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Manawatu Evening Standard. Circulation 3,800 Copies Daily TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911 . THE DOMESTIC DIFFICULTY.

OxErftif Vili'c-- .;illsf' of ..ou r'-,'a geV' tliatrlias, a!reacly : .:be"cciiiiQ ;cl]i i',the'im : p6ssi.r, : r el i a b 1 &?■ • iia ii ut re ; t ti :i d;;" the v ; ; tl i fficii lty : ; pi! Help, even Of. tlie ■ nl<ist" iiiclif|or ■- on t;; ordci \ ; £ -The fehtraiice'Cof P-wpiii a 1 v • lk>eii j itfiie;ph*s«yt;. : with other, cpuntrics^ias'vf of ing ;.witli;; tlic ;tpiblc y^aji(lvm6re , .|lia.)i ■ one ■ serious\effort ■ haVbecmiifiidb: to ■ ■ solve .the problem.;:;' recently a coiiferehce'oiilelepteVflf;': ■ ' various .■ .iiitercsfietl f;l'of4anisations :^in : . ,- which theVwfers>;Ver|;i:iDpresehted,;' came to>tlie; : causes of,'tlcpreseiit:. sfite/'lbf■;affairs;; were inefficiency ;bii';the : , proportioifof those engaged, tice scrvico';'aiid;;Ulie hours; unsatisfactpry'cbiiiiitioiis iirider; : which the work; was' idea of remedyiiig;,thc;eyifia!deputatibirwaitiS ed on the'Tlpii;i :, tv;' : iFbwlds, ; .d\linister for ...ask that the status'of;dpinestic; helps, be raised j by i)rovidhig:.nieans':;of;;prbper trainn lug and eqnip'meriti'-'CTlie Minister was i- asked to include' in the curriculum of ])riniary schools;the subject of .domestic in Standards V. and yJV';' : : to'. erect practice houses I, at every;domestic (science centre, The " Minister's reply can hardly be regarded as altogether' satisfactory, and has i been the cause ol'some criticism. Mr jj Fowkls contends that the present primary schools course would not be o improved by teaching girls the rudi- :. ments of domestic economy, which is r equivalent to saying that a girl's edu- ! cation should be as much the same as p a boy's as he can make it. There is considerable room for improvement in our education system, especially in the direction suggested by' the Christchurch deputation, and the Minister j might well consider whether ho is not

making just a little too much of the present system when he insists in regardiiig it as very nearly perfect. The f current of educational thought is setting more and more towards vocational <■ training, and Mr Fowlds was not doing t justice to progressive instincts when < he suggested that an hour a week was ( sufficient time for a girl to devote to this branch of learning. Mr T. E. j Taylor contended that a much more < valuable training for girls in the * higher standards of our primary . schools would be a course of English ( literature in conjunction with thorough domestic training, Mr Laurenson, M.P. for Lyttelton, is in accord with the Mayor of'Cliristchurch...He would jettison a large., part-.'of : -'-:fhe.'. "fancy" arithmetic that worries'onr. ... young people, would 6iniplifyVHlie.-V' spelling lessons and dispense with E -sqnig-; ; of the "frills" of our system thafeafc. maintained by a sad waste of labour;;-'' .The law-makers of this-country;must, seriously face the question"df.'raisihg.; ■the status of domestic .work; to; ali; {honourable level and restoring its'lost.; ■ ■"dignity. It is not an easy" problem;'; .' hilt it is awaiting solution here as .well' as;':'olseivliere. ■■'.'"-', ...On page 2: Country correspondence, ■commercial. On page 3: Cables and telegrams. On page 6: National Dairy : Show, No-liconso meeting. On page 7: High School Board,'' annual meeting Hoi. 6tem-Friesian Association, .:;Avw'ire\ to-day states that the Waihi .mining .trouble has been amicably settled. tf'Aj- criminal prosecution was -'nslituted at';Christchiirch against a man who bad ■.'married hi* niece, the accused being ; for trial. ';.- ■) ..' -;■., s'i-The. latest additions'to,:: the- telephone . 'exchange are:— No. 258, Win,. White.(res,). . ■'.Botanical road; and ! No. v . 602,'.' .Samuel -' C0.,,,C00k; street. .'.''■:;.':;;/'■ y.;;fc cable to:day states .that;thp^Maryjc-; libiiGj Cricket Club is ; sending:, a J'team;; to- ■■■ in the;autumn. .;;Tlie'?captaincy; ■ : ; Ayill; : ;bc decided; later..' > '■<■£:.; .j^Tifp,examination of the';s;s.';..Tofua : ;;;:re:; ; '■-cently,stranded at the Islands,-"shows.'slic., ;-iyas'.-yory slightly. .daniagod.^ ; ;..Sho. leaves ■ : ;i\ttcklahd on.hor : : usual.''trip Up the ; islands'-; ; ■;to}niorro\yV. , i i :.;;j;'. v-: >: ::^{::;rM y f{:(4^-: :;-; : lt;is'stated on .good authonty/iliapdur;:: ''■ ';;ing..'.thp; :; past season a .con.sklcrablb.'qua.iu- : ;tity:^oC-.t : lie :; : iimothy;'ficed.>produce'd;oii;r; v ; ■'the; South. contained,'a ..-considerable'-, prb^ ■ portion of ragwort seed.;-^viy^. : .fk ; ; -vrTho:;. Rricing- ' -;cla'yj"'-ai'id vamended, its ; 'certain,features which:.ivere. : n6t : ;in;-'or{]ei::;; ; ■ of tho : ■ commission' ;a'rp :; ;hbw ; ; 'cbricßidciJ.;;'-' ..-.;,''".'• ;."•';;»-. yO- r^/.^.V ; j; : ;Oil ;tlib motion of Mr, Gallichah. : at; the '■•■ annual meeting of tho Holstein-Friesian ■ ; Association this morning,''.it was ■decided that tho council should go into" thbtmatter ,of judges, and submit a-list/of., ; ■■■thbse; : :.' judge Plolsteins; ■ ■thpalifferent A. and-P.; Associations,,:an'd ; 'tii'at .the judges havo'.the option .of. judging; ■■ ';6n i; points ~;.:At;;a" large a'net enthusiastic ■meeting; at; : : -:Wbsfpprt last night; addressed Ay Messrs . 'Redmond:;and Donovan,'' the Irish : detc^.. 4vas announced -..that-'tho- collec' ; -. :tidnjifthe-lown aiid district : -.fotalled/:;£250 : ■. as.''.compared with ■ £B7. oh: tho jb'ccasi'on ; oßhpXvisit four "years 'ago ;, Rulcys% :.Sb far £243 has been"^collected ■ an. Timaf ut.: for the Homo•■Ride>.fund:--.-C.'.-;^; ■ Thp: .Siipremo ' Court, vsessioiis/:-'' winch opened'-;'itr, Bleuhcinv yesterday;;^shovv ; .::;a . r.^niarlcably. clean sheet. ■•'". ■;business, and.'only one civil case.' ./His Honor- (Mr Justice. Chapman), addres-, ; siiig;.;.tlib-;;Grahd: Jiirjv'congratulated ■ the. :distnct; ;^.on,. its;:practical' immunity .from, .crime;; '■-■f.Nb;:: criminal■■ business.'; has',comb . /isefprp ; 't.lfe> ; cbu)ijthi's ''.■ye'irrVv'.-:; >.'■* '■ "A:, -remarkable before; ■flip ..Wiaiiariipa';'magistrate. ;;atFEkotaliuh'a; , w'hpn'RbseiSiiuilk'oabehalf oilier.'grand-;-: ,:fatlioi;; IlentV:yßurjing-,.:: : siieclij]l : cii.i\v,,Uiii'; j . ;!iug.;;:jun;'^bl3'TH'nuuTea;.for;flie : ;inaint ' per . ' son;-was'; : 110 ';years:::bf.;^gcX^nd;yhis : s)oif;: a ,:fl#'Voiitliful'^ : ,defcndant:;;.wa's<:Bo^jll-is:' Wprsln'pjnado) ; au. : ■-ahc^'costs;;^:::,;;':.'" ?iAtithb■;■.iiiootingi;of.'ftlioj High^School : ■ '■that;;.thb::o)d; Pupils', f Associaf ioii- ; ::' iiad - 'sdo'ria'ted £2otowards■thc ; piano'fuhd-at.the iifjfgh 1 School;, .This.\carriedJa £\-fors . subsidy..:;, A vote' of thanks was passed' to ■thp. OkV ■ Pupils' J Association", for;,their.. [ -donation, ~aikl also ".-to Mr' P. ■McNab-'.fbr: . tho pvoeeeds'-of': : which ■wejit'.' ' to;'the. 6ame -object: ■"■■■■. ■.^.'^^"''"'^■■W ■ : At' thp meeting of''the Hbls'tein-Friosia.n. Breeders' Association -.this '.mornin'g.v'tho:following officers werojelected-.for the. ; .en : suing year:—President,; Mr ';,Coleman.' Phillips (Carterton); -,.vice-president;;,K-Mr* : ■'W.-;'L ; : Lovelock. (PalmerstonJi't'reasiirbr'i; ; ■A;;: J.i : Gallichan (Taiketahuha);; ;c6uricil,;- ■ : J. Donald' : ; (Vvanganui);A;Jlarold ; - ■ , : ;J:. Calliclian ;(Tiaketalnina).;":;Secrefai ; yj,^Mr/ 7 ,W>." M.C: ■• ; ; -;Kciiz.ib:[;;auditoj;,;;Mr : ■ ; . .^;;-^;.;.^( i ; '.'■-■■ ■;■; h afctendancp;; ; ;'aC ; '■ ' ; iii ; ;;December -'lasfi;.. tho. society's; 'balance'::; .■■slicets6hbwsU^cretlit.'Bf'-'# : l ; 3sVfpr^iter*; ; -first^^'tfar's-;:operations;.' In. -additibir^to trophies- % thp; yaluo"; : of ;■ ':'l2s i; ;feuineas'::fbr' llipif 'Sjc-'t-- cliaiiipionsllip ■ : .:show;' which isCto bo held in Palmers'ton. : ' : :: : ;i)eceinber'..6; .a'n'dj.;-. Quitbf a : nuniber' .p.(; growers''' .are; "iiow' -taking" a /^keen-''interest-iii; the shbw;.;;of;;tho society. ; 4iid;f(i(! : liexfcshow• pi;oihises; ; ;to'Jbo a.great; '.'.success. .- . • .':ih*,' 1 V':^.-.' : ; -. At -.a '■'.meeting-: of. citizens of Dunedi'n-. ..called by '-fiiiy/'ilayorfyesterday, it was resolved;- tpfprsyard;;,to the Acting-Prime. Minister- a.unanimously passed resolution ■depleting Cabinet's, decision in tho..Tahi "..Eaka ca'sp..;.ahd : respectfully urging .reoorisi.dc.ration.'/ Tlio speakers were unani-. moils' 'ia, declaring that tho execution of • .i(ak.a-.;wbuld;bo reproba|ed by tho whole';, of fhb'ipohiinion, and would be a rcycr--; ■s'ion/^ : t.<i;Hhe : - brutality of tho ea'rly'j-part'; ■'.bf- ; :.last'-.Vc'entury, when young people'-pf; ■ ■'t.cndeivjears wore condemned to 'doatlil;V;-f '.;,. AV.yisilor from tho North, who' spon't;; : '-ai.' : . ';fpU::'days in Manawatu a week'or .two'ago'-.,' ;;'wi'ifing to a friend in Palmei:ston';/cph-'.'-; isidered that stock of a reallv.;good;stamp;.; ;do; not appear particularly scarce'-''-iiii:' ■ '■.M'aiiawatn. "I saw," he '■writes;"'"!' rev : 'ihai'knbly nice little lot ofthrce-yeaiirbkl;, steers being driven aloiig tlie.:road.|whicli;; entirely took my fancy.'. A!"shaplior. .-tetv ■; no one could wish to see. £ .Tlie'yMv'er.e; : ■■ charge, so I ascertained, of Mr'.W,.'Brp.d-;'; iick, one of Messrs Abraham" ,;ui'cH-;VVih/ ■; Hams' drovere, and they ;■;. stamp that butchers find it so h'a'fd'- ,: fo,:get.:_ ■ hold of, and that cut up tp'sublKgppd;';'; advantage. It must bo good eoii.ntry:;aijdV '. good breeding that can producp^uch'^gopil ; ■; results." iy^Mii-'&\: Messrs Ross and Co., tho Bon ■Marche;';; invite visitors to inspect, their premise's.- . where thev will find a magnificent.stock- . of new and fashionable 'goods' to '.select; from at prices to secure theapproyal/of. : buyers,—Advt. . ..' -V'v-.;!;';"' Nico selection of flags for. the.Corona- ; tion from 6d each; newest'novels,, poggy...; bags, winter games; etc., at Park's.—Advt., ■ Prevention is better than ctire,"so. always keep a botllo of "NAZOL" in. .the; .- house, and as soon asvyoii/iee'l.Sthfr ' slightest indication of a . coming- -cold,take a dose-it prevents as well : ns.cures;" j -AdvL- '... '■£■■>;;-; ] Collinson and Son's prices on lamp-ware will suit the most exacting fancies of your pocket-book. This Urm etoclcs no- . thing that is not good and derendabletherefore it is a safe store to trade with 1 -Advt. ] If you get a chill, with sore throat \ and tightness of the chest, don't wait E 'until you aro laid up, but tackle it with E "Nazol," which grips it quicker and £ more, effectually than most remedies. | Sold everywhere; Is 6d bottle of 60 doses i -Advt. c

In reply to a cable from Mr Gorlitz.." Dr. Harriss is not favourable to thiv;;: orchestra apj>earing here with the Shel'-V field Choir. .';. Tho Wellington Master Grocers finally decided yesterday not to observe a holiday on Coronation Day, but to close on tho following day, Princo of Wales' Birthday, tho latter being a compulsory holiday under the Grocers' award. Dunedin tramway authorities are likely to ask tho City Council to frame a by-law dealing with cases in which the officials deem a lady's hat pins a peril to other passengers. A native belonging to Gisborne named Wairau Poheriri, whilst riding came into collision with a buggv on Saturday night, the shaft of tho vehicle penetrating bis thigh, and the horse trampled on him. He died in tho hospital to-day.-Press Association. :.-.. By six votes to three the Levin .Borough' Council negatived a proposal : , last; night to raise £250 by special rates Spread:over'two years for erecting public 'baths.;■■'. This' amount would have been : ;£..for £ by the Government as; ii;: Coronation gift. ;; ;';;Terrace;, : End s: 'residents, and tho town ;geifcfiilly.i;/ ; TOli;;;be; pleased to hear that tl^TpiyjV ; CJbfkMias, received a coinmuni-cation:,:-h'ojnWt approving : of £250 tohall at ■TerracoJEiid;: ■■''.'',''W^-v;/.-.thp,- jifryHij .f ha Jbel;;easo ; against - the. Nelson Mail;iva:s:;:for:.'defe!idaiits : ;the proprietors aiid. ; sta(iKbf'the. paper. received,' 'hearty congratulations; ''ffi(vgbiiefal:.sentiment being ;- : ;tha{v:;;i:hp:.;;[rbeddin;: -of Jllie'v press_ in thb^exerciso. ; of.'its tegltimafP functions ' liad been:viridicatbet:,:..: \r ■s-'-.' The inembew'bf;'the;,Loyal:; : 6range';liiT'' : stitution have ahp;: invitation; ■' to attcnd;idie":'Cpjbnafion;;':ceremoiiy'-\bh: Thursday .next, ; 'a'nd an.-invi'fatibn'to inem; ■, bers of the institution.^to : ,;'meefc:.:at : '-;t|ie:'; : Orange Hall'"at .10.30 ing of the ceremony is, advertised/ in. this': issue. ■;■':''■■■': 'i:' : .-\['' ; \.,.'.\ C-nP-- 7 The Journal..of the culture states that there is every 'rcaso'n-"fp.-anticipate that although /there will- bo, no real shortage, of feed, the value of: beef and mutton will bo considerably. en-: ■ hanced.during the next few. months—beef■particularly so,; for there, is already.'a . 'shortage of 'forward stores. :.,:::*■: ;;';:It ; ./was:"dccided:'at' tho. annual, meeting .of;.the iHblsteiii-Eriesiaii vßrccders'-'.Asso : ' 'ciati6;h'-;"th'is' ;inpni'ing=' to';;-award tho ..-New , :;:Ze"alahcl' ; ch:a'rhp'ipnship for;, both .bull and. ■ ; : vP.;Asspcia- ■: ; :cla'ssesS';;K.'jva's;. ; ' mcnt;to'tlip:|u;esideht3tfiat:the::'Champioh-■ ;. ;s.lniw ; -ta;'-a\yarded;?to:':tliVWa^^ :.and:P/'Assoc'iiitiph; : iiext..-year;^ ; :'S ; :V^-';'. :'i.:Wlien' speaking;pt:;the; ; ;. .Techiiica 1 ..School cbnimittce,. . 'posed.:increase in its'nnmbers',:thb;;;pre'sent- -. chairmany.; : Mr,;;Wv:-.Rutherfurdi:'said :>lib ■ ;would ■■likoiTo/'-sbp the cbmhiilfee ; :as-large '■' :and,.as.representativo;as: possible; :hi<Mfc - dition to present represented on this' epmiiiittee, he'was in favou'ivof ■ -representatives being;'bh ;thb committee* from tho. i-Ein'ployers' Association, Labb.ur. : .Unions,. Ay;;aiid ; ; P. Association, Farmeiv 'Union,.and-other kindred bodies, '...; '■'■;■■ ;';';.'■■ Thp.cerembny-'pf laying the foundation, .^stbrio."of""SLJ'Paul's Methodist Church-: ■ :Broad■.strept^yvas-performed this after-.-: . .Jiobn"in-. idqal.(weather by. his Excellency; ;' 'the GovoriiorVin. tho presence )f adargei : "gathering.;:: ministers and-.lay^. rjn'en^yere'".-present fiom a number . .;i:oiinding ; ; circuits,' and the proceeding ■ *werefollowed;witii' ; keen interest;by..:tlib' ;l.a'rge: : a'ssemblagc.' ■■' The, celebrations jxi\U ■,be.;:pontinue(].t!iis evening with a,tea'.and--public;;;meetings in tho' - Alunicipal., .lTa Ih. whenihCr.e|lszexpected' to; bc.fererord ;gat)ici'ing.':(.;;;y''-.,;:, ; :r;;:4t:"vvV;: .;;;;A- : ;match : ;-\vill: ; bb played .bn. : ;the : ;Hbl;o; ■wlntu/liiiks;: 1 against ; tlio ; 'Danneyirkc;;;GPlf; ■ ; Chili. on;.Coronatip[i'; : 'Pay; : ;play:.;tb: ;: cbi)i>' inencp(; ! in'-:;;thp;;; : ;moniing.;'wftli':. fonr-bali'" ■ -nia tches; •■ ■-Tlicr Da rinevir kcv-ineri-; arrive; on Wednesday;;;.;'TJie;; : fpllp\nng;i:haye-been not able;v;tp:':p:la : Mwg tho ':honb™:y s . ;S1 l-ans-VA^; ■JlarmaiV- Si: ;Tyerma'n i: :': 0; ,':.G;''- : M6dre;rH;'': i;Hy : r'Otiikif Golf ;!&$x ,w.ill ;bo ; ;^Javqd>.;at'-Otaicf".' '.o'li-iSatiirday next; ' '.'"' r :''ir \ ; ;'.. '.;■ ;.;i|i:?;ans;\yer,to; a-.' question;: at/the ihtfli; . ;Schppl;;Bpard mpetiiigV f:last Evening; fife -;Cliairman,;slr:lfe;;Hv 'Coliingwpod' Stated that the; amount' requii*d:;fb.;>vii)e: off.'the debfe'on; 'tlfclligli.aiKl-Tcchnical Schobls; aiid:..;,for-. wliich::object i-tlia 'yMiivoress^is.' : .;workihg' ; :6nly¥£ioo: of fo:' : s;uliscribed;:. •: , 6r='cbl^ lec'fed ibcally;,;aS;£3oor;of;;::it' : carries;' sub3idv;';;'pf'i ; £. ;-for;; '£....' ::Mr Collihg'ivppH' isaid :that':they;slib(fld 4n.ponlyV : aftajn' to ;i'this-zambiHir-, should-;.:.also\:tr'y; ; ,;ahd ; ' ;;ge't. a 's'iifliciont anrpiin't.'to'.help the' work-. : ing expenses, of the sclioole, and not leave' : them^totally.dcpendcn.t;oji; : capitation-co : m^': : ;:ing';tprhahU ■■' ' ■.■ : ":,'A"t -the qiiarteVly: ihbeting:^bf'; : ; : CPuft.; A.Q.F,;:last;;evehiiig : tt;wa;s:deVo "cidejj: -to. tab; part \ili;.;thei:vCprpna'tibn;■: , ;X'e|ebra'fibns,' ,b nil :tb/, donate:. 1 £2 .to 'the'-.: ! Sr.iC'ndly ; Socieh^s':-Councib; ; ; :: :A;;letter,of : .: ;■ coii'dptencp,is : tb be..Rent:to : the widow of. - 'f|)o"'iatfi Brb; Jrlpwl' Wellington. :.;Tivb:;;new : .-'ihembeni.' ;pi;opb3p3;: , ;.aii'dv,;tw'o'; , -initiated;'.'.' ,:T!ic... "ele'ct'ibn'.'bf oHicers:resulted' as:follows:--^"- : ;C;R; : j," D.C11., Bro/J ; Aj : : J. Aitche-;.' :sbh': "secretary,.:P ; C:Rr : Bro;'-A.' J.. Yortt;- ■ •■assist;ai!t^ecrefarv;tßi ; o'.;ll. Rolfer'S,W;V ■ 'Bro;' C.Dahl ;-OT. ; Lane';: ; Bro.'- J.; Gilchn3t,;:;;J.B..:;:Bro.::.:J.;::Pricc';: .brganist,',:\Brb.-;;;C;;:.AF;Ybun^;;^; ;: ';; , 0: : '"

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9542, 20 June 1911, Page 4

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Manawatu Evening Standard. Circulation 3,800 Copies Daily TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911. THE DOMESTIC DIFFICULTY. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9542, 20 June 1911, Page 4

Manawatu Evening Standard. Circulation 3,800 Copies Daily TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911. THE DOMESTIC DIFFICULTY. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9542, 20 June 1911, Page 4


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