The Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1893. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS.
Held Over. — Our leader is crowded out to-day. Choir Practice.— There will be no practice of the Church of the Nativity choir tonight. The Inevitable. — News is soarcer m town to-day than money. Everybody off on football. Meteorological. — Captain Edwin wires at 11,30 a.m. as follows '.—lndications for frost to-night, and for tides taking off. Personal.— Mr and Mrs P. G. Douslin arrived ia Wellington yesterday from Auckland, and leave for Blenheim to-day. Thh Juhior Team.— The junior team m the match against Nelson to-morrow, will play m Awarua colors. The Return Teip.— The s.s. Mahinapua will arrive at Picton on Sunday evening to convey the visiting football teann to Nelson. Thk Nelson Coach.— The passengers by the coach to-day are Meßsrs Hitchcock, Hornby, and McFarren. Dairying.— lt is understood that when the new Dairy Instructor arrives he will take oharge of one island and Mr Sawers of the other. Ritlb Association. — The Government cannot Bee its way to increase the grant of £450 at present made to the New Zealand Rifle Association. Criminal Code Bill. — Misißtora are invited by Mr C. H. Mills to state whether they intend to pass the Criminal Code Bill this session. Obstruction.— For placing seven wooden rails on the railway line at the Kent-street viaduct, Picton, a nine year old boy, named Alva McLean, was convicted and disobargad.
On a Visit. — Mr Robert Gardner, flaxmiller and farmer, of Pahiatua, is now m Blenheim. The object of his visit, it is understood, is to inspect Home flax for the New Zaaland Land Association. How Cadman Got Ttf.—The Rev L. M. ißitt stated m Auokland that ha had baen informed by letter that the publioan party had put m Mr Caclraan, and would yet show the use they could make of their power. Women's JFbanchise.— The Wairarapa Star, a Ministerial organ, openly boasts of the Government's firm re?olve that the interests of Liberalism shall not be preju diced by women being given the right to vote at the next election. Insuiiance Policies. — The Premier informed Mr George Hutchinson on Wednesday that the Insurance Department cannot see its way to reduce the rate of interest at present charged on advances made on polioies. Folioe.— lnspector PenSer baa returned to Wellington. The members of the local force still exist. The Inspector formed a favorable opinion of their merits, and one or two expect to receive immediate promotion. Departure.— Mr W. Millington left on Wednesday by the Neptuno to take up a situation m Wellington. He will be much missed m ethletio as well &s in Druidical circles, having been a prominent member of the Wairau Football Club and a Druid Past Arch. Rating.— Sir Robert Stout thinks there will Bhortly have to bo a distinction drawn between districts whioh have bean long settled and others without great ratiDg area, and assistancfl will have to be given to sparsely-settled districts, eapeoially when they have great arterial roads, and are withdrawn from districts with large rating area. Cake and Apron Fair.— The ctke and apron fair, arranged by the young ladies m connection with Wesley. Church, whioh waß to have been held next month, haa been put off till the first weak m October, owing to causes whioh are unavoidable. The ladies are very busy with their preparations, and the affair promises to ba a complete buoobbs. NoNPAßfliii House.— The proprietor of this well known establishment has an announcement m another column which should be of interest to heads of families and others. To dispose of tho remainder of tho winter stook, a heavy discount is offered for four weeks. The terms are cash, but the inducement should be sufficient to attract the " dollars." Prohibition Lbagob.— We are informed that Mr Fathers has consented to preside at the Prohibition meeting to-night m the Good Templar Hall. Aa Mr Fathers is leaving Blenheim m the course of a week or so, this will probably bs his last appearanos I before the public here The Committee 1 appointed at ths last meeting is to meet at j 7 o'clock to consider certain matters remit* | ted to it, and report to the publio meeting, j A Broad Hint. — An enterprising reporter presented himself at a private sooinl gathering m the Foresters' Hall, Wellington, and aak*d for particulars and admission. He was refused, but still persisted, and the Btern mother in-law who presided over the festivities, which was the oelobration of her daughter's marriage, calmed him and secured his departure by s&ying, " It's no good young man, there's nothing to drink here." Out of her Misery.— A woman whose maintenance haa been costing the Wellington Benevolent Trusteeß £75 per annum is dead. When the announcement; was mads at a meeting of Trustees, (says the Post) the Chairman exclaimed " Thank God !" whereupon Mr Heaton asked the reporters to v Put that down." Mr Van Staveren— " Yes, thank God. The woman was m a terrible state, and she is now out of her misery." Sydney Markets.— Tlir market quotations on Wednesday last were : —Wheat, chick, 33 3d, milling 3s 7d ; oats, fair feed 2s BJd to 2s 9d, bright feed 2a 9£d to 2s lOd, Tartarian 3s ; maize, 3s 6d ; barley, Cape, 23 lOd to 3s ; bran, 8d ; pollard BJd ; pea*, Prussian blue, 4s 3d ; potatoes, local £5, Circular Head £6 10a; onions, £8 10s; hutter, dairy lOd, factory Is ; cheese, 3d to 5d ; bacon, 4d to 6|d ; ham, New Zealand, Is. Aluminium. — Aluminium (says a writer m & Home paper) is destined to be a meUl of the future. It has baen utilised to build boats, to manufacture visiting cards, and is now employed to make balloons, safety lamps for miners, and cages for ♦' lifts." Seventy years ago the metal cost 50Qf, perlb., the selling price is how 3f., and may m a few weeks, owing to a Ger. man discovery, be reduced to 2d. Heavy Snowfall. — The snowfall m the baok oountry m Canterbury has been the heaviest known for years. It extended as far as tha Otira, and has done .a lot of damage to the telegraph lines. Sheep m many places are snowed m, and it is feared that loss will result if a thaw doas not taka place soon. This again will cause floods, the snow being general over such a large expanse of country, Tired of Solitude.— A gentleman who has recently come into a fortune, and desires to " go the pace" and " get into the right set," inserts the following remarkable advertisement m the London Standard : - "A gentleman of culture and means, who has lately led a somewhat solitary life, is now desirous of entertaining young and bright society at dinners, theatres, raoes, picnica etc. ; strict confidence and liberality may be relied upon." The Liberal Party. — Tha New Zealand Timec ia indignant at tha action of fourteen member* of the Government party who voted with Sir Robert Stout on his Licensing Bill and tended to embarrass the Government. It concludes by staying :— " These fourteen must consider their position. Do they trust the Government all along the line, or do they not ? If they do they must be true to their party allegiance. If they do not, they must find a Government whioh they are ready to trust and to obey for party purposes." Thi Teetotal Truth.—Scene—Temperance experience meeting. Stranger (who bad been invited to give his experience) ; " Yes, and very soon, m place of a miserable wife and starving family, I had a happy home. I made money ; I bought a house — I bought another. I got a bit 0' land, and when a child died I secured a vault— a family vault, mind you— in the cemetery. (Cheers.) Yes, and more than thia, I was thst strict teetotal that, if I'd only gons on as I was going, I'm blessed if I shouldn't jolly soon ha 1 hem buried m it ! Toxa. — The demand throughout New Zealand, and more parficulary m Marlborough, for Toxa has been so great, that Messrs W. E. Clouaton and Co., the local aeects have exhausted their stook. They inform us that every runholder who purchased this destructive agent speaks m the highest terms of it 3 usefulness ; m fact one of then telegraphed yesterday for a ton of it. In consequence of one of the ingtediant3 not being now obtainable m N6W Zealand the manufacturers have instructed their agents to increase the price one penny per pound. Depart&srnt op Agriccltore. — The following extraots are from the report of the Chief Inspector of Stock, just laid upon the table of the House:— " Marlborough NoN son.— l had an opportunity of inspecting a large portion of the Marlborough and Nelson Provinces, and although the rabbits are very numerous on some properties, on otbars there is a very decided reduction. I made a special inspection of the' oountry under the oontrol of the Awatere Rabbit Board, the result of which has been a recommendation to abolish that Board. Thiß is now beiog carried out." Trap Accidents.— Yesterday a carriage, driven by two little girls, came into collision with a dray laden with gravel on the Maxwell Boad. The carriage was considerably damaged, but the oocupants escaped unhurt. The gravel dray pursued the " even tenor of its way." — Journeying to Spring Creek yesterday morning, two gentlemen m a sulky encountered a mob of horses on the road near Grovetown. The animals, browsing m "calm contentment" on the sweet spring grass, declined to move, and the vehicle m endeavoring to pasß was thrown into a roadgide ditob. Again, Providence was kind, and no damage of aerious import can ba recorded. Energy will do almost anything, but it cannot exist if the blood ia impure and moves sluggishly m the veins There is nothing so good for cleansing the blood and imparting energy to the system as Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Prohibition Conunsboms.— The New Zealand Mail recently offered two prizes of 10s each for the beat conundrum on the subject of Prohibition The prizes ware awarded to Mr F. Bull of Napier and to R.F.G. Timara, Blenheim. The suocessfal con'a were : — Q. What is the difference between the prohibitionist and a gardener ? A. The one growls about the pubs, the other prowla ahout the gruba. Q. Do teetotallers keep the pledge m the next world ? A. No ; before they are off the ' bier' they take to ' spirits.' The Football Social.— Arrangements are now completed for this evening's aooial. Tiie Ball has been decorated even better than on previous occasions, end the floor has been particularly well done m order that the dancing may be more enjoyable. The stage presents a very neat appearance, with goal posts and ball juat going over the bar. A photo, of the team which represented Marlborough against Nelson re" cenlyia placed m the hack ground. We are asked to state that tickets will be sold m the porch, and admission will only be allowed on presentation of the tickets. This is done m order to save inconvenience. The Califobnian Thistle.— The following rather malicious paragraph is going the rounds of the Australian preea: — Dialogue between two Victorian farmers, which is reported to have recently taken place : •• Talking about weeds ; how about this new crop of Canadian thistles that's springing up everywhere about ?" " What, have you got them too ?" " Yes." " Well, d'ye know where they oome from ?" " No." " Have you been getting much grass seed lately from New Zealand ?" " Yes, I have ; I thought the sample so good, and the price moderate, that I've been running on it a good deal." " Well, that's where I've found mine come from. The thistle's thick over there, and ever since the New Zealand grass seed came so much into fashion wa have had the Canadian thistle, and I've determined to buy no more New Zealand grass without a test guarantee. The Canadian thistle is lika Cape weed, it only flourishes m rich land ; and let either of them get a hold, and goodbye to your land." Obituary. — It is with very -great regret we (Pic too. Press) have to chronicle the death of a most worthy neighbour m the person of Mr J. Salisbury of gakuta. Tha deceased left his home here a few months ago to pay a visit to the Old Country. He was to have returned by the s.s. Buahine, which arrived m the Colony last week, and several members of bis family came to Picton on Monday expecting to meat him on arrival of the s.s. Penguin. He did not amve, however, and on obtaining their letters at tho Post Office they learnt for the first time the sad intelligence that be had died at the reiidenos of his brother-in-law, at Truro, m Cornwall, just two days bsfore the iteamtr Ruahine eailed from England. Mr Salis* bury was an old colonial pioneer, having arrived m Australia m 1853, when the gold fever was at its height. Australian life not suiting him, he came on to Nelson m 1854, and settled down at Ngatimoti, near Motueka, where be resided for many yeara. He subsequently, m 1887, o&me to live at Ngakuta, near Pio on. where his family still reside, and to which he hoped to return. Mr Salisbury was given a little to literary work, and had m hand a colonial history, to secure a publisher for which, we believe, was one of his aims m visiting the old country. Football Social. — Ladiea wanting dresses should have a look at the beautiful selections we are showing m all the fashionable ball coßtumes m cardinal, salmon, light blue, pink, black, cream, light green, and white, ranging from 6d a yard up. We can confidently say they are selling at half price. Also a choice lot of silk handkerchiefs m all shades, a really splendid line at Is eaob, usual price is 6d. A grand display of evening wool shawls m all shades. Ladiea be sure and see them, they are selling at half pnee. — B. Allan, Market Street. "On the Ball."— Football Boots and Shoes, good assortment, Cheap, any altera* tion required done free of charge. If you want a good reliable article try the N6W Zealand Clothing Factory.— Advt. T. Smale has received instructions to sell the balance of the stook of the late J. God* frey, consisting of grocery, drapery, ironmongery, fancy goods, etc., amounting from a needle to an anohor. These goods must be Bold and no reasonable offer will be refused, at the shop adjoining hiß old stand next to Litchfield's sale.— Advt. Opportunity ia Golden. — People are always wanting something for a change, therefore why not try Uncle Sam's Kolled Oats, whiob are unrivalled as a breakfast luxury, being most nutritious and not heating the blood as m the case of oatmeal. Eeoommended for invalids. Sold everywhere m 21b packets. Engbaving of all descriptions executed by McKee & Gamble, N.Z. Press Agency Wellington. Advertising blooks, brass doorplates and copper plates stencil plates, all other kinds of engraving. Send for quotations. Not to Know is Not to Have, bnt ones having used Sun Baking Powdeb you will ! never be without it, for it is the beet m the I market, both for purity and price. Sold everywhere.; Mahomet said—" The ink of the wise is worth more than the blood of martyrs." Perhaps all do not agree with this; but ! everyone acknowledges that Crease's aI. Coffee when onoe tried is always usod. To Ovebcomb Weakness. — Peppei s Quinine and Iron Tonio gives New Life Appetite, Health, Strength, and Energy,
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Marlborough Express, Volume XXIX, Issue 203, 18 August 1893, Page 2
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2,598The Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1893. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXIX, Issue 203, 18 August 1893, Page 2
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