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At vesterday'ri meet i lie; of ilie Soulhl:ind iVniMV Vol ;1 ihe lender ol' T. Middleniiss,' jim., lor JJ'Jt}", |,.r gravelling Kee'.- Road (W.-ndon Volley) was i\ e, I. The Colk-elor oi Customs rr'.'orled to the Southland County Council yesterday that i,li»i amount ol y;oId purchased in 'Southland lor the inonth of November. l'Jlo. was 57f)07.. Memhers of ilie Mataura Highland Society are notified that tin' in»nihl.v meet lie. which wa- to hav,. hodi he'd lon Tuesday iicnl. his hue,, po-l])»ned ■until Tuesday, r'eurua:.. 'J'J. on account ol' the Matiilira Flower Show. Regardine; the two days' delay of the I Victoria at Auckland through lack of lirenien. Mr I). Ryan, the HuddnrtRarker Company's manager in Wellinglon, slated thai he esiimated Hnit the delav would cost the company alionr L'.'toU. In ;.. return placed heiore the County Council yesterday il was stated' that the iminher of dogs registered during the year li»l") wa.s III.") -Mataura Riding W2, Hokonui d-HI, Waikaia 21"). Oi ft i Ml and 'l'oi To.s II"). The other ridings .showed milch ihe same averages. The Masterton Mih-conimittee of the "Wairarapa War Fund Kx« niiive. l>esides lending to deli return nu soldier gi .sum of .1'"). is providing those Wiararapa soldiers who require it with it full outfit of c'othini:. This generous treiitnient is hoing mm I) appreciate,) hy returned soldiers.

At yesterday's meeting of the Southland County Council the treasurer reported that th<v revenue for January amounted to 1-Hi.2-10 Kls '2d, and the expenditure to -'-'-MSI Os 7d. The bank overdral'r on January 'll aniountc<l to £l.'s.l.'Mi (5s od. Out of i-.ucs amount in l / to 'S,2.r>;\; O.s !)d for the vear 1010-lOIG, the .stun of .£.'18,007 l">s !).! had been collected. Those interested are reminded that entries for the .Mataura Hort eultur i! and Industrial Kxhibi t Society's '_>st It annual show to he held on Wednesday will close with the secretary (Mr John f.owden) at 9 p.m. on Monday. Late entries will be received up to 10 a.m. on Tuesd i_v upon payment of (id extra. Kxhibiu forwarded by rail will lie (-arcfully attended to. The continued rumor, of ds.-enson-m the Cabinet and the general ic 1 nu that a crisis is pending was mriiiined to Hon. .J. Allen (Minister fee I), fence) at Hamilton (states a Press Association telegram). He.laughed and s ;l id hj • (I'd not understand what had given r se to the rumor-. He spoke of no irotlnle among Mnsurs. and assured the pe iple of the Dominion that no c-isi, was imminent.

An unusual ease came before the magistrue (Mr I). (;. A. Cooper', S.M.) in Wel'ingioii the other altermon when William John Organ, formerly a -< licitor in Wellington, but now an o'licer in the Kxpeditlonary J-'orces, was charged with failing to hive his trust account audited within three months of the vear ended March HI 101 ">, as reoinred bv the Law Practitioners Act. 101.'!. 'l'he Soiicitor-Conera) was represented bv Mr R. Meredith, and Mr M. V. Luckie appeared for the defendant. A p'ei of guilty was entered bv Mr l.tickie, who explained that, military duties prevented hl s cli nt from attending. Mr Organ had only been in practice until August. 1011. and before the tune expired for furnishing hu audited report in June. '101"), he had gone into camp and entirely overlook'! •-,_ u. The report would shortly be furnished Counsel contended tl>a t the maximum penalty (£100) shon'd not hj« imposed. Mr Meredith said that the Crown Law Office appreciated Mr Organ's Position. i,ut the Legislature bad deemed il ne-essiirv to make provision for these audit- :utd could.nNto t difl'en'ntiate. The magistrate said lie realised that defendant's nosilinn was a dillioull ,oi|f\ and he would inflict a venaUy <*J £& with cost* t7sj.

I Tlie T.r.diprs' Cnild of the Method st Church ; ,.i it-, meeting during the week de-ei<lwl to accept ilie invirauon of Mrs .7. I'. Kverv. to hold a. cake sale and afternoon *tea- as her residence.. Devon Si reei. the ell'ori being lo aid the circuit funds of the church. A Waii-oii settler Ir'd an. experience with chicken-raising which seems somewhat unique. A lien sitting on 10 Wyandotte eggs came off her nest early on Saturday morning with two chicks. The deserted 1 eggs were found at 'J.HO, ami though cold, were placed under a hen which would persist in sitting on nothing in particular. The .same evening when the poultry were being fed she came off and was accidentally locked, no for the night, but next morning on being releaser! she took u ; ;> the hatching process again, and on Mond-av morning, the duly-appoint-ed day. she brought out lour healthy birds under circumstances the reverse of favorable.

Notwithstanding the union titrate results from the Zeppelin raids on Knghsh towtis, there is confidence on the parti of business people in London and the manufacturing centres thai the marauding '>iroraft will ere long be effectually dealt with, as w ; ll he seen from the following extract- from a Idler written by a large Manchester firm to a Duncdin. business maiv: — 'We are going to 'dish' those Zeus just as completely as we've manage<| their undersea rats: in fact, we've got three already, of whose destruction there- has been no incut-ion' in the osioors. "We have an Army now of over nJKMUKK). and more to follow if required. "Wo go slow to save life, but the Cermans are ■already doomed and damned.'' An interesting spectacle on thcTakapuna Beach every afternoon of the sHiool week at ih is lime of Ihe year is the bathing parade of the children of Takapuna school (says the 'Auckland Herald'). In that institution water exercise takes i he place of physical drill during the Minimer months, and every boy or g'rl in the school who-e parents grant their approval takes part in the afternoon's dip. As the majority of I he pirents do see the sense of allowing 'iheir young folk to acquire lhe iiseiu! and healthful accomplishment a troop of from P2O to lot) youngster- ol a.'l ages may be seen each day enjoying the exercise under the milieu o| the headmaster and h-s assistants. The emi 1 -;-- queme is i hat rhe proportion of |irofieient swimmers among ihe young people of Takapuna runs very high.

An Auckland I ram conductor w;b etiii-itlerahlv surprised the other day to lilltl thill ii sleeping baby had heen left ill Itis till'. Ii is staled lli.M .1 lady went to <)llehunjj;a, and ihat when her liahy fell asleep she hid it on the -eai and i lion forgot lo lake ii with her when she reached her tlestiiiat ion. Tin' condir tor look the baby to ihe tramway depot iit Auckliind. hut ivn, atlv sed to l;t e|) it until hj»« re.icht'd Om'liucfC.i ajiain. He tli<l -o, hilt the mother was not there lo meet ii, a- wa- antieipated. The hahy had a second trip to Auckland and hick to I'lien, nnieh lo ihe conductor'-, r. lit f (says the 'Herald'), it was elainidl hy Us mother, who stated iliai -lie had i|inte forgotten it uiui! the Ir.end she was viMlinj;' at Oiiehuntra iiif|ii r. d aller its heal ill. Jieliubd in i he. (;ishoi'ne dral'i ol the l.'iih RtMiforcemenis which left Nap er on Tuesdav (say.-, the 'Hawke's Ray Herald') was a Vecruii (ill *>ll■ in lieifililantl weiLdimu. Ib' He w*s ihe tallest man in Government employ in Roveriy Ray, and wiil he the tallo'-t soldier'in ihe New Zealand Army. On Monday niyht he walked alone; the .Marine Rarnde with two I'd ow-re-cruii-, both lull men, hut small in coinpar.son, and amused himself hy plucking small liranches Irian the til' the pine trees Nit or lift hijili. "Rahy," as lie is familiarly dubbed hy Ins comrules. was at one lime :i sergeant in the \\'<:-i Coa-t iHokiiika) .Mounted, and hy trade i- a locomotive driver. He hopes' lo induce ilie niiliiarv iiuihorilieto inako uso of his abilities in this connection. His tall form towering Ins comrade-, as they marched to th.' siatioii was the eynoMiro ol ill eves, anil was the iheine of much coiiinicnt.

Tim Omi'iiomvealth Minister lor Trade iiinl Customs (Mr Tudor) has been' consideration to the nw.>ssitv lor studying the number of invalids, and the number of preventable deaths in the Australian community. He has. therefore, decided to appoint a small eo.nmitiee, to consider this question-, and. to advise the Government upon :t. Tho work of this committee niiiv lie defined as the collection of evidence as to I lie cause of deaths and invalidity in Australia; the eons deration of the principal causes of dtcuhand invalidity, an indication of the <j;e!H-ral direction in which the reduction of such causes inav reasonably be anticipated hy the application of such measures, and an indication of the genera! nature of suitable measures; lor the investigation into the prevention of the principal causes of death ami invalidity, beyond those now in operation. Tlie committee is not asked to concern itsvlf with the consideration of the actual administrative meams of giving practical expression to tho e;cneial principles formulated. a> many questions of policy are involved. the administration of health matters bein<>' largely ono of Statu concern.

Aniontr those who through the war are sull'orinjr. keenly from anxiety as to members of their families is M r 1 Ma.--x.-u! Harakat. of Nelson, whose case is a peculiarly ti-vinjr one (says the 'Colonist'). Mr Ilarakat. who lias for many years been a naturalised citizen of this'country, is ;■. native of Lebanau. Syria., which though within tlie Turkish borders had (before the war) it cert-in measure of independence and. was tind"i- tlie protection of European Powers. At the time of war breaking out; Mrs Harakat and two youns/. children were on •> vi.s ; t to Mr Harakat's mother at Lebanon end his eldest child, a lad of IS. w-.s at colloee iiv France. The boy joined the Frencli Army, ami was twice wounded, but for the past six months Mr H'-ntkat has had no word of him, and iueniiies have proved una vailing. Furthermore, after one h-l I err from his wile, in which Mrs Harakat. who had been trained :'s a nurse, stated that she w-.s contemp'atin.'j; offering her .services i.n that capacity to the Allies, he has received no word conc-erniipc her and her children. Mr Harakat lias re- j iative.-; of influence in Ktrynt. and all their endeavors in obtain information have failed.

At the conference oi' the Now Zealand Locomotive Kngine-driveis', Firemen's, and Cleaners' Association at Chr:.slehuroh it \wi.s decided Mi at. the wages of driveiis. liremeti' ami cleaners bo increased as follows: —DriYors: Minimum It's urr tTay. reaching a maximnin of \(&i per day by automatic Increases of l.s- nor (kiy lor the. first two wars and (id per day for the next four; maximum to he reaelie<l in .six wars. Kireiueii : Minimum !Xs (kl per day, maximum lis; jnitomatio increase Is per day lirst. y«ir. and (id per dataller ,MM'(iml year; maximum to In l reached in two years. Cleaners: Minimum 7s per day. .maximum 9,s per day; inoiv;a,.ee.s, one ol' 2s and two ol oil ;vr day. Overt imo ..rates to he paid for time worked hv <lrivers ami firemen between 10 p.m. and (I a.m. at rate of i'm- and' a-quarter. iimi> worked ol) Sundjivs. (iood Friday, and Christmos Day donb'c rateh. 'That drivers, liremi'ii and cleaners' be paid lor ;ill time between booking on duty looking off. Except iir r. ca-e of emergency, nine hours to be the maximum drivers and lirem"ii shall work tin a shunting engine. Fourteen hours to be completed as the limit or t\ day's, work, and all time over J I hours to he calculated ■a v tbe -vate of fine and a-qu-arfei".

1 At ihe Supreme Court (in chambers) yesterday, before Air Justice Sim, in rp Peter Malloh (deceased), motion for leave* to borrow and carry on farming operations (Mr Popnelweii). an order was made.

rvoui matin. in 1110 tvnenaaie ana Morton Mains districts so v ora I paddocks' of oats have suffered, parts of the crops in several places being heaven to (fie around. In one paddock near Kdendale the; grain in certain, parts is almost Hat and there will lie considerable difficulty and loss in harvesting operations. The keen pursuit, of something really cheap is tin- greatest, incentive to drapers’ sales. That pursuit need take you no Inrther than Thomson and Heatlie’s, for. quality considered, their prices are the cheapest. As an instance 1 . see their display of slight y 'shop-soiled cushion covers SJd, duchess sets.Od. d’oyleys lid, iraycloths table (•(‘litres Is. and rnnner.s Is lid. Hoy tva tiled. I’iano for sale. Lost, sleeve links. Turnip tli in tiers wanted. Further entries (lore sale,. .Pears at Hurrows and ( p.’s. Kiversdale stock -ale, Friday. Hallmtr stock -ale, Thursday. ‘'Lola.” Theatre Koval, Monday. Pictures, Theatre Koval. .Monday. .Public meeting at Gore on Monday. Kings of till kinds at (». C. Hamilton’s. Aliss Cameron resumes leaching on Monday. Matanra Horiiciili nral .“show, Wednesday. To-morrow's church (services announced. Meeting Mai anra Highland Society postponed. Vonr money goes furthest at Thomson and Heauie’s. Flowin' Show, Town Hall, next. Friday and Saturday.

Tearooms <>p<ni for visitors to .M;itaura on Wednesday. Mcctiiio- Rall'our Ladies' Ralriolie 1.-e",'j.ue on Wednesday. W'riiilit. Stephenson arid Co. sell I'ic, at Rall'our in Thur-day. Hendor.-on and Co. liol<l cleanup; Mile ;'al K.< Ivin llnivi' on February L'l. j If von are thinking of the Relit;] call antl see Ratter's Rin«s. An artist who -peiu months p:tiniiup; the beauties of ilit* River L',a\t< a vivid inrprc-sion <i| [lit- ejores 'ho knew anil 101 l so well: "Tlic hroul iwer, always in teresi iic; antl beaut till, liotli ill the rapids antl ilie lolljf re n-he-ol still water, the steep rocky hanks, , the lofty I rees with while c'iif files 1 peepiim .nit tier abnvo tier from the varitd foliage aid hlos-ouis if the trees. ihe ura-cel'iil ]>:ilms antl ilie heantiful ferns" rislinr a- thick a- they cm stand, ilroin the water's riiiht up i<> the top of ilie inouiitaiiis, all to I make up a -erne of the most euchant--1 iin.; loveliness." Write A. H:i trick ami Co!., Cook's and < .'oveninc m Tourisj Riireaitx. -'•

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Mataura Ensign, 12 February 1916, Page 4

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 12 February 1916, Page 4

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 12 February 1916, Page 4


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