The £300 is 1881.— We are m a position to state that the £300 voted m 1881 as " Subsidies m aid of the erection of volunteer drill sheds," claimed by' Mr Seymour ad being m reality a vote for Blenheim, was actually expended m repairing the Wellington Drill Shed, after the end of that structure on the reclaimed . land was blown m by a gale of wind.
Havelock Board ov Works. — A meeting of this Board was held on Monday last. Present . Messrs Smith (Chairman), Scott, and Nesbit, The minutes of the previousjmeeting wero|read and confirmed. A letter was read from the Mannger of the Bank of New Zealand, and an account of Ll3 13s was passed for drainage pipes. The Board adjourned till Monday, Aug.
Brotherly Love.— Mr DoSson and Mr Seymour accidentally met yesterday at the banks of the Awatere, which was too flooded for them to oross. The one was on his way to' Flaxboume and the other to Richmond Brook. ' There was no help for it, so they had to return to town together, first of all dißoussing a friendly dinner at the Awatere Accommodation House. This morning both gentlemen started again, m the hope that the river might have subsided, and Mr Dodson gave Mr Seymour a friendly lift m his trap. The unwonted spectaole caused mswy peopla m Blenheim to open v =their eyes with astomßhment,;'thoußh, after all, it was but a ease of the political lion and lamb sitting down together. If wp jire asked which is the lion and which ia~the lamb, we postpone answering the conundrum till after the £100 bat is settled. The exact nature of the animal will be known then. ■
MAKtrFACTORitfG NEW3.rr;Und,er the heading ' ' Wairau nomination. A Btrange Boene," the-Nelsoa-Mail publishe6-<v- telegram from its own correspondent at Blenheim giving a highly cploredraccount of Wednesday's' proceedings' in the Court House.- The veracious corrißpondent winds up by fsaying that " the meeting broke up with cheers upon cheora for Ward, who is at present the popular candidate, and stands an excellent chance of success." r ' What offence have the good people of Nelson committed that such misleading Btuff aa this should bo telegraphed for their benefit ?
The. Affiliation Case. — Oar mild remarks upon the hot very creditable incidents which have at present marked the legal progress of the affiliation case, have drawn down upon us from our con- ; temporary the aocusation <( that the subject is sought to be made a political one of byn certain party." We know nothing of this idea, and repudiate it altogether. It was a journalistic duty, m a case whore the fountain of justico dona not run .so clearly as it ought to do, and whore i thpro ia grave suspicion that the poor man | and the rich man arc not being troatod •; equally [before tho law, to refer to. the sub- ! jocfc m the way we did, but the connection i between the affiliation 'case and Blonheiui I politics exiata only m our contemporary's :! diseased imagination. Tha paragraph .m the Time.i/ to which we are referring, is but one of a scoro which have appeared lately, ascribing to this paper and its polilioal friends low and dishonorable I motives. : We have hitherto ■ taken no notice of suah paragraphs. Bomonafcrano« v jqr argunpont is thrown' away upon the iwriter or writers.to whom wo cau but, 'apply the words of Coriolanus-" Measure-' [less liar, thou hast made my heart too igrea 1 ! for what contains it." . Tho Btyle jwhich\.has pervaded our contemporary's columns lately is indood that " common |cry of curs," which Shakespeare so con(tomptuously rofora to m another passage.
; : Lite Rita 'and Debating Sooieti. — The woekly soision of the Literary and Debating Society will bo held to-night at the Institute. The subject for debate frill bo " .Free Trade v. Protection for jooa 1 industries." Mr H. Brewer (Sydenham) advocates the latter, and Mr T, Watson (Pioton) the former. A useful, and tastruotivo debate may be anticipated. '• ' ;
j Boßor/pu .Cotmotr, The adjourned tneotirig of the Borongh Council takek pla jo to-night, for the purpose of opening tenders for several works, and' dealing pth oth,er Important business.
Tjie Weather.— Captain Edwin <° !j---graphed at l - 46 p.m. ns follows :— " iixpect bad weather between west and south and south-east. Glass further rise, and M-eathur very cold."
Mi: Ward axd the Sailors.— Mr Wsr-:l'« low-comedy speech at Marlimoii^liMwu lastnii'ht positively bristled with jokes that would not have disgraced (ho joanlj of a minor theatre. Witness, ior iusiauec, his alhuion to Mr Dodson as "olio oyoil a.ii.l squinting," and his excruciatingly iuuuy allusion to the " Old •Jucou But.' Mr Ward was m his happi<!st vein last night, and the entertainment ■vij ically so good that there should hnve been ;. charge f>; admission, the urocccd3 ■» go So .vatds Ml- Suymonr's £.")D. Mr Wsii'da upai-kliu^ little gem al nut the scmion's franchise ought not to blush unsuonand waito its sweetness m Marlooroughtowu. Askud if he was m favor Oi. giviag iha fiiichise.to .lai'ors, he replied that no saw no objection ta it— i« fiet he was surprised w Bid ft»t sailors uad not urtady tue right to rote. Uufc this is w;wre Mr Ward, who is i-eally .t sad wa» goo n.a httle joka in— of course they must comply with the sic nwnlhs' residence ! In other words, the s-.-lor may vo. 19,l 9, but ho muat not t;o to usa. lit must always be a- dry land jack tar, or Mr Ward wouldn't give him the franchise. What a generous concession ! But to seiiously discuss Mr Ward's reply would be absurd— it wa& only "Fanny's pretty way," and the Spring Creek people heartily laughod at it accordingly.
■ Frozen Meat.— Mr John Holmes has received a telegram from Meaars Leyin and Co., of Wellington, stating that the : Jocelyn arrived m London with her meat m good older. Mr Holmes' informs vi also, that the Gear , Company, has determined, owing to the present low rate at which tallow is ruling m the Home ; market, to send no more consignments by steamers. They have, therefore, determined to ship 300 casks to London by the ship ' Lyttleton, -and 100 casks are already alongside the vessel,
MBiSDßELßSs .. Menpacity.— If there ; be au^ descendaats of Auauias and :Sapphira m the colony (*nd we do not think there are) they must blush for our contemporary. Hia position is certainly an unenviable one. Having "no case" the' standing order is "abase the other iside," The Times says, "It has been ,said that some persons Held up both ■• hands for him (Mr Ward), but this we are m a' position to deny,- Ac, &c." It was Mr John Sheehan, we think, who ionce made a quotation about a " measnreMess liar." Mr Sheehan's diaguosis would, !wo are BOrry to say, fail to do justice to tho .individual who penned our contemporary's paragraph. We have m our ! possession the names of nine of Mr Ward's /supporters who held up both hinds,for i that gentleman, as can be proved by a ! dozen wituesses, and what- makes the i matter infinitely worse several of them 'wore not. voters.! The show of- hands i was largely m favor of Mr Dodson, but [as the. 22nd will disclose a Btill more ■ satisfactory result, Mr -Dodson'sr sup- ' porters can afford to smile at our contemporary's, angry untrutbfulness. We extend onr cordial .. sympathy to Mr ; Ward, ; who has. reason to exolaim from i the, bottom of his heart " Savo mo from i ray friends."
Mr Beerb's Views.— Mr Villiera de | Beere exhibits his New Zealand views (io-night at theSchoolhonso, Tua Marina, i&nd on Monday . night m the Blenheim Bnrongh'Sdbpolff. On the latter occasion ! the entertainment 'will bo under the patronage of Mr Henry Dodsoa, wiio I will m all probability take the chair,'
B\Tmtti&.—Mt 'Edwin George Pley Lawson, labonrer, Kaikoura, has become a . bankrupt. /Mi S. P. ' McNab is. Hie debtor's solicitor.
J; Hobriblb Charge.— Thomas Elsmore, • the^well known bt ; nd organ-grinder, waa ii arrested by the poPcq this morning under ' a warrant from Nelson upon the charge of ji having, on the 24th March last, at" the ; Provincial .Hotel, cornmitted-a rape upon jhis owhjdaughter, Annie Elamore; a~rihild |of 10 years and 2 months. He was j brought Hp this' afternoon "'before* MriTurri'. Ibnll, ;R.M., and ■ remandjad -to. Nelson. ; The blind^man,; who ( ia, a. .very, iamiliar •persbnagejn Blenheim streeta, denies' the j charge. If; appears that he 3 haßb'ee'n re-' jcently taking: sateps to have hi^'dhtld ro-; ! movediff om the Provincial Hotel, hiving j heard; that thatestablishm.ent bsra^a badi ' reputation, and £c says that if;'was ; 'in j consequence of h'ia 'aotionthat thig dhafgeihas beetf -brought again«t-him. . The^ial'i I leg&j; offence jtojolrplace; nearly^ jmontha: ago, .when ,the Provincial . Hotel was, .keptr, ' byVa'persbn with^hom'tUe ch'ildlbad been' •left for board and 1 lod'girig,'' 'and' !^ho"na'g l jsiaaelbst I liiali6ense.'''''J i; ' : ■<<.> oiL'.i;--
• Waibau Rivers Boi'SD.-^TBeiSiOntlily. meeting -6f this Bdaici todk'tilacs last night. Ptesenir-^ Measra .'lOli IBedwood (os^jrman),vG.'.Davi?B).-B.rVir f ,Parker, and ;0. Eyles. The m'iiintea of the previoaa meeting were read and confirmed. Letter reoeived from Mr A. W. Jaokson, oomplaini^giqf v ejior9aphm6nt r o( : 3thewerpn his property. Oh the motion' "of Mr Parker, seconded ;by . ( Mf; Davies, . it was respiVect that tha Ingjjeot6r visit; ihe sppt ( complained of By Mr Jackson, and report on the same to .tt^e- next .meeting, .'and if the ,work. requires"' immeSato attention the Seor'et^ry , was, iastr acted to,. call, a apdoial meeting 1 to deal with the matter. The Inspector was authorised to oompleto the b^nk,-, through ■ Mr , ; Ejayies' ■ pro. party, an(J..,|that ,l^e .nrocare, Y ra ? a seed to ' "'lSrew' over the same, It was reaolVedJthat notification of the lary'of a rate 'simitar to last' year be advertised, .apd^tha^ the rate be levied at the next' meeting. >' ThV^ollowing, .acsp.ants were passed for payment : D. Jones 'LI, A. Luez 7s, G. Bary (refand) L 7 14s, G. Bary L 7 14s, C. Pnrkias jLIO 2s sd, H. Rono.wicZrLlQ, H. ,Ronowie^ L 74 6s 6d, and ; Penney and Herman '2a 6d. The Board then ndjourncd;r ■ j/J.
LoNDop.i House. -R. H. Smalo bogs t'i announce'to his numerous customers that ho has taken ' into partnership Mb Uatnes Hay, late ot To Aro House, Wellington, arid for tho future the business will bo carried on m tho name of Smale and Hay. In ordor to clear the balance of our winter stock ;woshaU offer tho Bame at such prices as will.flocare a ready sale. The sale will commence on Thursday, the 3rd July, when a list of prices will bo issued. Ageogs for Singer's Sewing Machines. — Smalb akd Hay,. London jiouao, July 1, I!BS4MAuVT.) ; - : : •■■'■•■■ .' ." ' •'•
. Hol ii o wa. t's ( P ii!• s. — The sadden 'changes, frequent fogs, and pervading dampn<fsV"sdroly impede "th(Tvital liune'tions . and ..>. conduce . to .Jllbealth. -The reaiedy -for these '(Hsasters lies in' B'ome {purifying medioinp; like theseiPills, which iis competent to.grapplo with tho mischief ! at its source'; 'and' stamp it but withou ifrdttingttia tierves ot wakening- the gyat ,toii}... flolloway's PiUa extracfi ffamthe .ibl'opd all nosiona matters, regulate tho ■ 'cotton, of ovory disordered organ, atirau^ )ato tho liver and kidrieya, and.rel&y tho 'boivela. ' In do ring' chest 'cbmpUinta 'theao Pilla.aro; remarkably., oCfeotive, especially whon.aidod by friqtiori of thq Ointment on its walla.; ,Thia..doublß treatwent will ensure »' 'certain;' Bteady, and beneficoht progroiiJ, and' s6und : hoalth jwill aooii be re-establi9hed. ; : I ..SK[SNV..MKff.-t.!'-WolU' "Health UeJ newer restores health and ' rigor, curcß Dyapepaiii, Impotoneo, Debility. N.Z. Drag Company Genoral Agents, j A Laby's Wisu.— " Oh, how Ido wish piy skin was as clear and soft as yours," jaid a lady to a friend. '.' You can easily make it "bo,"' anawered J tho "friend. I' How j" inquired tho first lady. "By using Hop Bitters, that makes pureity of blood and blooming health. It did for (no, aa you observe." .;T{ead. t ■!■>■ l' :
Cash VkrsdsCrkdit.— T. Smale, hay. ing purchased a qnantity of Clothing, Drapery, Boys' Suits, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Ladies Costumes, Corsets, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, at greatly reduced prices, will offor the same for cash, at prices which will defy competition. Open on Friday, June 27th. Next tho Masonic Hotel.— (Advi.)
Wanted.— LI.OOO within 30 days. In consequence of our town being overran with adventurers, who come here trying to gull the public of Marlborough with (iheir cheap sales and suchlike nonsense, wo are now determined to put a atop to iihis, m this way, namely, leaving thorn no business to do, as we intend to realise this amount m. 30 day*, and to do ao, we will offer the wholo of our new stock at cost price (for cash only), and we may also state that our is not a stock twenty years old, and brought here to find a. resting place, but the whole of our stook is new, just from the manufacturers, such as is not to be found m any other house m the Province. So we intend to start this great clearing sale on Saturday, next, for 30 days only, so come early aad secure the best value for money. R»nkin and Ackroyd, Marlborough House,' Mar-ket-street i.orth. — Advt, :
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Marlborough Express, Volume XX, Issue 166, 18 July 1884, Page 2
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2,172LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XX, Issue 166, 18 July 1884, Page 2
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