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A considerable number of entries have boon Blenheim poultry fanciers And utility breeders to tho Picton poultry, show, which is being; held.'to-day and to-morrow.

There has Leen a general and considerable downfall of rain in several ; parts of the Dominion, and this morning Oainuru reports a heavj1- fall which lasted all night, while at nine o'clock Dunedin and other Southern towns were .still "experiencing showers. Further north, however, the weather appears to be clearing. 12 dozen ladies' silk and wool vests ,at ,2s Tld, at Thomas's.—Advt. , If dark tobacco "dizzies" you and a light brand niv>s your tongue—then the obvious smok'o is MILD D-ERBY— tho true medium "weed." A tin or a plug will prove it!—Advt. The Waitohi Co-operative Dairy Cay., Lt<!.., Tua;--iLarina, obtaiuectone second and ono third prize at the Palmers-ton .North-show for rase of .cfyeqse njanufacturcd from nonpasteurised milk, obtaining 93A- and 93 'points respectively. The wmners were also a---' Soiith Island company, viz., Taieri-and Peninsula. (Ivaitar,gata),.' " . 6 only saijiri faced eiderdown qjiilts at 19s (3d, at Thomas's. —-Aclvt.

But for the prompt assistance or some:men who -were- in the vicinity at the.time a<: accident 'which-occurred1 yesterday on one of the 'main streets leading; to the centre ..of ■ the townmight have been- attended by; 'serioViy results. • Through \\\<e breaking of a l-olt, .a- wheel cln'ie off a grocer's cart being driven along'the road, and the horse, becoming terrified, 'bolted; for a distance o i about a hundred yards. One of tlie bystanders pluckily seized the hoi-sevby-'tlie-Jifead, arid,--with the aid of others, hrought the frightened animal to a. standstill.

I Quick despatch to obstinate colds (is certain with "XAZOL." Some drops taken on lump sugar or inhaled, a. .'little rubbed on the- chest, that simple treatment has made thousands well. •Is 6d -buys 60 doses.—-Advt. * 'The following ';"op_en" letter signed "Donald, '* has been addressed to the Anti-German League in Wellington: I —"May I draw your- attention to 'a •: fact which seems to ha-ve escaped ■ yjur notice, since it has not evoked I your comment?. J)o you know that i the Northeliffo press-."is endeavoring Ito secure the- insiahnc-nt of Lord | Milner at the head of the War Office? j What boots the internment of a few j wharf laborers and clerics on Somes " Island if a .CJeriran is to be ?ho sue- ; cessor of Lord Ivitchener? I would remind yo"u Lieutenant Grierson : was born in lingland, of English parents, while Lord Milner was born in Germany (Bonn), of a German fjither, and educated in Germany (Tubingen). I know that Alfred i Milner became a naturalised British i subject. But 1 also know that if ; my' three boys, who were born in : I:leitheim, N.Z., were t:> become : naturalised in Berlin, they would still remain the 'enthusiastic Highlanders ; they now are.*' I "How iiso doth breed a habit."' ■ ■ . —Shakspere.

Afc one ijoriod to-day thero were no less than ton dogs of all shapes and sizes outside The Express office. People Avho desire to read the Avar news \^ould oblige by leaving their canino belongings at home. They are a nuisance—in more ways than one—when they congregate In public.

The cake which Mrs J. S. Lucas, of Blenheim, despatched to her son, Private Clifton ?jiio--is, at the front, and which followed him home to Blenheim, will shortly undertake another journey. Mr W. Jordan, who purchased" it at Saturday's Sailors' Day function, has presented it to his nepheAV, Private E. 3*ike, of the 14th Reinforcements.

A recent <«ble states: FieldMarshal Lord French, Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, and Admiral Sir David Beatty are- patronising the publication of a new Aveekly paper called Blighty, the name being derived from the Arabic Beladi, avlucli means my home.. This paper is beuie: nent freo to the men of the Royal Navy and Expeditionary Forces, and the first number of 100,000 copies will be published, and 40,000 of them tho Western front by the War Office.


The'annual report of the Immigration Department shows that 3609 people arrived in the Dominion from the United Tvingdom during the year endins; March 31. Of these, 1103 Avere as. istetl by -the Government, and tho declared capital Drought out Avas £2=364. The 1103 . immigrstuts consisted of 104 men, 576 women, and 42?.-children. The is not accepting the nomination of men as immigrants avlio are eligible for service, and is continuing its inquiries respecting the number of Avomen under 45 years of age who have lost tKdr bread-winners through tho Avar avlio might be willing to take up domestic service in the Dominion.

Gabardine Costumes. —Many ladies have looked upon these goods as being out of their reach on account of the high prices. This need be so no longer. H. P. Hall's offer a special line in pure aa-001 at 555, 635. Quality and style considered, tho biggest value shewn in this popular line.—Advt.

A statement was >nade by tho Defence Miister last Aveek concerning coirmissions in the Imperial Forces granted to men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force Mr Allen said that he Avas not snro of the date of the returns supplied to him, but it Ava's subsequent to December 31. At :lie date of the return.■thero had been--45 commissions granted. Of these six had gone to the Auckland Infantry Battalion, 3 to tho Wellington Battalion. 4 to the Canterbury Battalion, 1 to the. Otago Battalion,,' 7 to the Auckland Mounted Rifles, 3 to the Wellington Mounted Rifles, 6 to the Canterbury Mounted Rifles, 4 to Divisional Headquarters, 5 to the Noav Zealand Field 'JSmuneers, 2 to the New Zealand Artillery, and 4 to the Army Service Corps and Divisional Train, a total of "45 in all.

A letter ... received in Christchureh

gives some interesting information concerning the Britannic,-which', is said to be the largest ship in the world. , The vessei was built by the White Star Line in, reply to the Cunard. liner, the Aguitania. The outbreak of Avar found her still in tlie hands of the shipbuilders. She Avas then a mere shell, n-nd further construction Avas postpono'i indefinitely for eighteen months. Then, owing to tho Gallipoli campaign making such ;jn unexpected demand on hospital ships, she Avas requisitioned and completed for the purpose by the Government. To slioav what a tremendous addition to tlie hospital fleet the,vessel is, it is stated that Avhen operating near Naples five largo ships transferred their patients to tho Britannic, which possesses permanent accommodation for 3800 patients, apart from the medical and nursing staffs and crows. In addition, she ha® operating theatres and X-ray rooms which ai\i

claimed to be more <:p-to-date than any shore hospital. Her dimensions ju-6: Length 882 ft. beam 94ft.. Avhile her gross tonnage is $5,157, and registered tonnage 24,593. She is fitted Avith reciprocating and combined turbine engines of 60,000-h.p., and has triple screws.

Many a loading article has been 'helped along" by MILD DERBY TOBACCO. Journalists like it because 'tis neither too light nor too dark—promotes idoas without worrying the palate. In tins or plug. Try it!—Ad A.

The Minister for Defence atos urged^ in the House on Thursday by Jlr W. H. Field to introduce legislation to provide that soldiers not- vex 21 years ot age should t-e deemed" to be of age for the purpose of executing

1a power of attorney, lie rsicntioned the case of a young man of his ac-

quaintauce iioav in camp, Avho aa'ouW.

be 21 years of aso m NoA-emL-er, and who would on that date inherit the sum of £2000. Unless this man

could execute a poAver o!: attorney hf» i.'oukl not haA'e this money invested. The Defence Minister said that the question Avas not a si'nple ono. The advice the GoA-ernment had re-eeiA-ed did not .-justify tlie introduction of legislation to provide that a lad of from 20 t<i 21 years should be given the right to execute -1 power ot attorney. His rAm opinion, lioaa7eTor, was that tl;e matter required further consideration,, and he would codsuU Avirh the Attorney-General about it.

In the House ot Representatives on Friday, Mr A. S. Malcolm (Ciutha), gave notice to ask the Prime Minister whether- the Government would take power under the "War Regulations Act to limitdurther the number of racing days during the period of .the war.


Progandra cures


As a result of the Prime Minister's, efforts a great deal has been done to relieve the congestion arising from the shortage cf ships in the carriage of flax. The various shipping companies have oaoh agreed to tako a certain proportion of flax. Mr Massey has received .several letters thanking him lor his efforts in this matter.

A shipping record for Wellington was established on Monday. Practically every available- berth, including that at- Miramax-, was occupied, there being, including, the few vessels laid up in the stream, somewhere about 4 1 ships in port of a total registered tonnage of approximately 94,(531 tons? This included eleven overseas vessels, three of which—the Mimiro, Whakarua, and Port Hardy—are of the C: and. D. Line. The problem ot finding berths for the ships was very successfully solved by the Harbormaster (Captain Dawsoji) and his staff, who, however, have had a. fairly busy time of it. But for the fact that the West Coast. ports h:\vo been unworkable for the past few day*, there would have been six more ships to accommodate. •

Tt is well-known that soldiers from New Zealand and Australia «re made welcome during their [visits to England. AH classes oi the community seem glad to- see thesn thero and anxious to do everything possible to mako their stay pheasant. A member of the Australian Forces writing from London to his brother in Wellington, mentbns that on cne occasion lie was with a companion wnon a very gushing individual oiv being informed that they were Australians, exclaimed: "How good of you to come all this way to -fnsht Jor us and our little country:'! The Australian soldier looked hard at the tiighsh civilian who evidcvntlv iuul conception of the British Empire assomething ereater. than Britain. Tlien' he exploded in wrath-:--"Damn -vouuand your, little country/ he -exclaimed. "We came, hero to fight for the Empire." The civilian departed | abashed. ■ '

' As a seasoned smoker you 11 like MILD D&KBY. It's just.'dark enough to be rich and nutty—just light enough to be smooth and fragrant! In .fact-the har>py medium. Iry a tin or :i' plug—to-day.—Advt. In relieving coughs and colds, "N\ZOL" goes straight to the seat of the trouble. Penetrating, soothing, germ-killing. Sixty /doses, cost only Is 6d.—Advt. _ At the conclusion of the sitting of the Licensing Bench in Wellmgtorron Monday, Mr W."G. Riddell. b.M.., said ho desired, on behalf of the committo. and himself, .to make an observation applicable to the -licensed -trade, generally. It was notable that a. number of premises have not lately been conducted in the -vay they should be to accord with v the Statute., Most of the hotels in Wellington were Eroperlv conducted and a credit to oth owners and" licensees, but some licensees were negligent, some incapable, and some both; and the committee wera of opinion that the onus was upon owners to see that they were getting competent men .as licensees to take "barge-, of their premises. By doini; co, the owners would not only he assisting the committee in the discharge, of its onerous duties, but protecting xheir own interests.

A woman, well-dressed, .'.utd eonsio.erably below middle age, made her way down lx> tin. King's Wharf shortly alter nine o'clock on Monday evening (states The- i.>ominio:i); and endeavored to board the Tahiti, with the intention of seeing one of the crew The woman was, however, forbidden by the wh<art officials to loard the steamer, and she thereupon moved alone; and stood' under the light at the head of the wharf. _ .In a few moments those in the vicinity heard the report o^ a revolver shot, and quickly discovered that the woman had attempted to shoot- hersel!". The- bullet had missed its mark, however, and she was fumbling with the firearm, and was about to shoot attain, when soiv.e Harbor Board officials wrested the revolver from her. Constable Fleming, op arrival on the scene, found that the ciesperato person had already been escorted from the wharf by a foreman .■named Johnston, who stated that-.ft©, had put 'ier on beard a tramcar and , advised her l-o go home.

WAR INTENTIONS. . Any invention for preserving hie m the present war, or :my new equipment which will add to the efficiency of our armies, is worth looking a tier. If you have an idea, i-oc us nbout it, or write for our free booklet '-Advice to Inventors.'*—Henry Hughes, Ltd., 157 Featherston Street. Wellington.— Advt, __

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Marlborough Express, Volume L, Issue 145, 21 June 1916, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume L, Issue 145, 21 June 1916, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume L, Issue 145, 21 June 1916, Page 4


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