A. H. AITKCN. if looking for land Inspect this. Q*?<l ACKKS. rlioico river Hats, in great heart; always been generously Or*/" |iv;iiul; unsurpassable for its grass yields and carrying capacity. Admirably suited lor A.STUD OR SEVERAL DAIRY FARMS. GO acres 'Xi"i>s f<n- cutting, 140 jktos oats (sown down in grass), 70 i\rrt\s limothy. ha'ance in first-class grass pastures, carrying 15 owes per acre. wltli IUO per cent, lambs. Situate M mills from rail, townships by gravelled road. Price- .i'l-3 p'.f aero, growing crops excluded. * INQUIRY SOl-ICITIOD. lutepecliuit arranged by A. H. AITKEN, LAM) SAI.KSMAN. UOHR AGENT PUBLIC TRUSTEE.
LONDON MARKETS. u v i:r,KU'n:ic tioi.kciua ru coi-yuiuht. I'EH UN'ITKI) I'UKSS ASSOCIATION. LONDON J:mi. 1-1. Iliitlcf.-The market is (inn: Danish. I .">()( to KIO-. Co'onial is scllin.j; well; \nstralian. choTcesl salted U-ls to IIS-. nnsalted lo(>s to 1.-)Ss: .Now Zealand, salted lot Is io lots, unsalted HiOs to Hi'.'s- Argentine, salted 1 IDs to Mils, nnsaited loHs. The exportation <>l French butter lias liee'n resinned. market is very firm. Cinadiaii. VHs to 1011s; N(U" Zealand. i)os to <)7s. Wheat. —The market is firm and wheat is sparingly oll'ered. Klmir. —The market is steady. ().,ts.—The market is niiiet : l.a IMat'i I'eas.—The landed. Beans.—The SusiiW.— The Hradford wool.-The inarkei is very firm and liardonin'j: : (it's. -13 d: fid's, 12d: eoininon f'd's. tld: ofi's. o\Sd ; o() >, :\M ': Hi's. LONDON WOOL SALES. CT F.LKCTIMC TT.I.KOIfATH CIII'T Kl O IIT. VKR UNITKD I'UKSS ASSOCIATION. Received .lanuarv 10. K.fil) a.m. LONDON". -lan. It. The second series ol' colonial wool sales will t>e<iin on Fehrniry '-'it and w>ll he limited to ,«().()d() hales, the lists closiiifi on February It. Th- ilnrd series will bourn on Annl I and will he limited to Hddijit hales, the lists closing on '_'<". LONDON SHEEPSKIN SALES. ItT EI.KCTKIC TKr.KKItAI'H COI'tIUUHT I»v.H 1INITK" I'IM'ISS ASSOCIATION. deceived .lanuarv 10. K.-50 :■•"«■ I.ONDOX. .l:-n. ItAt the shee|iskin vales IH(7 hales wen oll'ered and sold. Comhiii" mennos ad valued l'.il clothing I ',d and cross
CORE STOCK AGENTS. RIVER3DALE STOCK SALE. KRIDAY. .lANTARY '_' l. nil!': coir.K stock acknts «iii L otter:— ISO •J-t<»nili KWKS and WKTIJK.RS GORE HORSE BAZAAR HORSE SALE. SATIUDAY, JAMAKY •_-_'. IHLO. ,\fIUCHT STKIMiKNSON AND ' * CO., LTD.. will ollVr on ;i.count /| Di;hi;xlh MARKS and OKI.D- ---■" INCJS ,-r Harks iin.l llarnrss HORSKS riMIK NATIONAL MORTG.UiK AND -■- AOKM'Y <•(). OK \KW ZKALAN'D. LTD.. will <,llVr on arcount <h' i.\lr J. {'. S. Cfiiiii, <>!' Konidioach, As li- *>~ Di-iimiln. .MARKS «->»' iNCS. inun 'J.vr lorou^hliri'i HACKS >\r iiri! I<>r inliMidin' u'oulil do « i'|| {o IMPORTANT SALE OF HOLSTEIN HEIFERS CORK STOCK SAI,K. TCKSDAY. .IANI'AItS" is. I'Jlli. \\7l!l(iIlT. STKIMIKNSON AND **\ CO., LTD., in conjunction with riMIK NATIONAL MOUTOiA'OE AND J- AG KNOT CO., OK NKW ZKAI.AXD, I .'I'D., will ollVr on accoiin! oi Mr .1. C. N. tiriiin, of h,l i\ L> and Jivr-old Dairv HoMi'in **U HEIKKRS. The sale affords dairy fa run rollout opportunity of additions l () tlioir diirv litsrd*
At. Winds. ~• Turk lie. Ili'itr CLEARING SALE VALUABLE PURERREO HOLSTEI^ HERO OF COWS, HEIFERS ANT> BULLS—GO HEAD. SKJIIT, STKI'ITUNSOX mul CO.. Isei<l. Ks<|., <>r X to sell li.v pnblu Tin- ullolt l i)l MM'NK AND CO. instruct inns from Windsor PiirU, Eh mil p'ir int-nt. HI! I'CK p: & co. WRIGHT. STKI'BKNSOX &■ CO., 118 Auctioneers, Oainaru.
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Mataura Ensign, 15 January 1916, Page 8
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531Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, 15 January 1916, Page 8
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