representations by otSbeb of commerce
' Convened by the Marlborougli Chamber of Commerce, a meeting ot business men and settlers representative of all parts of the district served by the Pieton-Ward railway was held in the Council Chambers at Hlenleim vesterdnv afternoon to discuss with Mr C. Waite, the Railway Department's commercial agent, tne new and reduced scheme of tram serxicos. Mr C. "VW. Parker (president of the Mailborough Chamber of Commerce) occupied the cbnir, and tiiore wero also present: Messrs. J. Ct. Ridcioll OTavoi- of Picton), J. Blizzard. S. ' Fell, C. Peeke, C. Fredericks, of Picton; J. R. Sharp, .T. Reid, T. Re/ell, & Mead, of Blenheim; J. G. Armsti ong, Seddon; _C. R. Murray, Whnranu.i: H. Boyce and D. Bishell Fairhall; H. Cheesman, Grovotowp.
Mr R. McCsillran, M.P., attended, and assisted the representations made to Mr Wai to. who arr'ved by train fiom Picton during the afternoon and reached the meeting after the delegates had held a preliminary di.-.cns-sion.
It tnnspired that the projected time-tn !>'» h;;d already been adopted and printed by the Department and was to come^into force on NovenJber Ist. It was not at all likely that r.ny readjustments v-ruld be mide; in it before it was tror.ght into operation. However, it was suggested that the Department shuuld give Ihe new service a trial for a month or so, and, if it proved to be inadequate, it should be n mended in accordance with the recommendatior.'- . offered by this mooting Tf in the meantime it was found irhnt the ordinary trains v ere not sufficient to cope with the goods traffic spr-ci;i] trains could be put on. The genital opinion was expressed that, while the. redaction in the local service with a -.'.'ow to economy, would havo been warranted ■so far as last season w;>s concerned, it was not justifiable now that" a normal season Was being experienced and the usual output of wool grain, and stock was looked for. The drotigbt- -.hat characterised the year 1914-15— together with the congestion caused in the freezing works by the shortage of shipping spaoe—was- mainly responsiWo for the falling-off in the rail.v.iy revenue*. There emild have been no legitimate complaint against the operation of a restricted and less costly .service during the drought period, but now that normal agiicul.tural and pastoral seasons being cnteied on the reduction -vns- difficult to ui'derstand. Tn the Awatere district whore there had .. been a ifght rainfall, the volume of production might not be up to the average, but as a whole Marlboi ough - would send forward the usual large quantities of stuff for handling on the railway. The first motion passed was one (proposed by Mr* Mead) deprecating any reduction in the irain service betweor. Blenheim and Pioton; and to tins was-* added-a resolution (moved by Mr Riddell) strongly advocating the. retention of the 1.15 p.m. wains from Picton .r- I the 8 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. trains fro.;; Bbrtheim to Picton. With regard to the JJlenheim-Ward section, the suggestions were by way of itiging morcf suitable times of departure and nnival rather than in the direction of additions to the service.
It was especially advocated that the 7.30 a in. train from Ward was ton (.'iirlv for the general convenience and should be put cr to B.MO a.m. Tt was also urged that the settlers and workers should be given an opportunity Nof spending a part of ■ Saturday evening iri Blenheim for their business purposes. 31 r Murray i-mphasised the gioving importance of tho'through traiiic from Picton to Chrjitchurch, •vhich nad hec'n laigely encouraged by the development of the niotoi route between Ward and •I'air.fpsus railway staticns, and expressed the. hope that the trains .vould. as -far as nas consistent with the distrL'C neerls, re run no as to provide for .i or.«>-day jotirney between Bienhehr. and {'liristclKiich. Inder present (oaditions tin; time of Tlie journey was umiecossnrily h»n;;tlioned. The on<v-(!uy stage should be <u.ite i'e.isifde
}■) c 11. .VicCallum supported Mr Murray's :ej)r<\sontntions.
SitbscqiK-utly a committee was ;ippointtd -and remained behind to voni(>r n-ore |>.irticularly with Mr Waito ns !;> the bfst arrangoments for the ■service from and to Ward.
I:i acknowledging a vote of thanks for^ his cniM-tcsy, Mr Waite said he had noted ih?" ' various suprgdstions plac'U hcU'w iiim and would report to the Co;!;misKio!UM\ He mentioned that lie was proceeding overland to Cliristchmv-h.
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Bibliographic details
Marlborough Express, Volume XLIX, Issue 249, 20 October 1915, Page 7
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730THE RAILWAY SERVICE Marlborough Express, Volume XLIX, Issue 249, 20 October 1915, Page 7
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