On account of-the-scarcity'of coal,: gas is again boing rationed in Masterton. - . . .'' ■■' ' "; ,' '.A .special general meeting of the Marlborough branch of the N.Z. Educational"lnstitute .will bo held' at , the Bowttigh School on Saturday ; morning! . The. .A'hard-up" .dance; at Grove•- --; town .'to-morrow night premises to be a popular function, i Tlie proceeds will be in aid Of the purchase of a new Tywns boat for the Wairau Bowing, Club. y Sir T-h6m«s Mackenzie has been authorised by the Gcirarnment to attend as' ■"representative of New Zearland at a conference on t.'/ade and commieripo-! in Toronto. He will also make inquires in the United States regarding the possibility of increased irade }Kst>vecn Amerie-i. and New 'ZoalamF1' Ho will make a report to the Government iafter his return to this coiin,try. Why" not-^ have the best—demand Wa+Wi; No. 10.—Advt. v \. The Whakatane School Committee resolved, to protast.againat the Legislature empowering medical inspectors. to com pod parents to provide ■■treatment ret::>inmended. It was contended? that th<} law was incomplete unless the cost of such treatmentwas defrayed by the State. The proposal harshly penalised families, many of whom' were 'unable to pay expensive medical fees. It was also contended that the State, which took > cuths ctjmpiilsorily during war-time, should not dodge its responsibility of l'aising them physically fit.
Dawesyfind Wadswoirth for motor and carj'jVige painting.—Advt.- .
Speaking to a deputation ■ yesterd.n.y.,'^li".'.Mas«ey stated -tjliat ■ he-did not intend to mis-? a compulsory loan for public works.; purposes. There would bo a< loan*; for ;i soldiers' land settlomrlHt and for cleaning lip in connection with the war, : and probably tho Bill, authorising! this loan \yo(uld contain a comp.iilsoiry clause. TT^ "-aa of -'opinion- that; there was ►sufficient patriotic feeling'among the jieople'1 pp.«:ses^ed of_ 'oapitail in the country io ensure that the money resquired would bo provided without the compulsory clause being put into operation.
Motor-car painting, for style, qualitl, and finish: pstimate's free.—Wintrinplmm and; Mitchell.—Advt.
The efforts of the ladies' committee of the R^al N.Z. Society for the Health of ■ Women- and Children towards the pi'ocuring of a. small motor-car for the use of the Plunket Nurso are already well under way. Blenheim's "Plunket Day" last Saturday, at the shop in Market Street kindly lent by Messrs Hallenstein' Bros., resulted in the addition of £17 8s lOd to the fund, the previous Saturday's takings being £26 6s Bd, this amount including about £5 collected'. 'by-the;two little "old identities" inI'their fancy costumes, at the football grounds. ' ,A rrspmber of the visiting; Rugby team (Mr A Parker) was the winner of the box of cigarettes. The treasurer reports havintr received to-date-£.67 17p 6d including thft'above amount" and many ' cash-, donations, .. also promises of others. The committee hopM to continue these successful snle« of and--home-grown produce for several weeks.
Now is the time to get your spring fnrnishin«?s. Our stocks are. large nnd varied Call and inspect.—Geo. Gibson'?:.—Ad**- • ;
"There is a persistent demand for the estaWishment. of more State experimental -farms,'but thi* remiires to IK-metca,utiously," bays the DirectorGeneral of Asxiculture in Ins apnunl report. "It is undoubtedly necessnry tf> do What is possible to meet tlie '.very evident desire of the asriculturnl nnd 'pastoral community for word inform'fition and more advice on Tni.He.rs - bearing on the further de■"elopmeht of'these industries and on the inere-i.se of production, but this ffln hn done without unduly multiplvinsr Government fnrms^ A oomTiiencement is lioinp; made with the defnon■?tm.tion form nrrn.nged to be esta.blislwd. in ibe West Coast diVrict of ihe South Island. The.posisjbilities of tl'i.o portion of the Dominion for dainn'mr, nnd from a pastoral point n F vin V ,r oronornlly, Pil|>e very considernhle. .i.nrl the ostnblishment of a d«rno>i^trn,ti!m form +here> should prove •if *irn.rtip:->"l v-.rlivpi to the district f),nd, i"dir-p''Mv +o +.b<* country asa whole. Sr'o'-'r'! r"-.-v-rVv- irition is alf-o beinfx: fi"p« +o ihc nvfwtion, of a farm for ii,.. ~,,,. in) noftjon of tho South Island."
At tho Magistrate's Court to-day the new scale ot fees was used for the first timo in Blenheim, tFor ■over twenty-five years no change has been made in the fees.
The Ashbiirton County Council, at its- meeting last v:eek, approved of 103 transfers of land, varying In area from 32 perches to 20,700 acres.
The whisky,of the wise—Watson's No. 10—Ativt.
The price of eggs has receded to Is 6d per dozen in Canterbury, and bakers- are securing supplies for 1-ickiing purposes. It is considered the price will probably, not go much below this figure.
"A Home Bnghtener!" Golden Rule Soap is a thorough cleanser. It can ben&od for any iind -every purpose,, because it's so pure and lnghg,ra/dev At alii grocers.—Advt.
When,a newly bout-lit motor-car is damaged, the purchaser is liable, .though an agent of the vendor is giving tuition in driving to the" owner. Mr S. E. M.Carthy, S.M., gave judgment to that effect in the Magistrate's Court at Christchurch.
Tyro repairing by latest methods. All repairs guaranteed.—Wintringham and Mitchell.—Advt.
Mr Hunter has suggested to the Government the advisability of advertising' the coming season's wool sales in America and Japan, and to offer. every inducement to buyers from both countries to attend the sales.
■■ Dawes and Wadsworth keep work up to timo.—Advt. •
' In connection with the reported attacks *on young lambs in the Northern Wairoa district, for which ■- no cause has definitely been attributed, a correspondent oi: the N.Z. Herald suggests, that the depredations may have been done by dogs. He, recalls that similar mysterious deaths among lambs occurred at Lichfield some 20 years ago. Weasels were blamed, but a, watch, was set'one night, and the killing was found to have been done by a dog, which had taken a liking for lamb's blood. ■
Be on the favorite and ask for WatsonV No. 10.—-Advt. :
There is a great deal of. sickness in Christchurch at present among both adults and children. However, taken as a whole, the conditions do not give caufee for alarm. "I have been visiting patients from lO' o'clock in tho morning till 11 or 12 o'clock at night, soven clays a week for nearly a month," said one doctor on .Friday. "In fact lam quite as busy as I: was in the 1918 epidemic." ! .
t Dfiwos and Wadswortli "give personal attention to all work.—Advt. ■; •Referring to the work of■ Plunket nurses, the Hon. Mr Parr said in the House on Friday that since the Estimates were compiled, , Cabinet had gone into the matter again, and had decided to place on the; Supplementary Estiimites a sirm which would .considerably increase the grant. In--1 stead of the amount contributed be- : ing £ICO per. nurse it would be increased to £125. There were about 55 or 53 nurses, who would be affected in this way. Tho balance of their salaries would be made up by voluntary contributions.
In 168 hcxr.rs of contiguous driving at 32 miles per hour and averaging 778 miles each day, an Overland Four covered.s4s2 miles in just one week This remarkable achievement for a lighfc car is attributed .mainly to the phenomenal freedoni from road shock due to the new patent triplex springs. The original set of. tyres were used throughout.—Advt.
' .."In the state of chaos and disorder in-which the world finds itself to-day, it is obvioxis that our hope that war has ended for all time is shattered,1": | jjemarked Lieut.-Colonel J. L. Sleeman (Director of Military Training) in. the course of an address delivered /to tho Garrison Officers' Club in Wel- < lmgton on Friday night. "It would ibe optimistic, indeed, to forecast a long period of peace for tho British Empire; therefore the defence of cur ■Empire and of New Zealand becomes a vital problem calling ; for urgent ami exact, solution."
DaAves and Wadsworth for style jihd finish.-r-Advt. ,
' "Please send me a copy of the circular that, was ise-nt' out to sheepfarmors asking us to give up our wool profits, to the British Seamen's Fund," . wrote , a northern farmer in a letter read at lastv week's meeting of tho Christchurch branch of the Navy:-ke flgue-" '% like many others,, signed under a misapprehension as to the position, and in the .belief that nearly all would do the same. Now I find that a great many of our richest men are giving nothing. If this is carried through it will do a great deal of harm to all future appeals for patriotic objects. The willing; horse will then be willing no more." .
Se'agrass squares and mats. Ovr stgeks of these goods are the largest in' town, all sizes kept.—Geo. Gibson's.—Advt.
The monthly meeting c)f tiho Wairau Harbor Board, hold last night, was attended, by Messrs T. Pike (chairman), O. A. Eckfor^. G. S. Efckford, W. Gamble, and A. EL Hopo. A vote-, of oondoloncc with Mr L. Homes in his recent bereavemeut ; was carried. Tho harbormaster vOaptain Vendore). ropoi-ted that the Ui,r was in a. bad state. Tlie. Wairau crossed in on the 29th and was unable to leave. (Mr Eckford stated tlv.ifc tho vessel had been, a.bk tn. "scratch ■out" chat day). During tho monti there had been 13 virrivals and-11 depa.rturcs. Tho Wairau had {•ros3ed" in five times and out four; tho QpsV'Ya in four and out four, and the- Omaka ifi four and onifc three. Account® anio-in ting to £31 0s 8d \x<xv*> passed for payment.
Th*> aae, quality, and mellowness of Watson's No. 10 whisky is kr'in'-nntet^l by +>ie leading analysts of tho world.—Advt.
The. fa^t that reciprocal relations have been established between Blenheim and .Pieton makes good reading, and Marlborough can now hope for a development movement that will be worth while. Goixl relations between communities and individuals is a splendid thine;, and C. Tunnicliffe and* Son are fortunate in their relations with their numerous customers. There- is only one way to establish and maintain such an entente cordial©, and that is by good value for money paid, and in general blacksmithy, and all other kinds of iron and steel wrtrk the Grove Road firm has established a reputation that it does not intend to lose. A trial is all that is asked (or; the workmanship will satisfy.—Advt.
' The Chief Postmaster .advises that the miitls which left Wellington on tho 24th of July by the Tofna via San Francisco arrived in London on the sth iijst. The mails despatched from Auckland by the Tahiti via
Vancouver oil July 30 reached London on the 2nd inpt.
Watson's No. 10 is a little dearer than most whiskys, but; is...', worth the money .%Advt.
A message from Ottawa to Van-, ccuver states that the average influx of immigrants is iB,OOO monthly—l 2-,-000 from the United Kingdom and the balance from tho United States.
A meeting of all Blenheim milk retailors be held in Mr R. Wandon's office to-morrow evening to •discuss ths formation of a Milk Retailers' Association.
Mothers! Protect your little ones from colds and coughs. Give them NAZOL on sugar. Sprinkle baby's pillow. Safe mid pleasant.—Advt.
At the Harbor Board meeting last night the resignation of the harbormaster (Captain Vendore) was received1. Mr C. A. JEekford said that they oould not hope to-, got a good man considering the wages that were being no v. -earned at &ea. It would ha very hard to replace Captain. Vendore. lh© chairman (Mr T. Pike) [moved that Captain Vendore be iaeked to reconsider his resignation. This w.a§seconded by Mr Gamble and carried. : .
For your liver's sake take IMPKY'S MAY APPLET ?t will do you good. ---Advt. ';
It 5s stated that a large proportion of this season's lambs in the Mayfield, R'Ua.puna. and. .Ca-rew "districts, although not yet dropped, has boen sold for forward delivery in February, at prices ranging from 22s to 255. ■Forward buying (says the Lyttelton Times) is declared to be a common practice,' and one export firm has already contracted for upwards of 10,----000 lambs, the average mice being 24s 6d. ' ■•■•:*■
Avoid, winter chills anc] ills by taking NAZO-L. Order by name, liefuse imitations. No cold is Nazolproof. Sixty doses Is 6d.—Advt.
"Many hospital boards are inclined to give 'their attention unduly to the building up of a good base hospital, while they seem to neglect the back district of their area," said the Minister for P.ublic Health in the House on Friday night. "In the past 1 think the Department has erred in itot 'bringing out the big stick' in gard to hospital boards, arid seeing that'they-; do attend \to these back districts.." ' '' v
As a number of cases of misrepresentation on the part of applicants for charitable aid relief have recently boon encountered, the Wellington Hospital Board has authorised its officers to' instigate prosecutions- in future cases of this nature. : It was mentioned that it had recently been discovered that one recipient of relief l.ad a. weekly income from various sources of £6 12s. In addition to t-liis* .siim ■■tlie womai received a grant of £1 8s pea* week from the Charitable Aid Committee.
"It is like musical chairs,'" said counsel in a tenement case at the Auckland Magistrate's Court. The plaintiff in the action applied for possession of a house which slie- had purchased, but thjs the defendants declined to give until they could move into a house which they had bought.. The'tenants in tins mstxni-e also were waiting for a house they had purchased to be'• vacated. "We ■will, get out" when they get out," was the way in which the position! of the defendants was summed up.
"It- is not a good way to invest your money," feaid Mr W, R. M'Kean, S.M., Jii th© "Auckland" Magistral's' Court, to an ex-soldier, who stated that he spent his gratuity of £60 at the races. The man Avaa being sued by his wife for ihaintenarice, it being stated that the arrears) under a previous order amounted to £40. "I suppose that when you went to the races you 'expected to double your money," the Magistrate said, "but if you had used some of it to pay off your arrears you would ' not be in Court now." Mr vA. Moody, c-dunsel for the wife, said Le.was afraid maiiy of the gratuities were wasted at the race^.
Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for coughs and colds never fails—ls 9d, 2s 9d.—Advt.
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Marlborough Express, Volume LIV, Issue 212, 7 September 1920, Page 4
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2,354LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume LIV, Issue 212, 7 September 1920, Page 4
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