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AocnoN. — To-morrow, at 2 o'olook, Messrs Green and Go. will sell at their yards, horses, oattle, etc— At 230 p.m. Mr E, Foole will offer orookery, oil, furniture, and miscellaneous goods. . Bbbaoh of Oontbaot.— Mr J. Allen, S.W., has been oooupied to day at the Magistrate's Court hearing the oase E. [Bowman v. Levien and Co., Ltd., olaim for £46 6s 9d for bresoh of oontraot involved m a potato transaction. Fevkb Wabd.— We have not seen the amended planß for the Fever Ward, but we are informed that the building will oon&ist of a ward 20 feet by 23, containing four bed?, a hitohcn 9x9 fe6t, and a waitingroom 8 feet by 10. Mounted Bifi/bs 1 Spobis. — Sportsmen and oyolists are reminded that the nominations for the raoing events and oyole raoes olobb at the Club Hotel to-morrow evening at 8 p.m. The Maiden Hack Baoe, whiob m (he past has been a post entranoe, now oloses the same time aa the troop raoes. Cricket.— The following teams will represent Pioton against the Wairau on Saturday next :— Seniors— Andrews, A. Neal, Pugh, Rutherford, Blizzard, Bathgate, D. France, Geo. Carter, J. Es.on, W. Beeves, S. Fell ; emergenoy, J. Garter. Juniors — J. Prioe J. Greenßill, Fredericks (2), Nash, Molntoßh] EBBon (2), France, J. Godfrey, B. Dry. The seniors play at Blenheim and junior a at Pioton. Rowing.— The first heats for the pair oar raoea for trophies presented by Messrs Watson and MoKinley have been drawn to be rowed on Monday and Tuesday eights next. On Monday Poison and Luoas row Noswortby and Glouston, and R, Logan and A. Jaokeon row Maolaine and Scott. On Tuesday Glarke and Morrison row Dawes and Morrish, and J. M. Jaokson and MoShane row Bull and Patohett. The finals will be drawn later, Thh N.Z. Tram. — The New Zealand Orioket Cricket Counoil has fixed the following dates for the team whioh is about to visit Australia. Taey play the South Tasmanian Association at Hobart on the 7th, Btb, and 9th February ; North Tasmanian Assooiation at Launoeaton on the 11th, IStb, and 14th ; Viotorian Association at Melbourne on the 17th, 18th, and 20lh ; New South Wales Association at Sydney on the 22nd, 24th, and 25th. The team will leave Dunedin on the 30th January, and arrives back m the oolony oa the 4th March. Firb at Mabton. — The offioe of the Rangitikei Advooate at Marion and two adjoining buildings— Mr Laing's shop and dwellinghouae on the one side, and Mr Bisbop'a offioe on the other— were burned down on Tuesday night between 10 and 11 o'olook, The fire originated m an upstairs room of the Advooate offioe ; it is not known how. The less of the owners of the Advo« oate amounts to about £800. The type and stook were insured m the Standard offioe for £500. Bishop's offioe was insured with the New Zealand Company for £150, and Mr Laing'a for £350, The Advooate offiae, wbioh was valued at £500, waß insured for £200 m the Standard and £150 m the New Zealand. The Advooate was brought oat | next day as usual, sufficient type having been saved to go on with, with the help of the Feilding office of the paper. Conbtbbnation m thh Stbhet.— Between ten and eleven o'olook this morning the usual quietude of Market Street North was "violently" disturbed by a terrific explosion, whereat everyone within oooee deserted sanctum and counting • bouse, counter and workshop, showroom and bar to rush outside to ccc " What was the matter ?" In a moment the footpaths held a orowd of wildly swaying bodies with anxiou9 faoeß darting wild ooocern up and down and all round the town m the vain hope of discovering the whereabouts of the untoward disturbance, during whioh some oried one thing some another, till at length an old lady whispered breathlessly, " It's the Russians!" Then there were loud growlß of, " Somebody discharging firearms m the street ! Where's the polioe, I'd like to know ? They're never hen when they are wanted ?" One man was sure it waa the big gun of Alfred Street, hard by the Athenaeum, gone bust for joy over Miss Louie Seddon's wedding, Trevor's magistracy, and Purser's triumph. Then the exoited orowd all talked at onoe, giving leather-headed opinions about the origin of the explosion, till one still small voioe from the throat of a freokle-faoed urohin, said m a pause, " Please, sorr, it's that bloke's bike busted 1" And it was. Fibb Bbigadbs' Confbbbnoe.— The Olago Daily Times is informed by Captain Leeoh, ex-president of the United Fire Brigades Association of New Zealand, that the annual conference will take plaoe this year at Queenstown, the date for wbiob has been fixed for Feb. 20, 1899. A great amount of business will come before the meeting, and the Queenstown Brigade have made ar« rangements to show the delegates (of whom a large number are expected to attend) all the sights of the charming lake district. There will also be a ohuroh ser« vioe on Feb. 19, and an aßoent of Ben Lommond. The first day's conference will be followed by a banquet, and on the next day the visitors will be taken to the Head of the Lake and Glenorohy, the oonferenoe being resumed the same evening. On Feb. 22 the delegates will be driven to Kawarau Falls and Arrowtown, and the con* ferenoe will be oonoluded on the next day. On their way up to Queenstown the delegates will spend an evening with the local brigade at Gore, while on the return journey they will aocept the hospitality of their Inveroargil) confreres. It is expeoted that between sixty and seventy delegates will attend the oonferenoe. Bights of Medical Men.— Medical men will be interested m a judgment delivered the other day by Mr 0. 0. Kettle, S.M., m an action brought by G. R. Saunders (a medioal praotitioner practising m Wanganui) olaiming £25 5s from Grant Glasgow (a farm labourer at Turakina) for fees for professional attendanoe on the latter while he waß a patient m the Wanginui Hospital. Mr Kettle said: "The oonolusion I have arrived at, after oarefully considering the evidence, is that when the defendant went into the hospital he had no clear or definite understanding as to what his rights, obligations, or opportunities were, or bb to what was his true position as regards the payment of hospital charges and medioal fees. I have already referred to the faot that he waß not fully informed as to the oourses wbiob wero open to him and bb to the position as regards his liability for medioal attendanoe, etc, m which the plaintiff intended to plaoe him. The plaintiff has not established to my entire satisfaction that the defendant promised or agreed to pay his (plaintiff's) fees for attending him at the hospital, and, having regard to all the oiroumßtanoes, I am of opinion that the j Court oannot and ought not to imply any j Buoh promise m the present case. The plaintiff is therefore nonsuited on the disputed items of his olaimß."

Qdioe Travelling.— A lady who arrived m Blenheim last evening travelled from Adelaide via Melbourne and Sydney to Blenheim within seven days, The journey would have been performed within six days but for the faot that owing to the late oolliera etrike m New Sontb Wales only inferior ooal was procurable, and the 8.8. Waikare was m oonsequenoe nearly a day longer than usual on her voyage from Sydney. ArjocBNED. —At the Magistrate's Oonrt this morning the first case oalled was Borton and Go. v. Assets Realisation Board, olaim for £11 13s for monies paid out of pooket. Mr MoOallum appeared for plaintiffs, and Mr Rogers, iaatruoted by Mr Skerrett of Wellington, for the defendants.. Mr Rogers said he was instructed to aek fur a further adjournment, as a witness for defendants was ooming over to Blenheim to give evidence. Mr MoOallum opposed the adjournment as plaintiff had already agreed to several adjournments to suit defendants' convenience. Finally an adjournment was made until the 12th inst. at 11 am. ; plaintiffa to be allowed ooats of adjournment. An English Opirion.— Commenting on the passing of the Old Age Pensions Bill, the Liverpool Meroury says :— "ln the face of the adverse report of the Committee of Experts who investigated the subjeot on behalf of the Imperial Government, the audaoity of the New Zealand Ministry oan only be described as reokless. One would imagine that with a population not muoh larger than that of Liverpool, and with a publio debt of £44,366,618, Mr Seddon and his colleagues would ab&tsin from a confessedly risky experiment to wbioh the wealthy mother country fears to commit herself. Bat with a lightness of whioh would be culpable even if the oolony were m a flourishiug financial condition, they have persisted m a soheme whioh will entail, at their own estimate, an annual bur« den of £160,000, and may not probably oost much more." ( maka Domain Board.— A masting of the Omaka Domain Board was oalled for Wednesday afternoon but lapsed for want of a quorum, only the Chairman and Mr McArtney attending. The Railway Extension. — The Public Works is seodiog Mr Dobson, O.E , to Blenheim to complete the survey of the railway between Blenheim and the Starborough estate. The Feathered Pest.— The Borough Council will buy small birds' heads )and eggs, but it will acoept only such of those trophies as are obtained m the Borough. It is, of course, impossible to Bay whether the egga and heads are obtained within the prescribed area or not ; but, presumably, the youths who bring them m are to be put upon their honor. The Minister of Lands. — A definite statement has been raadH editorially by the Dunedio Star that the Hon. John McKeuzie, Minister of Lands, acting under medical advice, will retire from politics at the close of the financial year. The N.S. Times says that Ministers have no official knowledge of any such intention on Mr McKe&zie's part, and nothiug oan be positively known till after the Cabinet meets next week. Borough School Holidays.—Oommunications were received by fcbe Borough School Committee last night m wbioh the Head Master and Head Mistress recommended that the schools be shut up for the Christmas holidays on December 21st and reopened on January the 30 tb. Discussion ensued m which some members of the Committee objected to such a long term as six weeks ; and finally it was resolved that the holidays commence on December 2lBt and end on January 23rd. School Committee Meeting. — The monthly meeting of the Borough Ssbool Committee, held last night, wae attended by Messrs Saaw (Chairman), Ching, Scott, Norgrove, Purser, Birch, James, Browne. The Head-maater reported that the average attendance last month was 278, and the roll number 364. The attendance for the last fortnight had suffered owing to the measles. He recommended that Misses Barnett and Hatris, teaohers who had been acting m the place of male assistants, be engaged for another terrc . He also forwarded an application from Miss Milly Girting for the position of pupil teacher ; she had been acting as trainer m the Infant Department. The books for the new school library were expected to arrive within a day or two. The matter -of dealing with the applications forwarded by the Head-master was held over, the Committee being uncertain as to the position. It was resolved to forward the application for a cupboard for the library books to the Education Board. Brooms were ordered to be procured for the caretaker. Acoount* were pissed for payment ; ■ and other formal business transacted. Messrs James and Biroh were re-appointed a Visiting Committee. ONE APPLICATION RELIEVES THE PAIN. Mb P. Kbtoham, of Pike City, Gal., says ; "During my brother'a late siokness from soiatic rheumatism, Chamberlain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain whioh this liniment affords. For sale by F. Shaw, Medioal Hall, Blenheim. The New Police Begulations. — : It is stated that, with the exception of the provision for the deduction of one shilling per diem from the wages of a member of the force, who is absent on account of sickness, there is but little difference m the " new police regulations as compared with those whioh have been m operation for the past thirty years. It appears that m the past no deduotion was made when a man was sick ; but m respect to the deduction now imposed it is not considered there will be any hardship, as m Victoria, for instance, a man on sick list only receives half-pay. The conditions under which recruits are to be accepted and the provision for a probationary period aie of course new. WHY SOME PEOPLE ABE POOB. Bad management keeps more people m poor oiroumstaaoes than any other one cause. To be suooessful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity presents itself be is ready to take advantage ot it. A little forethought will also save muoh expense and valuable time. A prudent and oareful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrbosi Bemedy m the house, the Bhiflless fellow will wait until neoesßity oompels it, and then rain bis best horse going for a doctor, and have a big dootor bill to pay, besides ; one pays out 25 osnta the other is out a hundred dollars, and then wonders why bis neighbor is getting rioher while he is getting poorer. For sale by F. Shaw, Medical Hall, Blenheim. IT NEVER FAILS. Mb John Bevinb, editor of the Press, Anthon, lowa, says : •' I have used Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Bemedy m my family for fifteen years, have reoommended it to hundreds of others, and have never known it to fail m a single instanoe." For sale by F. Shaw, Medioal Hall, Blenheim. The Eveuing News, Sydney, says m regard to the application of Eucalyptus m influenza :— " We have to exerci c caution to get an article freed of its astringent constituents or else ijb will prevent the excretion of the diseaseprodaoing germs. A preparation known as Sander and Sous Eucalypti Extract was fonud to be the only refined one, and proved to be possessed of the highest germ-killing qualities."— 4 i

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 286, 9 December 1898, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 286, 9 December 1898, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 286, 9 December 1898, Page 2


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