During twelve weeks the Kaikoura County Council has purchased 57,450 small-birds' eggs.
We have to acknowledge receipt of seasonable'greetings from the commercial stafli of The Dominion.
Complimentary tickets for the Nelson Trotting Club's annual meeting, to be held on February 9, haee reached this office.
A Dunedin telegram states that Chief Detective Herbert reached the Bluff this morning with the ex-cor-poration official McKenzie, extradited from Perth.
Lucas's Nelson Almanac for 1910 is to hand, and, as usual, is brimful of useful and interesting information of all kinds, besides containing some attractive illustrations.
The vital statistics for Blenheim during the past month were: District, births 24 and deaths 5; Borough of Blenheim, births 19 and deaths 2. Eleven marriage certificates were issued.
On January Ist, at the Magistrate's Court, J. Broderick, on a charge of being found by night without lawful excuse on the property of Mr J. A. Leslie, Grove Road, was fined £2, .in- default 14 days' imprisonment. Mr Scott-Smith, S.M., presided.
Business men find Zymole Trokeys a great convenience. A box is easily carried, and there's nothing so good for hoarseness and coughs. *
The Matron of the Hospital. is grateful for Christmas gifts from Mrs Smale, Mrs Fryer, Mrs Jellyman, Mr Hadfield, Marlborough Brewery Company j Sowman Bros., Adams Bros., M.Costello and Wing Lee.
John Wist was convicted by Mr Scott-Smith, S.M., on New Year's Day for being drunk, and also for committing a grossly indecent act in. a public place. On the first charge lie was convicted and discharged, while on the latter he was fined £3, in default 14 days' imprisonment.
The Cfrstoms returns for the port of Picton during the past month were £41 11s Bd, as against £36 12s 2d for the corresponding month, in 1908. The duties received on goods at the port of Wairau for last month totalled £920 12s sd. In December, 1908, £1036 Is 5d was received in dues. The beer duty last month totalled £130, as compared with £122 5s in December, 1908.
All enamel buckles, 3s 6d each; silver enamel bangles, 6s 6d each; enamel brooches, 3s 6d, at W. J. Martin's. *
A singular freak of nature was c'iscovered at the North British Freezing Works (says the Hawke's Bay Herald) in the form of a lamb with two mouths. The extra mouth, is just under the left ear, and is well shaped. The lamb, which is now the property of the drover, Mr Foster, is alive and in a normal condition.
The Pelorus Guardian states that the Postal Department have accepted the tender of Mr Francis for the Havelock-Grove mail service. Mr J. P. Campbell has for a good number of years conducted this service in a manner commendable alike to the Department and to the public. A feature of the service has been that no matter what the weather "Campbell's coach" has always been up to time.
The Good Templars met as usual m the Orange Hall on Friday evening, when several visiting brethren were present, and conveyed fraternal greetings, all of which were received and reciprocated. The picnic committee reported that a very enjoyable time had been spent at the annual picnic to Queen Charlotte Sound on itoxing Day; also that it still retained its popularity, as evidenced by the large number of people who took advantage of it, which resulted in a satisfactory balance-sheet. After the ordinary business was over, papers were read by Brothers G. T. Corbett ana jL A. Browne, and were appreciated by the members.
™2? g w Vei? tos ed -m silver-plated goods, W. J. Martin is giving a special discount. Now is the time to purchase Wedding and Christmas
The rainfall in Blenheim for December, as measured by the High School gauge, was 198 points, or approximately 2 inches. That for the previous December was 1 1-3 inch. The total fall for 1909 was 2874 Foll^ko° r nearly 29 inches. That for 1908 was 19J inches. The rainfall tor December at Spring Creek was 1.87 inch. Ram fell on eight days, &, lar£f\ faA b«W -52inch on the {%% . lhe tota* rainfall for 1909 was dd.7l inches. Rain fell on 1.26 days. TJ le rainfall was the heaviest sin-e Mr Pnchard has taken the record (over l£> years). Rain also fell on more days than, in any one year of the previous 15 years.
Hundreds of Christmas novelties to choose from at W. J. Martin's, the leading jeweller's. Name engraved on free. •
Thomas North was brought before Mr Scott-Snutb, S.M., this morning and charged with being an habitual drunkard, having been three times convicted within nine months. The Magistrate said that he scarcely knew what to do with the inebriate, and North said: "If you give me a chance 111 leave the town straight away I have work to goto at Langlev Dae" His Worship said that he had heard so many promises from men like the prisoner, and reminded him that the charge was a very serious one, and that he had power to send mm to a receiving home for inveterate drunkards for twelve months Upon the application of Sergt. Hanson, however, Mr Scott!>mith decided to give North another chance, and convicted and ordered him to come up for sentence when called upon.
Two ladies, one of whom was evidently just arrived from the country and was being taken borne by a lady friend, were standing yesterday in front of a shop in Levin's new build ings, watching the deft fingers of h sign-wntar inscribing a name in geld letters upon the plate glass windows One of the ladies asked: "What plar-P is this?" "Why," was the reply, that is the Best shop in the. town '•Oh yes, I see E. H. Best on *?•* window. Is that why it is the Bp,f shop?" "Not at all," said her fne ? "it is because all the Best of evpwthing for cycles arid motors cnv, 5... obtained there. See the list of H .•■'•- lines: Beeston Humber, Pjv..i-; Richmond, Genuine. 8.5.A.. N ■•■•■ Rapid, Windsor, Unity—what hr 4-- ■• can you get? Another thinrr you ?••'■ get satisfaction and civility iri tHr-"-your repairs there. It is far f.W shop."
The report from Christchurch that a married man named Henry Cranley jumped into the sea off the turbine steamer Maori last Monday night is entirely discredited by the officers and the chief steward of that vessel. There was, as a matter of fact, no one on the passenger list of that name. Further, any reasonable individual who had witnessed another person jump overboard would at once liave reported the matter to the officials on board. No report was made to any responsible member of the ship's company. The statement that the missing man had been asked his name on the Wellington wharf is denied by the constables who do wharf duty at Wellington. The police are not a little interested in the strange story.
An exciting incident occurred at the Police Court in Havelock on Tuesday (reports the Guardian). J. Bolton, cook of the scow Eunice, lying at Blackball, was fined £5, or one month's imprisonment, for using obscene language to the captain of the vessel, Captain Olsen. On a charge of having assaulted Captain Olsen, Bolton was fined 40s, or two weeks' imprisonment; and on a charge of \ threatening behaviour he, was con- i victed. At the conclusion of the Court proceedings Captain Olsen rose to leave the room, when Bolton made a desperate rush at him. Constable O'Grady seized Bolton and prevented him reaching Captain Olsen, who quickly left the Court. Then Bolton, who was clearly half demented with drink and rage, gave vent to his feelings in a torrent of oaths and curses against Captain Olsen, and, seizing a chair, hurled it with smashing force at the door through which Captain Olseri had just passed; the chair v. as shattered to fragments. Not satisfied I with this, he wrenched him arm free from the men who were holding it and threw another chair at the door. Constable O'Grady then, after a big struggle, took the man away to the cell, and every step he took was punctuated with threats of vengeance against Captain Olsen. On Wednesday morning Bolton was charged with using obscene language in the Court and with damaging two chairs of the value of 10s. He pleaded guilty. He said he had no recollection whatever of his behaviour, and had a wife and two children depending, on him. In view of the fact that accused had no money and would have to take the alternative of six weeks' imprisonment given on the previous day, the Bench decided to sentence Bolton to one week s^ imprisonment on the two charges. The presiding Justices were Messrs Price and Taylor.
Victoria gamed in population by 6212 persons durmg the quarter ended September 3l>. The quarterly statistical abstract shows that the population on the date was 1 289 140 whcm, 648 '718 were males and 640,432 were females. The natural lnCi' ea? e du"Rg the quarter wa^s 4417 and th« excess of immigration over emigration was 1795. Western Australia gained from Victoria 219 persons, and South Australia 117 Victoria gained 772 persons from TasSF 1* 1 ' °3i fr<™ th« United-xSgaoS, 321 from New Zealand, and 217 from ?qTndf^' F ae hirths W lrf», and the deaths by 407 while ±h^ marriages decreased by 264.
ing 1+ f*?™l^ all-over lace, H? 1 *?* dcsi Sns; a'so embroidery and msertion.-At F. W. Smith and
Motor transport of farm produce only a few farmers with fairly lar^e r& m g?fc 7 -^ the Maidstone Farmers' Club A new company has been formed -'"which gfe^ February. Lorries +1, be lert at farms during the day they will be collected when full b/a £i£e edf WhA\ Wiil take th«« to the depot, and there they will be connected up and hurried to the Lona total capacity of 120 tons. The aL?l WIV 1S h?,P' ed > be «**"*£ ties. embrace aII the home conn-
on*J ll 'I Callfol>»ia is situated worH !+• strauSfst farms in the* nnn * ISn^ salt faim of about 1000 acres, 265 feet below the level in/li 6sfH slx to sixtee» inches m depth, and the salt farmers are busy harvesting this crop the year salft ¥° re f han 40 '000 of salt have been harvested in twenty $r« h°™ «en. of 1 the, iooo-acre lhe salt is first ploughed up into fur* rows; it is then thrown into conical taken to the reduction works near" by and put into marketable condition, lhe heat is so intense that only Mexicans and Chinese can do the
The actual worth of RHEUMO cannot bo computed in pounds and XT*' + A? k, o-ne of *& thousands vW ft Ye tne<} A.and found relief, xvl i>i? y wou d S»ve for RHEUMO y™ Rh<™tisni, Gout, Sciatica, or Lumbago to attack them again. You too, can be cured, and a bottle w only cost you 2s 6d and 4s 6d at any chemist's or store. 1 A stern unexpected limit has ™£ P ft? uri- the f«^henieveloj! ment of the fashionable tendency t£ wards large size in ladies' hats fsays ? Lrt n PaP e/-) by a circular issued v T to Ins staff throughout the country, calling their attention to the necessity of strict enforcement of the rule that boxes are not to be accepted for transit by parcel post if they exceed six feet in length and girth combined, me rule is largely intended in the interests of the public/ 3 said an official of the Post Office. "Parcels or a larger size would be liable to be crushed m the post, As it is, the .Post Office recommends that all large milliners' boxes should be strengthened with cross-bars of wood." I
How the time flies 1 It seems but ' a tew months since we W6re celebrating' the incoming of this year, yet it is already time for us to 'be thinking ! ot the, Christmas Presents we intend > giving to those near and dear to us • We would like to suggest in this con- i nection that probably the most useful ' and pleasure-giving gift that anyone can make is a nice new bicycle, and : vre might here mention that Messrs '■ \nntringj»am and Deugarde, of the : sie?!»-wm Garage, alongside Town .J«n.. , ■. fin+iPinatJon of the Christmas l-"-"!f '■'•-; JMst landed from Home "•■" —'- Jarce shipment of their i U;;; : ?e?{ .guinea - "Champion" ; •■•."'■•••• ' •■-'• ssdiei' and gents'. We can ; :'^\ - ';->-!ia"s that this machine I •■• ' -;^ iiw'finolled for value at ' '[' . ' '••■" fVfii offer it, and we i ' !->■:;-Tirni>nd anyone contem- ' ; ■r- nnrpJiw^ of a cycle to pay : •■•• ■■••-■' ••'•"•ssrcie a visit. '" '
At the Magistrate's Court oq Saturday morning, before Mr ScottSmith, S.M., Frederick Zimmerman was remanded on several charges, the; principal of which was one of theft, until Friday morning.
The latest in silver hatpins from 1§« at W. J. Martin's. •
At the annual meeting of the Canterbury Frozen Meat Company, the report, which was adopted, showed *pa* *ue net profit for the year was £17,499 9s 6d. This, after adding; the amount .carried forward from last year, deducting the interim dividend paid, writing £3500 off the works account, and adding £3000 to reserve; fund account, leaves £6406 9s 9d.. The directors proposed that the balance should be dealt with as follows:} —Paymeiit of 3 per cent, on the preference and ordinary shares, making 6 per cent, for the year, £5511! 16s 6d; carry forward £894 13s 3d; in all, £6406 9s 9d. The stock dealt with at the company's works were ?— Belfast, £406,261 head; Fairfield, 256,023 head; Pareora, 247,984; in! all, 910,268 head, an increase o£ 87,463 hedtl over the previous year. The Otago Education Board intend to bring to their bearings school committees who disregard \ regulations by giving more than 30 school days holidays for Christmas, some of the towni committees having proposed to give eight weeks; also to ask the uncertificated teachers who failed to do so, why they did not atend the classes arranged for their benefit.
The Dresden Piano Company ia proud of the confidence placed in iti by the public—a trust built up by; years of honest dealing. Frankness id "The Dresden's" motto in all its relations with a purchaser. The more the latter knows about the piano he is buying, the more likely he is to be satisfied. What the Dresden Piano Company has to offer its patrons ia quality—never anything else. Had not good value been a characteristic feature with the Dresden, theirs would not be the business it is to-day. That Company has many advantages. It possesses extensive capital and an enormous output. Thus, it commands stock on a bedrock basis from the world s foremost manufacturers. Then it possesses officers of great experience, of unrivalled judgment, and of unquestioned integrity, in whom not only has -".The Dresden" the. utmost confidence, but on whom the public, too, can rely—to the last word. Local representatives, Griffiths and Son. - «
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Marlborough Express, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 3 January 1910, Page 4
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2,479LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 3 January 1910, Page 4
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