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Wjikn the question of inve<ti:;:stin^ tiic advisability of generating electricity by means of water-power is bcint; consider t -d here it is to be hoped that the method in use in many parts of the United .State*, of obtaining power by means of windmills will p.!so be hive.-ti^ate.l. lise.^a:* to be ;i i:he:ip and popular method of utilising ;i wa-,te force whii:a u-ed to be Ulccn advanta^.- of in another v ; -.y m-suy years v.',;r>, and if only to augment tii',» w:iti<r.;):r.V!:r w.Miid prnb;tbly bo foun'l p-irtieukrly useful. Comjilete plants fx-SetH-rating elect-rieiry by windmills nre in use v.i miny farnn in the I'nnc 1 States, and besidis being ireful for li»liiint,-the houses nnd outbuilding*, it is utilised cx-ti.-nsive]y for mvtive-jiower for muchinerv on the farms. It seems lo u~ that the generation of aeheipfijotive-power is one of the essentials to the future progress of this district, for at present we depend almost entirely upon tho prosperity of the dairy industry—a deponderuv whic'i has been satiKJactory so far, but which reminds us of the warning not to put al! ourp^s in the one basket.

Tjip annual meeting of the Athletic ! Park Company will be ht-Ll to-night, j Tiie "Mum" show, to have been held j at Feildmg yesterdu\\ was abandoned owing to the weather practically destroying all exhibits. Ti: addition to pas.iinc; Section APhar- j macy Examination, Mr 11. lli-pwotthj obtained ;he "> }h. G (America) by exam- I inaiion during the year. Ik- was couched ! by Mr -1. E. Archibald, of the Collegiate | School. Mr Donald Fraser, the '.veil-known Knngitikei farmer and soort, received \ sevrul severe contusions and bruises on ! his face by his horse fulling wkhhinnn ! the Foxlon road during tha recer.t week. Mr P. lv.'.vanagh has donated a very luu.dsome ease of four pipes as first prize in the forthcoming billiard tournament at the "Working Men's Club. The j tournaments have been in progress for some time past and have '.excited keen interest among members. j The Lutheran Convention sitting at Xorsewo d has instructed Pastor Ivies to communicate with the authorities in Denmark for the purpose of securing j two young ministers for work in the j colony. Mr Hans l.unt, of Palmer stun. | was appointed nome missionary. ] The Tihknm arrived yesterday and j ('apt. Yoss with Mr Biiekridgc reached Palmerston this morning at 11 25. They were met at the station by the Mayor, (Mr Dunk) and welcomed to Palmerston. Lectures will be given this afternoon at :J and again at S this evening. This is an unique exhibition add it is doubtful if such a strong combination will ever again reach lV.merston North. The Mimawatu Placing Club, al a meeting held last evening, decided to support Messrs K. S. Abraham and A. Goodbehere, secretary of the Feildir.j; j Kaemg Club, as delegate? to the llneing j Conference. The balance-sheet of tie j recent autumn meeting showed a uroik of £7(55. Th« Miuiawatu Mounted Killes were granted the use of the course for their encampment. Mr J. it. H. Straug was elected a member of the Club. It was decided to roof the grandstand on the new course nith iron. A lad}' who appeared as plaintiff in « case called at the Christehurch Mngistrate Court, had the case adjourned for hulf an hour iii order that her lawyer might bo able to put m an appearance. AVhen it was called again, however, the lawyer was still miss»ng, but, in the meantime, he had sent a message to tne Court stating that he could not appear, us his client had no ease. The Bench informed her of this, but she was in no way disconcerted, and agreed quite cheerfully to give up her claim. The Counril of the Chamber of Commerce met last eveniug. Mr \l. S. Abra-h.-.m was voted to the chair, and there were also present Messrs J. A. Nash, J. L. JWnieoat, G. W.Harden, ii. Cooper, auil the Secretary, Mrllirseh. A letter was read frum the Masterton Chamber enquiring as to the method adopted of securing a Jhgh School for Palmerston North. The Secretary was instructed to supply the information available on the subject.. The question was also brought up of the present inconvenient character of the railway service between Wuiraraua and Manawalu, and it was decided to seek the co-operation of the Mosterton Chamber in bringing about better arrangement. A communication from the British Decimal Association Has ordered to lie brought up at the next ouartcrly meotui^ol the Chamber. On tho motion of Mr Nash it wa< decided that the Post-master-General be approached and asked to do what is necessary *o secure telephonic communication between PalmerMon and "Wellington, aad thr.t Mr \V. T. Wood, M.H.U., be asked to arrange for an interview.

A IVitlrd! (."!:'„•;:!«;,,. V.-,., w!oj»tcd tj»s ji.iuuM'j :i'.'. j'i''" :r'.' ': wereti(.-fc:itr.-i !, v tIJ/Xl!, •.-.'■ r'.'- ; day. ' '' Mr J. B. H. 7 ,vr.,,i ~.._,, Tr.v.v.iry, who ).-., !/,„,. ■!,. ,; _ ' • for unrno lim<«. U-ft iy-i • .Ljiidon, '' '' ■ : A U-K-roomnl JiTj... :., -.-.■ - Arthur Loil'l.-.-, of r! u '. ",:.';„ V ' _:■ destroyed ijyiirei-su ri^t. '>, hud a narrow v-:<:np<-. DrXe-lig.n. h;,!;-.-,-,;.,- - . aii<l his family, r.rr'iv.-l .\v from London thix nr>r- '• • welcomed b/ Bi:]i ;.;j ;;,.'•' din, Arehd-.'.eo.i C.-is,-!.- , '• and Fancaurt. nf \y. ;■; . ' lemvs for Auckland cr. .-'.•• Instead of the ':■■;-! j Itepii-t Church h.-iimr. ~-, i illustrated nddre^ of ;;:i ; - .. / turt* will be ii'ivcu i. v ',: \ IVthenck, o: Wciiir-;,"..'. ; . in- :h.? Kirv. V.. lli-l.. T .[' ..' 1 his series of r-^vchl mi-ir. runs 103* dream." : It will he J:ot:.-i i, '•-.• tint. Messrs .Mo'iii-yy " •. ; .■ j their second ;inn;;U ■ .!,- ---| poultry o:\ th-..> 'l?,ri [:\.- ---[.-'.•:«: 23Ul):rd<r.f :-Si I-■ ! entered and the m!.' :v--.; |as sucttess-ful as it.- ]>r._-.|..----i Tho Sandow Club :iaj viers of MYT. Mi:K !-! j a-< instructor. .Mr M:!i- ---| unnv years eottncct.'j -.; 1 iesiilini; i»ymnai«i»:ras ;.': V, I tindt'r hi-i direction nil . ; • ! work will be taken uj>. A cunoui; story co:;:-: •■■ (says it Gisboriie paj>tTi. ; j in^ down Uio Wruroi i-':::.-. .• cmjity beer bottle. '!':•— ; lit on a post and pr.i ••. ■- ! :;ly.'kwhip-( fit it, but. ...-; ; . i "»aw th:it it cont:i:ned ,-; :■ I This on niv^Hti^iti-,:., ;■'..■■.■.-. ! ii note. Iliad ;i number of l>ar^-i::,-: •"-, ' !to U^oir li-;:. inc-if;':.:.-.' •'.-'• wiles frc:n Nap:,-r. ; ; : .-:"•• '. '" acre; U»l2 .icr^s -•»!:.:!,: :-■:.; ! U-Je'irtij,' 7i-/i-icV;-..-'-'/V::V::; ' ' " I fro:.-! Nupior, for iV,-,:j. --. ...^ . ! tion; :n<;s acres f.-=•;•:.'.!.;. •;:, ; ! ;u-ro. .>:ock rtt v.durnio:!. ! Mr(.;. if. Sr-ctt :;••. •;• ■- . | f^-yele^irV^r^r'ti^n ",-■■ r. - i S'-.>ti re;>or:s n rein-\i in '■•- ; | ».•-£(.,-» j-;si f!csr ; «. Th, P,-:: -.. .' ' :irr now b.'-r^esLi:.:.-:^.;'.,.!:..^-;. l:i_ft«st fitting, intdud:-^ y\.*.:.■'■ :-.-, | mi,'-:, Ciindior tyre-. ;:•:<! Ka^ii-h ■; !to tlioir auv:i;.t::i;i" io all at 7.'u<- •■]..-. ! ton " Depot. I An r.n^onnccn\crst av. ■/•;.'.:■; ::; • ! issue vrnh reference lv the i'-:i:.:e-■• | North Musical Syndtcate. It v:.. s seen that tin1 nj;inp.j;e:j:f:jr ::re.-j ■.:'•::■ | expen-f, i-iyin^ en^a.;cJ the - ; ::: ■■ iMr I.crt hij;r;'.:j, ;he wor i-r-:.. v : whistHn-r Tcntr[lcf:uist, v/ho h:i- '..:•'■ been appivinnEj with t^iaer.d'U- • ■ j ce<» with I'is's. Tiie Sy:;a:cau> ;•;..■'. : I the iHttTi'.iou of the jiublie : :'. j alteration ::i the u^to, Tiie?diy, M:;; 1 . ! Mutters tn connection with the ;r • i tion of the ::ev, CV.kdonian S.----i Piilmersion are prog-e>>in_- :.. ..;-. | fiictoriiy and there see:. ■• -. ;; ■■. j bubiHiy tin; Society ">viii , . ;.. ■. iou a firmer basis than ev-r :. .'..'.. ; . : correspondingly lic:ie:'u-i:i ■ : :''■'■■- i doniau panics aud tuh'.vU"^ .• ■:. ■: .. ■' • \ i thi> part oi the ccmt. i:; vu-'a .;;:.• I fact ihut practi'-itily a;l:!:- -■ i :: 1 ; :c:. ■".■.. ! (iay-:,on whleli -yorts c:-v.l\ !■■■ !.■■' :. ':..■■ been :i^nropria.ted by ki:i-.ircl -;,.■;■-• hiis b-en suur^-ted'ti.e <vi-i<.ty -:.-:-- hold si series of i;:u!:..:::i.>- on V.'. ;:•.■■ day nfternco:s -.luring t!ie .-::.:." montlis, \v!\en pr.'cf.c:\liT :ill '.]■>•■ : .:. • peonte would be at lil'.rir ;■.> •.'-■•-.. j them. Cycle sports c:i \V...1:. .•:._. i afternoons during the p."-:^r. \ r.■ ■■ i beyend <jue?t!cn thui both re:!:"-'-'""' ■ I and public ecuUl i-.c pre-L-r.'. .'.:.'. '-'■- j seems no rea.r-.on why the Sco.cly .-:. ..■ j not ro!!o«" t:p the practice. The i-.t-.- ■■ • i been very generally approved ;•;. ■ .. i athletes and these interes- -d i:: t:^ :.-- Society. An elaborate vMjy.'ay c? c ".. ■ I llinne's and bhtnkets is r.o'.v i>e;:.^ :■:-'- ---jin the br^e ee:;tre ;vii:do'.v l-i ■':■■ ■ ! Marehe, wliiu'h intendiiig :::.-:.-;:■ i of the*.- ir&LHts would do '.veil m I: ■*] ■ j The i;ood< comprise the pr'd'.-i-'. •-* i every !eadi:i^ i:::U in the ?'.]■■:.::•:, ■■•■'■ ■• | ing K-aisipoi. Rcs'yn, •■• ili'.wke's 'Bay. These gotds :.:-. :■- ---tailed by Me.^rs Ross ' and <_V. ■-■ minimum advance en null pric.-?. ■•: ■ their values are tic-t survas.-ed l-y :. J drapery tirtn in New Zeai:r.:d.—A.. ■'-• j Of all the tlcwers: that Mc;:n ": : It-pnug, those of the "bulb f:t::i:'} ■•■ I the most beautiful and most !•■.■•-.--"• j The cuHivaiifts of bulbs ha* 'i'<. ■ j quite n Line art atal it is not \:v.-\:.:-jto hear that extravagant price- e\.-:. : to £I<XJ have been paid tor a >y> choice variety. TheU.F.C.A.t^ "■-■ vantage of the expert knowledge cf -■■•■ ! members of iheir staiY uave >■>'.-.• -■- lin securing one of the choice.-t :•--■' ! iiients of Xarcissi. Hyacinths. <-"*' '■''■'■ j Tulips. Freesias, lx:as, etc. eve:- . jin the colon}'. Gardeners who dil----rojilcnish llower beds cannot do I •■•■■• • tlian inspect the stock on hand ■■■■'■ '■■ i Fnited Faemeks'Co-Op. A^-ha;: '■■ ralmerston Assortment- :;■■ up from os and upwards, and >"i-.:'- i ■ free to any address For Children's Ilaelcint; Cv-uJ.- ' night take Weeds' Great IV- •:■■■■ Cure, Is Gd and 2s Cd.

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7543, 16 May 1903, Page 4

Word Count

GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY. Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7543, 16 May 1903, Page 4

GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY. Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7543, 16 May 1903, Page 4


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