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THE Wholesale Family Drcperr Warehaas«, TE ARO HOTTSB. "We have tuado ti-2 fc^towaxg «ttacgs>rstats i<3£ tlio v\iSili^S» a Daring the rematr^er o! ihe PRESENT MOXTH of Dccem\s€r, aa<l we feel confivt^nt joa Trill SA.VK iIOXSt by j^rs^^? tt**\ n*. tesdes a PBESEST ia accorcaaca xdth the ttetkrn^evl scale- Kv^y GiSH ca*fe«ft« xtitt ba ea^Wdt to §Ki*>v l ' ? ■ c v * v^ v from a large variety of Pincy Articles, imported expressly for tho CHBISTMAS SEISOX ftosa Jd^stxt £tti Loivloii» tti ,<vSns^u>j<j xrith the following scale : — Oa all purchases suncoalisg to 10/ A present to tha Talae c£ 1/ JOa all purchases &ia<KJßt:tt§ to TO?- A to ihfc t^W s>? T? Oa all purchases smoaniirg to 15/ A present to the value of 1/S |On all j.tttchase-s &%o»nUn§ to SO? A j>«s«h\s to tha v **> ■'* Oa all paichases smoonticg to 20/ A present to the T^ae of 2/ \Oa all porehascs ara«int«xg to B^/ A. pK§«* A to thfc v-.^ . ; Oa all purebsses amoontiug to 35/ A present to the value cf S/3 j Or all purchases aiaacnttns to :£3 A jM?s«itt to th 3 vaiwj of W Oa all purchases anKmntiag to 30/ A present io the vxlae ef: S/ On all purcl»s«s amcunticg to JKS A v vi to \^« xa^ 1^ On all purchases amocnting to 3S/ A prssant to the valse of S/3 Oa «ll jssreh*;?*? V«OGatu«g to X? A ps«s«\i ta t;ie vslt«; ot H? Oa ail purchases aooonttcg to 40/ A preseoi to tha valas of 4/ Oa a;l purchases atsoaatteg to £S A jares^t ta th* v*la& c 5 IS? Oa all cnrcbas&t emocnttag to 45/ A present to the Taloe of 4/3 On ail fUPiba«sa aasMrauag to £9 A £«*§«;* *-> thft y&Uk n ot W On all purchases amounting to 50/ A present to the value of 5/ !Oa all pawhases asioaatJas to £10 A £«s«xt to ths valas ot SO: Oa «U pnrcbases amoonting io 5-5/ A preseal to the valoe of 5/S Oa aR parebasss amoontin^ to £11 A xarsssat, fc> tlv& V4««ft 0? 23? On all parchases amoantiag to 60/ A present t> the value of 6/ Oa aU parchases ameantiag; to Xl 3 A j«»seat t> Ot* va;a» $t S-« On all porcbascs amounting to 65/ A present to the valae cl 6/6 sOa all p«?chfcs?s awtoauuxg to £IS A j-JN^ai to tiw* vakw oS S3^ And so ca ia proportion op to £50, j£loO, or any larger sana. At the tints of patches* each cnsfcsafr wUI teceivQ a 'riCKS t v^-Uh Use xoxet Tildes of the Gift stated on it, and this ticket may bs csdiaogfd »t ©e«es or at »«y tJsas daring ihe lasosth o? l>*eesx^t» fc* sneh article or crtie'es as may be selected. 1^ Thoss who would life wally Itftad3aa& pre^ais «a aeceKvpJteß this pwr»©^> V k'tos their tickets accaisalate till a safsdeat suax is reached. THE BXCBPHOSS to tho stove, sexk aw Kid (ijoit*^ MisKae^ sux* Dxer»3 mad° to order ; also Tai!, on which we cannot sllow say presents. The Wholesale Family Drapery Watchous^ TE ARO HOUSE, WELLINGTON,

NATI 6 N A L FIRE AND INSURANG& . CdMPY, OP KEW ZEAljAm** :- . T7IKS Insurance ca •ww'jSfes* 'X? crip'jou of Bujl<lu\gs, Goods* Mills and Maehin&ry e^jttd &i Lowest Current Rates, \ Marine Insurance on Hulls cf ; Ships, for thae or voyngo, Freight Goods, Wool on transit, aH for shipment Homo. Claims payable at any pore m tha Colonies. W. E. CLOUSTON & CO., Acfrtits. EMPIRE TEA COMPANY'S SUPERIOR BLENDED TEAS. STANDARD FIRE AND MMiINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF N. 2., Nelson Bsaxck. EIRE, Marine, and. Guaranto Policies issued at current .r-.tes, Prompt and liberal settle ment of claims. Large aud in* iVjential colonial proprietary. 11. D. KOS WORTHY, \. ■ Sub-agent. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. f IFE Assurance on lha Matual princi I J pie. The cdjj Colonial IMe Offiaa divides Frofits ansaally. The oldest, IstgcEt, and izsost saac-essEul, m thy Australian Colcniea , FOHn M HUTCtIESON Agent NEW ZEALAND v FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. TEE PRIMIEB CpiiOKiSL COMPASX _ Capital . .7^ "LUOOO,OOO i'EIS being a Lqcax. IsstiXuljos, Coo aiets h&vesa iclcregs m prefet?ia^it . to an Ekgijbii oyric2, as its fcadd are not withdrawn from but axe invested m the Cclony. JOHJI M. HUTCHKSON, Agent, Blenheim. SOB-ASEHT3 QitBRNSDCt &Co .. %% Pictcn Bibd & HiiiKiN .. .. Becwicfe '■ S. 0, DRAPER, BRICKLAYER, PLASTERER &0., ; MAIN-STREET, BLENHEIM. ALL KINDS of Brick and Cement -vvork done m a Workmanlike manner, at REASONABLE PRICES, Pole Pkofbietos of the REDWOODTOWN BRICK YARDS, N.B. -• Orders may be left with Mr E. Bylkell, Maxwell Eoad, cr Mr W. Gosling, Main-street EMPIRE TEA; COMPANY. W. & G. TURNBULL AND CO., WELLINGTON, PROPRIETORS GBATEFUL -COMFOiiTING. EPPS'B~COCOA. ) BREAKFAST. ' "13 V a thorough kaowlsclgc cf tlio _L 3 natural laws which govern iho operations of digestion, end nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro- * perties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epj:s has • provided out breasif»st tables with a , delicately flavoured beverage whicli may ervo U3 so many doctor's bills. liis^bythe judicioas nse of snch articles of diGt- that a : constitution may bs gradually built up until . strong enough to resist, every tendency toi . ■ disease. Hundreds of subtle ■ maladies are ; floating around us ready to attack v;hercver thsre is a vreak point. We may escape! many a fatal ehaft by keer-ir.g ourselves , fortified with pure blood ami a propertynourished frame."— See article m the Civil Service Gazette. ' r V Made simply wiih boiiing water or milk '"';' ""'■'" • Sold m J-lb packets by Grocersj labelled thus: — JAMES EPPS & DO. HOM(EQPATHIG CHEMISSS lioivion, England* . : /;: : -A

PEOFESSOS STOWELIi'S RHEUSUTIG EXTEEMINATOfi FOB Rheumatism, Hhenm^tic GobS, Lambaco, TJ»cerAted S«;res, Cuta, Bruises, Basns, Spraioa, Chilbkia?, etc. I only puWissh one out c£ a number o! Tcetimonials I bavo received, and I do so becauao Mr Smi'h ia so wellknown that any one can ask him und see for themselves aa to th<* lr«tU of hia statements. In most cwts, Testimonials are shown of persona of whom nothing is known. Blesheim, February 27, 1590. 1 have much pleasure m informing you that . after using your Ointment fo ra short time it has complotely cured me from rheumatic gout, after a period of ton years' suffering, some times having to use crutches. I first purchased your Ointment on the 30th July, 1889, when I first aaw your hdvertisament. I can strongly recommend it to anyone suffering fnm similar complaints. John Smith. CHAS. TNMAN t WHOLESALE MANUFACTURE!*. THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN REMEDY COLEMAN'S EUCALYPTE EXTRACT IS GUARANTEED to contain 97 per cent Eucalyptol. Used with great success for Sprains, Gout, Rheumatism Fever, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Influenza Diphtheria, ate. IS" We hold more bona fide Testimonials for the Cure of these complaints than any medicine m the world. COLEMAN'S VICTORY EUCALYPTE OINTMENT has no rival for its rapid Healing virtues — Used for Old Sores, Files, Soro Eyes, Skin Diseases, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, etc. EUCALYPTE LOZENGES are wonder fully beneficial- in Cure of Coughs and Sore Throats. Elenheim Agsnt3:--H. L. JACKSON, Chemist, and W. COOK, Groceb, Highstreet. Wholesale Agent for New Zealand : — W. J. ALEXANDER, 142 Cashelstreet, Chrietchurch. H. G. DAIKEE, BRICKLAYER, PLASTERER, & GENERAL CONTRACTOR, GaovE Roil), Blenheim. T^VEPvY Convenience for cany Pi ing on work, either m town or country, A large Stock of Bricks, LimeCement, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay. l Plaster of Paris and Drain Piped of all sizes always on hand a reasonable prices. <*|^K^ . OKAItAMIO |^K|p saw-mill KENNINGTON & CO. [having taken over the above Mill, are prepared to supply Sawn and Dressed Timber at Lowest Market Bates. K. & Co. have also taken over the Timber Yard m Alfred-street, Blenheim, from C. B. Jarvis. The business will be parried on as usual under the Superintendence of James North July 16tb> 1889. <" PUBLIC NOTICE MESSRS Woolley & Pabkk of Para, beg to inform tht Public that they are prepared to supply good dry Firewood, m any length, at most reasonable rates. All orders promptly attended to. WOOLEY & PARKE&, Para. F. W. ADAMS, WYNEN-STREET. LUMBER GAS-FITTER, AND BELL HANGER. ZINC, AND GALVANIZED XROS , WORKER. PUMPS Fixed and Her aired Gas and Water Laid on. Copper Boilers and FramoH Made toOrto f ■■ ' * ■ .

SIDNEY WALTON, GEU AL CARTE Bbnvtick. on hand and fob sale— Posts and Kails Straining Posts Dry Firewood a'ways m stock Sawn Timber supp'isd to order Oaten Chaff KOTICE. TO FABMESB AHD FBUIT-GROWERS FOB S&LB. CHARLES BED WOOD'S PATENT KOK-VOISOXOUS Oliqut Specific. fjiHH ONLY BEMEDY yet discovers* 1 that will effectually ours Soaly and other Blights ih&t infest gardena &n-3 orchards, without injurini? tha trea m the slightest degree. Tbe Specific shoald be applied to Apples Pears, I'lnms, Currants, Quick Hedges, and all trees having CodJin Mcth, Sca;y cr American Blight, dnjing the winter months— (from May Ist to Sept. 15tb). Tbe Patent Spedfio ia a thoroagh enre for the Leech that hUsana Pears. Finm« : yberries, aad Quick He:!ges m the month of January, During the last yesr the manufacturer haa made aamerots* csperimpnta with tbe Codlin Molh. snd his obtained moot satisfactory retnits. The maggot which is secreted m crcvicea of tho bark dating the winter season, is mainly destroyed by tbe win:er dressing, but it vriJl be found ncceaear^fty epray Ihe yotiDg froit early m November, this being the time tbat the Moth deposits its ova. By so doing tha crop of fruit will ba secured For this dressing, mix came aa for Leech In p!aoir,g beojre tbe pnblict this moet valnable prefaratiau for the destruction ot the various blights that infest gatdtce, be coanuiaoißrer and patentees begs to elate that he haa been a practical froit grower for twenty five years m New Zeaand, and is therefoie intimately so qoaiiited wilh the various pceta tbat make horticaliaral pursuit bo unsatisfactory, having tried nearly all the remedies eitant with very poor resnlts, antil discovering m July 1335 tha Patent Specific, and having for the last three years made numerous experiments with complete euceees, The Specific is cheap and ea?y of a9?>3!&fion. The l&rgcet of !>ait treet can be thorcttghly dreesed t»» a cost of one shilling each, including labonr. DIBECTIOSS FOB USE. WiNTBQ DasßSisa.— To ona Gallon of the t'peciflo add Ten Galloas of Clear Water. While mixing, run tlse Specific through a Qoe strainer, so that the syringe may not choke while using. (By attend ing to thia, all delay will be obviated. Spray the tree nntil every part i« thot oughJy eaturaed. Io a few da\s all Might will be found quite dead. Winter months best lime to apply, from May let to Soptember 15tb. Fob Chkbrisb, Plums, Psabb Qcick Heloss, oa Asx Trkb attacked bt ihb 1 ERon.--M:i One Gallon of tbe Spcoifio with Twenty-five Gallons of Clear Water Spray as above. Oue dressing will gener ally snffice for the season. A hydrojnl will be fonnJ more expeditions than an ordinary garden syringe. Two^ays before planting spring crops, the ground should be well spnyed with the Specific. By co tfoicg, all slugs and other pests will b 9 destroyed. For this, mix Ono Gallon of the Specific with Twenty-five Gallons of water In dressing for American Blights, great care should be taken to break the white coolly covering, it being quite impervious to water, but under which lies he nacot. ihe efl-.ct when the above is atenned to will be fonnd magical. IS- SHAKE THE DBOM BEFORE USiNtf. piles. From one to ten gallons three shillingE and sixpence per gallon. Considerable red notion will be made m larger quantities. Fall directions for aae will ba attached to eaoh parcel. Orders sent to the aadersigoed will be promptly attended to. TEBMS CASE. OHABLES BSDWOOD, Rivomnda, Murlborongb. JuneStd, ISB9. Onamalutu Saw Mill, THE abewe Mill is now erected oa ] land selected by A P. Seytcour, M.H.8., and sU orders 'will receive the beat attention of tho Proprietor, who desires to give satisfaction m Price and Quality, &v ? thus retain old cußtomera and supply new ones. Timber dressed to order and supplied to any part of the District. Orders may be left with Mr J Q. Botham, Tua Marina. Address :— C. WHITES, 290 Onamalutn m Hcuwiofe

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Bibliographic details

Marlborough Express, Volume XXVII, Issue 1, 2 January 1891, Page 1

Word Count

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Marlborough Express, Volume XXVII, Issue 1, 2 January 1891, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Marlborough Express, Volume XXVII, Issue 1, 2 January 1891, Page 1


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