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LOST AND FOUND. ; L'OST —From Campbell Street (by ; Mrs Hunter.), one white parrot with red neck,; last'seen near College and Cook Streets. £1 reward on returning same to J. ? Allen, Blacksmith, Fitzherbert Street. LOST —Between Family Hotel and Square, gold dagger brooch, sot with 5 garnets. Reward on returning tot Standard _ Druids-' - Ball in Municipal Hall, gold brooch with 7 pearls (one missing), 2 rubies; valued as keepsake. Reward on returning to 36, Broad Street. . L~OST— Between Kairanga and Palmerston railway station, a child's white fur overcoat. Finder please leave at "Standard" Office. TO LET AND FOR SALE. ~~ TO LET—Nice 4-roomed cottage with all conveniences. Apply " Standard" Office. O LET—3-roomed cottage, range, bath, copper set in, 1 minute from Square. Immediate possession. Apply H. Brougham, Carrier: O LET —A large shop and dwelling attached ; also two shops; low rental. Apply P. Hanlon, Ashhurst. TO LET—Kumara Stables, Rangitikei Street, together with paddock ; also 12-roomed house with every convenience, suitable for boarding house. Either separately or together. Rent low to good man. Apply Brophy and Mowlem. F~ OR"™SALE—HaIf-plate camera, nearly new, 3 d.d. slides, R.R. lens, t. and i. shutter, 2 dishes, measure, focussing cloth, etc., £4 10s. ■' Camera," Box 134. . FOR SALE—One F.N. 4-cylinder motor cycle in perfect order, £45; also light motor bicycle, new, £48 10s. G. H. Bycroft and Co. F~ OR SALE—One 12ft Aero iron windmill, complete with sixtyfoot steel frame and gear. Apply Manager, C. Dahl, Warehouse, Main Street. 4" 3 ACRES, 8-roomed house, orch--4 ard full bearing, in Borough, £1250; only £250 cash required. J. A.. Nash and Co., George Street. FOR SALE—Sittings of white Leghorn eggs, from two-year-old hens ; Hogan tested ; 15 to the sitting; fertility guaranteed; os sitting.—B. Ineson, Linton Street. . LOOK HERE! £230 down and balance 7s weekly (principal and "interest); new 5-roomed house, bathroom, scullery, -pantry, h. and c. water, sewerage, gas, J-acre section. Only £550. Handy to Square and Railway.—Lambert and Co., Rangitiliei Street. _ _ TO LEASE—I 34 acres dairy farm, handy o Palmerston, and 1$ miles creameries, township, etc.; good house and outbuildings. Leased 5 years; rent-, 25s and 27s 6d per acre. 44 cows and dry stock, horses, carts, cans, pigs, etc., etc.; going concern, £400. Good value given. Apply sharp to Orboll and Co., Main Street West, Palmerston North. . FOR SALE—4-rooms and conveniences, near Ferguson Street and Square; £10 to £50 cash; balance weekly to suit, 'fcheap home and good chance with little money.—Box 165, Palmerston North. FOR SALE or, Lease —Complete sash and door factory and timber yard. Apply G. A. Gamman and Co., Palmerston North. EXCHANGE FOR HOUSEIn Palmerston North 2 SECTIONS IN WELLINGTON. Good locality. EQUITY £200. Apply RAVENHILL AND CO. FOR SALE—New 8-roomed house with 8 acres of land, nice garden, situated on the bank of Te Ngutu lagoon, Scandia Street, with motor «arage, workshop, stable, cowbail, 10 h.p. motor car, 1 half-draught mare, 4 years old, very quiet, 3 Jersey rows, 2 just in, ' one springing, furniture can be taken at valuation. —C. Whitehead, Scandia Street. LEASE— 6 acres splendid land, and 8-roomed house with all conveniences, stable, cowbails, dairy, I orchard, handy to Square. Small 1 goodwill.—Lambert and Co., Rangitikei Street. I jOOK DOWN arid balance very' easy. New house of 4 large rooms, large pantry, scullery, washhouse, copper and tubs, sewerage. Close to railway station. Large seci tion. A gift at £450. —Lambert and ' Co., Rangitikei Street., STOREKEEPERS. WE have a buyer for a small country store who can put down £250. Time is valuable. Write at once to The New Zealand Trade Exchange, Box 332, G.P.0., Christchurch. WANTED Known—The best of ail smokes DERBY" You try it 1 It's splendid 1 In plug 1 or two-ounce tins. ofTam FIE ° ES °* wal1 * jm* ?v/ v>» paper, latest designs and colours; must be sold. ' Twenty pej- cent, discount. At R. and E. Tingey and Co., Ltd., Painters and Paperhangers, etc. ANTED KNOWN—That cenig sole agents for John Brinsmeacl and Sons' Pianos we claim that we have the best English piano on rhe market, at the day. They possess a touch of perfect evenness, combined with great power and brilliancy of tone, which distinguishes the Brinsmead Piano. Come and hear them for yourself at H. Collier and Co.'s, the Square. SMOKERS: PLEASE NOTE.—There is nothing to equal |.' "Derby" - > TOBACCO. In plug or 2oz. tins.
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Bibliographic details
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8711, 14 October 1908, Page 1
Word Count
720Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8711, 14 October 1908, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8711, 14 October 1908, Page 1
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Manawatu Standard. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.