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K< • i'!<*llf v •.'! (!miv t!i;;r»i: ! • \vW !"• thl. 11 in 1.•:»»! ii lh;it ill:' (i.stv I!iV|'K::l V.i!l -n<;it l>' k in ncliv" \vnr!«;. tin- i't' >Ur|i ;:?j insiinjiinn wiii thru mHo iipp:in*m. V|ri i-.ii., i •!.>»••,!»v ;hr- Sr ( iirbl::inl floMniM ;in<l rh Ai'l }kiiih 1 i;«r a ltK'ilra! Hip*^inumlojit. ltifiliu l ' iimt ro;'];. urn! it : - to !>•-> hop.-.] ilimi the." i'-iporrum positions. will hr speedily iilhti.

The- police, have received advice trom Otaki that tlii» man. Hugh C'oi'Urell, the innn who »';t- lust in the bush while musteline, cattle, who had lii'i'ii niirssillfi for several ■'n\>. and !<••• wlnitr 'JUO residents hail iirn .seitirhinn. 1 ■ ri• 1 reached homo sal-- ami well. rrofessor Pr Karl Lohmcycr, ot Konigsbcrg. luis. died at Dantziji tit the a/.oi 77." 11.- war. Lorn without arms. !-m | ai ilii' univeiv-in !]■■ tiiruo.l the pa"."--i ...1 hooks will. hi.-. mouth .and con! ! his name with .• pen hold '>■.tweon | h:s teeth. Tho Railway i>- ai ore mmh rft'octiug impr .vcmeiit- to their ptovierty at Matama '".- the ore. n.>n «.; a I'l'iiro", ivliicli run» ..<-<'«>-s Short .Street I" the post ollicc, ilioiuv '.a'.vnril. I Inline Hii'l tip Alain Street, taking in the .„...!-, shed. <i:i'..- are .... 1... nlacod a\ liri'ljio, Shori. ami Mam m>m«. .Stiil.s to meagre, :>n- to 70 . Hi.-.-.-Suns are not. facu>i>-'ill. lon an- cui I liy niii'owil expert rotter, and we ;;nai-anii-i- work an-l pot!" i lit . '. ;, t' patterns to tlloobi; It.mi.- I!. 11. Scot I and 1V,., opposite I*. -t Ollk-o. Decrees an.l -In-: •'.-,| U .-litili-nts at Otai'o I nn.-r.-nv wore i-.n. 1-iTed l.v tho lion. C i . liouen \osrerdav. 110 exploded ila- opinion thai iiInline all t-oll'Ti-. v..0i1,1 In- r-i-.oiiire miivoi.-it )<■>. tlioii'.'.h ii.- ili'l not i.i»rr thai Hi.- i-I,iiii:-i- wool.l ink,- plan- !..r a lev. wil'-.-atliin... S .-in -. were ah" dclr.ercd l.v Mr S. S^l.anon. K.C. I're-l.-SM.r Park. Mr .loynl ami Mr Join i At tlie quarterly niei-lluo oi tho I'ublii- Service Snporaniiiiaiion U..anl In-id in Wellington ii was read l.y tho sreorotarv shnwin;- that tin--; unt at credit ol tho hind on .1' ■'■>'. \'M>. v.-i.s tl'io.its.") ihs ltd. oi winch r:>.i,n:r> c, invested on mort",a ; r;e ■„., required lo law. The- Hoard approved ~| a oonsidoralil- number ol iviirinr. allowance ,- olli.-ers recently retire! Irom the service Ottilia; to rolionehiii'-ui -Mid ntlt.-r

•Succcss," says .lo- !i Ifi'.lni--.-, ■■don't, in never making blunders, lint in never making the 'i-ine one twice." Von will make no mistake, li.ovever, if Vol! olUlllsl I lii' New Zealalo.i i'lxptiv-, Co. with voiir customs and tarry inn work. HolinMciiess lias ever been paramount ivilii llieni, wcoiner in reinovin,". fiiriiilnre, passing c011i.... disti il-uni"." consignments, or l'or.vardiii:; "oods. I'louehiny operation.-- an- ehiell>- m--'l'llpviui' tho attention ol Die fat ni'-rs ill tin.' Matama districi and already a e-ood area of land has heeu inno-d over. There is a ",ood supple of winter Iced yet, turnips bciii"; plentiful, siock b.-ni". in a forward condition.

A. mail mimed (i. 11. i'ope, a:;ci| ■_'(;, »ii.: killed ..ii Mondav!.. hu-l, lallinsi :it Niagara. A lie., in hilling struck another and "kicked l.iirk." Pope lieiii", struck hv it. 11,. died without rcj/ainius/ consciousness, lie was • uj/aj/ed in ei.iitniet work with his hrotlior ind Mr K. Sliirley. The llrydoiie hraneh <.|' tin- I' Diiii'v Kactorv has keen riiiiuiue; nultt ilimil K h the winter, ill.- Kdelldalc lacTory liiicine; been closed for the purpose of eU'eciine; repairs in tho lioik.r.s. On mi aveiae,. Ucfween 7'.io and SOO |/a lions llrvdone. It is prohahle that the factory will he shut clown for possihly a month Ijel'ori' the oominj/ .season.

The >n i., of .Miitaiirn mv in i, verv .sloppy stale ai present, csporiallv I h'e .Main Si reel leading I..wards the eon I |iits, and Thursday's rain mi/ether with ihe eon slant henvv Ualiie has lett, its mark. A draper eoiild lie ilseil with •/.mil restills. This portion of the street would he K r,.in|v improved it hard rook was .spread on ii hclcrc neM winter, 10 in its present -Int.. if is e\eeedin;/lv nti.onilortalile lor pedestrians. With leeaid lo the eoniplaini voieed hy a correspondent in vosindav's issue eollrcniilljr (he telephon,. service Iwine; llliel'l'ered with hy "lee.'lll alterations to I he eleelnr li;;l)llll". system ol' (one," »•■ are informed thai these alterations hire not yet. readied a sla;/e where they einild po-sihly inlerfer.. with the telephone service, as the same \o|ln;/e is still heinii carried over the nirc as formerly.

The National M..n;.-.i r .e an I A-jeiif-v Co. i!.\-.iio t:. noiil'y i|„>ir iinn., i.oiV clients that they intend holdje., a d.ariii!; side on ii'-eoiuit 01 .\|,.-.r, Oavid-:-»ii iii'd .Vwall at their laim in the Olania Valley ar ihe old (tiaii.a Homestead, on Tuesdav next. As Messrs J)a-.i.1.-.„i and Scmjill are dissolving pari nor, hip etorythiiie, «j|| |„. tor unreserved sulc; coiiseipienllv mteiidine; purchaser;, will do v.ell to ai-

wild ihi* bi11... Are yon ;i (omnierinil 'lra teller desirous .it milking a 'Uccesslul trip—uiaxiiuuiii results, iiiiiiiiiunii wnv\'r liion -ci iiitu much with tin- Xow /.calami l'.xpros s ('., 1.1 d., an.| you're on tltc road tu success. Tli..,v'll clear samples, deposit .Inn, trim-mil your from place io place |hliei"sl..'.;■. tin. Dominium, providm- i,i . n.ii i ,« i, splendid, convenient, sample rooms. Olliccs tlirmiydiinil il„. Dominion. 1

A witness win. had learned ihe art of how to be happv though married 'on •\HK a week) pi., ,u clone,, be fore the Arbitration Conn at Cliristclinrcli when ihe pnvalo hotels' dispute was being heard. He said be was a purler at a private hotel, and was gelliii" otK a Hook (.« more than I lie'a ward rate), mid Has (pule satisfied, limine Ins cross-examination by ihe employees' nv pros-uritive. he i'urilier Mat-d' thai he bad a wife and two children, and work_ •d ifom 111 p.m. nil -J a.m. and from li ••'••». '" I' ■•■. l"., and had been einpioved in his present position for three years. The (lore railway employ o.' al.uuil ball, which look place in the Town Hall last .evening, was in no whii le.,s soo-cc.-lul lb.ill previous iu.icti'is. f'ullv 7U couples attended and danced Io music supplied to liiiasco's \Vieion orchestra—All's ijriasoo (piano) and Alessr; .\. A. Ilriasco (violin.. \\\ >o!ll|.. (cerllell I W. Mcillen.eV .side drum). AUss.... I', </. 1-,,,-js .„,;! A. •!. li.-liery were (be Masters ol Ceremony. The work of •!... CUHIliu... was manifested in the dc-orel ol ihe interior ..I the hall with line; and |..|aij. Itolioshntonts provided by I h . ciimillec were dispensed at Mlilablc icier' ids. and dancing was kept going (j|| i|,,. eai ly morning hours.

Krgariling the poultry-breeding indiet ry Air Carr, manager ol the Covernnieiit poultry farm at .Milton, in an interview with a Clutlni press representative said:- "What 1 would like Io ■so,—and I know the judges are with me to a liir-e extern—in a lip-lop show in Duiiedin. another in (hire and allot her in Invercar-ill. which would be unite sufficient between Dunediii and the IllulT. Then lurther up. with one. say, al Clwistrhurch, one at As'nbtirton

and another al one of the lar-e towns, there would he six show.s altogether, which would li- ample for tlm South Inland. With the assistance ol exhibitors at small shows, and the introduction ol special classes and mure these hi- clubs would he Well support oil b.v the "eueral public.

'lli.'H llir tanners of Undone h.ue profited li-'iin tin- rapid improvements il';n have ben c;(iiii-d mil .-inc. Hie ■"II It'll I. Has clll ll|. 11\- til,. (I |,| f,,||lpauv 11 evident, (amp- that, s.-i v.-.l i,ir !rr.-r re idoicc- lini,. now !„.,.„ ~,. Ijlieed l iy line --'•itli-t- iMr Tavl.u) has lor tli.. short -IW,' ol tun,- It,. ha- been „„ In- allotiiiciii made v. onrli'il ill improvonioiii:, and In' j- pcilcetlv siitislicl wiili hili.'lilni;,'. Oe.r <it th,. liitc-t -oitl.Th. Mr <;. Coker, who purchased |, ;in ot Mr Lewis- larin, i- hmlilitin a looinv barn, and he intend- i„ erect more 'I'.vvllill;! m-L-i.UHlli(.i|;it!-.|| .lit, r (lie win.' "'l' month.-. .Noticeable |,.;,tiill', ;l l.ol|l Ihe .-...111. ill-lit ,'| f" lllr -oh'] |, llcc- .-mil •;atos that farmers have .-rcdcl, and in this direction tlio.v show m-doin, ai ".onil an He i- tin- cheapest 111 ill,I'lnl. Tin- dairvui", imln-tiv is accoiiii! able f.ii' tlir |imi'.r,-,, of Jtrydon,- and exorylllille; point- In ll„. colillilj.'. -t'-l-01l h"iii", even iiiiiiv successful than tho-o i.l' former year.-.

Km oiirafio local industries. H is neilerallv admitted that, any local industry that employs a number of hands is a great factor towards the prosperity of a town. T. Green and Co.'s coalmine may he classed as unc of lln-e indiistrics. A hw» nutuher of hands are employed in and about 1 lie mine, together v,itti hois,-- nnd (*.uts, and th.mnoildy pay-.,heets leprerciir a considerable sum of money, all of which is spent locally. T. Green and Co. deliver coal at ereatly-reducerl prices in un\ ouantity. Hoth quality and ouuntitv tire guaranteed. Contracts taken and truck lots sent to any siding on Iho lino. Orders left or sent to the llialto will receive prompt attention. Telephone 84. — T. Green and Co. — Advt.

.Mi Fiitlay, ol Dunedui. is the speaker set down to conduct the. services ol the Baptist f'lmrcli in tho Temperance Hull to-morrow. Mr Finlay

;i I'm .-liTjli!.- iiut" '•)! llic Ulissiun held in India, mid u is lni(»«d ilmt jot liyMi -ix ji. > thru uill 1»> j good as. :'ii! el ill.. ; i ■■. 11 ii > • ii ci-.K-d l.y •!«• : ..•■!■. i- «iniiliir i!:>|>l.-ni'n:-. >itii» ol' I lie I lild 1.-Ue . M ~.t.|. -. .n :\:.- Work, I'll! ..:',.•!•. don... -.ill, :, ■ ..:.■!-, .■!„• ~-. their :el|.,'v.. tin- i.,.-.n |... «i>!..i, .spp.Liildy lllill P.ev lei-eive e1,.-llnii t lilt Loll Ol tile kind .it 1nn,,.-. >...!„■ ex.-ltem.-U «.,. .-,,,1-ed Ml M:llll Si reel litis lift,-I! 1 Hlien ;. i;.tlll>)nll^ - to winch WM, ;)U.i<lled n tlil|» ime oi his lloik! •'.,- iln.i-otifjh-niie iioiii « flvm- m:ii-; Th.- \ehicle pure l"H in .-lUempllll ; !,, r.-.tln, T i lie ,-.niei <-:|-..sii,. iln. Iliinl ~| Aumi-iil-;l>iil Ike lioim- >li.mi,!ed nii.l fell. tllMltv•lvA the . -enp:,,,.., „n lo the I .til l-ltll i.He!- they .-,:,]>.■.! i-.i'll-. !| jv i..i.|.i-ii.o,| ihiit ihe h-.i-e i...,k in-!il ■■'■. ;. tK.eli.e, e,e..„„ ,„ li.-inilv ~| th.. t...(>;. I.lid-..,.. .'.,, in ion. on-. impie-M,,,, p,ei.,,1, in lh» .-All ilmt (he ". hiilie.ll,:, ofer ' t»• -.. mil, ihe .'h.i ', luh.ine. iWs'nnid." 'he dlitiniiiiil :-i.i ,n laiMne- iind other ptellllsCN iliidlllv espensue. 'lhe :ic- ' - 1.0 11-hli.,;. neie l.lldeied lit She he-;il l:1 in;.- ,il ihe , |h. „|, „, » hell Inilhn,-- ~r p|-:,elle:iilv mulling keen d me lo ehi.., K ., ihe voltHK.. i. I ill- :i ; piiii-e eoiivtiiners Wl'le eonrill-.! 'Hid e\ en |||. ~, the pt'OM-11l tile elllirae loi |ili,ille eonsiiniplloil IS tile •nine -I-. II Ims iilh-|l.\s Imm-ii. IVl'llH|>s ii 1 old l.iiniw ies|K)Usibl<. tmnta ihiin iinvihiiie; else t'.,r :mv inciriise. ss h,-e :,1.-,.|-i, more current .!■„„ ~. „ !:, ,ip, H-!lile they eive il pi„,,.<r |.j.dii

!: '- -1.U..1 ihi.i Hi,- him .iis.- iii which •iUploy.-rs have ask.-.l l.n a r. .iii.-i Mdi ~l wae.s ~, !,„ A,:,„rai.„u l„.;ri awaid " ill : >e heald iu Well,ll --.i.,11 n.-sl ~l'llllil. il i- lie- ease in uhich , |„. „„..;, , „, ||.. ;> . Illlli uorkel.s Will In- :;.,lle iuio. The ;.'. s.-iil iiward expii.s mi Aumist J'J n i> anticipated that rele.emv t- ;-.- Ccieilii.: ii.ii t'„niin:.-.sioiie, will be ,n...|e. i lie . inployers intend to ask

;-r a »hl<-h tli.-.v maintain .liiv.ili.ii t.\ tlk- .state ol (In- Has ui■illMiA ill |.I—III. ami II j- |,.|M I i lllill tli- v..r!;-i■. „,|| „,,,„,„. i| p;s ~u - „ j i.i ill- c\t-ii; «'i .-.!. inn I. ii mi iiHi ■ :>■•■ Ml Ih- |.1,-s-l,t :i\';lll hi,.,.. I T«:» lai-,- slu-hs-n oats 1,..!..|^ 111W i„j Mi MS |-"r;-n!> mill I!.,lmti Miln,., „f] •• in. •:-!,:-. ■ \..>.„iiMii,, »,.,. ,i-' ..u-nji-il iiv lir- on Tiu-tdav ait-moon, j ', ,lll,i!-ll,|. i' i 11..1 that .111-ll! Mill |>iill-,l : .lllil ill- -i.M-ks in ~1,-Mloil. ;,„l .•„„,. I .... ..-.-ii <.|..-ra!i.,ii-, la-tot- ,|,„,»-.. Al , aii"..i - |, liv «!ni.|i inn- '.oino 11ir... ;»ii, iiml 111-.-11 <-i,aliV.|. ~m . ~| || M . i. ; li-i-'l t-> Ii- oil Hit, ill- ignition, .... <l..til.i, -pari; from I In- <-liall'.-iitti.|- i-n-jn-. Al-lii-ii-li ,uvmi..iis -Hoit, «.-iT mail,, to ■ •ii 1"!:- ili- ilali,-,, 11..-.. |,i„v,.,l tin. ! ■r.ailil,-; linl-il. t!,- 1,-at «as „, l„-,v.-, .:,!,. only „,„„. Ull- Inns ,-,-,. 5,n..,l i .-Mil ill- :i<!|<.iiiin» stark In Im- H 100 I.witn- til- |ir-y ~t ill,. Ham-,, j ill- |.lom :i,■:,., ..I t ii- M.i,,i I ... i|.|,.j,| -mi- ii.--; an- ~li i- ii,!,,.-. |„ lf , |„,.„| i!ln.-ir;it!-.| al :i;n;.-r... A l-.v n:-.,ith- ' a".., a Al; 111. ,| ~ p-tn:-:, i„ 1,,,;,L-i i.i|.l. v ami Lis s«..i-i, a---;-. »,.,-, .-■•: I",. II- I.;, rhj.t a,i.l ~,|,|„,....| ,„,,;," \.';.i!i..t-.. ;ii,i| Kav.l.i., ,li,ii i, i-. <l u , (~. :'".il| nil aii-tll-l- .lain- !..||.,v..,| ,llit ai-.l lii-.1. I;'.;- liahiliti-, 1,-ni" j,i,oiii i'.MI ...l-i. all i 11,,,-, n,v,l. T|„'. ~ ~. |,. ■■■■ on- i,:.r - x:,ii t .-,i at -.1. ii ii.;-: -:> i -;i-;.|. Hltlt. -W..,1,i!". |. i,, !„. ; ! ! -.vv -I ,i ~,i| l„. : , ~„■,, ~,.,,.. |,„. ,|„. iia.!-.-,. (In- ..i ii- .-r-.1i,,.,-, i„ ,i- ■ '■<"'■ I.i;- i, iv.l 1,. ),-,- il„- ,1,1,| .i„ j lull. ;■ «,,1,1,1.1,-. i,,,,,,! pal,-!,-, ni-.|iii-,| (In- native I),.in aci-iitin- I In-1 i--ii.i--i.i- ..if-:-. i-niM-ii;., ,1- ,ii...,-.;; 11 a -ln.i I- in.' l.n.r.ui a, a I,;,.1Kt ll;>1 ' T: '-ie ,- ~„ ,1 „ ,1,;,, ii,,. Maori, a it! I. -i11..' .-■a-h'-l l-y a |,a1.,-h:l ill ill-,-! .111 ill,-i,l-„.. ;,|„„ in- ... ,|„. ~:;],■.,!.. -i -. t'MI aiiwliiie/. Inn alim.iii,- 1.. lli-„-ml-i-M-l. Milk |.l.i. - at i the -.Mil.Ml, !-■!»-,• t :,|.,1„-!,! : .- ~;,! J1a1.1.1-l-il l-il 111- olli ,J- ,|a- l-ax , 111- All, Uaml'i. ii..i.1i.1, «,,- .|n,. 1,, llu-.uv oil .ii .Vaiiia-.i-iiia. anil ill- ni.,-1. i. 1nn,1,, i.-.-l! ami "ill .-. i-1111..|1.<-.l ill. H- 1„,1...s aa.| hoiim! in u-« -,i ih. ,-M-i,'. .lu.t .1- til- trail hm! ;...! V.i!| on ,1, vu 1...""*-', i' «-..- -'... i!u- I -.1- «-i. I 1.V1.5. li..- iail-.v.:v 1,,.-, Hi.i, ;],.- -v. ■••|>'l - ,-..|,1:.1v i l-.l l< i.ialll ".as ~!"»-!• ilia., ill- r-t. 'I 1,..-,- v-i, a ! iiaiiii- .:;■!. ;.: I.i.i,t, „„| :! ; -| :!•- train. A lia,iv .--.»«•■<-;■ ol Hac «as li-1.1. I.n. .li. i- «,„ t.0i1i1.... l-i i, t-i -.. :-i -!-t •■-. :-".! 1 ! -. I„„:i .ii,-,, I—l 11l- liHi"!' -i-l'.-l 1 1r,..,-..-, I,(', IllHHi'l- 1.-ltin.l ~ |,:l-1.. —il.i-tlll.. ol one.

•In.- dead !,..,f 1....1 h- 1,..1.n, cjim' ""•it I- 1.-•. it-w Mr •■ Lit, 1 ■];■.;... ill .1, the l':iilll.T,l.,M .\..1i1111., poai I.oald UM-fl-iii.-. 11l- diii.-i .|.i... l-Mrnm .. .:i.. iiviu.l i-ii tin- di|lii-iil:y .i| .|im-i-iiiiiii.iliii.", • Luc, i i»- •_•.• -■ 111Tii•' ani, It- ii-i.i 11-o piii- • <■-■ »! inaier. .\|i- 1!. !.. Ih.iati, xii.l tha. a; ..... |,,;„> ilu-\ ii,-.| i„ i,,-k I.iv «..ii. iih.-n l h v <-:>!!.. I ;,| (1.,- lanili: i". Th-v pro'iahlv ili.l i..i wjint .:. I.hi ill.-i- a.di.-d nil tin- xiim-. N.h'.m||.iv. thin;;., .liller, in. A man ral-lv ashed 1..:- .i I.I.; 1... I :■,.'.! I'.r PI.-K.-l-. .\il- IV;.,c- s:,|.'l that th-p- Was :i llill.- Intl ,:ti It: p|-,.p,-m :ii-.-i ici-iii!/ ii ■•.-uiiduwiici" had .-imp"•l ili.-r.'. lie in.til- ;. tour <il tin- larttiIciim--. ill tin- licinity every .liiv. and lollltllcd l.i ilu> Iml nl n i;>ltt Viilll till--polls, 1111.l ,!,:,, u-1.l .ill 1.11- ;l month. Another ni.-iiili. r..l ill.. 1!,.,,,-.! also mentioned lli- .•!■■.. oi mi i., : 1,.., p,,-.„i, I'lm I.m!i up It'- ;pmi-icr> in ~ lilt!,- |,,,l in 111- !va,!..!,,,a di-nirl. i,n.i ,-i-iv ,:.,v i-- ii l-nriijlll M,;„i.- a p.,,,- ..( ii i; .' ; „ii-;. <-n! t.HMI,-:i|-'-i -u, ~ I v!;: I.'i;'.ii.iis it,, t tn.-u-ii in •tlii.i.h tin- An-lieaii Kvnod in Wellne;loii lif- |.,e-e.| ,he toll.nviii" motion: ••'l'linl Ihi- Synod t,, .Apr.--, lis .i|.|ti-.M-nl i,I the lu'ineijilc finlnidied in the New South \Va|e,s .-ilii.-ation f.v.stem. liy wliieh rlei-;;y an.l ai-.-ied'n.-il 1.-a.-hetK ,1 lite M-verill lell-iotl, l,i„|i,. s have per-ini^,-.i.>■■ to vi it tin- Stale m-|,....!s within the ordintii-y sehool hours lor the purpose ol iiiun;; 11,;, Ia , rlinnil [.■-■ I lr appointed p, ,-n----si.ier 111, 1..-1 means ol seeiiriii;- lot- thi.. 'ni'.iitry fiieilities of the sa -ItaraeP-t----a., Iho-e ..,.,t,!e,l in N-,v South Wid.-s."

f The i,n...eri.,iis li-..,hi. in L |.-. , 1,, ~ . 1..V 111.- •Chltlta Flee I'.- i , 1 a lo the iii;.;, nte- -,i -.,,! , itslop. Inr.e proiupied that l> ,i----tatieaia i,.pr, ..entaliie lo Hit!-- ~ I til - Mlh.j.-l : "The a,,- it <,| lh- lit-,.-- -i ieil-. li-.nellin••-. If'ilt.' -iiiislnii.- i,, .. el.-llte.l 11.11. I, iule|-,v.t here ~, UelV ~l 111,- I .let tll-t II v.e||.k.i..»-.t le:-ll 1,-ad.-,-man has I ll P-erellv eliuaped on lhe t.iod-.-l ol a ilmim' inaehine lor -,, iii- , past. On hrtll- Iliterueu-ed this veiiileiiisiu .Mr I). Aiiiiishawi -talis the 'llivstelies' ei Sund.iv In-'hl are no) ~| hi, ,-reat ion. lie, p,-0i,..'.,-d 111.-ieh:.... is .-I pieselil ill Ihe evpt-li. mental Ma;:-, and :;p e, p,ot,,e,- ~1 mi, - e.■-.. Inn -,, • it hi, ~n,hit, d,, i,-,t Inm to the 11H111,,,- •jut el aei I i! •-i)!|.-ie lot- vi-rv ..t.vioii. p.e.otp. ||- . 1i0«..',,-r. hj:- had -.-,e,-al n-:.-.i- with t1..-ii,,..!.-I ,whi.-h 1... the v. ..v h a., in eon- r.-i silnpie a,,.,,,-,-,,,,-,,,.. a-„l h. ;.t-at Imp... „| 1.,,,,..,,,.. ~ ,o the ~ •11-ir.-l -la • ~-lle. lioll. There i , .-, | .„-.-....1 :, let, 'l ~ .1,1 to l.e 1...-,-il! tile i.v !,, a --.,•:.. Pi ,|i.-e,-! ..... .h.t .-...1 id M.-v -a i!v l.e mi,.-.!.., lor a tiiovin,' !-:h. Tin- -tar ~.- olati.-l ...... -'-.i-e the hi"- ah-.tti !>«;li'i. and -■„ --nl. ]"'h'.-'e.-'. h",',',,..!-!.,,,'!('.,'.'." .','.,.'',' ■■- '•-. 11-'-l. -o .pti.-KK ,|,.| p ,„.!- ,|-, „av upua.d- i..|,, i!„- |,.„,-.,-." AYlnir- thu-s "1.. K.G." mean? Why. it. iiti'iins l.awrenee, Kennedy, (;i!!ics| which is tht> itauin nf the he-i macliiiio in lite wild. \i, of her i>

"just as fjood." This f:i''L is retOKiiN-d li.v farmers, and inquiries arn pottriii:; in from all sources. Am you nil! Jiand-niilkinß, or are you dissatisfied with your present machine? Drop us a post card for full particulars and a list of mimes of satisfied users. Win. .lolison, Ks(j., Matnpu, stales,: "The L.K.O Milker is giving every sjitisfa'--tioti. . . My test is goon, w> ;ilm> my weight of milk. I imißt have another machine h-foro next season,'' Full particulars willl lio sent post free. —J. R. MacEwan and Co.. Ltd., sole agents, Dunedin; J. E. Watson and Co., Ltd., sub-agents, Invercargill. V For Influenza take Woods' i.'reat IVpiivruiint Cure. Never fails. Is 91 and 2s fid.

Tim rarnlßll at Hiwrhdalo latt mouth was 1.'22 inchei (writes Mr A M"iiißiit<>. ■l-air Place"!, The torluightl; ni«fi«n; oi the Gore | Hull ■'. ' 1...d-e Whs held last e. eUIUg. A.U. tiro. ii. Mel'urlHi..- pr.»iding. when ii eoii'iderii'ile ainotiio ol eorrt**- i pelldeliee V il ■ il-llt «.11l (IIIH I'll.e Ilea \ ; llielllliel .. Illlli.lll 1 ! j At this time ol the year tha accumu- | Ir.tion of ends of materials is a noticaI able feature in all Departments, in nona j more so than in tha Furnishing Oatwtment. The bulky nature of tha ends, .par.i.utarly of Linoleums, accentuates our desire to be rid of them before ocktakmg. The prices we put on Linoli'um and Floorcloth Remnants aro alHays so little that we have rmw to complain of the quantity left after the sale is over. Tha offering thit season is much larger than usual, especially in the better qualities. When Visiting our Sale bring along tha measurements of any small room you contemplate covering and we'll find something to suit, nnd without any extra charge we'll cut and match it for you. A short and sufficient to cover the Scullery or Bathroom will cost little. It will save labor and add to the appearance and comfort of your home. j MAOtiIBUON ANO CO., LTO., ! Thj Main Street's Busy Corner. .1 |> I-',,! 1., >. itist opened otil new M.'ih oi |k.m en rile nnd books. It.iel:'l.,r-' bull ~i OlHlm, on August li. Special lai-:iiu- in Indies iindcrMcur :,: .1 lYu.c .uid S.:n----1 -nnel-al ol ),,!.- .I.une- MeCllbhl.l OH M.nidiiv. None,, lo ire-pii-.sers on Wmkeka p|-.,perlli-s. Appliciitiutis incited lor ]wnltiulin m , Seddnii Mi-Dlorilll Hosjiilal. T.-iiih-r-, invited tor Mipnly grocwies, t ,-t.-.. Im Sedon .Memorial Hok|>ital. S.>iitltl:inil (Annitv mtes for v«»r HHI'l-lil. N.XI. mid A. Co., Ltd., hold monthly hoi,e ::iI i Jnlv JS. Mr .1. It Clarke will proacli Ht. tba Church oi ChtiHl to-tnoirotv. Subject : " Man's Hedetuptioii.'' I!ev. C Heivey ill C nllptOKMtioiial Church to-inorrou . Rev. W. (Hveiislade conduct- Methodßl services nl Cote and Charlton. 1 Itaiitisi s.-rvices hi (lore to-morrow in ■ Temperance Hall. All lie,,. Horrell (Kiversdalel tetlinie thank-. 1..t >\inp:uhy. Ha!u«'tv mill C-.. 1.ti1., hold charmn ilk- ill (ilillillil, ilecollUt Kennel I Hioh , ■in l-'ridav. N.M. uid A. Co. mII lt«l dairv euitlo a I M.itiiuin ..n l-'riday, .Inly ;«l. 1 I itiwns' Teniil. Ciitniial pictuieh on 'I ucn m Clolliim; I'aei.nv window. ! \1 I ii and Meteaiitile A-ency "it'o. hold cleaillie sale at Titliiuii on , j Aliens II | Kstended on. ;■ Miss ( ailllod.v's 'M.iiadrille ~u M lav. j Fanner,' Co-op. bf.hl 'j.'-.Miii; si.!,, on acmini of Mr J.lm ' ilni, iit HtveiMlal.. on Angui-t I.'

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Mataura Ensign, 17 July 1909, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 17 July 1909, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 17 July 1909, Page 2


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