The Black Family.
• ■ The Black Family, if not yet t qnite la household word in New " "‘Zealand, are at anyrate well and favourably known from Auckland to iithe Bluff. Everyone knows of them; moat people have heard and admired them. It is very doubtful whether there is another family in the Empire which is so talented and genuinely musical, without a trace of amateurishness, Miss Nsliie Black need have no hesitation to sing or p’ay the violin before any . not to mention her many otafcr. 'accomplishments, and every member of the family excels in his ,’ f jtOr her particular line, which is the secret of the splendid programmes i which are invariably put on. What has helped immensely to increase t the popularity of the Black Family is the fact that they take the same pains and trouble to please, whether , aiß ftp & j eg kyi 8 Theatre or a backblooks hall. Their last tour was literally a triumphal progress up and down the country; settlements which, one might think, would find it hard to scrape up an audience, attended the concerts almost to a man, woman and child, so .that, actually, in spite of the reasonable charges, every place visited, without a single exception, was a financial f success. This combination appear ; /.inFoxton ou Saturday next.
The Black Family.
Manawatu Herald, 1 November 1904, Page 3
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