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Kbtursbd-to nis Fujck.— Tho Roy. ; Katner Foiey returned borne from j '.Velliuiton this moraine. Mass will be J celebrated as ou Sunday at half l>ait seven and eleven o'clock, with vopors at half past, ail iv the eveuing. Important Decision.— VVe learn by telegram from oui Havelock correrpondent, tbat m the Supreme Court case of Brownlee v. Dous'in, a decree has been given m fairor of Brownlee. Bankruptcy— Mr William Dorrcen of Havelock, hotelkeeper, has Bled a petition m Nelson District Court adjudicate a bankrupt. The petition was filed ou Tuesday last. | ■ The Next Show.— Miss Georgie Smithso a has altered her date of appearing at Ewarfc's Hall. She plays on Wednesday night next atPictoa, and on the following Thursday, Friday, and Saturday m Blenheim. • ■ . Which is it ?— One of thb candidates for tho masterships at thq Blenheim Suhimls sent m a ttsticibnial from the Rev David Bruoe, of Auckland. The letter did uot abate whether Mr Bruce lUd the reooimnuudatory business m his capacity as a Presbyterian minister, or as part proprietor of a notorious " society paper" called tho Auckland Observer. The value of the testimonial would depend very much upon this myatory being | cleared up. Literary and Dbbatmb SooiETr.— The first meeting of the Blenhoim Literary and Debating Society will be held to-night at the Institue, at 8 o'clook. The inaugural address will be delivered by the Preoident, Mr George Henderson, and will doubtless be of an interesting and instructive charaoter. The address will be followed by a number of readings ! and recitations contributed by members of the looitty. Th« meeting will be an open one, land we hope to see a large attendance, not only of members,' but of th«ir lady and gentleman friends also. There will be a oommittee meeting at 7,30, at which a fall attendance is desirable, Absolutely tub Finish.— Adopting the axiom, to a certain degree, that the last shall be first, we supplement ou? exhaustive report of tha Exhibition by mentioning a tew items whioh were unavoidably passed ov«r. We particularly ragret that wa did not give Mrs Meuce a place of honor, for if ever a lady she did. Her exhibits included a table oloth beautifully worked m chenille and crewel, two piano oovers m o'ewel, a cushion with raised wool work, .and some of the beat cotton croobet work m the whole Exhibition. For the first and last items Mrs Menoe oarried off prizes. Nor ought we to omit the name of Master Thomas Davies, the little son of our esteemed fellow oitizen Mr Thomas Davies of the Benwiok Middle Road, whose ingenious Carell constructed cardboard engine was muoh admired and took a prize of 10s. It was th« only pieoe of maohinery m the Hall, and deserves mention, if only on that account. The prize money will, at any rate, cover the supply of Picton Coal which we noticed to be stowed away m the minature tender. In conclusion it U fair to Mr ' John Taylor to say that he had m . the Hallan older book than the one we j mentioned. . The earliest, date m hi« 001--,/leotion was 1647, truly a very respeotable antiquity. A GitAOBPUii Aot.— We hear that some recognition of Mr Billman's services is talked about. During the time he has been temporarily engaged m Blenheim upon the Criterion Hotel contraot he has acted as conductor of the Wesleyan ohoir, and has proved a decided acquisition to the musioal worlS, Under his leadership the ohoir has made greit strides, and is now m a most efficient state, and the public at large have had several opportunities, m concerts, of appreoiating Mr Billman'a services. We understand that he will be leaving for Wellington m a few waeks, and before he goes it is probable that a farewell obnoert will be given. Bachelors' Ball. — We understand that the private invitation Bachelors' Ball ia to come off on Tuesday next at Ewart's Hall, and not, as was the c»so when last held, m the Supreme Court House.' The dignified and proper refusal of the Hon. Mr Rolleston to use the Gorernment Buildings for his meeting the other day has probably taught the Blenheim "Hupper Suckloa" a wholesome lesson. If a Minister of the Crown declined to use the Court Hoase for an address which he was invited to deliver by men of all parties, it would surely hare been a disgraceful and unwarrantable abuse of public property to use it for a Ball to whiob none but an insignificant few could possibly be invited. Thb End op the Exhibition.— The 1881 Art and Industrial Exhibition is at an end, and leaves none but. pleasant memories behind tt. It was Intended to auction some of the goods at ten o'clock this morning, and Mr 0. J. W. Griffiths, who had given his services to the society, duly attended to wield the hammer. Bat there were no buyers, and nobody seemed to tike any interest m the sale, whioh "lapsed for want of a quorum." The sensible ' thing would have been to have had the auction last night, and the more sensible thing still would hare been to have continued the exhibition for a third night, which would certainly have far more than paid expenses, and to have held the sale at the final wind-up. Sir g. Grbi'sßill.— lt is known (says the New Zealand Herald) that Sir George Grey will at the next session of Parliament again introduce bis bill to facilitate the admission of persons to practise the law {upon passing an examination of a character which will show that their knowledge of law is complete, without, their being subjeoted to any examination m what is called general knowledge. Wellington Blow.— The New Zealand Times, blowing about the Wellington footballers, says that if the team only play well together, New Zealand need hare no fear of the result, even though the team be not perfect. If Messrs Wood and Cooper were m it instead of. two of the other men, with a little practice they would hold thoir own against Richmond, BUokheath, the Universities, and other crack English teams. Does any sane man, woman, or ohild m Wellington believe this rubbish ? Trouble Bbbwino.— A paragraph is going the round of the Press to the'effeot that Mr Ruaden is not the only individual who is likely to have to defend a libal action at the instance of the Native Minister. Rumor has it that one of the ohampion sham-Liberali,[resident m Wanganui, will, perforce, find ' himself m the same ugly boat as Mr Rusden. The gentleman thus diaoourteonsly alluded to is either Mr Ballance or Col. McDonnell, and we have good reasons for knowing that there is not a word of truth m the rumor, Skinny Mew.— " Wells' "Health ße newer " roatores health and vigor, cure a Dyspepsia, Impotence, Debility. N.Z, Drag Company Gonoral Agents. '

Sale or Fakm Stock.— Cousiderablu interest will be felt all over the district at the salo of farm stock and implements which will tike plafia at Mr S. Macilisier's,' Olyth Farm, Middle Renwick Road, tomorrow. Purkisa and Nosworthy are the auctioneers, and will start operations at nne_ o'clock. Pull details of the lots will be found m the advertisement, but attention should be specially given to the fact that Mr Macalister's celebrated flock of Romney Marsh stud sheep are to be sold with the rest. Luncheon will be provided at noon, : as it is intended to wield tho hammer and start the flow of auctioneering eloquenco precisely at one o'clock. Upset.— Yesterday an express belonging to Mr Scott, the baker and oonfectioner, as it was being driven to the factory came to grief at Priddle's corner, m High-streeti It is supposed that the horse struck the kerb, and becoming startled, bolted round the corner, the result being that the express was overturned into a ditch. A boy named Firth was driving it, but he escaped with Blight injury to one of his hands. The trap was somewhat damaged. News from afau. -*-T_he Blenheim friends of Mr ¥; H. Pickering will be interested to know that he made 1113 first appearance last week before a Christohurch audience at the Choral Society's concert. Tho Press says that he sang " Time! Boys," and has a good taw V6WO, Footbaha — Thfi following 'players will prqbaWy represent the combined team of Telegraphists and Liw Olerka at the match to bo played to-morrow :— Blakely,' Bajrd, Oanavan, Kivell, Falvey, Hanna, Henderson, Mclver, K. B. Molver, R. D. Millington, MoCallum (2), O'Laary, Fearn and Tucker. Mr W. Hutoheson will act umpire. Play wilt commence at 3.15 p.m. sharp. Considering that this will be the first tnatoh of the season arid that nearly all the players mentioned above and those mentioned m our last evening's issue as the representatives of the Town are first class players, an interesting and enjoyable game may reasonably be expeoted. Quadrille Assembly.— The Blenheim 'Quadrille 1 Assembly^ whditt datioes were bo popular laet wiuter, will be carried on ! again this season. About fifteen gontlo- ; men met last evening, -and- appointed a committee to oarry out arrangements. ' Wakamariha.— Oar Havelock correspondent writes that Messrs Ahorne and party hare been washing at the Goi .Ahead. Claim foe two- or three days. Yesterdaj the test gave l2dwts to the dish, and one dish washed on Wednesday,' taken at a rough guess, yielded at least ,19dwta. The stuff was takea from the face. The first two. paddocks proved to be worked ground, but the present paddeck is maiden ground, and promises to ba very rich. .•• ■ --'.-■ . " ■ A Wonderpol ISprinq.— Mr Samuel Green, of Gibson Town, writes- to. ns to any that he was the old settler who discovered the spring m the neighbourhood of Havolock, tho water of which cured a Swelling and fostering m his eyes and nose, the result of a Bevero cold. After undergoing continual suffering and medical treatment for four years he bathed his eyes m the spring. At first he experienced a prickling Bensation, but with three weeks bathing tho swelling disappeared, flammation. Mr Green gives also the leaving the sight unimpaired and no incases of Mr Twidle and Mrßoderas having experienced marvellous cure 3 by the same means. Mr Samuel Green justly claims credit m barim; discovered this tnedioinaljspring, which we believe issues from the sido of the hill, m the usual way, close |to the road, and on Government land. The matter deserves to obtain more publscity than it has yet obtained, and we would suggest that the water should be analyzed, and steps should be taken to preserve the spritigjfor tho public use. Taking it out.— Oboe upon a time there was a painter with a Jewish name whp was employed m beautifying the interior of a lamoua hotel m Blenheim, and who found it necessary to run into debt with every tradesman who was generous enough to trust him. But all things come to an end, and the painter's credit :and his work stopped about the same time. So he took unto himself wings — not exactly like a dove— and flew away to peaoefnl Picton. But ere he departed the news became noised abroad, and a' Market Street butcher braced up courage, and by sundry horrible threats bounced L 3 out of the painter on account of his little bill. And then he went to. Pioroo, and after him, as a fast as a New Zealand train could oarry them, went a couple of bakers and a number of other victimized tradespeople 1 . There was a striking tableau on the Pioton wharf last Monday when all the parties m this little drama met. The debtor was anxious to get away to Nelson, and his oreditors were equally anxious to detain him. Blandishmenta and threats were&lik* unavailing, and none of the tradesmen had armed himself with " a bit of blue paper." The painter flatly declined to dub up, so, determined to hare a little satisfaction, one of the bakers, a portly gentleman of Scott-kh descent, landed the defaulter » beautiful tap on his peepers, completely shutting out daylight from one of them; and drawing the olaret m., the fashion dear to Bell's Life. And then the Sergeant of police came up as a peacemaker, the punter was hurried on board the .steamer, and the tradesmen returned to Blenheim rowing to" give no more oredit, but secretly knowing that they would be' obliged to do so or shnt : up shop within 48 hours. To what fresh fields snd pastures new the debtor has carried his blaok eye history cannot at present record, ' What The? Think Elsewhere. —We take from the Melbourne Leader the following paragraph, which gives a fair idea of the impression whloh the Sheep' Department produces m Victoria : — Telegrams' from New Zealand state that a mob of about 660 sheep for whioh a clean oertifioate had been obtained m Marlborongh, was driven, through to Nelson via Rai Valley j and on antering Nelson the sheep were also passed, and . thereupon they were driven to stookyards at- Richmond, ' where Mr E. Price, scab inspector, saw them, and he at once detented about 25 soabby sheep. The mob' had decreased during the journey about 60 of the sheep having been lost. At last two of the missing sheep were discovered at Wakapuaka, and it is reported three flooks m that district ara now infeoted. A considerable number of sheep owners In the Nelson distriot will lose their clean certificates m consequence. The oiroumstance has occasioned muoh indignation among stock owners, and affords another illustration of the advisabloncss of having no persons acting as sheep inspectors who oannot detect aoab where it jb present. Mcsio. — The following ate amongst the pieeea rendered at tho Exhibition by the Orchestral Baud, under tho leadership of Mr Trevithlck :— " The War March of the Priests," from Mondelssohns Athalie ; oporatio section " Bright and Buxom Laßses," from Flowtow's Martha ; Coote's "Encore," g«lop ; . " The Midshipmite" and "La Masootte," polkaa ; and "Thine alone," "The Southern Breeze," " Messenger of Love" and Blue Danube waltzes. The majority of this music was arranged for the orchestra by Mr Trevithick, and wad exceedingly well rendered, espaoially considering that | the band have only recently come together. The orchestra consisted of Messrs Trevithiok, Rabbitß, Salmon, Tuoker, Smith, Birch aud Robinson.

Gt.EAT Sale of Land. — Mr Honry Redwood has instructed Messrs Purkis's and Nosworthy to sell by auction, on Friday, the 23rd, his farm, divided into seven allotments of suitable size. Fall particulars appear m the advertisement-. j Nelson Baobs.— Nominations for the Hurdles and Park Stakes at the Nelson Queen's Birthday meeting close to-mor-row night. PoT-riso Their Fooi Do*k.— ln the Roefton School case the Nelson Education Board has unauimously resolved—" That the Board regret that the appointment made is not acceptable to the majority of the Committee, but the appointment being m accordance with tho provisions oE the Act, they see no renson to justify cancelling it." A general opinion was expressed at tho Board that the Committee would m tha end accept Mr Burnham aa a popular teacher. The Railway Tariff.— The following letter appears m Wednesday's Poat :— Sir, — I should like to be informed on what basis the following calculations, are made — if they are pboutiar to New Zealand, or exist only on the BlenheimPicton line : — A person m Blenheim consigns three tons of potatoes to two customers m Picton. The consignee, of the two tons only pays 13s 4d for Bis lot, whilst the owner of the one ton has to pay the excessire charge of 12s. — I am, &c., PtCxoN. „. Modth- watering. — ' We notice m the Otago papers an advertisement stating that a young lady, recenly arrived from Home an orphan, and worth L7OO, wishes to correspond with a young gentleman with a view. to matrimony. With that inevitable miituro of lucre add sentiment which generally distinguishes lovely woman the fair . advertiser wants the young gentleman's pllOto, and she would prefer he was m business. She doss not name what kind of business she would like to put the L7OO into, and the range is as open as from pitoh and toss to manslaughter. Considered as an investment, tha young person might be worth having. She if unfortunately not at all m Our line— L7oo is either too muoh or too little to gild a damsel of this sortbut we willingly give the matter free oiroulation, as the obanea ia one that someone m Blenheim might like to snap up. Proposed Meeting at Gibsontowk.— A meeting o! those interested m the swamp land iv tbe Kaituaa Valley is con* vened foe the 20th May, at 2p i m., by Mr Alfred Litchfleld. The meeting will be held at Mr S. Green's, Gibsontown, to consider the question of drainage. This extensive and valuable property is now lying waste, and ein only be successfully drained by all the parties concerned combining to carry out the works required. Meeting of Creditors.— The first meeting of the creditors of Mr A. J, & Ward, took plaoe^thig morning la the Snpreme Court House. Present: Messr« Borton, Purser, Earll, Boundy, Terry, Smale, Douglas Dobson, O'Neill, and Hegman. The Chair was taken by Mr R. D. Ndsworthy, Deputy Official Assignee.. The bankrupt himself was m attendance. Proofs of debt were handed m as follows :— J, H. Marple, baker, £6 ?» 4d ; Express, advertising, fff la 6d ; R. and H. Smale, drapery, £10 . 1b ; Douglas Dobson, survey work, £14 14s ; Edward Purse', groceries, £9 14s 4d ; Thomas Horton, goods supplied, £6 15s lOd ; Earll and McKenzie, goods, £4 11s 2d ; Purkisn and Noaworthy, judgment obtained m R.M. Court on a promissory note, £39 4s ; total, £99 5a 2d. The Chairman said that the bankrupt not having filed his schedule of assets and liabilities within the time specified by the Aot — viz., within three days after the date of filing his petition — the Act declared the bankrupt not to be proteoted, and'his bankruptcy was, therefore, null and void. The Deputy Official Assignee' therefore declared the meeting to have lapsed, and the proceedings terminated. Presbyterian CnuRCH.r-We have reoeired a copy of the report of the Kirk Session and Committee of Management of Sfc Andrew's Presbyterian Church for tho year 1883. There are some features of interest m this report. At the end of 1882 there were 37 names on the Communion roll, a number increased to 60 at the end of 1883. Out of this increase of •23, it is significant to notice that only three were admitted for tho first time, the_ other 20 being transfers from congregations elsewhere. The session recognises with regret this fact, and adds that "ia these days of religious indifference it is doubly important that yonug people should bo led to an intelligent and steadfast decision for Christ, and to a public confession of the same," Although the communicants number but 60, there is sitting accommodation for 192 m the ohuroh, ezolueire of the ohoir and the open seats (which »re intended, we presume, for Msnsl visitors), and the report itates that the "number of applicants for sittings has been so great, that already there «re very fW sittings unlet." The Sabbath School has been oarried on with increased vigor. There are 14 teachers, 125 scholars, and Mr J. M. Hntcheson is Superintendent. The Average Sabbath collection wai £2 14a 5 Jd. On the general financial statement of St Andrew'iChuroh tor the year, there was a balanoo m the Treasurer's bands of £52 4s 11 J. The building fund showed « balance m band of £73 5s 7d, though there is a' mortgage of L 250. Tbe Sabbath Sohool fund, is also m the satisfactory position of having £19 Q« 34 to the good. At Renwlok. the Presbyterians have £28 14s lOd banked as the nucleus of a building fund, so that upon the whole our Presbyterian friends m this district seeem, m ecclesiastical matters, .to be flourishing like a green bay tree.- ' • . (1 Wells' " Rough on Corns."— Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." Quick relief, complete, permanent sure. Corns, warts, bunions. N.Z. Drag Company General Agents. . Important.— We are now showing our third shipment ot new seasons' goods consisting of all the latest novelties for this season ; early inspection invited. Rankin and Aokroyd, Hall of Commerce, Grove Road.— Advt., Thb inhabitants of Marlboiough are j respectfully.: invited to inspect It. H. I Ssiaiiz's new utook of winter drapery. All. j the latest fashions for the present season are to hand. Fur eapesin endlesi variety, ladies foar-in-haod and dolman ulsters, ohildrenB 1 ulsters m all tha new styles, ladies and ohildrena' hats m satin, velvet, plush, and sealskin. Ladies' two-button evening kid gloves Is 3d, black reive teens from Is 93- Ohildrenß velvet dresses. A liberal disoouat to «ssh purchasers. R. H. Sham, London House. Agent, for Singer'*' Sewing Machines.— Advt.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XX, Issue 107, 9 May 1884, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XX, Issue 107, 9 May 1884, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XX, Issue 107, 9 May 1884, Page 2


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