN COLOUR. Drawing to illustrate page from School Journal, passage being quoted: Standards 1 and 2.—First class merit cards. Gowan Edwards, Harry Harper, Joe Clatworthy, Lenna Flavell, Desmond Dear (Central), Allan Scott (Kimbolton). Second class: Charlie Jewell, lan Luxmoore, Jack Denson, Osbourne Pearson, Ray inorbourne (Central). . _ , , Drawing illustrating a passage in School Journal:-Standards 3 and 4.-F.rst class merit cards: Joan Isbister, C. Wells (Russell Street). M. Armstrong, A Cull, Archie Astle, Joan Baker (Central) Second class ■ W. Cameron (Russell Street), Teddy Carlyle (Central), Ivy Donald Kathleen Martin, Donald McCaskill (Hokowhitu), 55 entries. . „ . i Drawing illustrating a passage in Schoo Journal:-Standards 5 and 6.-F.rst class merit cards: Geoffrey Pees ir q ij a ne Street), Betty ■ Morten George Haldane (Hastings West), Eric Robson Street) John Barnicoat (Kimbolton). S ec ond class: Vincent Grundy Geoffrey Pees (College Street), Janette Roulston (Hast mgs West), Rav Harvey (Russell Street), Marjorie Gordon (Central), Laurie Whitehead (Makerua). HANDWORK.
Collection of three objects made from coloured wool: —Primer classes.—First class merit cards: Laureen Failcss, Nancy \\ ton, June Bassett (Hnvinui). Golliwog in coloured wool I—Second class merit card: Nina Scott (College Street) ; two entries. Sewn toy, any description Standard 2. —First class merit cards: Joe Clatworthy (Central), Billy Thorn (Hokowhitu).. Second class: Jocelyn Lassen (Kwraui, Valerie Calder, Ins Jones (Ccntial), Paulino Huntington (Hokowhitu) , 25 en Best article from waste rubber •—Standard 3.—First class merit cards: JacK Needham (College Street) Edmund El liott (Central), Hodson Aislabic _ rua). Second class: Cynthia 1 ort, Joan Isbister (Russell Street); 11 entries^ Collection of three toys made from waste material :-Standard 4,-Eirst class merit cards: Daisy Andrews (College Street), Ho de Vantier (Central), James Stubbs, Douglas Murray (Hokowhitu). Second class: George Skinner (Central), Brian Cross, Arthur Hughes (Hokowhitu). Highly commended: Nesta Bradfield (Co lege Street), Ken Perrin (Russell Street), Noel Christiansen, Madge Meachem, Au» tin Cocks, Stanley Stephens, _ Kenneth Archibald (Hokowhitu); 15 entries. Basket made from any material: Standard 5. —First class merit cards: Geoffrey Hall (Hiwinui), Pat Hughes (Resell S CoS "S’in wood; Standard 6. —First class merit cards: Vincent Giundy (College Street), Colin Siddells, Ken Hammond Greym Seymour (Central). Highly commended: B. Tunnicliffe, William Olsen, John Sheldrake, Ken Retter, George Hansen, Martin Stubbs, Geoffrey Pees (C p oUc fm Street), Davi dHewat, Paul Jones (2) (Terrace End), Erie Perry (Russell Street), Malcolm Dilks, Noel Bull, Joe Houlihan, Norman Carlyle, Eric Rush. Bryce Major, James Lavin, Stanley Wright, Don Reynolds (Central) Commended: Jack Needham BTunnicliffe (College Street), Archie Mac Alister (Central) Arnold Robinson, Noel Whitehead (Makerua); 30 entries.
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Manawatu Standard, Volume LIV, Issue 281, 26 October 1934, Page 8
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1,712SPRING SHOW Manawatu Standard, Volume LIV, Issue 281, 26 October 1934, Page 8
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