Manawatu Evening Standard. Circulation, 3,500 Copies Daily. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1908. END OF THE DEADLOCK.
The crisis in municipal affairs which has been agitating the public mind for the last few days reached its climax { last night and is now a thing of the. past. Both the Mayor and Councillors seemed determined to maintain their respective attitudes, a course that would have detrimentally affected the town's good government by stopping all public works and doing our credit and good name much harm. On reflection, however, the Mayor decided to take action in the direction he deemed right in the interests of the Borough. He therefore accepted Cr Haydon's motion under protest, preferring to give way rather tHan see the town suffer. This must be regarded as a satisfactory ending to a situation that promised to take on a very serious aspect*. Palmerston has thus been saved from becoming the laughing stock of her neighbours. In the meantime the Mayor intends to take the ratepayers into hia confidence by addressing them from the public platform. Keen interest has been taken in the circumstances of the now happily-ended deadlock, and his Worship is sure to be met by an attentive audience. Apart altogether from the immediate business which has prompted the Mayor, there are many matters connected with the municipal affairs that the. ratepayers desire to have explained, and they will not neglect the opportunity presented.
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Bibliographic details
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8494, 22 January 1908, Page 4
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Manawatu Evening Standard. Circulation, 3,500 Copies Daily. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1908. END OF THE DEADLOCK.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8494, 22 January 1908, Page 4
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