Tuesday, May 3, 1881. The Board met at 10 a. in. Present— Messrs Maoarthur (Chairman), Linton, Rockstrow, M'L^nnan, Douglas, MBeth, and Sanson. Liave of absence was granted to Messrs Gray and Kebbell. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. CORRESPONDENCE. • Letter read from P. E. Warburton, resigning his position^* Returning Officer for Taonui riding. Mr Hoe was appointed in Mr Warburtou's place. Letter read from Mr Thos. Roach, applying for one quarter's salary as Ohau ferryman. Ordered to be paid. Letter read from Mr Win. Smith, Otaki, applying for leave to erect a verandah on a road.— The Engineer reported the road referred to was under the authority of the Otaki Highways Board.— Referred to the Otaki Highways Board. Letter read from the Hutt County Council, applying for £6 10u, half of a quarter's salary to the Waikaaae ferryman. Passed for payment. Letter read from Guerin and Gawley, late poundkeepers at Foxton, enclosing return of stock sold. Received. Letter read from the Hawke's Bay County Council, requesting five copies of the Manawatu Circular. Letter read from the Postmaster-General, announcing that he had arranged for the resumution of the daily mail before the "Council's resolution on the subject was received by him. Letter read from Mr Thos. Price, announcing that as the Feilding pound was on his private' property, and he received no remuneration for the same, he intended to pull it down, unless satisfactory arrangements were in the meantime made. tetter read from Mr E. Child, poundkeeper at Halcombe, reporting on the number of impounded cattle soli during the -..quarter ended April 11, 1881. V; tetter read from the Under Secretary, 're extension of time for preparation of County rolls, and suguestiug that a certain day be fixed by the Clerk for the extonsion. Letter read from Mr T. Moffatt, applying for a slaughter license. As the necessary formalities had been complied with, and the Slaughter Inspector made no objectlou, the application was granted. KAILWAY DRAIN. Letter read from the B trough Conncil, Palmerston, asking the Couuty Council to co-operate in securing tlie deepening of the drain alongside the railway from Palmerston to Awapuni. Proposed by Mr Liuton, seconded by Mr Douglas, and carried — "That this Council endorse the application made by the Palmerston Borough Council re the necessity existing for deepening the railway drain running from the town towards the A>vapuui stream." wilson's road. Several letters were read from the Sandon Highways Board re a line of road from Sandon to Kakariki, called Wilson's road. Proposed by Mr Sansou, seconded by Mr MLjnnau, "That this Couucil pay one-half the cost of a bridge to be erected over a creek on Wilson's Cliff line, provided that the Saudon and Carnarvon Hi _'h >v.-iys B >ard piys tho other half ; provided also that the total cost of same and approaches thereto do not exceed £50. Tiie Eugiaeer to prepare plans of and superintend the work.'" Carried. FOXT.)N-OTAKI ROAD. Mr R ickstrow proposed, " That the sum of £50 be granted for forming road and clearing out drains on the road frem Foxton to Otaki." Ho explained that at a meeting of one of the Council committees it was held that this work was an urgent one. He had therefore spent £50 upon it, and the work would be finished that day. The motion waß seconded by Mr Linton, and carried. WANGANUI HARBOR BOARD BLOCK. Several letters were read from the Wanganui Harbor Board re their intended opening of 12,000 acres of their Manawaru endowment block. The letters sent included copies of reports from Mr M'Kerrow, Sur-veyor-General as to the roads most needed in the block. The Chairman explained that he had had an interview with the Chairman of the Wangauui Harbor B>ard regarding this matter. The proposal wa9 that the M<inaw.vtu County C mncil should undertake the work of opening the block, the \Vanganui Harbor B iard providing the funds. He thought there could be no objection to this. Mr Rockstrow proposed, "That any arraugemant mi-.le with thi County Council and the Wmganui Harbor B»ard shal! l>e left to a committee of theC >uuty Chair - mm. C mn-Jill >r M'Linnaa, and Councillor Ruskstnw." He did not propose this course because he thought the interests of the C ■uncil would not be looked after, but '■ecause he thought the southern portion of '■lie county should be represented in the matter. The Chairman had n* objection to the propped com nit:e% but thought Mr Linton's mtni'j sti'juld be aiMed to it. Mr Ruekstrow — O but you have two voices ! Ta.s Ciainmn— Xo, I have only one against you and another member from the south ; but if Mr Liuton goes on the committee my casting vote might be of som< service. Mr Linton's name was added, and the motion as amended carried. After the resolution was pas3nd, the Chairman said — I nave no object in the mitter, aud do not think it matters to either north or south. Mr Rockstrow — I think there ate leasoas in this matter, especially fir the south to consider. The Chairman— Well, I don't see them. WIDE TIRES. Mr Linton proposed — "That the Engineer be. instructed to give notice to carters on the county roads that unless wida tires be substitute* l for tho narr-nv '-n«-« no* in ustt, the load? carried will be limited to the scale fixed throughout other districts, where such regulations are in force." The motion was seconded by Mr M'Lonnan. The Chairman thought it would be an excellent resolution, but he doubted if they had the power to enforce it. It wag, no doubt., a great Bhame that persons should be allowed to tear up the roads with narrow tires, but what would be the use of passing a resolution they could not enforce ? Mr Linton said that though there might be a doubt as to their power to enforce the re^oluriou he believed it would do good if they pasned it, as the carters would take notice and be more careful not to cut up the roads. The worst of the mischief on the Gorge road wan done by persons who dill not belong to Manawatu, and therefore contributed nothing to the rates. Mr M'L'nnan said similar instances of the roads being cut up by persons who paid no rates occurred in his riding. Mr Douglas pointed out that the section of tho Counties Amendment Act relating to wi-.lth of tires was struck out during last , Muioi. Tbat ■bowed Parliament was ep« |
posed to giving the Council power-Jo regulate this matter. !
posed to giving the Council power-Jo rogu- i late this matter. ! ; Tlie Chairman said he discussed the matter on one occasion with the Hon. Mr Hall,.- The Premier told him then that somo of the inland counties in the South Island were afraid that regulations would be made by some of the other counties re- ' gulating the width of tires, and that, the inland settlers would be put to great "loss in altering tires, as wagons frequently cross into other couuties. Of cour3e only two or three counties were in that position, nevertheless it appeared they had sufficient in : fluKnce to get the clause struck out. Mr Douglas held the opiuion that it was a great mistake to make a threat you could not carry out. If you thought of punching a man's head don't say so unless you were able, and then, if he did not keep quiet, do it. The same idea ht ld in this case. It was no use to hold out a threat they could not carry out. Mr Linton said would not the end be attained by issuing licenses only to such carriers as had wide tires ? The Chairman said the Council had no po* 7 er to issue licenses to carriers. The motion was then withdrawn. FITZHERBERT BRIDGE, Mr Rockstrow proposed, " That the Chairman be requested to write to the Borough of Palmerston, and point out to the Borough Council that unless the necessary repairs to the Manawatu bridge be made forthwith, the County Council will not hold themselves responsible for any damage which may arise through the neglect of the Borough Council." He referred to the former discussion on this subject, and to a paragraph which appeared in a Wellington paper a few days ago in which it was stated the County Council was responsible for the ueglect in repairing the bridge. The motion was seconded by Mr M'Lennan. Mr Linton said it was very refreshing to see Mr Rockstrow taking an interest in this matter. He (the speaker) was agreeably surprised. A few sessions ago he asked the assistance of the Council to get this work done, but it was refused. He knew the Borough Council were responsible for the repairs to the bridge, but he also knew it was at present beyond their means to do them. He asked the Council to give him £150 already on the estimates for the work, but it was refused because the Borough Council had not put its hand in its pocket for a similar sum, notwithstanding that through their influence £500 had been promised from the Lauds Board. Mr Rockstrow — I rise to a point of order. Mr Linton — Excuse me, Councill r Rockstiow. I am Bpeakiu<r. The Chairman- What is the point of orjer ? Mr Rockstrow— l wish to ask if Mr Linton is speaking as the Mayor of Palmerston or as Councillor for Taonui. The Ch linnau— That is not a point of order. Mr Linton — Well, fortunately or unfortunately, I am Mayor of Palmerßton, and also Councillor for Taomii, so that I am ■interested in the bridge iit both ends. If the Cmnty Council would give .£l5O to the work the Borough Council would at once spend £650 on the bridge, trusting to the Government's promise for the repayment of the £500. He feared a strony Hood would sweep the bridge away, but the Palmerston B >rough end was quite secure : the damaged end belonged to the cmuty. (Laughter.) He was disappointed when the resolution was passed on the previous occasion, as he expected a different, result. If the Council would vote the £150 he would do what he cou\»l to get the liri'l^e repaired at once. The Chairman could not agree with the resolution because he believed they had not the power to free themselves of their responsibility. If the people of Palmerston liked to let the bridge get worse he did not see the U >uuty Council could help itself. The duty of maintaining the bridge was cast on the Borough Council, and the duty of paying half the cost was laid on the County Council. They could not get away from that. [Mr Rookstrow — That is a question ] Ha was quite agreeable to vote the £150. Mention was made of different interests — the borough cud and county end. If one end was washed away, what good would be the other ? If £150 would save a bridge to the Fitzherbert people they should vote for it, as they had not hitherto received much from the Council. There was a risk of the bridge going altogether, which would mean several hnndreds of pounds as the Council's share to replace it. He did not believe they could legally jet rid of their responsibility in this matter Mr Sanaon agreed that the passing of 'he resolution would not one iota affect the matter as between the county ard tbf borough. If the £500 was not voted, they would still have to pay a half-share of th< i i-ost of repairing the bridge. He was always willing to pay half the additional sum over the £500 promised by the Govern •nent, ami was still willing. If the Pal merston Council were sincere, and had confidence that tde Government vote of £500 would be obtained, they should have called f >r tenders at once, and come to the County C wncil for one-half the sum over the £500. It was a matter of opinion what the cost would be. Perhaps the £500 would do the work now, as labor and timber are both cheaper now than they were twelve months a^o. He thought- the position assumed by the Couuty C mncil a thoroughly reasonable one. Mr Rockstiow, in reply, said the former resolution passed by the Council was substantially the same as the one now before fhem. It would be illegal for them to pay £150 towards the repair of the bridge, a* the law said they were to pay one-half. If they had paid the £150, the Borough of Palmerston woul.i have got off act free. He would atill agree to pay one-half thtuost of the repairs over £500. The Borough Council had taken charge of the bridge, and it was thu duty of that body to look after it. If it was washed away, it wOul<! ho owing to the culpable negligence of the Bmnisih Council, and be believed that v> th;it case a l»yal opinion would show that the County Council was not responsible for any sum whatever. It would be a great pity to see so good a bridge destroyed, and the season for repairing it was fast passing away. He held that by passing this resolution they woul'l rid themselves of al) further responsibility. The motion was then carried on the voices. Mr Linton said he was not done with the matter. He would now move a resolution to the effect that one-half the cost of repairing tlie bridge be voted by the. Council. After a discussion as to th« precise terms •if the resolution, the following, propose^ I\V Mr Lin ton au.l seconded by Mr Rock-st-row, wa3 carried : — "That ihiti Council will vote one-half of the sum required to repair the Fitzherbert bridge and any additions that may be required to make it suitable for traffic ; the Borough Council of Palmerston paying the other half, with the understanding that any Government grant towards the same purpose 'shall be recouped in eqnal proportions to . the two Couucils ; the County and Borough Engineers to agree on what work is necessary ; the County Engineer to prepare plant and
specifications, aul superintend ,the work, aud the Barougli (.' juncil to call for tenders for the same.'' \ '*'& FirziiEUUFiRT Proposed by Mr Liv ton, sedShded by Mr Rookscrow, asid carried, 4 'That the sum of :Cl»0 be voted by the Council towards making improvements on tho r'itzherbert line of road leading from D. Knight's homestead towards the Manawatu Gort;e, and that authority bo given to the Engineer to prepare speciticationa and call tenders for the most necessary positions of this work witkout delay. " EXTENSION OF TIME. Proposed by Mr Sanson, seconded by Mr M'Lsnuan, and carried, "That au exten3ioa of six weeks be allowed to Monteith Bros, fur completing works on Penny's and Taipo roada, in accordance with recommendations of the Engineer ; also, that an extension of- two weeks be allowed Thompson Bros, for completing works on streets iv Sanson." BRIDGE NEAR SANSON. Proposed by Mr Sanson, seconded by M r Douglas, and carried, " That the Enginee l " be instructed to have a now bridga erected over the .Mokowai creek, on the county road in the Oroua riding." The Council then adjourned till 2 p.m.
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Manawatu Herald, Volume III, Issue 71, 6 May 1881, Page 2
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2,545MANAWATU COUNTY COUNCIL. Manawatu Herald, Volume III, Issue 71, 6 May 1881, Page 2
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