BLENHEIM TO NELSON, OVERLAND. Via Havelock, Pelorus, and Rai Valley. Through m One Day. COACH leave Blenhoija every WEDNESDAY Morning at G o'clock, arriving at Nelson same evening, leave Nelson FRIDAY Morning at 6 o'clock, arriving at Blenheim same (lay. Having made the necessary arrangements for changing Horses and accommodating Passengers, we have commoncei to run our Coach through to Nelffou m one day. Tbo line offers special facilitea to Tourists and Cemraercial Travellers, or anyone wishing to spend a day or two m Havelock or the Sounds and Sunoundiog Districts. As a perusal of the time table of Mail Co«ch tv Havelork will ahow through Paasenger may avail themsalvea of that lino. First class Accommodation on the road. ■-. All commissions entrusted to us will be sbrictiy attended to. Parcels carried at reasonable rates. Passengers requested to book early, Booking Office, Ciiterion Stable 3. CLARK AND PICKERING, 20 Proprietors. W. E. Simmonds, ; FAMILY BUTCHER, MARKET STREET, BL ENHEIM WE, S. takes this opportunity . of Thanking the Public for their liberal support and hopes by sailing none but the Primest Meat to still receive their patronage. N.B I have this 18bn day of j January, 1887, placed my accounts : m the hands of Messrs Green and f Nosworthy for collection, trusting 3 all persona indebted to me will settle their accounts to save further trouble. / 91 W. E SIMMONDS.
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Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1887, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1887, Page 3
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