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The Marlborough Express PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Friday, October 15, 1897. THE VOLUNTEERS.

A pleasing feature of the debate on the Address-in-Reply was the warmth and vigor with whioh the claims of the Volunteer service of the colony to mote favorable recognition at the hands of the Defence Department were put forward by various speakers. In opening the debate the member for Wellington suburbs struck the right note when he declared that the Defence Minister should recognise the importance which should attach to the further encouragement of the Volunteer service of the colony. He said : "We must encourage the men ; they give up their time, they go to considerable sacrifices of time and trouble, and are at great personal expense, and they have very few privileges m return ; and at the very least they should be treated with every possible consideration at the hands of the constituted and permanent authorities." In many of the succeeding speeches we notice that members strongly urged that the Volunteers should receive more encouragement, that more drill instructors should be obtained from the Old Country, that the Commandant should be more careful m studying local requirements and local environment, should better understand the difficulties under which many corps do their drill before condemning them too harshly for inefficiency. One member drew attention to the fact that the majority of the volunteers are working men and that they have to sacrifice three days' pay when attending at public parades, and so forth ; and urged that m such cases the Government should make up the loss incurred. A whole host of suggestions were thrown out for the improvement of the service, and it is evident that m the new Parliament the New Zealand volunteer has a good many warm friends. This is as it should be, and we trust that it will not be without effect upon the Government. We fear there has been of late too great a tendency to give Colonel Pole-Penton too free a hand. The commandant, it is well known, shares the opinion of other Imperial officers m favoring the Permanent Artillery at the expense of the volunteers, but m view of the conditions of colonial life the course to be properly pursued by the Defence Department should, we think, be just the other way about. When the defence estimates come on for discussion we trust that volunteer matters will be thoroughly threshed out, and that as a result the service will be put on a much better footing than has reoently obtained.

LOCAL. AND GENERAL NEWb. « Fever Wabd.— ln addition to the amounts already acknowledged tbe following has been colleated per Mrs Purser— Mrs Crooke 3s. Mining. — Tbe Wakamarina mine is flooded. This will throw tbe work back about a fortnight. The Btbamisbb.— The b.b. Mawhera has been detained on the Coast by bad weather, and will not Bail from Piotonfor Wellington until Tuesday morning, Official.— Mr B. Barlow left by train thia morning for Pioton where he will relieve Postmaster Teesdale, who is on holiday leave. Earthquake — An earthquake chock was experienced m Blenheim a few minutes before six o'olook yesterday evening. Floodgates.— Wa understand that tbo River Board contemplate oarrying out oeitaio improvements m the floodgates of tbe town banking whereby most of tbe leakage now occurring m time ol flocd will be prevented. The Liquor Bill.— The Bill introduced by Mr (iuinneßS to amend the Alcoholio Liquors Aot Amendment Act is intended to alter section 4 bo that the licensing poll shall not take place on tbe same day as the ! General Assembly eleotion, and also to reduoe tbe quorum of Licensing Committees. Pboepecting Association.— At the Warden's Court this afternoon before Mr J. Allen, Warden, an application, whioh had ' been adjourned from Havelook, was made by ,Mr W. B. Parker, on behalf of tbe Wairaa Valley Prospeoting Association, for a renewal of the protection of their proapeoting area m Bartlett'e Greek for three niontbß from to-day. The application "was granted. Weather Forecast.— Capt Edwin wired I as follows : — " Wind between northwest 1 and west and Eouth at all plaoee ; barometer ! rise everywhere; westerly gales with rain i are to be expected at all places northward from Lyttelton and Hokitika to Ea6t Cape and New Plymouth. Strong westerly winds ' from thence northward, and moderating weather, but cold m the South." ' Stationebß' Hail. —MrE. H. Penny annoanoes new shipments of books, fane; goods and stationery. Among, the books are several of note ; especially may be mentioned, the "Christian" by Hall Came, whioh has met with a great reoeption among readers at Home and m America, also 11 Farthest North," Nansen's great book, and tbe " Asoent of Man " by the late Professor Drommond. All these are meeting with excellent demand, indicating that tbe day of good literature is not yet past. Bivbb Boabd Bates.— lt is being industriously circulated by several interested partieß that the Biver Board have no power 1 to inoreaße the rates any higher than at present ; m f aot that they are now levying t tbe full rate allowed by law. To this we a oan give an emphatic denial, for tbe 9 Biver Boards Aot of 1884 gives the Board full power to levy rates up to six farthings m the £,— that is double tbe present amount , levied, and we understand they are fully imbued with the stern neoessity of doing so, if the loan proposal is rejeoted, n Malicious —Yesterday, after the fresh m the rivers had subsided somewhat, the Biver Board Inspector found several large stones inserted m the door of the flood gate on tbe banks of the Omaka opposite Clousp ton*. At the email flood-gate near tbe Borough Schools a wedge of wood wbb aUo firmly blocked. The obstructions m both cases were found m suoh a manner as to . preclude them having got m that position by aooident, and the supposition is that they were pat there by some evil disposed individual. We understand that the police are to be aßked to keep an eye on the banka m time of flood, and also that the Borough . Counoil will be requested to allow the gas lamps to remain burning all night m oases where their light would be of service at suoh times. Tbe Biver Board are determined to , make an example of anyone found injuring their property. . Flying Kites.— 2ooo Japanese Kites for f boys and girls, at Id eaoh. The juveniles must bring the right ohange. Those goods are worth Is 6d eaoh, and all sold at one - penny each.— R. Allan. Sale of Wobk. — A successful sale of = work was held yesterday m Wesley Hall, Both m the afternoon and evening there was a numerous assembly of people m the 1 Hall, and the gathering throughout was of 1 an enjoyable obaracter. The different f stalls were nicely arranged, and they were as well stocked as- they were oapably managed. The lollie stall was under tbe B obarge of MiBB Ida Parker and Mibb Wheeler ; t the bran pie was presided over by Misseß . Eeale, Girling, and Brewer ; the refreshment r stall was managed by Mesdames W. Parker, s J. Bose, and T. Bmale ; and tbe fanoy stall 9 waa under tbe direotion of Mesdames B. a Parker, Freetb, Carvell, and Miss Jackson, i Misa Wrigley bad tbe management of tbe B afternoon tea, and she was assisted by q Misses Parish and other ladies, During ; tbe evening tbe interior of the Hall pre» 3 sented a busy scene, the proceedings being 1 of a highly sooiable nature. The attruc--1 tions were numerous including a inusioal • programme, whioh w*b oonduoted by Mr j Goldamitb, and a spelling bee, which was 1 the source of muoh diversion. A creditable 3 collection of articles filled the various stalls, - and the Bale was well patronised. f Cycling Tweed. — For ladies bioyole 3 skirt and costume, 48 inohes wide, pure jj wool. Is lid a yard ; cannot be bad m Wellington under 5s 6d. — B. Allah. Civil Business. — A* the Magistrate's 3 Court this morning, before Mr J. Allen, 8 M. , j. the following oivil bu-iness was transacted : , Borough Gounoil y. Miohael Carroll, claim ' for rates for £2 143 3d and 5a 5d pnnalty 3 for non-payment, of whioh plaintiff had g paid £1. Mr William Nosworthy, oolUotor y of rates for the Borougb, gave evidence. ' Judgment was given by default for tbe 3 Gounoil for £1 19a 8 > and 6s costs. G. H. . Broadbridge v. J. Garkeek, judgment sum- „ mons for £6 93 9d, Defendant, examined j by the plaintiff, said sinoe June 25 th, <he 3 dale of judgment being given, he had only 3 earned £5 for a forntight's work. He sent 3 £2 to tbe Wairau Valley yesterday. He . w*s not at present m work. He was wait q ing to go out on a survey party. G. H. j; Broadbridge, plaintiff, said Einoe judgment t was given he had received a letter from de« j, fendant offering 5s per week. He did not 3 accept tbe offer. M. Garkeek, oalled by tbe t plaintiff, said his son worked for him on 3 the survey when be was m tbe field, but at g present he did not know when he would be 3 going out. Plaintiff also Baid defendant I had made an offer to p»y 5i per week and 1 £1 16s 9d off the account while out of work, r but be did not aooept it His Worship said . on the evidenoe given he oould make no f order of tbe Court for payment, c Covbbt Coaxing— Tbe latest thing m B dress stuff, pure wool, double width, lovely goods, la 6d a yard ; wholesale prioe 4s 6d. , — B. All m. The Rev W, B. Weaver, pastor of the U.B. Oburob, Dillsburg, Pa., recognises tbe * value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and r does not hesitate to tell others about it. " I 1 have used Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy, he saye, " and find it an excellent medicine for ooldß, coughs and hoarseness." So does S everyone who gives it a trial, For sale by F. Shaw, Medioal Hall.

Bathing.— Acom^ponrfrn', ' Intrrpsted," writes:— Sir,— ln a rflC6n', iinn I notice that the School GommUte9 intend to ereot Swimming Bathß oo the Omaka, Mr Carter having given a seotion for that purpose. I am glad to see that interest m natatorial affairs ib reviving (sinos Mr F. H. Dodd'a departure it has greatly flagged), I do not think the Bite is well ohosen, aa the Omaka is too oold a river to become popular. I think the old baths on Dodson's properly are preferable, both aa regards epaoe and temperature, although tbe distance from town is certainly a drawback. At tho old baths there are places to suit all bathersshallow for learners, depth for divers, and distance for a good swim. Hoping tbe matter will ba well considered before decisive steps are taken." To Those about to Fobmsh.— 2o dozen Toilet Covers, full size, patent satin finish, given away at Is eaoh ; worth 2a 61.— 8. Allan. Sbli Denial Week. — We have been requested to again call the attention of our readers to tbo faot that the Salvation Army is now m the midst of their annual week of Self Denial. Tbe effort is being made largely m order to support the very extensive work of tbe Army, to which we referred some days sinoe. From Commandant Booth, who is at tbe head of the movement m Australasia, down to the latest reoruit, the utmost effort is being put forth to make it a reoord week. On the prinoiple that "Example is better than precept," all the officers and soldiers are denying themselves of anything luxurious or unnecessary, and, m addition, are canvassing the towns and cities m the oolony m order to obtain additional aid. Pamphlets are being left at most of tb.3 houses m the distriot, describing the almost countless agencies of the Army, giving an idea of tbe magnitude of its missionary and aooial stations, while oolleotions Are being taken op at the outdoor and indoor services m aid of the fund. Snoh work aa tbe Army ia doing needs but little reoommendation from v?. We are certain that the oolonies will not be behind m their praotioal sympathy with the effort now being made. Tbeat fob Drbssmakebs.— Buckram , blaok and white Is a yard, Collar Canvas Bd, Frenoh Canvas 6&d, velvet binding Id a yard, all half prioe. — R- Allan. Tbadb ax Home. — Mr G. G, Stead, when interviewed m Sydney, said that hia experi enoe of tbe manufacturing cities m Great Great Britain has oonviooed him that trade is at present exceptionally active. The manufacturers, almost without exception, are so busy that they are frequently unwilling to execute orders, Mr Stead gave a manufacturer an order for a largo pieoa of machinery, stipulating at the time that the work should be oompleted m time to oatob a vessel sailing within a few weeks. The manufacturer said that he would tßke tbe order, but would not guarantee the time — " In other words," said Mr Stead, " that he should get the profits and I should take the risk. Fortunately I found another manufacturer who was more pliable, but you oan gather from that the merchants at Home have their bands pretty full." Mr Stead, as one of the Directors of a large gasworks m New Zealand, made enquiries into the methods of minufaoture m Eng« land. He found that all tbe oolonies were inferior to Nottingham and other English centres m improved methods of manufaoture. Going lier Smoke.— looo yards pure wool double dress stuff, 6d, 9d, Is a yard, less than wholesale price; trimming to matoh at 3d a dozen yardd.— R. Allan. Oub Boys. — The new woven patterns m Galateas are juat the thing for bcits wear, extra strong and guaranteed to wash. Tbe prettiest patterns and quite new, 4£d to 6Jd yard, worth three times the money. Can vass Mattings for Dresses and boys' Blouses and girls' pinafores, thrice tbe strength of Prints, 6&d yard , usual prioe Is 2d. Zephyrs m China blue, pale blue, bright and salmon pink, cream and white, 7£i yard, beautiful goods. Prints guaranteed to wash, tbe largest assortment, 3£d, 4Jd yard; worth 7Jd.— R. ALLiN. Mrs A. Invjebn, residing at 720, Henry St., Alton, 111., suffered with soiatio rheumatism for over eight months. She dootored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies reoommeaded by friends, and was treated by the pbysioians, but received no relief, She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, whioh effected a oomplete oure. This is publish d at her request, as she wants otherß similarly afflioted to know what oared her. For sale. by F.jßhaw, Medical Hall, Blonheim.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 225, 15 October 1897, Page 2

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The Marlborough Express PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Friday, October 15, 1897. THE VOLUNTEERS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 225, 15 October 1897, Page 2

The Marlborough Express PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Friday, October 15, 1897. THE VOLUNTEERS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 225, 15 October 1897, Page 2


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