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ili. c-Tu'itr^r«: -Patron, J A Macphorum, Kivi, M lIR. ; president, Sir 0 J In(li)i««vie.i' presidents, Messrs RO C'it,ifii W 1 t.ivlM, 1) M ('abler, H W HitI 'ii' \ Hy-ni ; auditor, Mr fi \ lso hlington . treasurer. Mi' J U Kick : »'f«l I'y, Mi' .)tirtn's Kii'liy ; < .iiiwtiil tve. Mmahph R, ,Scotl, H \V {lien,iiiitiii>K. I' iJMrmour, J R.-iH, \ .lonos. H '(VKodfflnglbn, \V C Muc-i-ni-ht, H MiliH'.T Stephens, T LindII l),.vi ««• Duncan, The annual show of tWo olrtb took p'aoe i Kriiluv last. "•n ( ' turnwl out to be thci ■■limMt successful vet hold. The entries were « nnr( , numerous than lust your by about 10f> (nmt lad year's show boat all previous kvui'ilO. the figures being approximately -HWIukI year and ftOO odd this year. Tins ■illMnilamin wan turgor, the doors snowing u „ lnrii-uHOOf iW«,ttntUhi«ilespito tho fact Mi»t tin; sate of members' tiokols 1 aou;;ht 415 inoro than last ymr. Tin? ilour money amounted to about £l4, sal« of members tickets til about £27, and tho f :iit"(fin« competition netted , ( .'4 15s Od. Taking .ill these fact* int.o consideration the ill, i„ is uvuvy reason to feel moro than satist'ifil wit.ii the' result of the show. Perhaps the exceptionally fine weathor that. prevailed hud something lo do towards making it a record, but it wus not responsible for it all. Kaoh year has seen an upward tentlnnoy, wlduh goes to prove tlmt not, only is the .show popular a** a trieaMs-'of rel.ixnl inn but also that its valpe to fanciers in t*iill v recognised bp ttni ' ,110 P u, 'l'e We think, too, it can bo said on this occasion that if the weather hud |,i,bh nil that could be desired the attendance would hare beon still greater, for tho gale that, blew all tho morning have kept iriniiy who live »t ft distance away. The ■iluli n again indebted tu Mr Hjorrtng for il>» line <-f Ilia shop for housing the poultry. To the cnerceGio, cupiible hon. sec., Mr .1 Kirby, is duo a largo uniourit ot iho credit, for tlie eiiiioosn of the show, It cannot bo considered fulsome to nay that no one else could curry out the work so ably for past i'<[im'ieuet; has given him ft grasp of tho •details that could not begot without sever d van' apprenticeship to the work. To Mr Kirk, the hon. treasurer, indue the praise for the 'largely increased membership. As treasurer III) baa proved himself a moat flushing official. Willi the assistance of a (joihl commuteo, these i'gontlemen found their efforts alily seconded. The hon. treasurer (Mr Kirk) will pay out t.hi> prize money on and after Monday. I'oui/l'itv.—The poultry wub the finest collection that has ever been seen in' N'aseby and stronger numerically. This was due in # measure to the fact that the championship for Wyi«)dottoß of any variety had been allocated by tho South Island AssnciAtinn u> this show, and there was tho large fntry of over 40 ooinpetitors for tho hoimr It in not surprising theroforo. that thi« t luhh wntt the feature of tho show. Many of the birds wore magnificent, spfuimons twicitiH largo a» an ordinary fowl and beautifully blithered. Tho championship lany variety! Ml to an handsome u hen of the silver variety as could he found in Nhw Zealand owned by Mr It', Carolin, Dunedin. This bird took the championship for Silver Wynndottcs at Timaru la«t year. Mr CVrolln also took first and special for best Wyandotte cock or coekerol (champion «xt;lnded). Mr P C Sinclair, Mosgiel, tool; Hrdt and fpeniai for the best hen or pubet, any variety (champion excluded) Both of these gentlemen are now exhibitors her« and should be encouraged by their success to compete again next year. These two birds wero also of tho silver variety. The champion hen was true lo type and good in i Yjry respect, and in the upinion of the ju'lgo could havo stood the best competition in tn<] colonies and still hold her own. The a«<tbest hen wits a worthy mate and failed •mly in size, and lier black lacing was a t « le white. In fact, the five mentioned buds in this class were distinctly above the average seen nt country shows The silver pullets woru also a must creditable lot. The -winner had the advantage in lacing colour and typo. The second and third were close up, iliu goldons were not strong in numbers but showed quality. The winning lieu was a nice golden blacit with open centres, her only fault being a touch of frosting on her lacing, The whites were really good birds, pure in colour and good in type and size, the winner excelling in brad points, typo, condition and size. The judne expressed surprise at the quality of tho Minorcas, vspeciiilly of the winning hen. She was fine in colour, had a beautiful comb, head and eye, and was nverything that a winner ahottid bo. Buff Orpingtons could only be classed as fair. There is a tendency to looseness of feathering, and, if not corrected, breeders will Bnd in a few years tlmt they are producing Black Cochins with oloan logs. Buff Orpington* distinctly aboie tho average. Tho r.ndcr colouring •qf the winning cock was exception illy good He might have been a little bettpr in several points, but even allowing for these he was above the average. The Plymouth Rucks on tho whole were a very «ood selection, the liens being the best. The winning hen in the barred class won on typo, size and barring. The second was as good in barring and typo but not in size. The only white •cock shown was a good spocimen. I'he first lieu of the same colour was superior in type, sine au.l condition. The White Leghorns Included some fine birds, but unfortunately tho best cockerel was broken in fitce. The leadinit pullet was good in colour, face and lob'is, but, a trifle coarse in comb. As a whole they wero a trifle too slilty in the legi. lift edori should try to got away from this defect, which will interfere wiih the jjetmral utiliiy of tho In Urown Leghorns there was nothing of speoiil note, the pick of the bunch being u pullet, but it Wim noticeable that the browns were much letter in typo than the whites, The buffs wero fair but unfortunately a couple of (he 1 birds were frosted in the comb. Lang>«hans were an excellent class. Tho winning W)C |t Was a triile light in the eye ; the hen could have stood a good deil more competition Cockerels were of excellent quality ; tho winnor distanced tho others in size and •colour, but all the entries in this class were a Bttperinr lot, The best pnllet was a triflo •long in tho leg and deficient in thigh, but otherwise no.fault could be found with her T|iett was only cue pair of turkeys, which w§r«i decidedly good specimens The judge ♦kpected to find h larger exhibit of these birds, as he thinks the district suitable for rearing 'them. The geese were medium. The Pukin ducks, while not good enough for large shows, weroquita good enough for aliv country show. , We were pleased to see Mr F Fiold. of Sawyers Bay. exhibiting again this year, and he had sixteen or seventeen entries. He lias been a most consistent supporter of •of the show since it started. The local exhibitors were Messrs tins Kirby /md H Duvii). The entries of both compared favourably with t one of their outside rivals. The judge expressed tho opinion that Mr Dtvis's were good specimens, but failed in size. PtOKONS.—Thore wore 44 oritriesirom T>un ■odln and '26 local ones and it i.< i.o , note that local birds compared very favour ably with the visitors, tho loc»l prize hon being quite a match for the one holding the similar position among the Dunedin loi. Among thp latter flock there were five no that it was difficult to plaoe them. On Saturday the whole of the Dtineiliri flock was liberated at 11! o'clock for a ruoe homo. A large crowd assembled to Bee tire

i start. Punctually to time the provident and! jseuretary tif the lo.:fil homing club (Mi'illil-jj [ ton ami Mr Dixon) opened the hampers an'lfl [ let the cuptivt-a free. The wo it her wa.Jj c'n'iir and tliey could lie watched for u gooifi while. They eire'ed around a few times Iml disappeared into tho clouds u g hi'l f.|' iic Ut r tint it tlii-y <Jiil last, year. The result " of llio men appears in tlm list of pn/,"j®j takers, M Upain atnl Skkiih.—The entries of u lie iR foil' i a little as compared with last year* but. tjr.ality wuo every bit as good. " Tln'J chii'l honor in Tuscan tjoes to Kyebnrn this! yMiU", Mr R Hoott annexing it with n very! j/ond sample. Mr T Lindsay took first in' Velvet with the aunt* wheat- that headed | the list in the Du'iedin Winter Show, Mr j Lindsay took first last year. Mr 1) Dimu'n took second Tin: judge considers that voc ' uonhl not get. ft better wimple than Messrs I Lindsay's and Duncan's for milling The oats also on tho \\ hole were well worth exhibiting, the Sparrowbill pamplo being the Hios f , inferior of tne lot. The Long Tartarian* wero really oxcollent. Mr l) Diinuan can flutter himself on winning the chief pi'iz'j in his clans as Mesxrg Griffiths and M'Carthy's (this a.iinc oats which tuck firm in Duuediu) had too take second to his, Evidently the VYhite Sow Villey is a good locality for both oats and wheat. In Danish oata Mr Griffiths was second with a lot which hart not been cleaned. For milling purposes the Gnrtons could not he JJotll the wheat and the oats were bettor in colour than those grown down country. There were 13 entries of chaff, ami till that wo need say about this article la that the judge said lie had never seen such ,i collection of line chad anywhere All were well cut. and the prize was awarded largely oi, quality. Rootm,— There were 15 entries of potatoes —n largo increase coir pared with last year. They were of dill'i-rent varieties and each exhibit was a good sample of its own variety. Tho exhibition would have been bettor appreciated hy the public had the names of eueh been given. Knob entry being so good of its own particular kind. (piaHty was decided by tho percentage of starch. When a potato is cut if it contains a Urge percentage of this ingredient the two portions will stick when placed together. If it is ton watery they will not do so. This Is a tip for potato groweis There whs a very fino collection of turnips—4o entries altogether. Swedes were of tip-top fiUabty. Aberdeens were also good. Size was given the preference in this class, i»lr C J Inder's which took the prize tor heaviest turnip?, were of enormous size. There were some tino parsnips. Ths one? awarded first and second were smaller than tho other two entries, but of better quality. Mr Glendinnitig, who took first for field carrots, also took first at Midd'emureh. Looking Classics,—The number of entries in these classes were very few in comparison with what we would expect, Evidently the ladies are too modest tn mutch their handiwork against that of their neighbours. Last year there were II entries in bread, nut this year they dwindled down to seven —three plain loaves and four tin loaves. Miss Pottinger took the award for plain io»f, and her oxhibit also had the honor of being tho best of the lot. it Was quite t,sgond as any bakers as far as colour and sweetness go. The plain scones were exceptionally good, Mrs Jits Lory's being considered the best, Ihe fancy scones were also very good, but in the opinion of the judge they were getting too near cukes. Girdle scones were ordinary, There was only ono collection of biscuits. It was an exceedingly attractive one of twelve varieties. The collection Would do credit to any tradesman. Mrs Jus Kirby was the exhibitor. The ptstry was praiseworthy. In cakes Mrs A W Robert? carried off most of the honors - u feat which idle performed last year. Out of seven entries in various classes she gained the splendid percentage of six tj,. sta The cooking was a credit, on the whole, to the Indies taking part in the contests. The collection of home preserved fruit shown by Mrs Hilton included 12 varieties, and Mrs Jones s was also an excellent one. AFJ'LKs —ln apples Messrs H Anderson and Iregonning divided the honors. Theie was a splendid variety shown, which made an attractive display, and allowed that tho district can produce this kind of frmfc of the finest quality. I) it a winos. —• Ihe exhibits of dniwing by tho school children were very creditable to the young artists, showing taste and originality nf design. Most of them included both geometrical and freehand work. The judge «uid Mint some f>f the though not p aeed showed original und uirefill work in t portion but were not so good in the freehand. In future competitions he would recommend two elasses one for freehand and one for geometrical—or if only one, the stipulation that both be included in the one design Miss Ada Hore exhibited ,» coupl" o nice pointings. The committee awarded us prizes in each class, 2s, la 6d. and Is. SECTION 1.-POULTRY. (Judge : Mr Edwin Riley, Dunedin.) Bilver Wyandottes. — Two entries P Carolin 1 and special Hen—Seven entries P Carolin 1 and championship for South Island for Wyandottes of any variety, P C Sinclair 2, H Davis 3 D Dunenu hc, E Marslin h c Cockerel Five entries Cbas Alien 1, H Davis 2, ft f) I'/itcrnon 3 Pullet —Bight entries P C Sinclair 1 and special, It I) Pateroon 2, Charles Allen 3, J II alatheson v h c aud h c, H Davis c Golden Wyandottes. Ken—Two entries P C Sinclair 1, H Cockerel—One entry F Field 1 Pullet—Threo entries F Field 1, H Davis 2 and 3 White Wyandottes. Cock—One entry J H Matheson 1 Hen—Four entries J H Matheson 1, J C Srunb 2, 11 Davis 3 and v b c Cockerel-Two entries J C Smith 1. H Davis 2 Pullet—Three entries, J C Smith 1, H Davis 2 and S Partridge Wyandottes. ' Cockerel—One entry P 0 Sinclair I I ullet -One entry P C Sinclair I Plymouth Rocks. Cockerel - One entry William T Tait 1 Pullet-Three entries William T Tait 1 and special, H Da is 2 and 3 White Cock-One cntrv P D M'Guire 1 White Hen—Four entries P 0 M'Guire 1 find 8, H Davis 2 aud v b c VVhite Cockerel—Two entries H Davis 1 and 2 White Pullet—H Davis 1 and 2 White Le»horns. w OCk -J WO entrie s A Murray 1, F Field 2 lien—Three en tries W M'Kcnzie 1 and special and 2, F Field 3 Cockerel - Two entries W M'Kenzie 1, ») Brinvnos 2 O 'l 0 !! 0 ' '"bree entries W M'Kenzie I and I, r i< leld it

antl 3. I' l-'i. Id 2 Cockerci—Three entries F Field 1, J Kirby 2, J Frnncin 3 Pullet—Three entries .T Kirby 1, 2 and 3 Black Orpington 3. Hen Two entries 11 P Tocock 1, H Davis 2 Cockerel—Two entries H Davis 1 and 2 Pullet—Two entries H i' i'ocock I, H Davit) 2 Buff Orpingtons, Cock—One entry H Davis 1 Hen —Two entries H Davis 1 and 2 Co:kerel—Three entries D tiiingans 1, H hnvis 2. Miss A lirown 3 Pullet—Five entries II Davis 1 and special and 2 and v hc 4 Miss A lirown i! Any Other Variety. Hen or Pullet—l.{ Davis 1 and 2 Selling Class. Cock or Cockerel—Ono entry J Kirbv 1 Crossbred. Cock—One entry A Jones 1 >len—One entry A Jones I i Cockerel—One entry A Jones 1 Bantama, Prizes were awarded to Stanley lvirby, Kenneth C'alder, Gwen Kirby, E Marslin and Holland Inder Ducks. '' Pekin Drake—One entry R Millar 1 ' Duck—One entry li Millar 1 Drake under one year—One entry E . Millar 1 Duck under one year R Millar 1 Selling Class—Pair of ducks—One entry ' J Francis 1 Turkeys. One entry Robart Scott 1 , Geese. ' Two entries II Scott 1, A Pearson 2 ' i SECTION lI.—PIGEONS. 1 (Judge : Mr H. W, Hilton.) \ Cock M Holmes 1 and 2, W T Talboys 3, M Carruthers v h c, M Holmes v lie i Hen —Keen 1, B J Finnegan 2 and 3 < and vhc M Holmes v h c ' Local Birds—Cock D JI Calder 1, S T i Uren 2, A B Armour 3 ( Hen D M Ca'.der 1, R Lemm 2, K Smith ?, < In the Homing Race to Dunedin on ' Saturday the owners of the winners were— < M Holmes 1. —Gibson 2, —Esquilant 3 The event turned out a trapping race, the trio arriving together. SECTION lII.—MISCELLANEOUS. (Judge : Mr B. L. Francis.) Fresh Butter—Three entries Mrs C J Inder 1, Mrs Pottinger 2. Mrs S Crawford 3 Fancy Butter—Oue entry Mrs S Crawford 1 Farmers' Cheese One entry Mrs S Craufordl < Green Hani—Two entries H Jacob 1, A i Jones 'J Side of Bacon, Green One entry H Jacob 1 Uoll of Bacon--One entry A Jones I i Plain Loaf—Three entries Miss Pottinger 1, Mrs H \\ ilson 2, Mrs C .1 Inder "■{ Tin Loaf- Five entries Miss Parfitt 1, Mrs K. Williamson 2, Miss Pottinger 3 Fancy Bread- One entry Mi.-s Parfitt 1 Pain Scones—Six entries Airs Jas Lory 1, Mis A Jones 2, Mrs C J Inder 3 Fancy Scones—Five entries Mrs C J ! Inder 1, Miss VViUnn '2, Miss Parfitt 3 Girdle Scones, thick—Two entries Mrs Ja'< Lory 1, Miss M'Taggart 2 Girdle Scone, thin Two entries Mrs 1 Jas Lorv 1, Miss M'Tasjgart 2 Oiit Cakes, thin—One enirv Miss M'Tasrgart 1 ' | Oat Cukes, thick—One entry Mrs H Wilson I Ho me-made Biscuits —One entry Mrs J i Kirby 1 Assorted Pastry—Four entries Mrs A 1 W Roberts 1. Mrs Peterson 2, Mr 3 H Wilson Seeil Cuke—On-s entry Mrs A W Roberts 1 Plum Cake—One entry Miss M Wilson 1 Madiera Cake—Two entries Airs A W j, Roberts 1; Miss A Kennessy 2 I Gingerbreid—Four entries Mrs A .Jones | 1, Miss Pottinger 2, Mrs A W Rubeits :j I Sponge Cabe-Two entries Mrs A \V j Roberta I, Mrs Jas Lory 2 Collection of H' ine-preserved Fruit Two entries Airs H \V Hilton ], Airs A Jones 2 Collection of Home-made Jams Two entries Mrs Jas Kirl»y 1. Mrs H W Hilton 2 Dozen Eggs—One entry Miss 1 Dozen Preserved eggs—Oue entry Mrs A \\ Roberts 1 Pair Dressed Fowls—One entry Airs Jas Hore I Pair Dressed Ducks—One entry Mrs James Hore 1 Honey—One entry Mrs A W Roberts 1 (Judge : Mr Black more. Dessert Apples—Four entries H Anderson 1 and 2, VV* II Tregonning 3 Cooking Apples—Six entries W H Tregonning 1, H Anderson 2, Jis Brown 3 Collection of Apples—Two entries W H Tregonning i, James Smith 2 Pears—One entry C Dixou L FAR M E RS" PRO DUC E. (Judge 3 : Messrs J Ryle.y. of R Anderson & Co. , D Wylie, Out rim, and Harrison,of the Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association). Byegrass-Three entries R Alillar 1, R Geddes 2, C J Inder 3 Tuscan Wheat—Three entries R Scott 1, D Duncan 2. J Taylor 3 ! Velvet Wheat—Three entries T Lindsay 1, 1) Duncan 2, ft Glenn 3 Tartarian Oats—Three entries D Duncan 1. T Griifit, s 2, J Taylor 3 Danish Oats—Three entries J Taylor 1, , T Griffiths 2, R Scott 3 Black Oats—One entry R Geddes 1 Snarrowbill thus-One entry R Glenn 1 (.art.on—Seven entries W M Wilson 1 R Mllar 2, .1 Taylor 3 Tartar King (one entry) D Duncan 1 Wiiverley .three eniries) K Williamson 1, R W Glendinniug 2 I> Duncan 3 Barley (one entry) R Millar 1 Rye ("two entries) I) Duncan 1 KMil!ar2 Chilli, l>est cnt (13 entries) R Alillar 1, J Taylor 2, A Pearson 3 Turnips -Best Swede* (JO entries) R Scott 1 K Williamson 2 J Heattie 3 Heaviest Swedes (four eniries) C J Inder 1, R P Fennessy 2, R Glenn 3 i Aberdeen, gieentop- (nine entries) J Forrester I. R Scott 2. J Taylor 3 i Any Other Variety (13 entries) R W i Glendinniug 1. K Williamson 2, J Taylor 3

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Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 36, Issue 9532, 13 July 1906, Page 3

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MANIOTOTO FANCIERS' CLUB Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 36, Issue 9532, 13 July 1906, Page 3

MANIOTOTO FANCIERS' CLUB Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 36, Issue 9532, 13 July 1906, Page 3


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