TARANAKI HUNT. \ CUP WON BY LUNA LUX. ORB VS CHOICE THE MEMBERS' HANDICAP. I'- I':■- - -v atior— NEW BJLYMOL fH. A EE. Trie Hr.'.: C.rb't races ~ e:e h.e.d in rhotvery w earner. The ‘cta-ir-.atCT» am:v;re2 :o L—Til. r- * ar «j with adlTc. A-' year. R«SiV>:— Hade end H;r.:erd Hnrdie-s, of 32 wy>. ; A: ' .: one : and a —1 Ca.amme. r.r Grind! a v 1: 2 Tenacre. 11.1. 2. I Money. Boy. 2.1. The only ‘-srer-.. Ter.-acre ; his Hear arid .Money Bor :e;i. r.-o‘.i dd n V | remronted. :he :t r: r.y a -p-ro:a:or. mey £n ? -or:* :irre af'er ' a. a m ie. 1 5.21. ' i Ono-tahe Sci.rry. of :•'. «r«. Fire for- i !«r- 2 Carrer. 5.1 ' .\feDlwe.i -.- Merry Way. 1.1. 2: r Takorr. «.v. 5. Aiyv j .‘tarred: 1 Ooeen Arret 5.0. I Baa Mo i.o. - Peerhiera car sdf. c D.vcia. r.v. 1 Papa: . 5.0. T A.rc-ey rsr Lcnsr rer.-i. . £ve Ar.i-r.-. Tiro*. 1.-. S:ra::ord Handicap, of 01 **ts. Six ?orJor.srs. —1 Refre‘her. car 5.1 :McLeod cilvermine. 5.11. 2; - Orlova Choke, car 7.5. 5. Aieo ‘ta.-ed: 5 OreraiO.O sr.d ?T----terdme ear .1- ! orad-retec: . 5 Gd-o Dav-r : car 7.11]. Ler.-r-h and a ha..:, ha f a ierzra. i Orara: was fonrth. 1-: 2-t. TARANAKI HUNT >'LUB CUP. of 5.1 i sot*. A boor two rns.'ee and a half. i 1 Lra 1.. i. .1.; L'e-.anres ... a ; 2 Tremble. 11.15 Miles: 2 5 Ni.cnhlefo-ot, 10.0 Corner ... a . Ad-0 -'areed: 5 Win rarer. 11.1 a n pay Lata 11.5. 7 Hazier 1.1 -fed . 5 Mro-rae. ’ Shirr, tee 10.0 Ceil . a Coffii IC.I jfeli . Ten ier.yrh*. 1:e :er.y"Mmnael .on:- ■ i/iOia era. fo-rth. Time. 5.2. ; V.'aihi Had-: Handicap., of 60 %ts. Sever.; :.: r:.r-. —2 O'er. Vane, 'ey ; Mc-I>rocL 1 1 I . ; 5.5. 2: i l&ngiroa. 7.15. i 5 Also sta.-'ed : 5 Ana H.ter :t. a I-a ■ Crow a 5.'. 5 Captain" Dan ..11. 7 Glow-; :i?ht 7.10. 5 SiNer Fem car 5.5 j. Ler.rth, ; e- h‘. Ua.vain Dar. va- forrrm Timed 1.51 2-5! Men. er- Har.t.-an. o: . 1 Or.e rnr.e. ST-.ermine, r.l. 2: 1 Oioranar. 5.5. a. A.:=o 1 f-a.- --i: a Dc .br 5.2. 5 Gold Dawn j re- 7 1.-tr-h. bead. Li::.e Drib: was it..--,. Time. 1.-2 2-5. H ' Flat Hanoirar-. c: 50 _eej-. One m;!e end a c .are-.—l Ariiitoa. 11.15 M- G. Mo::r.- 1: 2 Gold Rder. 11.7. 2: a Day y... y:y_ 5 Ado -'a.—ed : 5 Ar.noyer 10.10. 8 Nrawlna-a 11.0. a Razo - .l't. 0 N-rnt.-- j fee: "10.0. 7 Nsa.-da 10.0. t Money Boy | 111 Two d-tan:.y five ler.rths'. A-tr.ov•-: . ft —it. Time. 2.21 a. 5. Uren-Jt Hack Handicap, cf 50 *ors. h.i *d- r 'r.w‘ —i Merrv V»av. 1.0 Woitre - if liver "Fem. car SA. 2: "2 P.oysl Papa, r*: 72. 5. The only Tarrerf. anhalf. :v t length*. Time. 1.17 7-5. DUNEDIN HUNT CLU3. HEATHER LAD WINS STEEPLECHASE. pe- Pre —* A“odarion. j DUNEDIN. Any. 27. The w»sther w fine for the Crs?o H ~ CTnbd race* *-rj there we*, a ycoi attend
? The track holding. Retain-: — 1 benvoew Hrxrbie*. of 3»1 =o'.=- One mile an: a - Si.ver Silver, 9.0, 1; 2 Nine ? of Snide*. 9.15, 2: 1 Moreni, IX.II. 3. -9.*0 i .-Tirk: Hi:a Prince 10.1, Peterene 2.0, - Shfo-Eipe. Red Leaf 9.0. T«0 iengtb*., 2.59 2-3. j Brcckvil-e Trolling Ra.ce, of 70 sot*. : 3.5 t: 4-*. One mile and a quarter. —5 OHa. -•:.-. 1: 4 Alpha Wrack, acr, 2: 6 Ayrshire, eor. 3. Alto ‘tanec; Bronze Ware. Go o Era, Prince Bingen. a mine. Sar-caveno -rr. Love Parade -Svd; bbci. Eight length-. Time. 3.11. Pree>ier.:*t Handicap, o: 3*l Five iforiongs. —3 PFnce Tractor . .1. 1: 1 A.*- ' cenV. Beajtv. 3.2. 2: 2 Hhamngbt. 2.1. 3. r Also stanec : Tractor.o 8.8. OrangapaL : Shock 7.5. rice Weather 7.7. She.:- Itzgzh. | Tim*. 1-7 2-:. j Otago I: :.: Cljb St-eep-iha---. of 217 ■ Abo-:: • v.o mhe- and a s2l:. —- Hea- - ■ • Ud. 5.5. 2: 2 Sir Rich irk 5.5. 2: 1 1 Denor-mer.:. 11.5. 3. A>o teamed: Rac: A : R.-l-j. Zeehan 5.0. S:i ienjci.-. Time. 1.5; 1-5. i Ta..y-ffo Handicap. of SO =ov-. Sever. farlong-. —1 V.'a-er ilo v -.'. 5.13. 1: 3 „-'7r : "7' ■ A-.:r. l'. 5-5. 2: 1 : r c Ar.crv. •. -:- ;- AUo started: Red Rarer 2.0.' La®t March : 5.5. Tahe» 5-5. Some lon. Blue Msrti 7-5. Travis-, ah 7.7. Fo;r .ength-. rime. 1.12 --:. . H .flat Handicap. of io ~o --- Ora f none ;rd a o/;ar;er. —1 Jra;r h 7 ‘ ge. v .2: 1 Mine of Spa dee. 5.11. 2: : Sjirne Ac--;. : 10.3. 3. Also -tarred: Ramwes 20.0. sa:> . »bai« 5.10. Peteret-e 5.5. Bhrao-or ! Lcnsrth and a ha!:, Time. 2.15 2-5. ! Wisgaru: Trot Handicap, o; i ;cvc: »--3 e-la*-?. One rare and a ha o Sar.-svcna. i ro-r. 1: 1 I.i-tie Clare. 13yd- hhc. 2: 1 Ool: ! Era. *rr. 3. Ai-o -tarter;: A;--r-h:re. In~oOep; Ringen. Sorkiaenae Qu:ta. . Erin* '.nance l;c-os ran. f;g2- ; Ever 252. ; nree length-. Time. 2.:i Va::ihaii Handicap, c: 00 jots. s;x n;rPilar.f.a. 5-2. 1: 3 Amen - ' Wat. 3.5. 2: 7 P.'jta:.: T. - . 3- A*i ;--arced: Hy-tride 5-5. Dtcc-t 7.10. A«c«nv ■ 7.5. Ante Shakespeare 7.5. Gold Dre-e «.t. fFc ;r length?. Time. 1.;5 3-;.
MOST SUCCESSFUL SIRE. STOCK vnx ABOUT £'XO.rS.O-----1 The death cot'trred at par-atc-etee. :a s t j-ee:-t. of Kilbrcsey. oaa o: the _ rreete.-t -; ' --.j that a - ever h«en irrrpot .at to t: - ''. Khbrcr.eT —a* by The War trorr. InrijrrakU. ar.d -zra* a hi?h-c!a.M weboree
,in England. be ing regarded a* the best 1 vaver of hi* dayl hi*' victories in-eluding S Hi? Majesty's Pate, one mile and three■quarters. a: Cork Park, the Great Metro--1 podtan Handhap. :- o arc a quarter. *- Ep eo m. Newmarket Summer Handicap. ? -.o mile*. “he Goodwood G if/. two nrj-e* •i .d five f u r.or. ge. a "id r:. c- Doncaster C . *-•0 rr.i.e*. Pie was purma-eu it. En g* an u ; y :r.e ;ate Mr J. B. Reid, and for a number of year* stood a: Elceralie Stud, Gam am. where he immediately became a * .nee-? a> a sire. A :ew seasons i_*o he was purchased by northern interest* and was sent to Papatoetoe. At . the time of hi:* death he was pensioner i ..iT. being • in hi* rwen:y- 3 ixth year. Eilbroney was *he sire of a large r.-irnre? : great performer*, among them oeir.g d ulooy 'A.-J.C. Derby , Lo » ghrea fWel- ; mgr on Cup. Winter Cup. Dunedin Cup. Suggestion W^irarapa Cup. A.y.apum Cup . Kiliotren <C.J.C. Winter Cap, f A.J.C. Gran:cam Stake* and “he A.J.C | Ciibbon Stakes. Australian’. Insurrection ; fV* eljing'cn Cup. Nelson Cup;. Puthai: , Gr*at Autumn ‘ Handicap. Taranaki Cup. Wanganui Cup. and Egrnont Cup . Eos Ranker ‘Stratford Cop. Canterbury f up. New Zealand Cur/. Razz:e Dazzle Wellington Stakes. Waterloo Stake*, bea’i-ng . 0 lent ruin. New Ze ala no oa-i - m record fl-r.<?. Wanganui Guineas. New Zeaiar.o ' Eclipse S“ak r r. Hawke*e Bav Guinea*. G. G. Stead Memorial Cup. C.J.C. Grea - Eas-er Handicap. C.J.C. Challenge S“ake= • beating Gloaming in record time ._ Ktir.r j *Nor“h Island Cna. engc Stake*. reat:n; } insert Gold ) . Phoenix Park < Perth Cup. ’Wes: Australia, in record time.. Degags ;. from wall Handicap;. Concentrate AV;ck •and Cup . Ora*rix New Zealand Cup iompri* ( Wellington Cupp and numerous ? r hers.
manavtatt; hunt clubs MEETING.
ACCEPTANCES DUE TO-NIGHT. ( iTvner= and trainer* are notified t.oat acceptances for the Manavratu Hum CUr.'s m r -e’insr. to he held on tne ' s ‘£p' :T ’* c-ourve next Saturday, elo-o at o <■;••>.■/: thi« evening "with Mr T v. T. Dibble. tne honorary ra r e m e c-t: n*r s ecr eta ry. IT s teicnhonc r.umoer :« z,'zA. _ Luna Lux ha- reen refsanoTaop-'d :r>;the Manavratu Hunt Cup as re- sir o; • Siturdav*= in Taranaki and v/ i.! m* ( required to carry 12.6.
Pc; Pr<i.= A* etc tat ton. WELLIXGTvN. Ay -. 23. in the Rahway Handicap it Marten. R-Creeher has he-tn renantttcapped to carry ?..". TLT.F IN AUSTRALIA. WARWICK FARM RACE'. IN FLA XI'AN THIRD IN STAKES. SYDNEY. Aj e. 2=„ Fo-llowinsr t;s resyiti of racing- a; iw A-.X.C. Warwick Farm spring nreatir.z-. Hobart vil'e Sii-s: tag-. — Bronze Kit!;. 'TO. K'r.. t :Roman Spear. 5.5. 3. Hk-rar. srartec. The -jITS. C-Ci:ti? the- track race rC\V Its.:-S t a!-: -: c:. - - mile. —Jcnnr.te Jason. 1: Vetimosd, 5.3. 2: InSatior., 7.5. 3. Thirteen started. ITtihr'h. Cylinder and Cooeentrat*. the jee-s: cf which was Niz-htmarec. which wa» Sfta. The time. 1.35. was aho a track record. Carr.pheit-own Hand to at. six 1' -. Chathiscu 5.2. 3: Holdfast. 5.-. 2: By.rra-ev-re’. :.i. 3. Fifteen started. including Ar.ojs.t and Prince Pcrn'rai. Autopey w-a fctsrth. The time. 1.12. et h; the record. Forestry ar.d 'ii'ism Sky were_ ;s- ---: V In me N’cv/e Hand.cap. Historic it:d S :nny Sky were unplaced in ;h« Sr.rir.g Handicap. Morie Star ar.d Km? March were unplaced ip tne Hanoi tap.
LANDMARK ANNEXE.' HURDLES. MELBOURNE. Aug. 23. Following i:- resuiu of e-zzi* a.-. ma W ill: :o>»‘rj races : Hyrriie*, or.e mile and :nre-e-o carter Landmark, 11.3. 1: Dcikic-. -.-3. 2: Jjti-y Mail, 9.-. 3. Time. 3.-3. Underwood ?"ak-:s=. cr.e rr.:‘e. —Liceraji, 7 11. 1: Kizh Brae*. 2.0. 2: P&rk-arccd. 5.3. 2. Waierilne ar.c Ladj Pam abo earned. Time. L-iOi. Grand Na:mna! Sieeples.—rerner, 2.-0. i: Be-*: Man. 2.2, 2: C2.llam. 9.6. 3. Time, 6.57. a s*.a*e record.
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Manawatu Standard, Volume LII, Issue 230, 29 August 1932, Page 4
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1,531RACING NEWS Manawatu Standard, Volume LII, Issue 230, 29 August 1932, Page 4
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