Manawatu Standard (PUBLISHED, DAILY.) The Oldest Daily newspaper on the West Coast. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1884. LOCAL AND GENERAL.
The Welliugtou Press, a newspaper recently established by Mr W. F. Boyd-i hoUBe, formerly pf Mesterton pnbiishes; ia the Napier Vape'rs au apology io Dr jfacksbiiol: Napier/ for certain libellou^ statements i 'which Appeared %n ■ -. : its Columns relative to ; -the dpctoi ? q prpfes-l j v sion^l conductiof thejNap^ei; Quarantine i Station during the recent case of small < pox there. Enquiries .■ made, . into, the truth of the accusations made' had "proved that they wero utterly -"unfounded; and that the patient who died had rej -j ceived every consideration arid: attention j jit Dr Jiackson's hands which it, was pos-i '■ sible for him to receiyjvand that _Jiis _at-|_j ;ceinio'u Tafia cafe tliroughout had l>eea unremitting, , ■''■-■ "• j The Foxton journal laments the defeat of Mr'Thynne for the vacant seat | m the Wangahui '-/ Edueatfpn Board After quoting the result of the poll our| contemporary lugubriously adds :—f " Theße figures seem to show that we will have to wait "for; a long timeTyet bfeT foreya man from this part of the district can hope to be returned. 1 ' I'hey m'ußl try again r and next time put forward a better man. . - }■ ! A i>utch emigrant m the Far|Weßt linked his thirteen children together by a smajl. ropePtied rpund tho arip, aud>io this fashion travelled from Denmark across tho Atlantic to Milwaukee, where their. arrival created considerable ainuse-i 'ment/ v " ' ' " } \i '') ;' *~ Avgopd joke aneut the corpulent Colo4 nial Treasurer was told us ( Wangan ui Herald) Jfy a gentleman who has latelybeen spending a few days at the seat of Government. It seems Sir Julius has a smart little daughter of some eight summers, who reads the papers and re-, tajlu any tit Hits concerning " papa " tp that rather obese and talented parti\ The other morning she exclaimed, " Look here, pa 1 ! I always knew you werej .rather fat ; hutc.theso nasty papers need not call' you ' the" Stout-VogeF Party,' need they ?V i The public will no doubt be curious to know whether the divers engaged m re| covering the cargo of the Lastingham have come across any of the bodies of the persons wlio were drowned at the wreck.,, We, (Bost)hm§ made euqu^iesJ and find that no corpses nave, up till now, been discovered. Considering the . ypracity ,pf the blue cod, with which, 1 Gore 'Bay and ; tHe adjaoent waters abound, it is not likely that anything more than a few bones will b« re-^ covered. =-; r. ■■■.. ■..-,- '.--■■ ' -On August 9 Sff George "Rose Sartor-! ius, senior Admiral of the fleet,- com- 1 pleted his ninety-fourth , year. Sir, Qoprge, who/ has been of 83j years m the navy, 4s the ohly^surviving officer who took part m the battle of ./Trafalgar m 1896.« He is the father of j the British navy, being the. oldest 'officer Jn the naval service, and -is the oldest knight of the United kingdom 1 . j V From a petition presented to^h'e House r'li^llJr-'TSlacaT^ur^it'XTOuld-'a^pe'ar^ays; *the Post) that a large number of settlerej m the Manawatu district consider that the .present- Rating Act bears unjustly on all land.' They suggest that, a ays-! tern of acreage taxation would be more* equitable, and; they '-' therefore ask the| House to give the, local bodies, power to| rate m the manner indicated. The peti-t tion is largely signed. Another petition, ' presented some time ago, from the same district, praying that tho House would i-8o amend tho, Eating Act yAs^to enable, local .bodies to make their own valuation ( m apy year during the triennial terni named iii'sucn Abt,' has been l referred to ; the Public Petitions Committee, .and by that committee referred to the,..Goyerp<ment for consideration. ,\ - , ";■ ; Thedernai)dforhorßeßforexport,toAusf tralia and other handy markets, as well 'as for Iridiati re-mdunt purposes, 'Should'' incite our country settlers, ,tp- breed a .good stamp of apimal, f Horse-breeding 'is an .industry for which New Zealand' is specially suited;' and . s6* long desired' '^quoKty is produced . there need be no fear of what are called good, mediumdraughts becoming a drug m the raarkot. At the present tiirie an ftgent for a Sydney tinn is travelling the Wellington | district buying all the hofses of this stamp ho can pick up, and we (Post)^ understand he is leaving behind him a' commission to have the supply kept up. Accommodation for 30 horses has been already secured on this gentleman's behalf on board tho Waihora, for Sydney, via Auckland.
The school Committee will meet this evening m the school room at 7:30 p.m. The death is recorded m the, Wanganui papers or! Mrs H. C. Field, who has beeu.a resident of the district for the last 33,.years. She leaves a family, of. six sons and five daughters. The Wanganui Harbor Board Env powering Bill passed its second reading m tho- I Legislative Council: on , t Friday .evening. -:In reference to the correspondence ■which :has\ recently been published on the relative merits of tawa and kauri for making butter-kegs, a writer m the Taranaki Herald cousiders that the , latter wood is tiie best, and goes on to remark that he has froquentjy^ fouu£ that ke^B;made iroo^tawa -ejiiit'ajn; unpleasant flavor, and very soon turn mouldy. Auckland's idea of :a ipleasarft outing may be inferred from the tact that <j n the recent excursion trip by the Triumph grog to the value of £160 was sumedThe Palmerston North Rifle. Volunteers*; williparade for inspection; and . muster "drin on Friday, the 7th November, at 7.30 p.m. ; if wet, on that day three weeks, 28th. .. r r; , J 11 Wo remind 1 (fair readers 1 Bf the generi il meeting df the uiernbers of H he i-Manawt :-. tu BacingClabjto'-«n ; orto>#,eveniJigat';??3o, \ tfclock ; ;at the kiotaiviei cial .Hotel.)' ; ■ <' ■? j The : Wellington 5 pa'pera. #ep6rf 'tbje business dono for the past week as hating been of a satisfactory charaoter 4 rates ge.netally'beingrwell.uiaintaiQdd, ' y "there's pippins' and cheese to com©" was the motto of the tirsc newspapeir published m- Otago m 1849. The passage occurs m the " Merrtr .mivßs'/Viau'dls baed'by Sir/Hugh 1 ui< allusion to his interrupted meal. ' i According to the Feilding Star this year's lambing has been very good all ovejr at^distrtet* , The>'average ;has: 'l>&«n upwards of 100 per cent. ; . Want of work- induced a man to break two windows m the Kaihvay Hotel, iSfapier^vlastiYeek.-v .The . mjschiefv.was done so as tp secure, a., night's: lodging. The man said, * though he had beep through three provinces for four months looking for work, .all he had got wap four daysV employment, ,and m justification <>f his couduct said a man could nop die on the road. i In Middle life; Mr Gladstone formulated to himself rules for chewing food Thirty-two, bites were to be given., tp each mouthful of meat,certain less num}bera to fish,,-bread, etc.- These rules he has siuce closely adhered to, and he has/ trained his whildren to do the same. ; The Woodville Examiner says :— We regard Mr Macarthur, of Mauaw'ata, as one of the best authorities m the colony on local government, and none has moved more actively to break up the dual system, and revert to the Road Boards) "■ [ = V. ' ■ • .- ' : '.*'■>■ i< The departure of " Captain" Francis; of the Salvation' Army, from Mastertou ,on Tuesday, was the occasion of a generaf turn but of the Army to see the gallant" Captain' ?iway. : Ab the^tmn left' i; 'the soldiers struck up "Amen |, Amen 1 ! My soul; replies; Fam- abound'; to imeet^ouin the jskies.",.: The : parting friends disappeared (says the,, £far) amidst a cloud of. waving haudker-; i-.ohiefs., j. ■_■; ...••.,;..:•;. ;^. :.• -»U ) T^ejruit. frjßß,B, m ,the vicinity of Mastertou.'are sliid by a Wairarapa ex-j change to be ; liteially covered .^and, loaded this season with ypung* fruits Unless' some accident '''happens the; quautity of apples this year will bej something - quite unprecedented.^- This iB gratifying news after ; the,; recent .proclamation,, : - which, has virtually ■ stopped the importation of apples from San Francisco. ' '• " . ' . . : _Th& Dreliminarias.. n wj9xe .armneredaL few days ago iik Auckland fora novel foot race. The contest is to be between! threo men who are each minus a leg; one of the conditions "being that wcli competitor shall be allowed a crutch and a stick. Th;o interesting event is to come off on the 10th November, and is one'of the events m a programme of atliletio sportfl at Ellerslie on thatl day] The^tor 8n»yBrall; tlie.oompetitors are vow m heavy training, and one of them; is credited .■■ with . ihaving accbhiplishedt the mile m spmothmg under thirteen^ minutes.' ' '•' ' J '"'' \ :) is" 'r'e'pbrfed from the district of Landskron, m. Moravia] wjiere two peasants bQ^li jtabhed .thciq wives to death. A/ neighbour, -who; hastened to the assistance of the unfor-j tuuate women, was also .killed, by the murderers, who immediately 'afterwards comrtiittcd- suicide. i' >. ■' v. . 1 The Mayor of Melbourne is in ' f ut ure to weoii a i^old «Jiain vf dfßcei [ ' E)very ; cpast Mayor (it is proposed) ri« to coni ■.tribute a link costing some £7 or £8i Thefe will be some !^o' links, and most 'of them kave been ah eady promised. ' It'wbnld be- interesting to learn fo what reason- Domesday Book', about which so much has been said and writ ten^ has not been laid on the table of the House of, Representatives, i; , (Says a Welliugtoin paper) .We understand that it has been printed and bound for three months pasty It is somewhat strange that Sir George, ©rey*, at whoge sugges-f tion the costly work was undertaken,* has not thought fit ; to make ' enquiries respeotingi- it. -It' iB possibleL that the! information contained m the book cari /h.ave any Bpepial bearing uij; the railway ■proposaU/?f|the;,Gpyjßrnin<yjiti? j In the House on Friday Sir Julius 1 YogeL gave notice that -he would movd for leave to introduce a Bill intitled " The Property T<ax Act Amendment! Act; 1784," and one intitled " The Newj Zealand Loans Act, 1884." An Inventors Agency.' Company, has been formed at Christohurch, its object! , being to assist those who have not tEgm* ■ selves the necessary capital m bringing .out inventions. ' .. h h-* •• '\j-~ ■. T TheT Woodville paper utrderstands that ; the Minister. for Public Workb is having i the sectiou of railway Vetween f ahoraite apd,Wpodville prepared for tender. ... , ; vFrorn, th,e Otago Dao\ [Tinifef ;we . learn that a company with a capitalof £5000 is being fdrmed-to inaugurate 4 cheese, butter,- and -bacon L factory m Milton. ■ .ilu;the Legislative 'CoMncil) on; the, motion of the/Hon.^W. Reeves, the, words " morning _ newspapers " were added to the ; ljßt of exempted trades and 1 ■ professions' m , the ' " Sunday ,' trading 'i < clause of the Police; Offenc§B'j ßill. ' j■, 'iTheiNapier evening papeir says 'an ei-i . tensive' elport' trade in il tdiara htfs'Ween ; opened between Makdtbkb and Aiick-I laiidl- r: 'ii- •: " ■ -j-' ;'-y ■■■■'■ '■■■■'■ •'•■ |, 'In the' Police' pftences 1 Bill, nbw be| ; fore the Upper House, provision is made whereby- any 'person wheeling a' perambulator upon the footpaths of . a'tawn' liable to a fine 0f.,£l for each oftence. ..,■ . .... . ..; , ,, t , ; ,,. : • As a propf «f the I value ;of land at Danevirke, the local correspondent of the VPoodville paper ; mentions that a j quortor-acre sectjon (sbld for £6 at the 1 last Government sale) changed hands; - last week rfor i ;i£3ojandran) t offer.iof : £2l! per ,aqre, was refused fpr about 37 j acres] .A sitting of the;" Native Lands Coui't will bo opened at jHafitingi on Novom-: her 11 when, the whole >of the Omhhu Uouutry will be "passed throngh." The value of this tract of Maori propettyis estimated at half a million of money. Mr J. Sheehan has lately been m a very critical stato, but is- now considered out of danger.
At Pahiatua recently a meeting was I held to consider this -establishment of a Dairy Factory. Mr %lcOardle occupied the chair, arid Mr Gird wood, who was present, spoke of the suitability of /'the. district for a factory. He was prepared to start a factory on his Own risk, or to assist a company m doing so, and ho would undertake, if the inducements .were reasonable, to have the establishment m full working order for cheese making within six weeks from date. He proposed to commence by giving the^ Bettlers3£cT per gallon "for their 'inTlk. ""! The*Palmeraton North Rifle Volunteers will, parade for inspection, .and, : Muster Drill' oti Friday the 7th November, at 7.30 p.m. ; if .wet, on the 28th.; The racehorse King Quail was sold by auction at Auckland last .week for 47 guineas/ . '. / ! Mrs Dodsbn sen r. an old Nelson resident died last week. Mrs Dobaon arrived m thecolpuy m 1842. j j ■* Buseh, whq.jwas Btiptbyjitho^Ncisdn lunatic is m a very critical state. ! The Governor could*- not se'p * his way to remit the £100 fine -inflicted on the Hon. G. J. Pharazyn wh'en petitioned by the latter to do so. ; -;.■ "The Wanganm following i-llf the- opinions of" SdOKJ of ,o?r , prominent citizens- on the commercial outjopjt.are wo^th. «nyth|ng'theiri[ should be Votter times" for; Wauganui m ttfe vimme^iake, future; At , t^o v ; Court Mr ard'expre/sseii a very; decided opinion aud remfirfced 1 4 was every indication of an early improvement i|i trade from' a business, point of view, j An obliging couple occasionally tur^i up at Court. At Napier a husband wris Bumttiotied to Blww i da ; u8e !I wliy < he J Bhpulji> not su ppoFl* his wife. : When the case was called he was ndn esU . The wif i , who, was pr.eßeni:,"Baid -she- wouid go an 1 retch him.She was as gopdj|B.he.r _wok , and came m shortly afterwards leading him by the hand. ; j - i^gir-George'Grey '[evidenHy bßlievea'ipi life insurance* i Hisiowu life is insured for £7,000. -■--- | In the Herald? 8 report' of the Patet Agricultural and " Pastoral .■ Show,, thb . followiug.occHrßf'r-^in th.eclMsfbr'iori£ wool breeds Mr Gobb, of made grand show', and took' first and seconij prizes, and Mr R. & Pearce was equally successful with ram' hoggets. In thife cJassMr Cobb had- three entries; all grWd sheep,' Orie of which the judges 0 .; jjgommejidedji - ; and?; } expreßledi regret that' he was not shown m a separate class, as he air almpst per*fetii'specimen of the" Tlomnsy" Marsh breed. An interesting competition was ■ that of weighing some of the sheep for two special prizes offered by Mr Cobb for the heaviest sheep on the ground l , and the heaviest ram hogget. .The former Mr Cobb won himself,; with , ,b,is first prize ram Shadrach, which weighed 2941b5, and the other prize fell to Mr Wl Wilson, whose commended Lincoln rain hoggett weighed 1881bs, beating Mr, Cobb'a Romney Marsh hogget • Jumbo j • which tv rued the beam at 17#lbs.> > ■■_■ , •The. Premier and- -Native Minister ! have .assured Tawhiao and party, through! Mr Hobbs, of^.liheir fearty co-operation with them as regards liquorjlicenses: not being' alloweil m the "King Country. ' L;.^lißS Edger, the first lady B. A. of the colony, .gives; up jhar i^pprfihtment as! teacher at Nelso£CpJlege, Miss Harrisoq , } also a B.A. from Auckland taj^es the position a't^Ne'W Year. " ,' / r . ;' Earthworms 4, 5, i and /6 feet 'in. length arefpundiatthe^Cape. - , , /,r ,'. { • j ;■•' 'Accordinef to Ta wßai<jj ' Sydney; Mel-1 ;- bburne, . Adelaidde < and! London hava no drunkards! \ rHori Rophia ..says this' is the ipl^tn^ nrtiAfA the Jrnntrftnrjnnflin-., — l; : /The Rotoraatiana lost 60 sheeipjla'st trip to Hobart. .. ; Oi i ;: i r 'Wfe have to acknowledge receipt of the October-number of the New Zealand • Iridlißtrial Gazette., ;• - ! ■•■- The N.Z. Herald^ says :-^-^e hear that considerable dißßatisf action haßfbeen «x-i pressed respectin^ijthe 'res'uttipf the rej cent. law examinations,. , Bq;:fac-.;aß ; )t.ho Auckland candidates , jare r /soncecped] •O&t'of. 14 who were examined in^ujcltl 'lahd three bnly appear. to 'have been'suc* ■■'cessffil,':' ' W,q undefstendHn^a^eiitidcf is behig ■signed fdr prjisentflltion ; t6 th^ Judges 6u $hoiSubjectV : It is 'rather sih.gularthat so large ia; percentage of sue- . cessfu l candidates belong Jto i thftjSo^U, ] :; iSte Jiilius^ VtigeYa .Pt'oper^ Tai^Bill was introduced m the' H6'use on Friday! it hiiß'.refcreuce ' solely jto th'e proposed, reduction; of the; tax. "■- :--,u;i i - t "■'- _•■• '; l ■ -. ': ■ I Miss Louise Crawford has formed a' company, m which Mr, Tcece takes lhs part of . Btage managpr., t ' : TUe New. Magdalen," is the opcdingi piece. ; Fencing; building, and \ bush ;f ailing are going on at great rate m Danevirke settlement, and are f he place g^eatly'fbr £he better. ■■■■-'■ : The successful tenderer for the ereci tion of the Waifara Branch refrigerating; dep&t of the . AupJsland M,i?a> 'Freezing "Company J is Mr H; Tayloir, of Christ-; church, the araouut of the contract bej ing £71-41. Tiie^Duilding is td'be of concrete. ~ ~. . I s Mr Bo^rony \he Gpvernment '^l^sp'eo-j tor of Dairy .Fac,toH?s, ha^ifome reason tp feel hurt at the liberties taken vritb byname injpjress referencea^p his .pfficial report. A Wellingtpii paper referred 1 to) him a day or'twd ago'as^r Bonnor, and -We 'notice that the T)»r>iiakiW(6t»i» :-! cavils •Mr Bro^n. We should not be s^irprlsedi to hear him called Mr Greed m connect tion .with his knowledge,^ i.thjß , dairy factory business m. general. .. t>- „."•■.•- i U Vanderbilt,.the United StateStrailway ,'fcing, is, according; to a; fr|end« , worth £3B,Boo,ooo.l •i.He^qim tak^/lif^ comparatively easy ,6n an income iof. j£2,4(Jo;oo(> a year, and watch : h'is wealth; jlile up without any effort of ; Kis! ' From' his Government ; he draws 1 1 £67^/400 ! a! year ; from his railroad stocks aad bonds] v£t,458,864 ; from v his miscellaneous; securities, £115,139 V or £268,409 fromj (j^s f investments. #lo^ they, ea^n fpr^im, .^56,66 |os,';,,-Eyer}i hour sees him £236 '2s M richer, and • er^ry minute me,ap.y£3 ,19s hi^ hoard: Besides tnisl he calculates ,td 'every .yea*' % fottun'ate ;';iafes. :ii V j ••; ' :1 - -n <?.-■>. y- •■'/•;- \ : -- j '\ Wtieti in%o'niniittee ofi i the P^Jlice ! 9f4 ifenceß ! Bill'^lioii. ; niemßeri of the L^s--1 ative Council ' discussed S ; ' proposal : by, .the Hori Mr Wat^rhousetoHtisert aclause ,p.r,oyidißrg 'against " bilrningr m effigy.'! , ,The ; moyef ; pojnsed o,ut that ;muc^i! jpaiii • was often, by this practice, caused tq the members pf-a personVfajriUyl iTlie ' Hoh? t)r Poilen thbugiht' .' thef e rif u>t r be| a' : vent somewhere. l It' waß« 1 -6 I e l tter' toj burn a man m efflgy thaw t6' v t)un'ch ; his head. . He also was of opiuiori thi£ the! whole Council could thus receive a ptfN lic.recpgMjtion for,, a-, barrel ,of ( <beeri OthfiVijioq,, member , l^ewisQ ihpughi; a £5 note would' seoure 'to anyone . t^e! the honor of being burned m effigy.;' Tn<j amendment was ultimately withdrawn. No member appears "to have made 1 : any ■flaggeStibn m: reference to ''hanging inj effigy." .. . :,.* . ■. •
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Manawatu Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 124, 3 November 1884, Page 2
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3,026Manawatu Standard (PUBLISHED, DAILY.) The Oldest Daily newspaper on the West Coast. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1884. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Manawatu Standard, Volume VIII, Issue 124, 3 November 1884, Page 2
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